Pontifex Rembrary, a character known for his divine powers, gets transported to a new world while fighting a devil. He possesses the body of Woo Yeon Woo, a member of an unpopular idol group, and helps turn the group's fortunes around after a disastrous live performance. With his charisma and divine powers, he becomes popular among fans but faces challenges from his past, contending with strange religious groups and the devil.
Minato was studying music abroad, but he came back to Japan after experiencing trauma. He is transferred to a prestigious music university. At the music school, he hears a beautiful song played on the piano and becomes fascinated by the music. The song leads him to meet Yukino, who is playing the piano. He asks her for the name of the song she is playing, but she tells him that it is a secret. Since then, they get close. Minato is able to face his trauma with the piano. One day, Yukino suddenly disappears.