Following a failed confession to her first love, female high school student Mikoto Ochiai contemplates jumping off the roof of the school building. However, her thoughts are interrupted by the arrival of Jin Haiba, the physics teacher known for being a slacker and the butt of students' jokes. Calmly, he lights a cigarette and asks for an explanation of the events that led her to this precipice. Rather than dissuade her from killing herself, he makes a request—will she enter into a romance with him before she dies? Together, the two gradually ponder why they should keep living and why they should not love each other in earnest.
Ten years ago, Cheung Sub Sam and Yo Yo Ma got married to fulfil a promise by their parents, only to fall in love with each other for real regardless of their huge age gap in "My Wife Is 18". Now, Sam is experiencing midlife crisis while Yo Yo begins to think that her husband is dull, not aggressive enough, and lacks planning. Edit Translation
Bo Eun is an ordinary high school girl who worries about SAT's and has a crush on her school's baseball team ace, named Jung Woo. One day, Bo Eun's grandfather orders her to marry Sang Min. When they were very young, Bo Eun's and Sang Min's grandfathers had promised that they would become in-laws. Despite their opposition, they are forced to marry because of the strong influence of Bo Eun's grandfather. Bo Eun's undercover married life begins: She pretends that she doesn't have a husband and starts dating Jung Woo. Bo Eun believes that she can manage both men and live a double life. Everything goes smoothly until Sang Min visits Bo Eun's school as a student teacher.