- Both talk about touchy or taboo subjects and also offer some insights or advices.
- Female lead characters
- Female lead characters

This drama has the same story and theme, which is how we face problems with pregnancy or sex problems. In one of the stories of the drama ano ko no kodomo, it tells how we facing the problem of pregnancy at a young age while in school. And in story 17.3 about sex, it many learn about sex education well in this drama and also comedy that makes me enjoy it. There are several episodes in this drama that remind me of a story similar to ano ko no kodomo.

Both of these shows are miniseries about personal issues that teens face. They both deal with pretty intense topic for the theme and they both deal with them perfectly. The main character is slightly naive and she has a strong group of friends, plus a super supportive boyfriend. I would say 17.3 deals more about sex and It’s Okay deals with more feminist issues.