2 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
mai 6, 2022
16 épisodes vus sur 16
Complété 0
Globalement 9.5
Histoire 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musique 8.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 10

la meilleure surprise 2022!

A peine les derniers secondes terminées, un sentiment de bonheur teinté de tristesse me fait bondir jusqu’à mon clavier.
Vous partager ces émotions que ce drama a su étonnement faire vibrer en la blasée que je suis.
Etonnant, mais c’est mon premier drama thaïlandais. La chance du débutant sûrement, pour une première fois, cela fut une réussite totale.
Etonnant, j’ai vu presque toutes les versions de « Hana Yori Dango » en passant par le manga et possédant les OST des versions coréenne et chinoise. Inutile de vous préciser que je suis donc une fan de cette histoire, et ma préférence allait jusqu’à aujourd’hui vers la version coréenne (un de mes premiers drama).
Etonnant donc d’avoir pu rire. Sourire bêtement. Alors que je connaissais par coeur cette histoire.
Moralité, peu importe le nombre de cliché.
Peu importe de savoir réciter les scènes en choeur.
Quand c’est bien fait.
Quand c’est bien joué…
… Oui, j’ai adoré cette version.
Oui, ce fut un tel coup de coeur que je n’ai pu attendre pour venir en parler.
Oui, c’est désormais ma version préférée… (mais je t’aime toujours Lee Min Ho).

1 : La réalisation !
Magnifique ! J’ai été totalement bluffée par la qualité de la réalisation, digne d’un drama coréen. Soignée et fluide, les scènes s’enchainent, avec un sans faute, à un rythme soutenu et sans temps mort. La façon de créer le suspense et l’angoisse lors des premières scènes de harcèlement est gérée d’une main de maître ! Nous ressentons lors du premier épisode (et les autres scènes de Gorya au prise avec cette carte rouge) la tension des scènes d’une façon viscérale, retenant le souffle durant la course poursuite. Les scènes de violences sont percutantes et d’un réalisme qui font froid dans le dos. Sincèrement si je ne connaissais pas l’histoire, j’aurais eu du mal à croire que Thyme puisse changer…
La photographie est magnifique, mettant en valeur les paysages thaïlandais, les personnages, les voitures, les costumes. Le jeu des lumières et des contrastes accentue la romance comme le côté dramatique.
Sincèrement, chapeau bas pour cette réalisation parfaite. L’OST n’est certes pas aussi joli et entêtant que celle de
« Boys over flower » (le drama reprend d’ailleurs le thème principal du drama) ou de "Meteor Garden", mais elle est pertinente et intensifie les moments tragiques comme les moments drôles et émotionnels. J’ai aimé aussi les petits bruitages qui soulignent les moments absurdes ou drôles, bien que d’habitude cela me fasse grincer des dents, ici l’utilisation de ces bruitages n’est pas en redondance et intervient souvent au bon moment.
Petite mention pour les costumes de Thyme, qui reflètent bien sa personnalité, des couleurs flirtant avec le drôle et le bling bling renforçant le côté loufoque (et choupinet) du personnage.

2 : L’histoire !
Nous la connaissons tous par coeur, nous savons exactement ce qui va se passer, il n’y a alors pas d’effet de surprise… et pourtant !
Le drama a été dépoussiéré magistralement. J’ai pris un plaisir fou à suivre les aventures des F4 et de nos deux héroïnes. Le réalisateur a su donner une sacrée touche de modernité notamment en donnant vie aux personnages autrement que dans les anciennes versions.
Résultat, une histoire aux milles clichés qui sonnent en nous comme une belle leçon de vie.
L’introduction du drama dans le premier épisode symbolise cette leçon de vie, un mélange de poésie et de philosophie. Les pensées de Gorya apportent cette touche de « recul philosophique », donnant ainsi une dimension nouvelle aux sentiments de nos protagonistes.
Si bien sûr, nous retrouvons l’archétype classique du héros riche, enfant pourri et insupportable faisant face à une héroïne pauvre et se battant pour s’en sortir, le traitement de leur histoire rend leur romance émouvante mais aussi, grandiose. Rapidement, le spectateur que nous sommes ressentons de l’effroi et de l’émotion en passant par une bonne dose d’humeur joviale contagieuse.
Le drama touche à des thèmes sensibles comme le harcèlement et la violence à l’école. A travers ces violences, plusieurs remises en question se posent à travers le regard complice de Gorya ou la soumission passive des membres des F4 dans les premiers épisodes. C’est aussi un regard acéré sur les préjugés des riches versus pauvres qui ont été lentement détricoté afin de nous faire comprendre que peu importe le statut, l’être humain n’agit pas en fonction de sa propre situation mais plutôt de la situation de la personne que nous avons en face de nous. Ce sont des sentiments qui explosent face à une crise et qui transforment les humains en monstre, non pas par ce que c’est écrit. Non pas par ce que nous le voulons.
Mais par ce que nous avons mal.
Par ce que la seule réponse que notre corps, notre cerveau apportent à cette souffrance est de faire du mal en retour.
Est-ce justifiable? non.
Est-ce normal? oui.
Peut-on encore changer? oui.
Peut-on encore se faire pardonner? oui.
C’est aussi la magie de ce drama. Le regard qui dévoile petit à petit pour finir par chercher la rédemption. Je n’ai pas souvenir que les autres versions aient donné une place aussi importante à tout cela, et c’est donc avec un regard nouveau que j’ai découvert la version thaïlandaise.

3 : Les personnages.
Je n’ai jamais été fan des F4 (ce qui est contradictoire puisque j’ai toujours aimé l’histoire…).
Mais ici, le drama donne une lumière nouvelle sur Ren et Kavin, ou même le discret MJ. Si dans les précédentes versions les sentiments qui s’en dégageaient oscillaient entre désintéressement et agacement, dans cette version, j’ai adoré les voir interagir entre eux, en demandant toujours toujours plus.

Ren nous apparait donc plus souriant et bien moins indifférent. Son affection envers Gorya est d’une telle sincérité que j’ai même eu cette pensée, plus d’une fois, qu’il irait bien avec elle. Ses traits d’humour et ses petites répliques qui faisaient souvent mouche nous l’ont rendu plus accessible et moins « prince charmant que l’on regarde de loin ». Son amitié avec Gorya m’a beaucoup touché, la progression naturelle de leur relation y est surement pour beaucoup. L’amitié entre lui et les autres membres des F4, et plus spécialement Thyme, est ponctuée d’humour reflétant une loyauté solide.

Kavin est le coup de coeur de ma fille. Je n’irai pas le lui reprocher (bien que je sois Team Thyme). Si dans les précédentes versions, il était de loin celui qui m’agaçait le plus, j’ai été sincèrement touchée par son personnage ici. Restant toujours le même Don Juan, il est aussi sensiblement bien plus humain, plus accessible. Ses interactions avec Kaning étaient adorables et leur amitié qui se laissait peu à peu glisser vers autre chose de plus profond d’autant plus rafraîchissante que leur complicité explosait à chaque rencontre. Sincèrement, je regrette pour une fois que la romance secondaire soit si peu visible….

Nous savons que MJ n’est pas le personnage sur qui l’attention se porte, et je le regrette. C’est un personnage attachant et dont l’amitié envers ses amis n’est plus à prouver. Il est le personnage tampon nécessaire, ne prenant parti pour personne et essayant tant bien que mal d’équilibrer la balance lorsque ses amis entrent inévitablement en conflit. Et puis il est team Gorya, et il ne s’en cachera pas, un personnage des plus adorables!
On meurt d’en savoir un peu plus et c’est bien dommage que MJ n’ait pas une place plus importante. Bien que les petits bonus de fin nous donnent une petite vision de la vie privée de MJ, j’aurai aimé que ce personnage ait plus de présence à l’écran….

Et du côté des autres personnages? J’ai beaucoup aimé Kaning (alors que je ne l’aimais pas beaucoup dans les autres versions), personnage féminin calme et posée à l’opposé de son amie Gorya, loyale dont la sincérité indéfectible envers son amie, les F4 et surtout Kavin m’ont fait oublier les autres versions, m’ont fait oublier que je l’avais toujours trouvé fade et ennuyante, m’ont fait espérer de toutes mes forces la voir franchement réunie avec Kavin. Sacrebleu, je peux compter sur les doigts d’une main le nombre de fois où j’ai attendu le bisous concrétisant une romance follement attendu du couple secondaire!

Je ne pourrais tous les citer, mais les personnages secondaires ont été travaillés minutieusement et ont apporté un vrai gros plus à ce drama, un angle différent comme la mère de Thym, une touche d’émotion et d’humour comme les parents et le frère de Gorya, ou comme Gawao le propriétaire de la boutique de fleurs, ou bien encore Thalay et son histoire à fendre le coeur, les 3 pestes plus humaines qu’on ne le pense, la beauté à couper le souffle de Mira, Hana et sa folie émouvante et finalement la lutine et touchante Lita…

4 : Sûrement la plus importante de toutes : Gorya et Thyme….
La romance de nos deux tourtereaux a été un enchantement à chaque minute! La complicité entre ces deux là a été époustouflante, nous faisant zigzaguer du rire au larme en passant par le battement désordonné du coeur. J’ai toujours trouvé que Shan Cai (version chinoise) et Jan Di (version coréenne) avaient été parfois ennuyantes avec leurs principes extrêmes, où l’impression de rejeter Goo Joon Pyo/Dao Ming Si provenait plus souvent de leur différence de statut. L’attitude de Gorya est ici bien différent. Pas dans le fond, mais dans la gesture et l’expression de son visage. Bien que parfois agacée par Thyme, on pouvait lire souvent de la tendresse dans son regard, dans son micro sourire….et cela change tout. Gorya ici n’a jamais reproché à Thyme son environnement et sa richesse, préférant le houspiller comme lorsqu’il lui achète un nouveau téléphone ou un nouveau scooter. Bien sûr, elle passera par le stade un peu obligé du « je ne suis pas assez bien pour toi, mais elle (la rivale) oui ». Contrairement aux autres versions, la souffrance de Gorya, ses angoisses proviennent bien du désir profond de vouloir rester avec Thyme, de ne pas vouloir lui porter préjudice, de le protéger. J’en ai eu les larmes aux yeux lorsque Ren lui assène tout simplement face à son refus de le reconnaître « Tu ne peux pas m’accepter car Thyme est ta maison » dans l’avant dernier épisode, cela résume vraiment ce que représente Thyme. Il est sa maison, son monde, son tout. Nous le ressentons vraiment. Elle n’a jamais refusé que Thyme soit riche et gâté. Dans cette version, Gorya accepte tous les côtés de Thyme et son amour pour lui est d’une simplicité désarmante. Il faut avouer aussi que le caractère de Gorya a beaucoup apporté dans leur relation. Forte et déterminée, elle a une sacrée répartie et ses chamailleries avec Thyme sont ultra adorables. Si j’ai horreur des couples qui se battent sans cesse et ayant des disputes tous les deux épisodes, ici, ce fut le contraire. Que de passion durant leur échange, que de douleur durant leur dispute, rendant les moments d’intimité et de complicité encore plus grands, encore plus émouvants, encore plus drôles. Mais si Gorya a été une héroïne émouvante et attachante de par sa force de caractère, j’ai été encore plus touchée par Thyme…tout comme Gorya, j’en suis tombée amoureuse.

La violence de Thyme cache cette souffrance qui ne demandait qu’à être découverte, à être pansée. Nous découvrons peu à peu la solitude derrière les caprices de Thyme, son désir d’être simplement aimé pour ce qu’il est, son envie d’une famille simple, unie et chaleureuse. Les scènes où il demande humblement le pardon de ses actes envers ses victimes m’ont remué. L’acceptation de ses erreurs et la responsabilité qu’il voulait endosser ont rendu Thyme bien plus humain que ses victimes. Détrompez-vous, je ne cautionne pas ses actes, ni ne me désintéresse des victimes. Seulement, Thyme nous prouve ici que ce qui découle de sa douleur et de sa frustration n’est autre que les actions de ce qui l’entoure. Thalay nous le démontre magistralement aussi, car il est le reflet de ce qu’était Thyme avant sa rencontre avec Gorya. Il était intéressant de voir ce parallèle, ce décalage entre l’ancien Thyme et le nouveau Thyme. Le personnage cristallise ainsi toutes les émotions autour de lui. La haine. Le mépris. La peur. Mais aussi. L’amour. L’amitié. La tendresse.

Le personnage de Thyme ne m’a pas eu seule fois fait ressentir la désagréable impression d’un homme immature dont les actions seraient toutes plus infantiles les unes que les autres. J’ai encore en mémoire certains protagonistes d’une lourdeur insupportable, et j’avoue, Dao Ming Si (version chinoise) se rapprochait de ce type de personnage…
Les actions de Thyme d’un premier abord « immatures » étaient sincèrement touchantes et drôles, désamorçant le sentiment ennuyant du type qui courre inlassablement après la nana comme un pot de colle. Au contraire, ses tentatives de séduction teintées d’arrogances prêtaient à sourire pour au final faire battre mon petit coeur. Le meilleur Domyoji selon moi!
Sa relation avec Gorya est d’un naturel époustouflant. La complicité spontanée des deux protagonistes est dévoilée à chacune de leurs interactions. C’était tellement visible que personne n’a pu s’y tromper. Que cela soit durant leur sempiternelle chamaillerie ou dialogue, cela pétille sans arrêt et nous sommes tour à tour attendris et amusés. Voir Gorya gronder Thyme toutes les deux minutes pour la voir ensuite rougir face à un Thyme taquin ou la voir désabusée par les fautes, écrites ou le parlé de Thyme rendaient les moments de nos tourtereaux encore plus additives.

Si je devais élire réellement le couple le plus adorable de l’année 2022, mon coeur oscillerais entre Thyme/Gorya et Lin Bei Xing/Zhang Wan Sen (Shining for one thing)….

Inutile de le dire, mais l’amitié entre Gorya et Kaning ou les F4 fut un enchantement. J’ai senti tous ces petits détails qui rendent leur relation d’autant plus forte. Ces moments de solidarité et ces moments de complicité nous sont démontrés tout au long des épisodes avec force. Cela m’a fait presque de la peine de devoir les quitter, c’est un peu quitter des amis à la fin des vacances…

Ma dernière pensée? Le jeu des acteurs qui m’a totalement bluffé. Je ne connais bien sur personne ici mais avec ce drama, la barre a été placé très haute. Tu Tontawan Tantivejakul est une actrice qui m’a séduite dès les premières secondes. J’ai adoré voir une actrice qui sans être « belle » a su dégager une séduction incroyable. Son jeu fut extrêmement touchant, son interprétation de Gorya d’une justesse parfaite !

Quant à Bright Vachirawit Chivaaree….je dirais : Sacrément beau gosse au sourire à renverser les foules, un jeu parfait que cela soit dans le comique ou le dramatique…. ce petit prodige est entré directement dans mon top 10 (je ne peux plus réduire mon top, il y a foule maintenant haha) et c’est avec impatience que j’attend son prochain rôle.

Un drama qui mêle habilement une romance intense et attachante à un humour finement dosé, une très belle amitié, ne donnant jamais l’impression de faire passer les protagonistes pour des pitres en puissance, des protagonistes intelligemment écrits et attrayants, orchestré d’une main de maitre par un réalisateur qui a su donner une dynamique certaine soutenue par une bande son agréable. Et cerise sur le gâteau, une jolie philosophie de la vie….

Ce fut donc une sacré bonne surprise. Une surprise dont je ne me lasserai jamais!

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Cet avis était-il utile?
2 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
avril 19, 2022
16 épisodes vus sur 16
Complété 0
Globalement 9.5
Histoire 9.5
Acting/Cast 9.5
Musique 9.5
Degrés de Re-visionnage 8.0

Pour moi la meilleure version de HYD

J'en ai vu beaucoup : chinoises, japonaise, coréenne, adaptations,... Je craignais une version répétitive, juste actualisée de ce manga.
Mais j'ai été scotchée dès le 1er épisode !

- Le rythme est rapide (tout tient en 16 épisodes).
- Le ton est assez sombre, parfois violent.
- Les personnages sont forts, actuels.
- Ce drama ne veut pas en faire trop. Il évite les failles de Meteor Garden 2018 avec des stories annexes ou des parties abracadabrantes (ile déserte, mariage surprise, etc.). L'ensemble reste relativement réaliste.
- Les OST sont excellentes.

- Les costumes de Thyme, sans doute luxueux, sont de très mauvais goût. Quel designer/créateur l'a habillé pour ce drama ?
- Faire tenir une longue histoire en 16 épisodes, ne permet pas d'accorder beaucoup d'importance au background des personnages secondaires.

Une version actuelle, violente, dynamique de HYD, qui rafraichit agréablement l'histoire.

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Cet avis était-il utile?
109 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
janv. 12, 2022
16 épisodes vus sur 16
Complété 9
Globalement 10
Histoire 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musique 10
Degrés de Re-visionnage 10

Modernized, efficient, layered, masterful story re-telling of a classic tale

F4 Thailand is a modernized version that seems to make the main male lead Thyme a more fully fleshed character (why is he pressured to be a bully). Fast paced (similar to the Japanese version), very efficient and masterful story-telling (makes really good use of social media technology to advance the plots--an excellent update from the previous version). Great cast, awesome visuals, good acting and high production value.

What really sets this series apart from other adaptations and shows is its use of layers and layers of story-telling. Every detail from choice of EP titles, character names & birthdays, costumes, accessories, set designs, colors all the way to floor patterns seems purposeful and symbolic in its communication. I've never seen any show like this before. There is a growing fandom experience where very intelligent, observant people do deep dives, analyze the hidden symbols, decipher astrological significance, draw parallels to myths, tropes and plot devices, and unpack the messages of the show as they relate to the contemporary issues. The depth and quality of this show is simply EXEMPLARY!

Another mind-blowing thing about the show is its very clear anti-patriarchal message. The first EP starts off establishing the status quo of a very dark patriarchal world where control, hierarchy and violence rule. As the story progresses, you will see tremendous progress in character development, change and redemption. But the first EP began with a serious tone around bullying, which I appreciate because it clearly communicates that bullying is a serious issue that shouldn't be condoned.

Each EP has its own story arc and comes to a satisfying end (the director O Patha really pays attention to the story graph of each EP). There are many hidden ways the series pays homage to the original source (manga) and previous adaptations (e.g. names of characters, shops, words on billboard, etc.). The series is clearly the top in terms of my favorite adaptations (I watched the Taiwanese, Japanese, Korean and part of Chinese versions (too lengthy for me)), and possibly my favorite show ever. It'll surely become a classic.

The series has everything! From tear-jerking drama to peak comedy, the story is packed full of entertainment value. There is no scene wasted! Everything is super tight. I'm really enjoying it. Bright Vachirawit as Thyme has been able to show different facets of character Thyme (cruel, dumb, angry, bratty, childish, cute and smitten), while Tontawan delivers a very strong FL Gorya whom I find easy to sympathize with. Her family is so lovely and provides great comedic relief. Many people have fallen for the 2nd lead Ren but I'm team Thyme (esp. after EP3). (I fell hard for the 2nd lead in the Taiwanese and Korean versions.)

The rest of the cast is also really strong. Great chemistry among all the F4 boys (the Kavin-MJ duo is especially solid). Last but not least, Cindy as Thyme's mom, Mariya as Thea (Thyme's sister) and Fah Yong as Mira (Ren's first love) are all powerful scene stealers. They all have such strong presence whenever they appear on the screen, sometimes without word. Mira's character is the best of all the adaptations - so beautifully strong, inside and out. I appreciate that the portrayal of characters in F4 Thailand is more realistic and logical (as opposed to being cartoonish or over-the-top). Later June as Hana, Lita as Thyme's fiance and Kaye as Talay were all stellar in their roles.

Oh, and the OSTs are excellent. Seven have been released so far. I really like Who Am I, esp. the lyrics and Bright's singing. Shooting Star, In the Wind, You Mean the World, One Last Cry, Nighttime, and Best Life are lovely too. It is wonderful that most of these are all sung by F4 actors themselves. One Last Cry sung by Violet Wautier is very good and emotional.

Overall, the series is the best I have seen in a long while. Certainly my favorite of all the adaptations.

Highly recommended.

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Cet avis était-il utile?
Xiao Zi
83 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
avril 12, 2022
16 épisodes vus sur 16
Complété 2
Globalement 8.5
Histoire 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musique 8.5
Degrés de Re-visionnage 6.5
Cette critique peut contenir des spoilers

Best adaptation so far

First and foremost, I have seen all of the adaptations of this story except the Korean version. So, I do have a good idea about the original story and added elements. I do enjoy this story, but must admit that it can be very toxic at times. But, I'm sure that anyone who has seen even one adaptation of this story can see that this is not one of those times.

Let's look into detail:

The story telling in this version is multi-layered and well-executed. The screenwriters did an excellent job of combining the best elements from all of the adaptations into one excellent drama. The story moves quickly, as in the Japanese version, and the time is well managed. While everything in the other adaptations feels preplanned and done for the sake of the story, the story in this Thai version felt more natural and like it was going with the flow. There were no fillers or extraneous side plots. The story had a lot more depth, making this adaptation more interesting than the others. The only aspect of the story that could have been improved is the ending. The amnesia plot appeared to be rushed. They could have spent more time on it or simply ignored it.

Another aspect of this story that stands out is the use of advanced technology, such as social media, to improve communication between the characters. In addition, the bullying in this version is more draconian and brutal. I'm not sure if this is a good or bad thing, but it's something to consider. In any case, this helped to deepen and flesh out the story and characters respectively.

While the other adaptations focus solely on the romance plot, this one also includes strong messages about patriarchy and other social issues that are currently prevalent in Thai societies.

There are many memorable scenes in this story that we will never forget. Without them, the story is incomplete. In most adaptations, it is done exaggeratedly, but in this case, it is more convincing. The scene in which Gorya kicks Thyme was well done, and when Thyme was stabbed, showing that it was his mother, not him, made it more plausible and also demonstrated Thyme's love for his mother. It enabled in removing many unnecessary scenes and moving the story along quickly.

Characters in this story are more developed and have more depth. It's clearer why some characters made certain decisions, which makes them more acceptable.

Gorya, the female lead, has the same character as before. Except for the removal of her confusion, no major changes have occurred. I believe you understand what I mean. In the majority of the other adaptations, she is unsure how she feels about the F4 members. She is frequently torn between her feelings for the male lead and her feelings for the second male lead. In this adaptation, however, she is certain of her feelings and fights for them. In this adaptation, she has a very strong and mature character, which I am very pleased with.

The male lead, Thyme's character, has undergone the most transformations. He has been fully developed as a character. It is made perfectly clear in this adaptation, why he is forced to be a bully, why he is forced to be the way he is. It is clearly shown that he has a very complex personality and that he is not a bad person. He beats people to conceal his vulnerable side, which he never showed to anyone else. He wants his mother to love him, which is why he does these thing: to prove that he is deserving of fulfilling her dream.

Ren's character, the second male lead, frequently leaves the audience wondering whether he likes the female lead or not. In the other adaptations, it is unclear what his emotions are. But, in this case, we get the impression that, despite accompanying Gorya through difficult times, he simply has a brotherly or friendly affection for Gorya. He is aware of Gorya's feelings for Thyme, and he is the one who brings it to Gorya's attention. He wholeheartedly supports Thyme's relationship with her.

I don't think there have been any significant changes for Kavin and MJ. Also their screen time is less than that of the other characters. However, both of their stories were told successfully without becoming overdramatic, as in the Chinese version. Kavin and Kanning's love is depicted strongly, but I didn't get the impression like he was playing with her emotions in this version. MJ's love story has taken a new turn. It appears at the end of all episodes, beginning with Episode 9, in the form of a KFC advertisement.

Thyme's mother's character in this version is the best. While, in most other adaptations, she is portrayed as a ruthless tyrant who doesn't care about her children and only cares about business, in this she has been portrayed as an evil businesswoman yet as a mother who loves her children but don't know how to express her feelings. He wants Thyme to be happy in cruel business world, which is why she puts pressure on him to be the way he is.

The majority of the supporting characters, despite their insignificance, had rich backstories that didn't feel uninteresting or unnecessary. However, the time was also very well managed in this case. This really wowed me.

On an overall basis, all of the cast members did an excellent job of bringing the characters to life. Bright was competent, but his acting was occasionally unconvincing. I believe he could have done a better job if he had become more expressive. He's a good actor, but he needs to improve his acting abilities. Tu and Dew both did an excellent job portraying their characters despite the fact that this was their debut. I hope to see them on more projects in the future. Win and Nani also did their best with the limited screen time they were given. I'm impressed by the acting and chemistry among the main cast members. The chemistry between them was incredible, and I thoroughly enjoyed it.Cindy, on the other hand, is the best of the best. She did an excellent job as Roselyn. Even though I dislike her character, I can't deny her incredible acting skills, which allowed her to play an evil mother convincingly.
This is the only adaptation that managed the equality in looks of the leads. all were eye candies to watch!

Finally, this is the best Hana Yori Dango adaptation I've seen so far. Anyone who enjoys this should watch the Thai version. Also, if you needs some eye candies, come watch this. Indeed, this is a highly recommended drama.

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Cet avis était-il utile?
30 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
avril 9, 2022
16 épisodes vus sur 16
Complété 0
Globalement 10
Histoire 10
Acting/Cast 9.5
Musique 10
Degrés de Re-visionnage 9.0
Cette critique peut contenir des spoilers

A Refreshing and Outstanding Adaptation

"Boys Over Flowers" has been adapted in various versions, but one stands out as the best. This particular adaptation did a fantastic job of changing the story in a great way. Thyme's character was portrayed wonderfully, adding depth and making them different from other versions. Gorya's acting was top-notch, and she really nailed her character. Ren, who connected Gorya and Thyme, was also a favorite.

What I liked most was that they changed a plot point from other versions. In this adaptation, the main female lead didn't kiss the second male lead, which often made me angry in other versions. It was a welcome change that kept me engaged. However, I didn't like Thyme's mother. She was like a villain throughout, and it felt one-dimensional.

This adaptation beautifully showcased the strong friendship between Gorya and the other F4 members, something that wasn't as clear in other versions. The drama didn't drag on with too many episodes, which was a relief. It covered the whole story in just 16 episodes, maintaining a good pace. While I would have loved to see a wedding part, I still felt satisfied and overwhelmed by the overall experience.

The unity and loyalty displayed by F4 with their motto of "All for one, one for all" was heartwarming and added an extra layer of enjoyment.

In conclusion, this adaptation of "Boys Over Flowers" brought a refreshing take on the story, with standout character portrayals and strong friendship bonds. While not everything was perfect, it left me feeling satisfied and overwhelmed. If you're a fan of the original story, this adaptation is definitely worth watching.

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Cet avis était-il utile?
Sidhika Trisha
28 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
avril 9, 2022
16 épisodes vus sur 16
Complété 4
Globalement 10
Histoire 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musique 10
Degrés de Re-visionnage 10

The best version of BOF ever, F4THAILAND highly recomended

When you are remaking a classic, the drama that had been watched by the whole world, remains the “first drama” of thousand of drama lovers (mine too). So it had to put its best work to at least maintain its reputation as a classic remake.

With all due respect, I had seen most Thai dramas with abusive, arrogant ML relationships go wrong with forced kisses and all, and BOF had this plot too, but F4 THAILAND did everything right with this classic. While the Chinese version put extra creativity to have more number of episodes, the S.K. version showed extra richness and some cringy moments.

The brand new Thai version compacted it to 16 episodes, making each episode into titular storytelling. It added all the highlights of the novel like kick, bullying, necklace, engagement, amnesia, etc and weaved a modern saga full of technology, love, and friendship. Every single moment is so practical and likable. Yeah, it gave a pure friendship between Gorya and Ren + a secret story of IRIS(MJ who is always left alone for no good reason).
The nuances in Thyme’s character just show that he has truly changed and is not like his past self. On top of that, instead of just forgetting about his past self, he faces it and clears the bad relationship with anyone he has treated harshly. ALL the characters are also so well shaped and portrayed. This is the ONLY version where the two main leads are perfect for each other. I can feel their strong bond and it’s not just because of their appearance but also their identical personalities (strong, unrelenting, and compassionate) I feel like that is just sooooo powerful.

Lastly, it's titled F4 for a reason, because they had shown THYME, REN, MJ, and KAVIN's friendship more prominent. They take each other back in good and bad. Bullying and asking forgiveness, teaching lessons and learning lessons. we can feel their extraordinary bond in each episode.

whoever did the casting deserves a raise, I had lots to say about every character because everyone deserves applause, starting with my favorite.
BRIGHT as Thyme, had a bulky build but a childish heart. Very perfect for the character, thank god he didn’t have any particular hairstyle but had the distinct trait of speaking incorrect words. His innocence is overflowed in each episode until we see how his mother had ruined him. BRIGHT had done a commendable job being arrogant, cute, shy, kind, snobby, and supercilious.
TU TANTAWAN as Gorya impacted everyone in a good way. She was like the unidentified leader of F4. TU is supernatural playing Gorya so effortlessly. She isn't shown as weak but as a strong yet compassionate person. She is gonna be my favorite FL of all the previous versions.
DEW as Ren, the person who can be the SML syndrome. But the pure friendship just saved it. He acted mostly with his eyes and smile. I paused at times to appreciate his smile.
WIN as Kavin, sincerely he didn’t seem like a playboy. But Kavin's character says he is, I think that needed some extra charm because he always kept a cold face.
NANI as MJ, this fourth member had no story but the Thai version secretly created a secret story for him. MJ's long hair, riding a bike wearing leather jackets show his badass mafia character.
PRIM as Kaning was so beautiful, I like her simple laced hairstyle throughout. She is a strong and helpful friend who knows what she wants.
Lita, Mira, Hana, Tia, and Roselyn showed a line of strong powerful women. And none of them could be hated for their characters but applauded for their realistic performance.
Also, Talay, phupha, and uncle Ga were amazing.

The music is enchanting. I felt like I am at a musical concert. The opening track “Who am I” sung by F4 is worth millions of likes. Am truly happy that most of the songs have been sung by the actors themselves.

Of course yes, I think this is gonna be a favorite of all. And if any new versions appear it will have a tough fight with F4.

The use of technology and social media gives a modernized and realistic approach. Also, the Thai cultural aspect is improvised by showing the importance of flower garlands.
It omitted all the cringy content that many viewers didn’t like in the previous BOF version.
It pays tribute to previous versions in many scenes by mentioning the characters names in the background (like if you watch carefully in episode 15 the market name is Gu Jyun Pyon).

Each episode title invisibly tells the episode story but they have a deeper meaning if given a thought.

If you have BOF before, you should give F4 THAILAND a chance to show its charm.
If you haven't watched any BOF or any Thai drama before then, take F4 Thailand as a highly recommended one to open doors to the Thai drama world.

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Cet avis était-il utile?
59 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
avril 9, 2022
16 épisodes vus sur 16
Complété 3
Globalement 8.0
Histoire 6.5
Acting/Cast 8.0
Musique 9.5
Degrés de Re-visionnage 6.5

The rock start.... with lost potential at the end.

Having watched almost every adaptation... I'm not here for the story, that's decades old, and filled with almost every trope that dramaland can have. We love cliches, don't we? poor girl/rich guy, enemies to lovers, the bad guy turning good guy, kinda then kinda not love triangle (or rather square), some bitchy characters thrown in the mess, the iconic 'power of love.'... and course some extremely good looking people, who wouldn't want to watch bromance between four hot guys (is that even a question).. so yes here I am to test, how much can endure this story that I've been through soo many times.. and been frustrated a lot.

Warnings for the future viewers:

~The bullying in the first episodes is extreme, it's dark as it should be.
~Too much screen time wasted here and there.
~Gorya's screaming and beating never get better.
~Just don't watch it for romance.
~They say it's not that toxic but it's still toxic.
~Last episodes are all over the place.
~Thyme is the most adorable idiot.
~Ren is charming as hell.

It's the same but at the same time, it's not. The main arcs and their basic structure isn't changed... what changed is the execution and direction in a good way. Almost every antagonist of the story has given their share of story that makes you sympathize with them sometimes feel bad for them, they are not just one-dimensional side characters who do bad things coz-I-am-just-bored-and-have-nothing-to-do-with-life. From the entire history of Hana Yori Dango, I felt FLs parents were somewhat relative, her family genuinely looking like a family... little over the top but not too over the top. There was a bond between this f4, their friendship was raw and natural.. not just some hot four guys hanging together coz why not? they cared for each other and every guy got the screentime they deserved.

Gotta say I got a bunch of memories that I cherish... most adorable run of Thyme after-you-know-what, Kavin's charming bar fight (Damn it's not common that I replay fight scenes lol), Ren's fire alarm (or should I say every time he smiled), MJ was cool and best boi in the whole thing lol, and how can I forgot meow meow.

The focus of the story was more about the development of characters and how to put all arcs in just 16 episodes, they were successful BUT it also kinda ruined many things. A lot of time was given to the side stories of side characters than leads just so we could sympathize with them and though I did I'm unsatisfied coz damn that's not really why I'm watching this right? They tried to put almost every arc in a short amount of time (I mean let's take an example of the Japanese version, as jdramas tend to be of 10 episodes they had to make 2 seasons+movie to add all things) and as expected everything was condensed, fast-paced, too many things happening, simply put it messed up with the pace. The third thing it lacks is romance... I mean it, just don't expect too much screen time of lovey-dovey moments from the main couple coz 1) they get together for a very short time. 2) most of their couple moments are Gorya beating Thyme coz-that's-what-she-loves-to-do.

As this is 2022 they had to do something with toxicity like they can't expect z-gen viewers to take decades yrs crap (though we kinda do).. they did remove some of the most toxic moments, I'd say it might be the first try of making ML a bit likable like-genuine (the only ML I liked from this franchise was from J-version def not for a character it was all Matsumoto Jun he was freaking adorable dork I'd say)... well Thyme isn't all jerk all the time, he takes his time, he has his moments where he shines. sometimes (many times) he's cluelessly stupid... but def, not the hatable type.

From the start, I liked Gorya, a modern and real strong female lead... but it didn't last till the end, coz I believe she didn't have her character development as she should, she was still the same. Like bruh, many times she's hypocrite like you are the who's always like violence is a bad thing and blah, blah, blah but all time she does with Thyme is beating him.. even when he's badly injured on the hospital bed, like girl what are your principals in real?

I'm not fully convinced by Bright's performance, he was good but not the best... Thyme's character had a lot of potential with a large spectrum of acting but Bright's acting wasn't up to that point, he was cute, adorable, and extremely good-looking at many moments but the emotional scenes, the outburst moments weren't well done. Though I'm happy with Tu and Dew considering that it's their debut... both were charming. Course Win and Nani had their moments, but I'm just so impressed by Cindy a.k.a Roselyn.. she was remarkable her presence and aura. On the other hand, her character was unlikable but her charm almost made it hard to do so, the perfect casting I'd say. But her redemption arc was bluff smh

The cinematography is stunning so is the music.

I loved the first half... Saturdays become my favorites I've never done this one-week one-episode thing but I was willing to be that patient coz I was enjoying the flow of the show, reading discussions and theories after each episode, it was fun... then it fell out off the cliff the second half was such letdown (for me), the pace was out of the place, many things were just bombarded, somewhat realisticness that was there was all gone... and I'm extremely unsatisfied with the outcome I mean we deserve more after many tortures, frustration.

I'll probably conclude I have a love-hate relationship with this drama... there are times I enjoyed it and many that I was annoyed, frustrated, and wanted to knock sense into the characters... it's good but not good enough.

*Still my rating is subjective, objectively it could be less than this:')*

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En cours 16/16
15 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
mars 17, 2022
16 épisodes vus sur 16
En cours 1
Globalement 9.0
Histoire 10
Acting/Cast 7.0
Musique 6.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 10

The best version of BOF

As someone who has seen all the other remake and is a fan of the BOF franchise, I was skeptical about this version. I didn't think there was anything new they could bring to this adaptation. I was convinced it'd be just as disappointing as previous versions. But this version turned out to be the remake that renewed my love for this franchise, and give me the update that I needed from the previous adaptations. I kind of wish this version came out first so that my love and excitement would be stronger. Both the script and the directing were superb!!!

It's on brand for BOF to be cast with actors with little to no acting experience so I won't flag them too much for that. In fact I think they did better than others in previous version. Bright is such a talented actor. He's carrying the show to be honest. From watching interviews with the cast he seems like such a happy-go-lucky guy, but when Thyme is angry I believe it, when he is distraught I believe it, when he is happy, being dumb, or smitten 🥺🥺🥺🥺 (I believe it). Tu isn't doing so bad for her first drama too.

Truly, my only complaint thus far is that its coming to an end. This is the best version and the shortest.

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Cet avis était-il utile?
15 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
avril 10, 2022
16 épisodes vus sur 16
Complété 0
Globalement 9.5
Histoire 9.5
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musique 10
Degrés de Re-visionnage 10

What a long ride this has been

I first started looking forward to F4 Thailand when they first announced in 2019! That's how long it has been lol. Then in late 2020 was the cast announcement and first trailer. But then there was a whole another year of waiting because of covid delays T_T Just saying, I and a lot of other people have been very patient.

Anyway, after watching F4 Thailand, I can confidently say that this is my second favorite version behind the Japanese version ofc. I would also venture to say that it's the best written version out of all of them. It managed to avoid a lot of pitfalls the series has without making it completely toothless like Meteor Garden 2018. There's themes and symbolism and sooo many details that you'll catch during rewatches. The cast is absolutely perfect. There's great chemistry between the leads and the double K couple. I honestly cannot praise it enough.

My favorite episodes were "The Glass Mask" (ep 5) and "The Atonement" (ep 10). I love the way this version handled all of the side characters. Hana and Talay, in particular, are my favorites. I also adored Lita and Glakao. Jan's character in MJ's story managed to shine, despite her relatively short screentime. MJ's KFC ad (lol) was one of favorite parts. I looked forward to it so much each week.

Now some complaints: I love Tia, but I wish she was given more of a background. In other versions, we get to know her a bit more. Also, Kavin and Kaning, is a big one for me. I liked how their relationship was handled in some parts, but not others. Kavin's episode "The Rooftop of Tomorrow" (ep 13) was a highly anticipated one for me. But.... I kind of fell flat. I know where they were going with it, but I really thought we were going to get to know him better than that.

Overall, I really enjoyed F4 Thailand. Like versions before it, there's the good and bad. None of them are perfect and I could pick each one apart, even my favorite one! I recommend this version in particular because of the more modern route it took with the story. I will dearly miss watching it every Saturday T_T

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Cet avis était-il utile?
Nawal Umar
32 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
févr. 7, 2022
16 épisodes vus sur 16
Complété 2
Globalement 10
Histoire 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musique 10
Degrés de Re-visionnage 10


Starting on a casual note, I've never had a good experience with Thai dramas, idk why but never did any drama hit THE SPOT until F4 Thailand. I'm seriously a drama activist and enjoy watching dramas but my eye always goes towards the technicalities. Putting the issue forward, for me Thai dramas always meant boring and cringey, with bad cinematography (maybe I came across bad dramas only) but F4T changed it.

At first I was a little hesitant towards watching F4T since I am in love with Boys Over Flowers saga. I've literally seen every version from the old ones and the manga to now watching F4T. But when I was watching Meteor Garden (Chinese Adaptation), I felt it lost all the feels and tried to add innovation but took away the essence of the original story. Obviously, when it is an adaptation it doesn't necessarily have to be the exact copy but if you are taking away the originality of the actual story than do not call it an adaptation - which is why I was hesitant towards watching the Thai adaptation.

Now when I watched the Thai version, I was stunned. LIKE LITERALLY! BOOM!
I can't believe I'm saying this, but I found it better than all the versions. Some people close to me are saying that I think this way because the Korean Boys Over Flowers was old and this is new. NO!
The way I can relate with the characters is unbelievable. For a person like me, who can't watch a thing that she just watched again, I've completed the ongoing drama 3 times now.

Q: Why do I feel like this?
Answer: Unlike many other Thai dramas, and watching the interviews of the cast and director of F4T as well as watching the drama I come to a conclusion that everyone has done their homework on the drama, not only did they bring innovation to it while keeping the originality of Boys Over Flowers, watching the drama feels like I won't know what's gonna happen next when I already know. NEVER FELT THAT BEFORE.
The casting, the setting, the characterization is spot on.

Thyme's Character:
This character is the main attraction for me, and not as Bright but as Thyme.
Originally, I found Junpyo best in this character. Imagine you have a danger meter, Lee Minho hit the red line but Bright, he hit the bright red (get it 'bright' red ;p), the fiercest line. While keeping the essence of the character, Bright played Thyme excellently; Thyme is childish and cute to the extreme level but he is also vulnerable, possessive and aggressive to the other extreme end and at the same time, he is mature unlike other first male lead characters in the other version. Can you believe having all these traits in one character in such a way that these traits don't overpower or overshadow the others? There's a perfect balance and this balance added icing to the cake and plus Bright's looks were just finishing the touches but here, I would like to appreciate him so much more than just looks. I came to this drama, thinking he doesn't suit the character, let alone look handsome, and now I'm leaving saying that this person is complete from every sphere and no one else could have played this role better than him.

Plus hat's off to the rest of the cast and the director as well as GMMTV for putting variety of issues in this drama that happen in real life. GMMTV, I'll be checking more of your dramas that will air in the future, I've seen the trailers and seem very interesting, though I won't be watching the older ones since I researched and they don't fit my taste but the upcoming ones are surely my treat. Please give me good recommendations though :).

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Cet avis était-il utile?
Nandini Shrivastava
17 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
avril 12, 2022
16 épisodes vus sur 16
Complété 0
Globalement 10
Histoire 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musique 10
Degrés de Re-visionnage 10
Cette critique peut contenir des spoilers


BOYS OVER FLOWERS.. it won't be a lie if we say the story is epic. having Korean, Chinese, and Japanese versions, we all knew that it is difficult to make a new version, especially when it already has a worldwide audience. I was very excited to see what the Thailand version had to offer us this time...



like, I swear, I don't think I'd ever like any of its versions as much as I've loved the Thailand one...
let's just review the things one by one.

the characters:-----

1. THYME AKIRA- played by bright. I swear I never like this character to this extent.. no matter which version I watched I was always somewhat inclined to the fact that I don't like him.. especially if we talk about goo joon pyo, I kind of hated it it it him, in the Korean version. but thanks to BRIGHT, he has played the character the best. being a bad boy, he has been perfect, being a good boy too, suited him well. his anger, his conscience, and at the same time his soft part were very well depicted.

2. GORYA- I loved her character. the braveness well stored inside a cute little girl was sparkling enough to make you fall for her. the portrayal was beautiful. TONTAWAN did a great job doing it.

3. REN- played by dew. honestly, I was shocked when I got to know that f4 Thailand is dew's debut... I mean, how can someone be so spectacular at his debut.. his skills are commendable. his character of a suspicious and secretive boy was carried out very nicely. his love for Gorya was well hidden and especially there was no kissing scene between Gorya AND Ren. and I loved this part. in the Korean version after the kissing scene of jihoo and jandi, things were messed up to a very another extent. there was only one scene when ren was leaving for France and he gave a forehead kiss to gorya, it was personally, my favorite scene. ren's story was well depicted and the aura he held all along the show was beautiful. I fell for him at the moment when ren rescued gorya from being bullied by giving a false fire alarm in which he has all wet. he looked handsome as crazy and I can never forget that scene..... he was the first one I fell for among the four. there is a lot you can learn from REN.

4. KAVIN- played by WIN METAWIN. I am already in love with him. the depiction of his character was smooth indeed. METAWIN was perfect. considering his character as a playboy but still a person with a soft heart who values love. you are surely gonna fall in love with him.

5. MJ- his presence was felt all along. he looked handsome af. and I just loved how his story was also well shown. because when I watched the Korean version, I always felt that his story was ignored. there was almost nothing we knew about the song woo bin. but the SHORTS of his story at the end of every episode was very impressive and unexpected.

6. KANNING- I loved this girl. her sweetness, innocence, and selfless love for both her friend Gorya and her love KAVIN were beautifully portrayed. I just loved how she was always anxious about her loved ones and she carried herself... one thing which is worth mentioning is her get-up. I loved her floral outfits with her signature hairstyle with a ribbon on them. it made her look even more beautiful.

7. Roselyn Paramaanantra- THYME'S MOTHER- she was outstanding. I loved her display, her emotions, and her terror of hers.

other cast members which I significantly loved were
8. Maria Poonlertlarp as Tia Aiyawarin Paramaanantra (thyme's sister)
9. Niti Chaichitathorn (Pompam) as Gawa (Gorya and Kaning's boss). I loved him .. he was the best
10. Pansa Vosbein (Milk) as Lita Lalita Empicca (thyme's fiancee) was crazy af... and was a little toxic too, but in the end, I liked her


1. GORYA AND THYME. I think their best work was on them only.. when I was watching the Korean version, in the end, my heart was not convinced, I somewhere believed that jandi would have chosen jihoo. but in this version, I swear, their pairing is the best. I also like their chemistry. in the Korean one, one thing which I didn't like was their height difference but there was nothing to dislike in this one. their love was pure. if we see the Korean version. there was a scene when Joon Pyo forcefully tries to kiss jandi, and she throws Joon Pyo off her, but there is no such scene here, thankfully. they are looking fabulous together.

2. GORYA AND REN- the bond they shared was the most beautiful thing in the story. I just loved the fact that both of them accepted that sometimes loving each other is not sufficient, sometimes two people are just not destined to be together. their bond was beautiful till the very last episode. I cried my eyes out when she danced with him saying he was her first love. they both looked just perfect together. ren never forced himself to gorya which I loved. their ship will teach you a lot about love.

3. KAVIN AND KANNING- oh god! they were so adorable together. they just looked like the perfect couple. they both will charm you out definitely. Kanning's love will show you how to love someone selflessly. their moments are beautiful.

in the early episodes in which thyme is a bad boy, I loved the way how gorya fought against him. the helping of ren, and also how Kavin and MJ advised thyme that he is doing wrong. bullying was well shown and the incidents were worth mentioning. Groya's friendship with a girl who later betrays her is also very nicely shown. Gorya showed us how to be a loyal friend even though your friend cheated on you. Gorya's parents are crazy as expected, I loved her brother. Gorya's brother was soooo cute!!

SOME OTHER POINTS:--------------



all over it is worth your 16 hours!!!!



IG- the_koean_world.12

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Cet avis était-il utile?
16 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
avril 9, 2022
16 épisodes vus sur 16
Complété 0
Globalement 9.0
Histoire 9.5
Acting/Cast 10
Musique 9.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 8.0

Truly the best F4 ever made

Wow this really is the best ever adaptation of F4. All from the story and actors who portray the characters so well, then the production design. The story does feel so realistic and truly a coming of age story. It gives us a lot of emotions right from the first episode onwards and continues till the final. The relationship between all the characters is so good which you can really feel. The different songs in this series and the timing of a song to give us the feel of emotions. It also does a very good job on the issue of bullying teens and how they are scared for their life. It also gives us the message that people can change if you guide them the right way and enjoy every moment of your life without any regret. The relationship between our main couple is so cute and unique for audience and how they face the problems of life. They also did a really good job of giving the bad guys back story as to why they did the things which could destroy the relationship between thyme and gorya. The cenemetrograph and production value of this series was really high and they didn't waste it. They have every character their own Arc to fulfill which was amazing and felt complete to watch and they do a good job of telling everyone's story but also manage to keep it F4 centric. It does make you wanna cry for the characters in moments but it also has a very good comedic elements and great story telling. At the end this was a very good series and i want more of series like this one. Loved the series

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F4 Thailand : Boys Over Flowers (2021) poster



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  • Popularité: #285
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