Cet avis était-il utile?

Cet avis était-il utile?

After being raised in India, Seira returns to Japan to attend a boarding school. However, when her rich father dies, the school's headmistress forces her to work as a maid. In this version, the headmistress at least has reasons for hating Seira, though it is still appalling to watch her treat Seira horribly. Becky is changed to a male love interest named Kaito Miura. Their love story was sweet, but I felt the episode where they visit his hometown was a bit out-of-place. Masami (Ermengarde in the novel) kind of annoyed me, while I thought Maria (Lavinia) was probably the most interesting.
SS was a sweet story but unremarkable story. I think some might find the series frustrating, because the bullying scenes were a bit over-the-top. However, I still think most people will enjoy this drama. I also recommend the 1986 (find it on YouTube) and 1995 versions, though the latter does not really follow the book.
Cet avis était-il utile?

So, if you've read the book and watched a movie adaptation, as I have, you could originally be very excited.
I'm not saying this was a let down in any way, because I watched the whole thing and I have never finished a show I didn't like in most ways. Then again...
Well, let's just break it down.
Story (8.0):
If you've heard the A Little Princess story, you probably have a good idea of where the storyline is going. However, you will need to first off reconcile the age difference from the original story.
And then once you've done that, you might think, ah this will lead to some amazing Cinderella like romance, what with the older protagonist.
In a way you might be right; there's a wee bit of romance sprinkled in here. But, you might also be a little disappointed with her Prince Charming.
However! One of the reasons I'm rating this section as high as it is, is kind of because he's no perfect prince, and because of some the realism and other issues this show touches on that I really didn't expect.
For instance, the two you might think will have a budding romance, are at first not very close, but then become friends that will suddenly shout at each other with repressed agony of heart. And I liked it.
Another part I did not expect was when our protagonist made a faulty judgement against someone who's been bullying her and she gets called out on it by her friends.
Overall, I wasn't sure exactly how to rate this because it followed the original story enough that I mostly knew what was coming, but it was fit pretty well into 10 episodes and I don't remember any dragging or the like.
Acting/Cast (7.0):
Nothing amazing, but I didn't really find any of the acting very repulsive beyond maybe that one teacher... However, that was also an aspect of her specific part.
Music (10.0):
Le Gasp! 10? For real?
Maybe you don't think so, but the reason I liked this show from the very get-go was because of the main theme that started hardly a minute into the drama. I'm a person who really enjoys the more traditional, orchestral soundtracks and to really enjoy a piece I need to have a very distinctive and memorable melody. And the main theme really hit the spot! I loved it and I still listen to it now and again. To be honest, it's been long enough I couldn't tell you about the rest of the music, but this theme is still one of my top 5 in all the dramas I've seen.
Rewatch Value (5.0):
I haven't rewatched it, nor do I plan on rewatching it, but I'm also not known for rewatching anything unless I really, really loved it. So perhaps other might find this more rewatchable?
Overall (7.5):
I enjoyed the story, loved the music, and didn't find the actors or acting repulsive, so it's pretty good! :D Another plus, it's pretty short and was a quick and very enjoyable watch. Recommended!
Cet avis était-il utile?

Okay Jdrama to binge in-between dramas
I too began watching the drama as a fan of A Little Princess.However, I was super disappointed in the execution of the story line as the producers were so EXTRA with the bullying. Some of it was so unrealistic and brutal. They were so horrible to her purely due to jealousy and spite.
The acting is what sort of makes it worth it.
There is a little bit of justice at the end but not enough to make up for the type of treatment she was given. The drama was very dramatic as most are, however, do not go into this with the expectation of it being a meaningful watch.
This was perfect for an in between drama though. 5/10.
Cet avis était-il utile?