Karino Shin, mangaka sans succès, vit dans un immeuble où les enfants sont interdits. Il est donc surpris de voir sonner à sa porte le petit Kotaro, cinq ans, qui vient poliment lui annoncer qu'il vient d'emménager à côté. L'étonnement de Shin ne va pas s'arrêter là puisque l'étrange gamin lui affirme même qu'il habite tout seul. (Source: Umaro de Nautiljon) Modifier la traduction
- Français
- English
- magyar / magyar nyelv
- עברית / עִבְרִית
- Titre original: コタローは1人暮らし
- Aussi connu sous le nom de: Kotaro Lives Alone , Kotaro wa 1ri Kurashi
- Réalisateur: Matsumoto Kana
- Scénariste: Eto Rin
- Genres: Comédie, Drame
Distribution et équipes
- Yokoyama YuKarino ShinRôle principal
- Kawahara Eito Rôle principal
- Yamamoto MaikaAkitomo Mizuki [Apartment resident]Rôle Secondaire
- Namase Katsuhisa Rôle Secondaire
- Momota KanakoKobayashi Ayano ['Suzuno Law Firm' lawyer]Rôle Secondaire
- Nishihata Daigo Rôle Secondaire

An underrated gem - you're missing out if you aren't watching this
Upon a friend's recommendation I decided to pick up this drama called "Kotaru Lives Alone" just because I was bored of most dramas lately. The synopsis seemed nice but I started watching it without much expectation. But I was blown away with how good this drama was! It made me reminisce about my early drama watching days when I watched only Jdramas and nothing else. This drama seems fit for a late 2000s or early 2010s Jdrama quality.PLOT + CHARACTERS:
Honestly, it is ridiculous. It would never be legal, much less- posssible for a 5 year old to live alone and much less having a law firm or random people looking for a random kid. Were it a real scenario, they boy would be taken away by social services and they would have done as deemed fit by them. This drama reaffirms every episodes that it is a fictional set up which was sort of funny.
It's about a 5 year old who rents an apartment and how he navigates his life all alone. Of course, the neighbour steps in and from there on they go on from barely tolerating each other to forming a deep parent-child relationship. Also we have some lovely side characters thrown in and what I loved about this drama was how it was about kindness and helping others in need. The main adult character is a tsundere but his growth was pretty believable. I love how he never condescends the child and instead tells him how even an adult can learn lessons from a child. Honestly- their relationship had me very emotionally invested. We also meet a female hostess who is being abused by her boyfriend. I loved the fact that for the first time in a Jdrama, they called the police rather than trying to solve the problem on their own.
The main child star steals the show. His dialogue delivery was on point and he must be a smart kid because it was no easy feat! I also loved all the side actors and their interactions with each other were very natural. By the end they did seem more like a family than random people who came together. Kudos to the cast and the director who made sure that the viewer is able to feel this side of the story rather than us brushing it off as some comedy.
I can understand that this drama isn't a conventional genre and Jdramas are even less mainstream among international viewers. However, it is a drama not to be missed out on as it has a fresh plot, comedy and some great characters. Like all Jdramas, it also teaches us the importance of kindness and giving others new chances. I honestly wouldn't mind a Season 2 because there is still a lot of story left to be told. Kotaru-chan's innocence lives on and I truly want him to get his real happy ending.
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A bittersweet and heartwarming drama
Kotaro Lives Alone is a bittersweet and heartwarming drama about a five year-old boy who moves into a small apartment complex alone and the people who are drawn to him.It is a credit to the writer and director that each 23-minute episode is beautifully put together, subtly revealing what's going on in the residents' lives and their back stories. While the drama unfolds at a seemingly slow in pace, the stories are powerful and affecting. I like these odd-ball characters and found their relationships with Kotaro, with each other and as a group very touching.
I binged the series last weekend and am rewatching it already.
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