Yuan Ge et Gu Qiao sont meilleures amies depuis toujours. Même si elles sont très différentes en termes de caractère, le lien qui les unit est solide. Bien qu'elles aient grandi dans une petite ville, elles ont étudié à Shanghai. Mais leurs chemins ont commencé à diverger lorsqu'elles ont obtenu leur diplôme universitaire. Gu Qiao a tourné le dos à ses rêves d'une carrière réussie pour retourner dans sa ville natale et se marier. Elle espérait que sa vie serait tranquille avec son mari aimant. Mais cet espoir s'est avéré futile. Malgré toutes les concessions qu'elle a faites pour lui, il a décidé de mettre fin au mariage. Parallèlement, Yuan Ge a tourné le dos à l'amour pour se concentrer sur le monde des affaires à Shanghai. Son travail acharné a porté ses fruits et elle est aujourd'hui une femme d'affaires accomplie, même si la lutte pour atteindre le sommet a eu des répercussions sur sa santé. Aujourd'hui, près de dix ans plus tard, Gu Qiao décide de retourner à Shanghai pour tenter de relancer sa carrière. Avec le soutien de Yuan Ge, elle espère que ses vieux rêves deviendront réalité. Et avec sa meilleure amie de retour à ses côtés, Yuan Ge est également déterminée à faire de sa trentaine la meilleure décennie de sa vie ! (Source Viki) Modifier la traduction
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- Titre original: 我们的当打之年
- Aussi connu sous le nom de: Shi Quan Xin De 30 Sui Ah , Thirty
- Réalisateur: Shen Yang
- Genres: Romance, Vie quotidienne, Drame
Où regarder Women Walk the Line
Distribution et équipes
- Lulu XuGu XiaoRôle principal
- Chen Du LingYuan GeRôle principal
- Zhang Yu JianDu Bing WenRôle principal
- Dylan KuoXiong Qi MingRôle principal
- Sheren TangFu MeiRôle principal
- David ChouHao ShuaiRôle principal
This drama is a disaster
Where do I start? Ok let's start with the story.... 36 episodes for what really? I guess it's a love office drama, sister drama with problems in between, long and short the writing was lazy.... I have watched many office dramas and even 4-5 sister dramas this year & creativity is never endless however this one creativity with the dialogue was non existent!... What's the end conclusion, just the wedding?.... Xu Lu catches the bouquet but she is single?....Acting.... Ok, I think honestly it stated off ok with the Two Female Leads but it struggled to get going with the Two Main Male Leads.... You will end up really disliking all 4 Mains by the end of the drama.... The support cast - actually I thought were ok, if I got through 36 episodes some of the cast must of keep me watching.... The support cast have potential....
Character development - main weakness of this drama, non really developed into better characters by the end of 36 episodes, they developed into worse characters.... Let's break down
Chen Duling - Seriously, I have never been a fan of her acting, she has never acted in anything good. She is a higher up manager in this drama & her character very unlikeable
Xu Lu - I have enjoyed your dramas in the past, liked you because you paired with Gao Zhi Ting in 'Stray Birds' however sorry Xu Lu it's over. Your character was suppose to want to be strong/independent.... Sorry didn't develop anything close to it!....
Male Leads 'Zhang Yu Jian & Dylan Kuo' - I will do both together, look neither won over anyone being the audience. There is potential for ZYJ with a better script & better FL.... DK I suppose other genres like police dramas might suit him perfectly.... However neither for me....
Zhou Da Wei.... THIS GUY is the only thing this show had going for it and they messed it up however the ending I think will actually benefit ed him not ending up with Xu Lu because frankly her character didn't deserve Zhou Da Wei's character.... This guy is fun & charismatic, seriously how did this production and writing team not utilise him to his potential?.... He showed positive development in his character, he answered Xu Lu challenge she gave him, go back to college, be responsible, he did that!.... Anyways I am happy for his character as he has potential and talking about future dramas as the Main Lead!.... His drama that will air hopefully early 2023 is "First Love Again"....
- Sporting basketball college drama
- The Female Lead is 'Huang Can Can'.... Seriously this girl can act! She reminds me of Zhou Yutong with her natural fun style!.... This production team knows what they are doing pairing her with Zhou Da Wei.... 'Xu Lu' loss is 'HCC' gain....
Conclusion, 36 episodes for a lazy script!
Please make sure to watch "First Love Again" when gets released 2023!

Story long too long.
The story line could of been told in 20 episodes. At times it seem to had dragged on.None of the male actors stood out. Du appear to be a dork. His role made him look stupid, immature and an idiot. His pursue of Yuan was unbelievable and clumsy done The older male was so precise. He had to look on his watch to see if he time to talk Gu. He lived by his watch and calendar. Any person who dates or marries a person like that must be out for money.
The plus for the males roles is that they did not demean nor bully the females.
The friendship between Gu and Yuan was great! It appeared that they had each others back. The arguments between them, was great! Friend will argue, it's what happens afterward that proves friendship. They could of gone a little more deeper in their friendship.
Office scenes were pretty good. Anybody that works in a major office environment knows there are gossipers go wild. Who doing what and who is dating whom. Usually males talk around water coolers or in the restrooms. Colleagues go out to eat or bars, they talk.
To sum it up: One woman stays single. One goes on to wed her School mate who liked since .