1 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
avril 1, 2021
24 épisodes vus sur 24
Complété 0
Globalement 9.0
Histoire 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musique 8.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 9.5
Cette critique peut contenir des spoilers

Un magnifique conte de fée.

I don't want to be friends with you.

Quand une adolescente de 17 ans voyage dans le temps et se retrouve face à sa mère de 17 ans....

C'est fini. Un voyage étonnant fait d'amour et d'amitié. Si je devais résumer ce drama d'un mot : magique.
Préparez vos mouchoirs, certains épisodes m'ont fait pleurer comme une enfant (en même temps, je ne suis pas une référence...).
Si vous le pouvez, installez-vous chaudement, que vous soyez père, mère ou juste l'enfant que vous êtes.
Si le coeur vous en dit, et cela serait d'autant mieux, partagez ce drama avec votre enfant ou votre parent, ou votre aimé, vous n'en pleurerez que d'autant plus ^^ promis.

Encore un school drama? un time travelling? c'est un peu plus, en fait. Un conte de fée sans dragon à abattre mais une montagne à gravir. A gravir avec sa bande d'amis. A gravir avec sa famille.
Un conte de fée avec 2 princes. 2 princesses. Où le quotidien devient le merveilleux.
Je venais de finir "18 again" et me voilà parti sur celui-ci. A vrai dire, le titre ne m'attirait pas follement. Un titre pourtant révélateur et qui résume parfaitement le concept de cette jolie histoire.
Bien que moins intense émotionnellement que "18 Again" sur la durée, il n'en est pas moins bon. Bien au contraire.

Ici-dans, nous avons Li Jin Bu, une adolescente de 17 ans en conflit permanent avec sa mère Li Qing Tong. Li Jin Bu, ayant grandi sans père, se cabre à la moindre remarque de sa mère. Une dispute de trop et là voilà qui fuit, qui se cache dans un sauna pour se retrouver (par magie) 20 ans plus tôt dans la ville natale de sa mère.
Li Jin Bu fera ainsi la connaissance de sa mère adolescente et de ses amis. De ses grands-parents qui ne sont plus. De l'univers scolaire de sa mère. Il est donc intéressant de suivre ce regard, celui d'une adolescente de 17 qui ne connait de sa mère que ces côtés un peu mauvais, un peu maladroits que nous avons tous (une fâcheuse) tendance à montrer à la chair de nos chairs.
Les question se poseront naturellement tout le long "qui est donc le père de Li Jin Bu" et "pourquoi sa mère finit-elle seule".
Au-delà de ces doutes intelligemment semés, ce drama tourne essentiellement autour d'une chose : comprendre sa mère. Comprendre pourquoi. Comprendre comment. Ce qu'elle a vécu. Ce qu'elle a traversé. Ce qu'elle est aujourd'hui.
Et c'est.... beau. Juste.
Ici point de "je dois changer les choses afin que ma mère (et de facto moi) vive mieux" (quoique cela fut un petit peu le cas lors des premiers épisodes) mais ici, être témoin et vivre un peu" sa mère".
Quand dans certains films (pour ne pas les nommer) ou certains dramas, le personnage principal se retrouve à vouloir ou devoir changer le passé afin d'améliorer le futur, ici Li Jin Bu finit par y renoncer et dira " Peu importe que je naisse ou pas. Si la vie de ma mère devient meilleure et qu'elle est heureuse, venir au monde n'est pas important". Elle prendra alors le parti de ne plus intervenir dans les choix de sa mère adolescente et de lui laisser le libre arbitre de sa vie. Peu importe les conséquences. Peu importe son existence ou pas.
C'est ce don de soi qui m'a touché. Cette particularité que l'on retrouve naturellement chez ceux qui souhaitent le bonheur de la personne avant tout. Avant eux.
L'évolution de Jin Bu est contante. Elle apprend à connaitre sa mère, à devenir sa meilleure amie jusqu'à la soutenir quelque soient ses décisions. Pour enfin redevenir sa fille.
Si le rire est omniprésent tout le long du drama, la relation mère/fille évoluant doucement jusqu'à son apogée vous fera sortir les mouchoirs. Et pas qu'un peu. J'ai littéralement fondu en larme (et je ne suis pas la seule, hein chéri?) lors des retrouvailles entre Li Jin Bu et sa mère au dernier épisode. D'ailleurs, soyez averti que le dernier épisode est un des épisodes les plus émotionnellement intenses que j'ai pu voir jusqu'à présent...Un peu plus et je courrais dans la chambre de ma fille pour la serrer dans mes bras, c'est pour dire.

Li Qing Tong est un personnage extravagant et rempli de joie de vivre (le genre de personnage que j'adore). Elle crie un (peu) beaucoup, n'est pas très studieuse mais motivée et tenace. Personnage au un grand coeur, elle est ultra attachante et sa loyauté envers Jin Bu sans borne. J'ai particulièrement aimé le passage de la "chaussure" avec Chen Ju He lorsqu'elle décide de protéger Jin Bu. Comment Chen Ju He aurait pu ne pas tomber amoureux de suite? Hein, comment?
Le drama tourne autour d'elle, de ses choix et de ses décisions qui déterminent peu à peu le futur de Jin Bu.
J'ai trouvé extraordinaire que les actrices interprétant Qing Tong adolescente et Qing Tong adulte soient aussi similaires au niveau des expressions, de la façon de parler et d'agir. Cela fut de même avec Chen Ju He adolescent et adulte, nous les reconnaissons parfaitement à travers leur mimique, leur attitude et le ton de leur voix. Quel délice, lors du dernier épisode de les retrouver adultes, l'impression de retrouver de vieux potes d'écoles étaient limite dérangeante car bien vive.

En parlant de Chen Ju He...Si je devais être une pompom girl (nan, ce n'est pas un rêve d'enfant), j'aurais sans l'ombre d'une hésitation, avec ma petite pancarte et mes pompoms, dansé et crié derrière Chen Ju He à l'image d'une fangirl!
Chen Ju He!!!! Je ne vais pas mentir, il a été le personnage inattendu de ce drama, il a été le rayon de soleil, chacune de ses taquineries et de ses actions envers Li Qing Tong ont été tellement "kawai" que j'aurais pu quitter mon mari sur le champs (hahaha espérons que mon mari adoré ne vienne pas lire ici).
Plus sérieusement, Chen Ju He est typiquement le second personnage qu'on adore adorer dès le début au point d'en éclipser presque (oui par ce que ce drama a 2 leads masculins totalement sexy et géniaux) le premier lead masculin et qui nous fait nous exclamer à tire larigot "rhôôôô" la bouche en coeur.
Chaleureux, vaurien au grand coeur, maladroit et bourru, Chen Ju He est l'amoureux transi par excellence. Il ne voit et ne jure que par Li Qing Tong. C'est un crève-cœur que de le voir être supplanter par Wu Zhi Xun! Comment au nom de Totoro,! Comment Li Qing Tong peut-elle ne serait-ce qu'une demi millième de seconde hésiter entre en Ju He et Wu Zhi Xun...cela reste pour moi un grand mystère (un peu comme la disparition des chaussettes dans la machine à laver...).
La rencontre entre Li Qing Tong et Chen Ju He dans le dernier épisode a été un pur moment de bonheur, faite de drôlerie et d'émotion. Leur romance, bien que tardive et lente, a bel et bien transcendé mon petit écran de leur incroyable alchimie et de leur tendresse réciproque.

Puisqu'il faut bien que je touche un petit mot sur le couple Qing Tong/Zhi Xun : L'atmosphère entre Li Qing Tong et Wu Zhi Xun ressemble plus à la calotte glaciaire qu'à une explosion d'étoiles. Je ne fais donc définitivement pas partie du fan club de Wu Zhi Xun. Trop fade. Trop silencieux. Pas assez de caractère. Après son rapprochement avec Li Qing Tong , j'avais espoir de le voir s'amender de ses liens toxiques avec ses parents, mais peine perdue.
Petit spoil (fermez les yeux et passez au paragraphe suivant), le fait que ce rat de bibliothèque puisse être le père de Li Jin Bu m'a beaucoup fait grincer des dents....j'ai croisé furieusement les doigts en priant tous les dieux de l'Olympe que Qing Tong ne finisse pas avec ce truc qui ne savait même pas sourire (je suis un peu méchante, mais j'assume).

Je finirai avec Duan Xiao. Ma première impression n'a pas été mémorable. C'est souvent comme cela d'ailleurs. Et puis, au fur et à mesure des épisodes, comme Jin Bu, on s'attache à Duan Xiao sans s'en rendre compte. Ses petites attentions, ses sourires francs et sincères, sa dévotion totale envers Jin Bu nous le font progressivement aimer de tout coeur. Il aime Jin Bu et ne s'en cache nullement. Bien au contraire. J'ai trouvé adorable sa réplique à Jin Bu " nous serons ensemble de toute façon. Ce n'est pas possible autrement, autant être ensemble maintenant". Cela aurait paru arrogant et déplacé venant de n'importe qui. Mais pas de Duan Xiao. Il a su donner une telle sincérité, une telle vérité à sa déclaration que Jin Bu (et nous) n'a pu que sourire. Impossible de lui dire non. Impossible de jouer ne serait-ce qu'un tantinet sa difficile. Impossible de ne pas l'aimer. La sagesse de Duan Xiao était parfois étonnante, surtout pour un garçon aussi jeune.
Le couple Duan Xiao-Jin Bu est un couple qui démarre pratiquement dès le départ. Complice à 100%, ils sont restés main dans la main quasiment tout le temps. Cela devenait une évidence qu'ils devaient être ensemble. Et je dois avouer que leur séparation à la fin fut douloureuse même pour la blasée de romance que je suis. C'est la première fois (et dernière, promis!) que j'ai pleuré à une rupture fictive. Je soupire souvent (mais pourquoi se séparent-ils?), je râle beaucoup ( mais nan, ne lui fais pas cela!!), j'approuve parfois (mouais, vous n'alliez pas bien ensemble de toute façon), mais je ne pleure jamais. Jusqu'à ce que Jin Bu décide d'en finir avec Duan Xiao.
Duan Xiao qui ne retient pas Jin Bu, Duan Xiao qui répondra à Ju He " si elle veut partir, pourquoi devrais-je l'obliger à rester avec moi? A s'expliquer?". Autant de mot chevaleresque, d'attitude de grand seigneur m'auront bien fait verser de larmes. Il ne la retiendra pas, respectant son choix. Il ne lui en voudra pas, ne cherchant pas à connaître ses raisons. Il partira, sans jamais lui tourner le dos.

Je rejoins désormais les éplorés scandant une saison 2 (non, je n'ai pas honte ^^). Prions qu'une mini série puisse voir le jour avec Duan Xiao et Jin Bu....ou Chen Ju He et Qing Tong adultes...

C'est donc une histoire joliment contée, une histoire qui encore une fois mets à l'honneur les liens familiaux. Un thème qui m'est cher, et lorsque c'est bien fait, on en redemande. Pour les amateurs (et même les non-amateurs), n'hésitez pas à plonger dans cet univers fait de tendresse et d'amour. Profitez-en, c'est confinement!

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Cet avis était-il utile?
20 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
nov. 21, 2020
24 épisodes vus sur 24
Complété 0
Globalement 9.0
Histoire 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musique 9.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 9.0

Cute, Meaningful, and Heartwarming

Omg I love this show, and why shouldn’t I love such a cute show?
Here is a very short review:
This show is like Back to 1989(Taiwan show) female version with similar concept but better executed. As a huge fan of time-travel and youth(high school) dramas, this show was definitely my type. Things I enjoy most are mother/daughter relationship and main characters’ development. FL can be annoying at times but it is not unreasonably annoying and she has her own reasons for that.
Casts are not super well known, but acting is quality, especially our two female leads; Amy Chen and Zhaung Da Fei. Though male characters aren’t as important, Chen Jun He and Duan Xiao totally captured my hearts
High School part is well done and I’d rate it highly for nostalgia.
But again, it is not a perfect drama, and it has some flaws; some parts should be explained more clearly and Wu Zhi Xun character development is a little disappointing
But it is understandable...
Overall, I love it!
If you are a fan of time travel or high school dramas, I highly recommend it
And watch it for nostalgia, it is worth your time.

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Cet avis était-il utile?
13 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
juin 16, 2020
24 épisodes vus sur 24
Complété 0
Globalement 8.5
Histoire 8.5
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musique 9.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 7.0
Cette critique peut contenir des spoilers

Pretty heartwarming & cute drama~

Saw the posters and heard about the plot of this drama before it released and brushed it off thinking it'd another one of those time traveling youth dramas BUT then I heard about its high ratings on Douban (8.6 the last time I checked which is very good compared to other dramas' scores) and decided to give this drama a go. And I am so so glad I did!

You may think it is pretty cliche after reading the synopsis on here but it was very unique in its own way. First time seeing a drama where the daughter goes back to when her mom is in high school and then befriending her mom from then until college graduation. Li Jin Bu was pretty immature, doing whatever she wished, before "time traveling" but after spending time with her 17-year-old mom and mom's family and friends and seeing how her mom grew up, as a viewer, I could see her change. The writer wrote this drama well to show the youthfulness of the gang of friends and the adding in comedy, romance, and family. It wasn't draggy at all and went by at a good pace. There were some scenes that had me burst out into laughter and some touching scenes that made me tear up.

Never seen any of the cast before except the actress who played Li Jing Bu but I am glad to say they all did very very well. Everyone embodied their characters perfectly, drawing me into their roles respectively. I especially love how well they cast young and the older Li Qing Tong because the actresses conveyed their emotions beautifully as if they actually are one person who grew up. The way they carried out their lines and showed their character's feeling in their eyes deserves to be applauded. The male leads (or whatever you shall call them) were not only very handsome/cute but they acted beyond my expectations too- will definitely follow these blossoming actors.

Loved almost all the tracks but my all time favorite has to be the ending song-六七月 by 赵贝尔. The opening song was good too and I love how the leads sang it together in the drama too. So talented! The actors who played Duan Xiao and Chen Jun He respectively also sang a solo song each which both sound good too. Do check the OST out~

Rewatch Value:
I don't usually rewatch dramas since I remember what happened halfway into the drama but this one is pretty worth if it ever comes down to a rewatch session of something sweet, funny, and youthful. 24 episodes isn't too much to rewatch too so that's why I gave the score I did.

All in all, quite worth the watch over this summer. Some people didn't like how they ended it but I think it was a nice way to tie everything off since how else can you explain the "time traveling?" I do wish they'd add maybe an epilogue so we can see Li Jin Bu meeting Chen Jun He in present time? Wishful thinking but yeah, please don't hesitate to try if you like youth dramas with comedy, romance, and family!

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Cet avis était-il utile?
5 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
juil. 1, 2020
24 épisodes vus sur 24
Complété 0
Globalement 9.0
Histoire 9.5
Acting/Cast 9.5
Musique 9.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 8.5

Back To The Future

This drama is similar to Michael Fox's Back to the Future movie in the 80s whereby he returns to his parents' teenage years and tries to fix his parents' meeting of each other. In this drama, Li Jinbu (Sabrina Zhuang) is also trying to fix her mother's choices so that she (her mother) could turn out to be a more achievement oriented person, and eventually chooses the right partner who doesn't abandon her when she has a child (Li Jinbu).

Li Jinbu's mother, Li Qingtong (Amy Chen), is a single parent. As a 17 year old high school girl, Li Jinbu (Sabrina Zhuang) is angry at her mother for messing up her own life by not working hard enough while at school and for going out with an irresponsible man who impregnates and abandons her. For unexplained reason, Li Jinbu returns to the time when her mother was also a 17 year old teenager in high school. She determines to fix her mother's life which she figures will eventually translate to the betterment of her own life in future.

However, things are not what she thinks and don't work out how she plans. Through spending time with her teenage mother, Li Jinbu comes to understand the experiences her mother has gone through that has made her what she is today. In the end, she learns to appreciate her mother for her determination to provide a better life for her.

The story is heart-warming and delightful. It depicts school days and youth, family and dreams, friendship and puppy love, growing up and, overall, life. The acting by the whole cast is fabulous, especially Amy Chen, and the cinematography is excellent. The character building is one of the best I've seen. The story telling is simply marvelous. This is a wonderful drama that makes one feel good and helps us to look deeper into ourselves. It deserves our time. Don't miss it.

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Cet avis était-il utile?
5 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
janv. 11, 2021
24 épisodes vus sur 24
Complété 0
Globalement 7.0
Histoire 8.0
Acting/Cast 7.0
Musique 7.5
Degrés de Re-visionnage 6.0

Strong start, mediocre second half.

This is a relatively well written drama, with a meaningful storyline. However, I do not think the timetravel aspect added much to this drama. The story is also extremely mediocre after they entered college. This would be a 9/10 drama if the drama ended around ep. 16.

The characters are quite awesome, even though I think the acting was sometimes weak. Each character has its own beliefs and quirks that make them standout, without being overly obnoxious. The dynamic of the friend group is the highlight. Some character actions and development is really questionable....

Overall this drama has obvious flaws, but I would still recommend it to you. Especially if you like dramas like Lovely Us, where the emphasis is on youth and friendships with a side touch of family issues.

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Cet avis était-il utile?
4 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
août 8, 2020
24 épisodes vus sur 24
Complété 0
Globalement 9.5
Histoire 10
Acting/Cast 9.5
Musique 8.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 7.5

A precious journey through youth

Have you thought how it would be to meet your mum in her youth? This is a precious opportunity the daughter who was miserable and lonely growing up with a single mom..gets to experience.

And through this she gets to experience the beauty of friendship and young love. And the important lesson that life in the end is made up of experiences good and bad. And that sometimes to live is to savor the moment, the now, the journey and not so much the ending.

This drama was a rare precious gem. That instead of the usual travel back time plot, the writer had a clear message to deliver. It manages to be warm amd endearing, sweet and touching, realistic if not poignant.

The leads were all new to me. But a good script and in the hands of a good PD, they were all believable in their role. Amy Chen in particular was really good.

Dont sleep on this drama. It deserves to be watched. It had that nostalgic touch and the time spend with the teen mom- daughter duo Qin Tong and Jin Bu and their friends plus love interests was really worth it.

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Cet avis était-il utile?
3 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
janv. 5, 2021
24 épisodes vus sur 24
Complété 0
Globalement 9.0
Histoire 9.0
Acting/Cast 10
Musique 10
Degrés de Re-visionnage 7.5

Do Not Hesitate. Jump Right In and Watch!

I deadass created this account for the sake of this drama. So bear with me, I'm just that typical girl who's longing for something to binge-on that won't risk my heart and mind feeling anxious and troubled. This one right here caught my senses. Very light, heartwarming and script was well written, like something to ponder on. Hella cute too, especially the break-up scene. So matured mindset! I've seen a lot of school and youth cdramas, but this must be the only series I dared watching till the end. I hope this will gain a lot of viewers, and this will convince you to add this on your list :---)

P.S. KIDO MA, or Chen Jen He!! I adore you so much! Wishing you the best and more main lead roles in the future. (You could have gotten that (Weightlifting Fairy Remake/ So It's you) because I felt like you suit the role as Nam Joo Hyuk. You have this silly, cool with warmth vibe in your eyes. I can't explain it. I just adore you so much that it hurts.

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Cet avis était-il utile?
Miss Purple
3 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
mars 16, 2021
24 épisodes vus sur 24
Complété 0
Globalement 6.0
Histoire 6.5
Acting/Cast 7.0
Musique 7.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 1.0

Uma Viagem no Tempo Diferente

Se você gosta de história de viagem no tempo I Don't Want To Be Friends With You pode ser o drama que falta em sua lista. Não sou uma pessoa aficionada pelo tema mas devo dizer que este é um drama bem singular, afinal, quantas vezes você vê a garota voltar no tempo e estudar com sua mãe na escola?

Na história temos uma adolescente com uma relação um tanto conturbada com a mãe, sem muitas explicações sua mãe a cria sozinha e nunca revelou a identidade de seu pai. Por alguma razão após uma briga entre as duas, a filha acaba sendo transportada de forma cômica para o passado onde sua mãe ainda era uma estudante do Ensino Médio. A partir daí passamos a seguir o grupo de amigos da mãe e sua mais nova integrante: a filha.

Foi legal acompanhar os amigos em suas aventuras e dramas típicos da adolescência. A trama conseguiu atiçar minha curiosidade, eu realmente queria saber quem era o pai da garota e porque a mãe nunca os apresentou no presente. Neste meio tempo, também foi bom acompanhar o desenvolvimento da protagonista (a filha) que no presente é uma pessoa solitária mas que durante sua viagem encontra amigos e até mesmo o seu primeiro amor.

Apesar de ter dado uma leve escorregada no ritmo em algum momento dos 24 episódios este C-drama merece ser assistido.

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Cet avis était-il utile?
1 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
avril 6, 2021
24 épisodes vus sur 24
Complété 3
Globalement 8.5
Histoire 8.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Musique 7.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 9.0

Impressive story & acting but disappointed on how they unfold last ep.

My gosh... it's been all really really good and then dropped a lot in the last episode. A lot of loopholes appeared right in the last episode. A lot of previous knots couldn't solve well in the last episode. I wanted to give a lower score for this drama because of this last ep, but the process coming through till this last point has been really impressive, so I can't help but add a little more points than what it actually deserves.

The cast is great. Love the acting of all the main characters.

The story is heart-warming and tearfully touching during the last 2 ep.

Though how disappointing the last ep was, I still think they did it neater than what they did in Someday or One Day. Someday or One Day's last ep was a lot messier. The story's crucial rules and logic were annihilated. Lots of contradiction there.

I want to leave a note on a few points I really don't like in the last ep below but it's a bit of a spoiler, so beware to proceed on.

1. How the hell the FL traveled back through time right in front of the ML??

2. How the ML had a new identity to completely fit in the present world??

3. If the storyline in the past would change as much as the real ML's identity changed while his love interest was the girl in the next class who transferred during high school, the whole story in the previous 23 ep would totally be ruined. Lots of loopholes become apparent just by this irresponsible, reckless, unthoughtful story unfolding. As to how messy the end has become, it makes shown that the writer desperately wrote all the knots to make the story interesting but he went too far to finally tightly trap himself without a way out. This eventually ruined the world he tried hard to create in the first place. It's very disappointing and annoying how they couldn't think the story through to unfold it properly.

P.S.3 is added after I had a constructive discussion with another viewer on the comment section :)

What is important in 'every' show is the logic of its own universe. This show finally contradicts itself = it ruins its own rules = it ruins its own world.

A time-traveling story is especially hard to unfold. Most of the time they fail because of the rules and logic they set up themselves. It doesn't surprise me that this show also fails at the end when it tries to unfold as it's expectable. The only time-traveling show that impresses me is Dark, the German series of 3 seasons in total.

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Cet avis était-il utile?
1 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
déc. 14, 2020
24 épisodes vus sur 24
Complété 0
Globalement 8.0
Histoire 8.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Musique 8.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 7.0

if you decide to watch this drama, then you must watch it until the end!!

This drama is surprisingly good enough, but i would have given a lower rating if the ending wasn't like this (I was quite satisfied with the ending), I love how the story ends beautifully.

why would I give a lower rating? because I don't like her mother's character when she was still in school. She is very dumb, her 'kind' character is very annoying, and she is not brave in fact she's a cowards in my opinion. and I really don't like the relationship between her mother and Wu Zhixun, their relationship is very toxic.

for story during school, the relationship between students and teachers is not as touching as other school dramas. but for the friendship relationship is good enough, although I feel there is a character that is not needed.
then for family relationship, it's pretty good especially with her mother. and I love Duan Xiao's family story which is so beautiful! Like father like son sobs

honestly i watched this drama only because of Li Jinbu and Duan Xiao, then Chen Junhe. I really like the relationship between LJB and DX, they are very cute together and their chemistry is very good! I really hope they both get paired again in another drama.

btw DX is a male lead that I want to be my soulmate in the real life because he is too kind and perfect lol. CJH also has a very beautiful character, a bad boy but sincere and kind. I would be doomed if it turned out that they were the main male lead who looked after the same girl, because I couldn't choose one of them bye.

Ok overall this drama is worth to watch, just give it a try!! —>> and I will remind you:
if you decide to watch this drama then you must watch it until the end!! because the last episode is the key to how this drama deserves 8/10 rating from me.

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Cet avis était-il utile?
1 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
juil. 3, 2020
24 épisodes vus sur 24
Complété 0
Globalement 9.5
Histoire 9.5
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musique 9.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 9.0
Cette critique peut contenir des spoilers
honestly, I really really enjoyed this drama! typically, I'm not a fan of time traveling dramas but this surprised me. The plot premise is super cute where the main female lead ends up going back in time to witness her mother's growth and learn about the choices she made and how she became the person she is today. I thought it was super heartwarming that she got to experience it first hand and also get to experience some of the youth that she missed on out growing up!

Loved all of the characters, all unique and special in their own way! Honestly, for quite new-ish actors they were able to display the characteristics of their characters super well. Both female leads did a super good job!!! *For all those Idol Producer fans out there, Zhou YanChen was amazing in this <3 loved him in it. His storyline was so cute, so touching and loved his unconditional devotion to Li Jin Bu. Additionally, Chen Jun He, oh a character that will secretly always be the "underdog" in these types of dramas but actually shoulda and deserved to be the main male lead. Who gives a heck care about Wu Zhi Xun? His character kinda had logic that went in circles, like you wanted to understand but at the same time you didn't!!

However, the show wasn't just about the love storylines, I think it was a great reminder that growing up is hard but also all of the choices you make help shape and define you. From youth to their adult life, the drama really depicted it well and strung it all together. There were no misunderstandings or confusing parts in this drama! Loved it, rewatch value 10/10!!

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Swornima Singh
1 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
juil. 24, 2021
24 épisodes vus sur 24
Complété 0
Globalement 8.5
Histoire 8.5
Acting/Cast 10
Musique 8.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 8.5

Dark Past, An effort to make the present bright, Life Lessons ‼️

"I don't want to friends with you" title is the first thing that attracted me and also made me curious but one thing is sure that you would definately get to know how much this title suits this drama

Talking about the ML(Main leads), every character in this drama has its own importance. Significantly, this drama catches up all those precious genres like Highschool, friendship, family, food, romance, bromance, comedy, melodrama , love triangle and many more.

I love everyone, I seriously loved every characters in this drama even though I've not seen any of them in any other popular dramas. The choice of place, the acting skills, music, the clothes, locations everything was just Amazing. The one thing I liked the most about this drama was FRIENDSHIP!!!

Since not everything is perfect, there was small moment I was'nt satisfied. The thing is why didn't the future change even after the visit of
Li Jin Bu. It would have been better if the future had changed. For example: Tong became hard working and rich and the guy stayed. ( Not exactly a spoiler but I am sure the readers who haven't watched this drama didn't understand a thing.)

It was still great. I highly recommend you this drama because it would definately not waste you time. PS: My Mom doesn't want to be friends me too....

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Je Ne Veux Pas être Amie avec Toi (2020) poster



  • Score: 8.3 (marqué par 1,358 utilisateurs)
  • Classé: #966
  • Popularité: #2783
  • Téléspectateurs: 5,204

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