32 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
mai 20, 2021
20 épisodes vus sur 20
Complété 16
Globalement 8.0
Histoire 8.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musique 8.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 7.0

Warning - Enter at Your Own Risk

I meant it in a tongue-in-cheek way, of course. But on a more serious note, do be prepared, both mentally and physically. Mouse is a drama that I had briefly dropped at episode 14, and then picked up again after 2 weeks of much needed respite when my brain had finally recovered from the blunt force trauma inflicted from attempting to make sense of it all (and after much encouragement as well as support from MDL friends to re-join this roller coaster of a drama).

Make no mistake, this is a roller coaster in every single sense of the term. It will fry your brain cells, toy with your every emotion, leaving you gasping for air at the end of each episode, right down to the grand finale. Watching this show isn’t as straightforward as simply observing the story unfolding - this production fully consumes you until your entire being is immersed into the layers upon layers and twists within twists amidst the convolution of interconnected nonlinear plots and subplots.

Without spoiling anything, these are the major aspects that I actually liked about it (when my mind wasn’t spiralling)...

The premise of the story about serial killing and the concept of scientific identification of serial killers through their genes (DNA) are original, refreshing and intriguing. Whether or not this is scientifically feasible, only the experts will know (I’ve been told it’s pure fiction). The plot moves at an extremely frenetic pace that’s punctuated by numerous backstories, side-stories and transitions between multiple timelines. This is essentially a “whodunnit” that gradually evolves into the “when, how and why” of it all. Everyone in the comments section and on Feeds (and possibly around the world who’s watching) definitely had fun and/ or stress postulating countless ever-changing hypotheses week in, week out!

Mouse is primarily plot-driven but the acting elevates the entire production to exceptional levels. For me the two main men have been incredible. Lee Hee Joon’s Ko Moo Chi is quite extraordinary where the range of emotions that this character conveys and puts us through is just remarkable. The highlights are many but his heart-wrenching and supercharged performance in episode 5 is certainly worthy of mention. As for the role of Jung Ba Reum, I can’t quite believe how this character is conceived and written. It’s insane when you think about it, really. The term multidimensional is an understatement. What even beggars belief is how Lee Seung Gi is able to bring to life this extremely complex work of fiction. No words of description will do justice to this portrayal because seeing is believing. Both of them are good value for 2022’s Baeksang nominations indeed.

No production is ever perfect and Mouse certainly has its fair share of flaws...

The elements of sensationalism in the screenplay. The screenwriter Choi Ran is certainly deserving of praise for the script on the whole but I couldn’t help feeling that the inclusion of more than a few instances of fake cliffhangers, false endings, shock-and-awe factors smack of exploitation and manipulation of viewership ratings. This drama is anything but subtle because exaggeration is the name of the game. For the most part, it works but sometimes you just feel annoyingly cheated and frustrated.

For me, the women in the show are not as compelling to watch as the men. Although credited as main roles, the characters of Choi Hong Joo and Oh Bong Yi are largely depicted as supportive in the development of the plot. Kyung Soo Jin’s portrayal is somewhat understated while Park Joo Hyun’s characterization has some room for improvement. I didn’t feel connected and invested enough with their characters which lack the extra dimensions that are present in the male leads. Both these two actresses are critically acclaimed award-winning professionals, (Park Joo Hyun recently won the best new actress at the 57th Baeksang) so perhaps the script didn’t focus enough on their characters for the portrayals to be fully fleshed out.

The technical execution, notably the editing and camerawork, could have been better. They become rather erratic, especially in the final third of the production where the cameras seem to be struggling to keep up with the increasingly frantic pace and sudden scene transitions alternating between the various characters’ points of view. To be honest, I think at this stage viewers just couldn’t care anymore and wanted the answers to be revealed as soon as possible.

Personally I struggled to keep up with the storytelling at times, which oscillated between coherence and hot mess. However, all things considered, I think Mouse has largely succeeded in giving viewers what it was designed to deliver - gripping plotlines, edge-of-the-seat thrills, mind-blowing reveals and much takeaway to ponder regarding the overall theme of violent crime prevention. As far as the ending is concerned, I’m actually quite pleased with the final outcome. After all that had transpired, it truly feels like a fitting closure for the characters involved. In truth, no amount of words will do justice to this spectacle because, at the end of the day, seeing is believing.

(Note - If you do decide to start this drama, remember to watch the 2-episode spin-off special, Mouse: Predator after completing episode 15 and before proceeding to the remaining episodes. This special production provides further "clarity" to the entire story)

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5 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
mai 19, 2021
20 épisodes vus sur 20
Complété 0
Globalement 9.5
Histoire 9.0
Acting/Cast 10
Musique 10
Degrés de Re-visionnage 9.0

Must-watch thriller for anyone that enjoys cat-and-mouse storylines

Because I have a lot to say, I'll write a short and long review to make things easy.

In short, this is one show that will remain in my memory for a long time. It kept surprising me at every turn, and although the story was at times maybe a bit too plot-twisty/unbelievable, it didn't bother me enough to make me stop watching as if I was nailed to my seat. The main thing about this drama is the amazing acting by the two main actors and its interesting concept. If I were to say one thing: nothing is as it seems - especially first few episodes. When I watched the first two episodes I thought this would be quite straightforward and wasn't yet pulled in as much, but a bit later I was absolutely hooked. To me, this is now one of my favourite k-dramas so far, and the best thriller/crime drama I've watched yet.

The synopsis of this drama doesn't say all that much. It didn't speak to me so much either, as it says so little about the actual story. However, any synopsis that doesn't spoil anything would do this drama a great injustice by making it seem too boring; but a synopsis that tells you what it is really about would spoil too much and ruin the story. So if you are in doubt because of the lack of a clear synopsis, I'll tell you now: it's worth it.

One thing I should mention is that some say this drama is about whether psychopaths are born or raised - that is not so much the case here. The series takes on a viewpoint that lies more firmly on the side of 'they are born'. The entire show starts off with the premise of 'what if we could detect people with psychopathy before they were born?', based on the existence of a psychopathy 'gene'. (Whether or not this is credible scientifically, I won't go into; although there is evidence on the gene MAOA having some influence on it.) But even more central than that question, is the following: "What if psychopathic murderers could feel guilt, remorse, pain?" - I refer to wikipedia for the backstory on how the scriptwriter came up with this idea. Although you won't understand what this question has to do when you start watching, it will become clear near the ending how this question has effectively created this entire plot. As for me, I think they definitely succeeded in what they set out to do.

Okay, now more in depth.

Plot: all in all, I absolutely loved the entire plot line. It pulled me in, and I was hooked all the way through. Although at times far-fetched, it is not so much so to put you off if you can suspend a bit of disbelief (for example, some medical improbabilities - for example the existence of one 'psychopathy gene'). In hindsight I absolutely see why these were necessary in fulfilling the central question/goal of this series. Most plot developments I did not see coming; or I saw them coming but the story convinced me otherwise so that I was surprised even at both the smallest and biggest plottwist of all. That is why I would rate this plot wise 9: thrilling, mysterious, dark and satisfying, with the exception of the few plot-twists that were a bit unbelievable.

Acting: this is what really elevated the drama to a 9.5 overall for me. Lee Seung-gi did a great job in portraying all aspects of his character and made me really believe in everything he said or did. He made me feel both sympathy and disgust, and is absolutely what kept me watching every time. Truly, his acting was phenomenal here, and for that alone I would recommend this drama to anyone who is debating whether or not to watch. Lee Hee-joon also did a stellar job in establishing his character's motivation and emotions. The supporting actors also did a great job.

Music: great - although I am one that is more geared towards the background soundtrack and not so much the songs with actual lyrics. The bgm was suspenseful and kept tension all throughout.

All in all, I think this is a must-watch for anyone who likes thrilling storylines and phenomenal acting. It is in my top 10 series, and perhaps even my number one crime/thriller/suspense kdrama so far. I will definitely be rewatching sometime in the future.

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5 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
mai 20, 2021
20 épisodes vus sur 20
Complété 0
Globalement 10
Histoire 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musique 9.5
Degrés de Re-visionnage 8.0
Cette critique peut contenir des spoilers

Put your kdrama gear on, because it's one hell of a ride!

So where do I even begin? This show had been on my list since it was airing. I came to know about it when it had like 4 episodes out. My main reason to watch this show was none other than, Lee Seung Gi himself. Don't get me wrong, when i read the synopsis and saw snippets I was really sure that this was going to be like those mainstream shows - but boy was I wrong!

I loved everyone in the show. The cast was PERFECT. I can't think of anyone who would've performed better than these people. But what was commendable was the emotions portrayed by these actors. It really felt like they were living THAT life.

The show did start a bit messy, it took a while for me to get my head around certain areas, but still it's one of those shows that made me zone-out at work. And when that happens, I know it's a blockbuster for me. Whenever the new episodes were supposed to out, I'd be like a lunatic stalking the # on twitter. Yeah I'm one of those who spoil the show for myself. xD

As for the characters, Jang Ba Reum was the villain and he wasn't. He was the hero and he wasn't. He was unfortunate to be born with the psycho gene, but then it gets me to this question - Is it really his fault to be born like that? Imo, if he was nurtured and brought-up with love, he would've over come his will to kill.

Moo Chi and Jang Ba Reum's interactions were my favourite through out. They would have been brothers in the next life JBR talked about in the last scene. Oh Bong Yi was commendable for moving on even after everything she had been through. Lastly Yo Han - HE DESERVED BETTER. HE DESERVED TO WATCH HIS SON GROW.

All in all it's a masterpiece for me. I know I should be hating JBR for all his murders but I couldn't seem to. I LOVED THAT PSYCHOPATH through and through.


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Cet avis était-il utile?
5 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
mai 22, 2021
20 épisodes vus sur 20
Complété 0
Globalement 10
Histoire 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musique 10
Degrés de Re-visionnage 10

Best drama of the century

Never make you stop watching it once you started till the end! Even until it ended you will want more! A drama that make you think more as if you are having exam! Best till you want to write more reviews as a support! All the actors hopefully hopefully can get the best actors best of the best of 2021!!! So as the production team, all the details are so well manage until they linked all together and clearly demonstrate at the time. Will be a waste if never watch this drama! Very support everyone to watch and highly recommend! Highly recommend everyone give review after watching it as well!

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3 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
août 26, 2023
20 épisodes vus sur 20
Complété 1
Globalement 6.5
Histoire 5.0
Acting/Cast 9.5
Musique 7.5
Degrés de Re-visionnage 5.0
Cette critique peut contenir des spoilers

Good! but not "Great"

So after hearing that this drama would be comparable to "Strangers from Hell" I kinda went in with high expectations. I wanted it to be just as thrilling and moving and In a way I did get what I wanted but It just wasn't as striking.

I want to give the highest praise for the acting and production. Lee Seung Gi and P.O. in particular had me almost crying near the end. The editing, direction, and music were all great to experience.

I personally feel that the biggest disappointments of the show come from it's writing. There are multiple instances where I feel like the drama does not even attempt to respect the intelligence of its audience. There are so many fake outs and deliberate misdirections that aim to increase the longevity and the intensity of the show but end up working against it instead. When you do take the time to notice things and take note of certain clues and facts that you've been given, the drama never takes the time to vindicate a viewer's theory at any point in time until the end.

I think of Dr. Daniel in the amusement park and just Yohan in general. It was painfully obvious that he wasn't the Killer but the drama kept insisting on that which just made it more unsurprising when the real killer is revealed.

I feel like the highest priority of the show at any point in time was to cause as much discussion and controversy and surprise as possible. There is a philosophical side to its story and I think that it tries to make a statement but at the same time it kind of fails towards the end.

I still enjoyed it and would recommend it!

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Cet avis était-il utile?
26 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
mai 19, 2021
20 épisodes vus sur 20
Complété 0
Globalement 10
Histoire 9.5
Acting/Cast 10
Musique 10
Degrés de Re-visionnage 9.0

One of the best dramas I've seen.

I don't want to write a too long review, or spoil much so... If you like crime, mystery and psychological thriller with insanely good and well written plot twists... This is the drama for you.

Some say this drama dragged on for too long or was too confusing, but I disagree. Yes, it might have seemed slightly dragged on at some points, and there were various plot twists that might have confused some but I feel like it was all worth it because everything made sense in the end. This drama was absolutely incredible, and something I've been wanting to see for a while now.

But what really amazed me was Lee Seunggi. I always knew he was a good actor but wow... he exceeded my expectations. This drama would not be the same without him. If you can't find any other reason to watch this drama, watch it for him.

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Abandonné 14/20
20 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
avril 24, 2021
14 épisodes vus sur 20
Abandonné 5
Globalement 1.0
Histoire 3.5
Acting/Cast 8.0
Musique 5.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 1.0

Too many psychos not enough fresh ideas

Everyones been praising this drama to be one of the best kdrama thriller/suspense and as for someone like me who have watched almost every kdrama out there, it only takes one episode to determine whether or not a drama is worth watching and boy this one is surely drop-worthy.

Idk why I dragged myself upto ep 14 for something predictable and a been-there-done-that plot.

At this point, screenwriters almost needs to add or mix up another genre to the police/psycho/suspense/thriller to make it interesting (ex: tunnel, duel, life on mars).

And dont get me started on the editing.

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Whats Up
4 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
mai 25, 2021
20 épisodes vus sur 20
Complété 0
Globalement 10
Histoire 9.5
Acting/Cast 10
Musique 10
Degrés de Re-visionnage 9.5

Mouse what can i say!!!

Masterpiece. From a long time i haven't watched,, not from a long time i actually haven't watched this much of intense thriller and suspense kdrama with hard but reality-based ending . What a character transformation of lee seung gi after watching that we cay say that he shows the peck level of acting skills, you will goosebumps by seeing him acting it's really best performance by lee seung gi in MOUSE. Many folders are also not been opened .......Mouse also has a little bit of loose point but to compare to acting Lee seung gi blow all our mind towards him, what a brilliant acting, its really really intense to see him in a such character. I'm actually a big fan of lee seung since vagabond,after giving brilliant performance in vagabond the expectation is very high which is fully fulfilled by seung gi
This drama has everything , it has romance action thriller, suspense, character growing healing everything
If you are a thrilled suspense lover this drama is perfect for you and the seung gi fans out there who whants to see seung gi in a intense villainic character mouse is for you.

At last i want to say that I'm very satisfied with the drama and special mention to the screenwriter and director did a great job by focusing what they want to saw us.
I'm giving highly recommended mouse for those who loves intense suspense drama with high intelligence.
Thank U

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Cet avis était-il utile?
4 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
mai 20, 2021
20 épisodes vus sur 20
Complété 1
Globalement 10
Histoire 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musique 8.5
Degrés de Re-visionnage 10
Cette critique peut contenir des spoilers

The writer of this drama has the 1% genius gene.

One of the best drama of this genre i highly recommend this drama. Every thing is perfect literally the story, the amazing plot twists no matter of how you think the story will go trust me its beyond what you’ve imagined. Their acting are spectacular the way how lee seung gi (jung barum) aced his role and how he and ko mochi delivered their emotions I literally stood and clapped for their acting and their performance. I recommend to read the comments after each episode and read the watchers theories that what made this drama so special and unforgettable.

XXX||my opinion with spoilers||XXX

I loved how this drama ended although it was sad and i cried alot but i knew there was no other ending that will end this perfect drama other than this they always make us sympathize with psychopaths its a k drama thing ⋆ᶿ̵᷄ ˒̼ ᶿ̵᷅⋆ and what i liked about this drama; they put the viewers in dilemma just to know who is the psycho i knew jung ba reum is the psycho from day one, also i had love and hate relationship with eobongi i love her acting but her role annoyed me sometimes also the other female actor the pd she had the worst role although I sympathize with her and i knew why she was like that but i despite the fact she left her family for 26 years while she knew they are searching for her. Other than those two roles i loved everything. I loved their bromance although it didn’t last long but when they work together to solve the case was the best teamwork. i loved the theories people made and how the writer made plot twists that wasn’t close to most of the theories. One thing that made me sad but at the end I understand why the writer did that; in the middle of the drama literally they where solving cases unrelated to the main point of the drama which is finding the psychopath and i was sad because i need progress to the story but there was hidden reason of why they took a long route just to understand and find the psychopath and i loved the plot twist behind it. They delivered a massage “the society makes us toxic not ourselves” This drama literally a must watch.

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KTC Resident
4 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
sept. 1, 2021
20 épisodes vus sur 20
Complété 0
Globalement 5.5
Histoire 5.0
Acting/Cast 8.5
Musique 7.5
Degrés de Re-visionnage 1.0
Cette critique peut contenir des spoilers

Stupidly Overcomplicated! Disappointing!

This Drama started off with a BANG!
I really liked the first episode, but then what did we get halfway into the Drama?
Just overcomplicated and uneccesary plot points. Filled with too many characters and
many cat and mouse chasing moments!

They just made twists to create confusion.
The story does have plot holes also.
And I did not like the sci-fi elements of the Brain Transplant!
They could have scratched that, and just made JBR lose his memory.
Because in the end, he still was a monster!

What were the writers thinking? They made JBR kill his own Father?
((On episode 20, JBR was almost going to kill Choi young Shin..
And then he tells her, that he is no longer capable of killing someone!
But what happend in the end? He murdered his own Father!
That completely ruined everything for me! As he was redeeming his actions before.
Only to turn a complete 180 anyway? What did I just watch?

Even though the father is a monster, that is not justifiable.
And was not necessary at all, that actually ruined JBR turning more humane after the surgery.
So only to stay a monster even till the end?

The acting was good by Lee Seung Gi. And so was Lee Hee Joon.
And there were stupid characters in this drama.
The music was alright for a crime drama.

I would never rewatch this drama! After going through that bothersome second half of the drama.
Yet this Drama is not a complete waste of time. I liked the first 8 episodes. After that I started fast forwarding!
As the Drama went downhill. Becoming a disappointment.

If this is what happens, they could have made this straightforward .
I guess the saying "Keeping it simple and focusing on what matters."
Describes this entire Drama!
I will be dubious of Crime K-Dramas going foward now!

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Cet avis était-il utile?
4 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
mai 19, 2021
20 épisodes vus sur 20
Complété 0
Globalement 10
Histoire 10
Acting/Cast 9.5
Musique 10
Degrés de Re-visionnage 10

A drama ,for who are seeking for puzzles with story...

I have watched so many dramas but I never felt this much curiosity for every episode until end.. from the beginning you can say that how much the screenwriter lived through this plot.. story is unpredictable after 16 th episode one by one story will expose itself.. even though it will gives you goosebumps.. if you seek for good suspenseful thriller here is the best one.. this drama rated very well but it deserves more.. enjoy your breath touching suspenseful hours with a great drama.. thank you for reading my review..
Cet avis était-il utile?
4 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
mai 22, 2021
20 épisodes vus sur 20
Complété 0
Globalement 9.0
Histoire 8.5
Acting/Cast 10
Musique 10
Degrés de Re-visionnage 8.0

Nothing's what it looks like.

It was fantastic and thrilling. At least the first half.
The story was good. It looks too obvious at first, you think you already know everything and may think it's boring, 'cause why watch it, when they tell us everything, but no, the things here are not that simple. You have to watch it, because nothing is what it looks like. Because of the twists and turns, it kept me in the screen all day, not to mention the OST (my favourite was that one with the organ), and the acting (especially Lee Seung Gi's, he was just fantastic).

But as we went on the story, and as we went nearer and nearer to the end, it became a little draggy. Things became more clean, the story became more predictable, the plot wasn't that dark and thrilling like before, the twists weren't surprising anymore. I suspected a way darker ending and deeper things behind all the happenings, and the last episode was just like they were in a hurry, and felt like they 'had' to answer all the questions in only ONE episode. In the last episode, things just happened one after another, like it wasn't whole, like they torn it apart to little peaces to answer all our questions and solve all the leftover problems, which they could've done better if they did it little by little maybe in the last 2-3 episodes.

And the ending - after I watched it, I just felt I really, really want to cry. It was unfair. I wanted something else. The person (I don't want to spoil) who recived the punishment, wasn't the same person anymore who DESERVED that punishment (if you watched the drama, you know what I mean), and it just felt so, so unfair, even if I know it was the proper thing to do.

After all, I gave this a 9, because I'm in deep love with the first half. It compensated me for everything they've done in the end. I've put this in my "TOP" favourites list, and it's possible that I will watch it again some time later.

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Mouse (2021) poster



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