Hum....si vous m'avez déjà lu, vous savez peut-être que j'adore les romances de Noona. Plusieurs de ce type de drama ont été de sacré coup de coeur ces derniers mois et je suis partie sur celui-ci après avoir lu les critiques élogieux. Cela ne sera pas mon cas. Je comprend pourquoi ce drama a pu plaire à autant de personnes. La photographie est très jolie et la réalisation soignée. L'OST est agréable et colle plutôt bien à l'ambiance générale du drama. L'histoire était intéressante et s'attaquer au système scolaire afin d'en dénoncer les dérives n'est pas nouveau mais fonctionne toujours bien. Le jeu des acteurs sans être incroyable est plutôt d'un bon niveau et j'avoue que que sur cela, je n'ai pas grand chose à reprocher.Alors pourquoi, n'ai-je pas du tout accroché? Mon coeur ne s'est pas du tout emballé.
Pas une seule fois.
Malgré la beauté de certaines scènes, je me suis profondément ennuyée.
Les reproches que je pourrais faire sont étonnants, vu que j'ai adoré au-delà des mots "One and Only". La lenteur du drama a été une horreur. Je n'ai absolument rien contre la lenteur d'une histoire, comme je l'ai dit j'ai adoré "One and Only" alors que la romance est lente et qu'il ne se passe quasi rien dans ce dernier.
Mais ici, la lenteur ne serait pas un problème si l'écriture des personnages avaient été plus dynamiques. Que l'un des personnages soit d'un naturel calme, apportant une quiétude reposante, donnant cette impression de sérénité, pourquoi pas. Mais les deux protagonistes sont ainsi. Il n'y a pas selon moi une balance équilibrée, puisqu'ils aiment la même chose, ressentent la même chose, voient la même chose et prennent le même chemin. Il n'y a alors pas de complémentarité. Pas de balance. Il n'y a pas le jour qui succède à la nuit, la lumière qui sourit à l'obscurité. C'est ce qui m'a gênée. Le couple m'a ennuyé, ils étaient trop semblables. Je n'ai pas vu d'étincelles ou de scènes faisant battre mon coeur à un rythme fou. C'est joli, mais vide.
L'autre point négatif....les personnages secondaires. Ils étaient tous plus ou moins horribles....nos protagonistes naviguent quasiment seuls dans ce monde apparement fait d'humains égoïstes et centrés sur leur problème et leur ambition. C'était ennuyeux de ne pas avoir de personnages secondaires apportant une petite touche d'humour, de folie, de loyauté, de fidélité, de compréhension, de tolérance.... Je n'ai pu que ressentir qu'agacement et frustration.
Les parents étaient tous d'horribles personnes imbus de leurs progénitures, les professeurs tournant les yeux afin de ne pas voir...nous devenons au final spectateurs de la lâcheté des uns et de l'avarice des autres. Je n'ai pas aimé être témoin de cela...
Mon avis, qui peut paraitre dur, n'est que le reflet de ce que je cherche continuellement : être heureuse quand je regarde un drama.
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Enjoy little things
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Un drama tout en justesse
Voilà une de mes jolies dernières découvertes ! Ayant fait parler de lui du fait d'une soi-disant romance entre un professeur et un élève, qui lui a amené pas mal de critiques négatives, j'étais curieuse, et je n'ai pas regretté.J'ai trouvé ce drama très agréable, et joué tout en justesse, en plus dans le monde scolaire mais des maths en particulier : Je les ai presque aimé à nouveau ^^
On y découvre le monde terrible des "élites" qui sous prétexte d'avoir des postes haut placés, veulent que leurs enfants suivent le même chemin. S'en suis des pots de vins, des manigances de toutes sortes, et nos deux personnages principaux qui tentent de rétablir la vérité. C'est vraiment l'histoire centrale de ce drama et porté tout le long par tout les personnages, principaux et secondaires.
Surtout ce drama durant les 16 épisodes passe sur 8 ans de vie des personnages, et ont voit les blessures et les impacts terribles laissés en chacun. Mais aussi que malgré tout, toute vérité finit toujours par se savoir même si c'est à coup de trahisons.
Le couple principal joue tout en retenu avec de jolis moments d'émotions, et malgré toutes les critiques, la romance n'est en fait qu'un fil rouge, porteur mais jamais exprimée qui fait que ce drama ne mérite pas certaines critiques négatives qu'on a pu lui attribuer en lien avec ça. Je respecte tout à fait la pudeur et la retenue des dramas coréens, et celui-là est totalement en accord avec ça.
Lee Do Hyun est très fort dans le travail d'acteur qui passe du lycéen de 18 ans à l'adulte de 22 puis 26 ans. Très bien joué.
Jin Kyung dans le rôle de la Principale est magnifique, c'est pour moi le personnage le mieux porté de ce drama : Elle est dérangeante, machiavélique et vrille complètement sur la fin de manière magistrale. J'ai adoré.
Une jolie OST tout en douceur.
Enfin voilà, un drama tout en subtilités, mais qui n'hésite pas à montrer aussi ce que les "grands" de ce monde n'hésites pas à faire.
Pour moi, un drama à découvrir.
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A riveting romantic story between Hardy and Ramanujan
Initially I went into this drama for the stacked cast and out-of-the box premise. What I got in return was something so mind-blowingly beautiful that exceeded all my ever-imaginable expectations. From the 150+ dramas and 50+ movies I have watched thus far, many of them highly rated on MDL, “Melancholia” which currently sits at a mere 8.0 has just comfortably took the top spot as my all-time favorite, has become the only drama I’m leaving as a 10/10 and that position will most likely hardly change in the future. Here are the reasons why I consider “Melancholia” to be such a special drama:
Yoon Su’s nickname when posing a quiz in the train was Hardy. Hardy, just like Yoon Su, had mathematicians as parents. Just like Hardy who meets Ramanujan after coming from a taxi with the number 1729 which turned into Ramanujan’s biggest discovery, Yoon Su crashes into Seung Yoo who is wearing a cap with the number 1729 while they are inside of a train facing each other, with both becoming their biggest discovery and incident with whom they feel an instant connection. Having experienced both rejection and illness from a young age despite his talent, Ramanujan, just like Seung Yoo, lived under great hardships before meeting Hardy. Hardy takes Ramanujan under his wing to become his disciple and partner, just like Yoon Su does to Seung Yoo. Thanks to Hardy, Ramanujan becomes one of the best mathematicians. The same happens to Seung Yoo because of Yoon Su. Seung Yoo never forgets his roots and returns to the side of his mentor, who is everything to him. Yoon Su likes Seung Yoo’s perspective of Math and wishes to nurture and protect it while Seung Yoo enjoys Yoon Su’s passion and the smile she carries when she thinks and talks about Math and wishes to preserve it.
When Hardy was asked what his contribution to mathematics would be, without hesitating, he said it was Ramanujan. He called the partnership they had “the only romantic incident in his life”
Luxurious Main Cast of well-reputed actors – Lim Soo Jung (I’m Sorry, I love You, Chicago Typewriter, Search: WWW), Lee Do Hyun (18 Again, Sweet Home, Youth of May), Choi Dae Hoon (CLOY, Flower of Evil, Beyond Evil) and Jin Kyung (It’s Okay That’s Love, Pinnochio, Romantic Doctor Kim 1 & 2). All 4 of them gave outstanding performances.
Directing/Cinematography – “Melancholia” is very beautiful and a pleasant drama to look at. Director Kim Sang Hyub in the past was responsible for works such as “True Beauty” and “Extraordinary You”, that despite having somewhat poor writing (from what I heard), are very gorgeous in terms of cinematography.
Original Script with a unique premise and great worldbuilding. The screenwriter has an history of previously having portrayed a teacher-student relationship successfully with “Doctor John”. This time, however, it was not an easy premise to go over as it needed to be dealt with carefully, especially with now being under a more controversial academic setting, but I believe it was very well executed as the boundaries were not broken beyond what they should while they were in school. The way the show blended math into dialogues, visual representation and plot/character specifics is also something worth lauding.
Slow-burn pure love. While there is not much “romance” per say, their interactions are very romantic, there is a lot of tension and chemistry and their relationship or the way they think about it sees small but exciting positive developments with each episode that are worth looking forward to, and it feels hard earned. Rather than the typical romance this is an intellectual romance, it’s also about the blossoming of a bond and relationship between 2 individuals who share the same passion that gradually develops into unconditional love despite all odds. The two of them wind up changing each other lifes forever, healing each other in the process and instigating change in themselves for the better. The feelings they have for each other build up as the links that tie them together increase. Their relationship far transcends the usual lovers. You may end up questioning what can considered romance. To me this ended up being the most romantic drama I have ever seen. The age gap of 16 years between the lead actors is actually not that noticeable as they match each other perfectly and Lim Soo Jung looks so young to the point that sometimes she looks the same age or even younger than LDH.
Inspiring core message: to never give up, that there is always hope even in times of despair and how passion for something beats everything else
This drama is much more than a love story. It also has an engaging and well-paced storyline with high stakes that brings out a rollercoaster of emotions, tackling relevant topics such as education, corruption, mental health and depression, parenting, high class privilege and inequality, and love of many kinds. There are also many life lessons given from the perspective of a mathematician.
Very good OST’s that blend well with the drama and leave you emotional
Hidden/double-meaning dialogues, symbolisms and interactions open to interpretation
Satisfaction of seeing the antagonists slowly driving themselves to their doom. It is ironic that the ones that make the most damage to the antagonists are not the leads, but the antagonists themselves. Those who end up belittling the fruits of effort and passion, will end being consumed by their own greed in the end.
Character arcs and how they were neatly closed and treated as humans by the end, be it the good or bad ones
Geometrical plot structure (6+6+2+2):
1-6: Episodes 1 and 2 – Getting acquainted; Episodes 3 and 4 – Healing Seung Yoo and becoming closer; Episodes 5 – Seung Yoo’s Feelings; Episode 6 – Error in the premise
7-12: Episodes 7 and 8 – Getting acquainted; Episodes 9 and 10 – Healing Yoon Su and becoming closer; Episode 11 – Yoon Su’s Feelings; Episode 12 – Error in the premise
13-16: Episode 13 – Yoon Su’s resolve; Episode 14 – Seung Yoo’s resolve; Episode 15- The old sun descends; Episode 16 – The new sun rises
Last but not least, Choi Shi An aka SY and YS’s adopted daughter (the drama makes it so intentional to make them seem like a family of four lol).
“Melancholia” oozes a special vibe where it enraptures you in its own unique world and is just the type of drama I was looking for. Above all it has a lot of heart. I hope more dramas that give out this type of feeling are made in the future. They have that special element that makes them different from everything else you have watched before and that can make you attached to it, and that is why I watch dramas.
There are many other things I have not mentioned in detail because I do not wish to spoil the story too much or may have glossed over and will only be able to notice with a rewatch (which I will certainly do, and more than once), but I think this alone should be enough, so I hope I was helpful in any way in convincing you to watch this magnificent work of art and thank you for dedicating your precious time in reading this review.
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Bitter sweet melancholia
I'm shocked at the low ratings this drama had. It is such a beautiful and unique story and one that will stay with me for a long time. Who knew maths could be so beautiful. This drama gives the viewer the opportunity to see the world through the lens of a mathematician. True slow burn love which is never made to feel inappropriate and the fight for justice against the corruption of an elitist education system. It was never too dark or depressing. I found this story with the backdrop of maths to be very deep and poignant without being boring. The ML and FL and the headteacher were excellent in their roles. I can't believe how young the FL leads looks ....she looked the same age as the ML. This drama deserves to be a hit and tbh I've seen so many K dramas C Dramas Lakorns and J dramas and this is really one of the most unique of them all. This is a must watch imo.Cet avis était-il utile?
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Richly layered. Excellently staged.
"Melancholia" is silently impressive. If you're just looking for a sweet romance, you'll be disappointed. Still, the story is a tribute to love. It's also about school, education, South Korean madness about education and the market around it, the arrogance of the top 10 percent of society, as well as bullying and intrigues for optimal certificates. Altogether it´s ambitious in several respects."Melancholia" is about the love for mathematics. Mathematics is for the protagonists what notes are for music lovers or colors for artists: a way to capture and express the beauty behind the beauty of life and the aesthetics of life on this planet. In "Melancholia" there are two people (and actually two more) who recognize this beauty with their mathematical 'sense organ', feel it deeply, understand it, and want to delve even deeper - thus see and meet each other and understand how they feel inside.
"Melancholia" refers to "Melancholia I" - one of the three master engravings by Albrecht Dürer - mentor and student look at it together in the context of the story and communicate about it, understand it, and doing so get closer. The Dürer artwork is an allegorical composition peppered with geometric elements and symbols. There are a wide variety of interpretations in the professional world. The two protagonists in the KDrama are inspired by this and enthusiastically help interpret. In connection with "Melancholia I" by Dürer, his sentence "But I don't know what beauty is" has also been handed down. This creative crisis, through which every creative person (whether mathematician, artist, etc.) has to go through at some point, is processed in the KDrama in its own way - in the first half the male protagonist and in the second half the female protagonist is struck by this question. Individually both are thrown off track and have temporarily lost sight of their joyful creative power. They inevitably stand in the face of melancholy - to some extent a dark, black tunnel, that opens up the passage to a new, luminous dimension of their creative power.
With regard to the student, the first half of "Melancholia" focuses on a variation of Weltschmerz, which is at the same time an expression of suffering from the beauty of the world. The protagonist can't help but see this perfection of aesthetics in everything everywhere. And yet he is alone in this. He cannot convey his perception, cannot share his experience with his fellow human beings. That's way too high for the others. Family, friends and even some teachers cannot relate or really understand what he is about. Some of his classmates may misunderstand him as a show-off and envy his genius. In fact, he suffers from the loneliness in which he is stuck. Not the beauty of the world. Yet all this changes after he meets a mentor who in the face of his 'brilliance' isn't (like many others) out for her own gain. Rather, she recognizes his rare ability of perception and gives it a grounded direction. She did not promote the genius, but the human being, who should not exploit his talent, yet learn to enjoy it. The mere experience that he is not alone with his way leads him out of his suffering. This is how he finds his place in the world and no longer has to withdraw and hide from it.
However, "Melancholia" also shows the mentor as she herself is stuck in an aloof, depressive phase. The motive is the same: also lonely, isolated, trapped in her feelings that she cannot share with a world that cannot understand her. And this time it is her student who can remind and encourage her to step outside and back into the world.
"Melancholia" is a hymn to higher mathematics, with which the beauty of life finds an abstract form(el) - but also to art, which tries to aesthetically translate the formulas and mathematical knowledge into new colors and new forms.
"Melancholia" is a homage to the love between two kindred spirits who recognize each other in their kinship and can't help but love each other (selflessly and unconditionally).
But "Melancholia" is also one of many stories in the shade of a brutal South Korean education industry that unscrupulously rides on the hopes, fears and worries of parents and students and repeatedly bears the bitter fruits of bullying, abuse, meanness, despair and fraud produces. In this context, a variation of it is once again told in an exciting, at the same time moving and excellently staged manner.
Finally , this story of the two main protagonists is both a new edition and a contemporary free reinterpretation of the relationship between of two historical mathematicians: the Tamil Srinivasa Ramanujan and the British Godfrey Harold Hardy. The KDrama refers to the extraordinary, intuitive mathematical skills of the historically real Tamil math genius, who was professionally recognized and promoted by the British Hardy. In 1913 Ramanujan came to England under the wing of his mentor and subsequently became known for several important discoveries. It is said that when asked what his own greatest contribution to mathematics was, Hardy said without hesitation that it was (his mentoring for) Ramanujan. He described their relationship as his only romantic experience in life. And with that he refers first and foremost to the very special form of eroticism of their shared, highly concentrated, soaring flights of intellect. Anyone who has never had this experience of a shared 'Eureka' will probably struggle with the romance aspect of this KDrama. Everyone else might experience it differently... .
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Revenge, corruption and longing
Compelled to write my first review because I wanted something to counterbalance some of the low reviews this drama has been getting… Melancholia is seemingly a forbidden romance between a teacher and a high school math prodigy, but the romance is actually more of a one sided longing, the teacher has no reciprocal feelings until many years pass and they reunite. The romance is there but in the background to their fight to reveal the corruption behind the elite school where they become the targets of a scandal to shield the higher ups who are behind all sorts of shady dealings. The scandal is eerily similar to the college admissions scandal from the US - wealthy (but not ultra rich) professionals obsessed with finding a back door to an Ivy for their entitled spoiled teens. Whereas the ultra rich can legally buy their kids spot anywhere (ie donate a building), these just “regular” rich strivers need to spend their money on ways to cheat the system.If you liked Secret Love Affair, consider watching this one - SLA had more steamy scenes whereas Melancholia is mostly emotional longing. Though there is a very sweet (satisfying though small) payoff at the very end. The chaebol villains in SLA bored me but the villain in Melancholia is EXCELLENT. She is awful but so charismatic - Jin Kyung is perfect. Lee Do Hyun is totally believable as a lonely teen who gravitates towards his teacher, the only person who actually makes an effort to help him find his passion for math/life again after a tragedy. The physicality of him as a teen vs. him as a man is on point - there is no mistaking him as a boy after the time skip. I am sad that it seems underrated - it’s definitely worth watching
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selfless, pure love
I am a sucker for tragic stories and this drama is delivering just that.I first went into this show knowing nothing but something along the lines of a romance between a teacher and a student. This was off-putting, but my sister urged me to give it a chance and I’m glad I did. It has been too long since I have watched a show that has really resonated with me.
The relationship between Ms. Ji and Seongyoo is beautiful. I’m not talking romantically, just in general, what Ms.Ji does for Seongyoo is just so heartwarming. They both see the world the same way and she can see that, she as a teacher wants to help him be more open to the world and what is has to offer. She is the first person Seongyoo truly opens up to, and in this she becomes his first love and honestly, it’s touching to watch. Ms. Ji does not coerce Seongyoo into falling in love with her. Their relationship in the beginning of the drama as a student and a mentor is truly so heartwarming. Ms.Ji helped Seongyoo out of the his darkest place, she helped him rediscover that and in the second half of the drama we begin to see Seongyoo do the same for her, now as a 20 year old man. I am rooting for Seongyoo and Ms.Ji.
The love that Seongyoo has for Ms. Ji is the purest and most beautiful form of love. He is not selfish, he is not in it for himself, he wants the best for her and to protect her. It is completely understandable why he fell in love with her.
Now that I have finished the show I can say that it doesn’t disappoint. The acting done by every character was phenomenal. Everything was done perfectly, all lose ends tie up in the end. The show ends very satisfyingly. This show was just so beautiful, it’s hard to come across a show this good, one that makes you feel something so deeply. It’s just truly beautiful.
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Like a refreshing lemonade in the Summer
My very first review! Watched this with a bit of prejudice as age-gap romance was there. But I'm glad I did.Instead of rushing into everything, the writer gives us a slow-burn romance that is both logically and dramatically appealing.
Happy to see both the Male and Female leads having strong personalities. Entire cast gave their best performance. Everything fit perfectly and we have a closure after completing this series.
Thanks to the entire team of Melancholia for this treat. Would re-watch again in the future.
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Mathematical and human
DISCLAIMER: I'll be extremely biased here and foresee any flaws because I didn't even felt them, that's how much I loved this drama.I don't think I have enough words to describe how close to my heart this drama got. I'm a mathematician myself, so of course I was immediately drawn into it, and it needs to be said that the way they portrayed math gives it justice: the beauty we can find in it, the joy and relief of reaching an answer, the frustration and sometimes even the pain of pursuing a proof when it seems too far away. And I definitely think the journey of our leads in proving Ji Yoonsu's innocence is a parallel of that of finding a mathematical proof (no wonder the last episode ends with a blank square, one of the usual symbols indicating the end of a proof).
Well, the parallel with math in itself is already beautiful, but the beauty doesn't end quite there. I found it delightful how multidimensional all characters are, even the antagonists. Their actions, thoughts and transformations are all results of their experiences and life examples, and for some of the characters, we catch a glimpse in detail of how their present self came to be - Baek Seungyoo and Song Yerin are my personal favorite example of that, and gosh, BSY’s growth throughout the years is fantastic.
About the relationship between BSY and JYS: for me it is soooo well constructed. Their bond is purely intellectual at first, and a mentor-student one; BSY ends up falling for her but that's it. JYS helps BSY to
reconnect with math and with himself, which is essential for him to escape the darkness he was in. Four years later, after losing everything, JYS is the one living in darkness, and the emotional roles invert: now is BSY who tries to help her to find herself (although I do think he crosses some lines by following her around, but I guess it is a reflection of how worried he was). That’s when they start to connect and care for each other on a more (two-sided) personal level, and it is all so subtle: stares, small actions, worries, words of respect and belief. It is not even clear to me where the romance starts. But wherever it is, it does so in a natural and extremely subtle way, and I enjoyed this development.
The utmost focus is in the corruption going around the school and how the leads try to reveal it, which was thrilling to me and easy to understand (I often get lost in plots like this). But for me the highlight is how the characters move and receive everything around them, which seems to reflect how well written the characters are - they move the story and make us believe in them without the need of a flashy plot. Side note: mathematicians are usually stubborn and prideful when it comes to mathematical truths (we see that when JYS challenges the student who solved the problem to come forward and BSY immediately does so), and I think BSY is so incredibly desperate to prove JYS's innocence not only because he cares, but also because his mathematical stubbornness merges with his sense of justice and makes him unable to NOT do his everything to reveal the truth. And that makes the entire story move.
Well, there sure is a lot more to talk about (like the lovely Choi Sian and Prof. Ji), but I'll stop here. My huge thanks to all the actors and production staff, thank you so much for making such a beautiful drama and for representing math and mathematicians in such a positive and realistic light. Melancholia made me feel all the feels and I’ll definitely go back to it many times.
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Quỳnh Lữ Thị Thúy
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I love this drama. It is a unique and beautiful drama!!
Warning:For the ones who want romantic scene a lot. Please don't watch this drama. It won't satisfy your demand. It's a subtle and pure romantic drama. Instead of love scene, they always use math metaphor for their love. If you want detective drama, this drama is also not for you. Sometimes the writer make a plot hole so the plot is not logic perfectly.
Here are some reasons if you want to watch this drama:
1. There are some different aspects you can see only in this drama. The way they use math to describe something is beautiful and the love of characters for math are so amazing. I don't like math but the characters make me curious about it.
2. The ending is perfect. Even though the writer can make them become a couple sooner like in ep 13-14, I think the wait is worth for ML that he will become more mature and have more time to pursue his career. Like what Ji Yoon Su said after becoming a real man, the answer would find him. In the end, Ji Yoon Su meet Baek Seung Yoo again in the place where they met the first time. In my opinion, it is more romantic than a kiss scene. There is nothing better than when you meet a person you love at the right time. In the past, They were exactly the right person for each other but the wrong timing destroyed everything. Now they can live happily together and never regret everything happened.
3. I love the way the writer build BSY character that he is a genius but also a human. He has a lot of mistakes but these mistakes make him stronger and more mature. If you don't know that Albert Einstein is also a imperfect person, he cheated a lot and made his wife hurt many times. If someone is a genius in a field, you can't conclude they are good at everything in their life. Sometimes emotion make them do something wrong. I hope all of you can think about it and stop criticizing two main characters.
4. The way Ji Yoon Su supports and helps Baek Seung Yoo. When there is no one cares about him, she is the person who is always there for him. She is always knows what is the best thing for him. That's why she rejected his love when he was a student and even when he became a adult. 21 years old Baek Seung Yoo was still childish and stubborn, he loves her but the way he showed his love made her get into trouble. Finally he can understand what Ji Yoon Su said and use his time to pursue the right thing for him. When you are in twenties the most important thing is improving and proving yourself, love can come after that. She rejected him many times in drama, it doesn't means she doesn't love him but she loves him so much that she can let him go to become a better person. The unconditional love between two main character is amazing. I hope you guys don't misunderstand their love.
5. The acting of every actors and actresses is awesome. From the supporting roles to main roles, they acts so well. Sometimes I thought everything is real. I immersed in drama so many times that I forgot about time. 10/10 for the actresses and actors.
I love the drama so much. It's really brave to choose a different way to go instead of making a similar plot like other drama. I have experienced a new thing, so fun!!! I watch this drama because of Lim Soo Jung 's beauty and end up loving the drama. This drama will always be one of the most special dramas I have ever seen.
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Eveil, evil, corruption and greed, so what is not to like?
If you are here for the romance, then back away and go watch something else.... However if you are here for an interesting plot with twists, greed, corruption, cruelty, evil, more evil... so much evil that I thought of renaming it children of evil... and some more corruption privileged brats! With a side of friendship, sweetness, and maybe a small drop of romance in a lovely frame of umbrellas. This is the right place for you!This drama is actually pretty hilarious with lots of great dark humour and one liners... that play a little bit with other well know n dramas that deal with corrupt parents going to great lengths for paving the way over other children so that their children can get a head.... So if you like that type of theme you will probably enjoy this too.
There where a few small issues here and there that bothered me including their portrayal of people becoming so obsessed that they go insane in a pretty stereotypical way. The last episode was also a bit of a mess most of the time... making the pace, sloooooooooow, slooooow, fast, slooow. slow... mess...
The teens here did a amazing job, and so did the leads portraying characters with all kinds of development and personality changes... And It was done brilliantly!
There where plenty of people here to bring out your inner anger and frustration, fun PPL and pretty cinematography with a decent OST, making math look both pretty and even a tad sexy, so hats off to the creators for achieving the impossible.
This was also mid to highly bingable, and most certainly worth watching.
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a worthwhile slow-burn
A melodrama that uniquely dances within several genres (slice-of-life, corruption, school bullying, romance) while connecting its very essence with mathematics. Huge fan of both leads. Watched Lee Do Hyun last in Youth of May (one of my all-time favorite kdramas) and was not disappointed by his role here. OST was beautiful and well-placed.Well worth the watch. Some commentators here had a lot of prejudice toward the misconception that there would be a pedophilic or predatory student-teacher relationship, but it's nothing like that whatsoever. I've also seen many reviewers leave poor ratings because of their personal distaste for math. I also hate math, but I really appreciated the unique way it was implemented for this drama. All around solid cast with several worthy antagonists.
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