15 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
avril 24, 2011
126 épisodes vus sur 126
Complété 0
Globalement 9.0
Histoire 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musique 5.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 7.0
All the actors played their roles very well and made their characters seem very human and believable. Each character had their flaws and good points. It was very easy to see the family resemblance between the characters because of their actions and helped give a more real feeling to the drama.

The writing was amazing for the sitcom and there were many times where I was rolling on the ground laughing.

The pace of the show was very good for a sitcom as each episode had it's own kind of mini-story but with many story arcs still prevalent.

The story was at times predictable, but at other times not what you expect.

The downfall of this drama would be the ending. If not for the ending I would have given this drama a perfect for writing and casting.

There is nothing extraordinary about the soundtrack of the drama, on the other hand the ost for the drama went well with the scenes and emotions of the characters.

The rewatch value score would be rated higher for me had the ending been different.

Personally, I didn't really like some of the coupling in the drama, but that's a personal taste.

The relationships were very well built and evenly distributed between the characters.

I would recommend watching this drama, even if you're told the ending is surprising.

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11 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
juin 25, 2012
126 épisodes vus sur 126
Complété 0
Globalement 9.0
Histoire 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musique 10
Degrés de Re-visionnage 6.0
I like it a lot and I was really addicted to it that I can't watch other stuffs than this but it annoyed me in the end. I could have given this funny sitcom a perfect 10 if not for the last 10 minutes of the show. I feel cheated. Really.. I even want to avoid the future works of the writers and PDs of this show.

So I heard that the PD was more inclined with Jihoon/Sekyung loveline and the writer was more to Jihoon/Jung Eum. That explains why we seen alot of good romance development of Ji/JE. To be honest, at the early episodes of this show I was more to Ji/Se then Junhyuk/Jung Eum. But as soon as Jihoon interacts with Jung Eum, I can see their chemistry very well and their love story was more believable than the Sekyung and Jihoon. Sekyung love for Jihoon can be classified as one sided love and so Junhyuk love for Sekyung. As for Jung Eum and Jihoon, their story is well developed that I really find the ending ridiculous! Like as if the writers/Pds are newbie. Arggg.. In short, the ending don't make any sense no matter how hard I think about it. The ending of this sitcom for me is the worst ending in all the korean dramas that I have ever seen and senseless to the bones.

All the characters are clear except Jihoon. It could be nice if the writer make the ending in Jihoon's POV since his character is very vague than that nonsense ending. There are several times in this sitcom when I thought of him as a "player" since I think he clearly enjoys/loves JE but there are times he cares for Sekyung though not in a romantic way. If only they let the ending be on Jihoon's perspective then I can accept whatever and whoever he choose in the end coz that will explain what IS inside his mind since we only see him in Sekyung's and Jung Eum's perspective.

I personally love the character Jung Eum played. She is closed to reality and very endearing. At first I liked Sekyung but she seems too pitiful and really contrast to JE's character.

Also, this is actually the third time that I seen Yoon Shi Yoon in a drama and heard that this was his debut onscreen acting. He is such an actor and very good looking too.

Overall, this sitcom is a must watch but I recommend that you guys avoid the last episode. I should have listened to the other reviewer of this show then I'll be less angry and disappointed.

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5 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
juil. 25, 2012
126 épisodes vus sur 126
Complété 0
Globalement 7.0
Histoire 5.0
Acting/Cast 10
Musique 7.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 5.0
As a fan of the High Kick sitcom series, just finishing the second season. Expect me to compare the seasons.

Although, the seasons share many similarities, the writers didn't fail to give fans a fresh batch of interesting characters. If you're someone like me, the sitcom won't have you splitting your sides with laughter. This is only rare. The show does make you chuckle and keep you entertained. Like I said in my review for Unstoppable High Kick, the show is really fun to watch.

The characters come off as "crazy" and do things we would never do in our normal lives. Although, I find the first season funnier and crazier by far, though this season was also good.

The cast were really great. Once again, they toss in some eye candy and Kim Bum (cameo). I was especially impressed with Hwang Jung Eum's acting. Thanks to this sitcom she gained one more fan. Her acting was powerful.

To conclude, this isn't the heavy, make-you-stay-up-all-night-cause-you're-dieing-to-see-what-will-happen-next kind of drama. It's quite entertaining. It was supposedly light and funny until the last episode. I'm sure all the other reviews have said it, but the ending was disappointing for those who followed this sitcom through all 126 episodes. Either way, it's a good drama. But none can surpass the first season!

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Wiam Najjar
3 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
oct. 5, 2014
126 épisodes vus sur 126
Complété 0
Globalement 9.0
Histoire 9.5
Acting/Cast 9.5
Musique 7.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 8.0
Cette critique peut contenir des spoilers
Well-written, well-acted and well-produced. I can imagine how crazily I would have waited for the episodes if I watched it at the time it was aired. You wouldn't believe most of the cast were rookies. The story is so well-written it's insane. It's so much fun and it's loaded with emotions. It portrays the family life in its most realistic view. I enjoyed every single moment.. I wanted more music and osts though...

*Spoiler Alert*
What the hell is this ending?????????????????
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2 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
août 6, 2014
126 épisodes vus sur 126
Complété 1
Globalement 3.0
Histoire 8.0
Acting/Cast 10
Musique 8.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 1.0
Cette critique peut contenir des spoilers
Let me start off by saying I loved the sitcom for exactly 125 episodes (I dramathoned it all when I should have been studying for exams, so that's saying something) but that last episode really made me feel as though I completely wasted the last 48 hours of my life I could have spent studying math <- which is just one of the subjects I can't stand, at all (sure would have gotten better grades if I had) but still...

Let me start off by saying: The cast is amazing: I started watching this purely because of Yoon Shi Yoon and how he was breaking my heart by being the second lead in Prime Minister and I (second lead syndrom, again!) but I ended up loving all the characters, they grew on me, fast
even Lee Soon Jae as the farting grandpa
I was so happy seeing Kwangsoo on the show (my fave Running Man) and Hwang Jung Eum (who's been doing awesome dramas lately as well)
There's also Daniel Choi who was great in Baby faced beauty (one of the best endings ever!!! completely the opposite from here)
& I should totally mention GiKwang - him having a schoolboy crush on Hwang Jung Eum was hilarious, I almost didn't recognize him because he was so young (it took me a while to go- OMG! That's the guy from Me too, Flower-and from there on, oh... He's from Beast)
One of the most heartbreaking moments for me was I think around ep 35 when Jung Il Woo made a guest appearance - I can honestly say I cried because of how sad his love story was - it left me feeling sad for a whole week whenever I thought of it (kind of like the ending of the Moon that embraces the sun). He will break your heart.

The story: also pretty good - the actors grew (slowly , maybe) but they grew on you as you watched them do that, it was pretty good
The whole two sisters from the country side moving into a household was very elaborate and I loved how Shin Se Kyung (never having been In high school - I think - started studying) and how the two brothers, especially Yoon Shi Yoon, took care of her (after 125 episodes I think I actually fangirled because of how much I was loving the show). Then. That. Happened.

now why I gave this an overall of 3 (and I think that was me being gentle - this is the first time I've actually failed a drama and let me tell you there that is also saying something): There have been some bad endings. Some horrible endings, but I've never felt that it took away how amazing the drama was and at most I just passed it over because regardless I loved watching the drama.


The ending. I can not describe properly how infuriated I was by the last 5 min of the show, it is possibly... no, it is absolutely THE worst ending to a sitcom (of all things!) I have ever seen.
It got to a point where I wondered what the hell the scriptwriter was thinking when he actually did... that and how the producer could allow such a thing to happen

If I leave out the tihng that absolutely tanked the show for me (since this is a no spoiler review, but trust me it is just too much and it's already getting me fired up even though it's been months- half a year- since I last saw it) there's more that made the ending horrible!
The fact that the characters you've seen grow and develop, pretty much every character line is simply ignored, it's as though they went poof and nobody bothered explaining what happened to them
If you watch 125 episodes, it's common decency (to me atleast) to at least do something about that, instead they went off and did that...

Do I recommend it?

No, absolutely not. I was so mad at them ending it like that that I actually wrote a whole blog post within 10 min of the show (after looking up online whether what I think happened actually happened). It really made me feel as though I wasted 48 hours of my life, even more so because I really loved watching the sitcom - but that ending really made me feel as though it had been a complete waste of time.
If you do however end up watching it- I recommend NEVER watching the last episode - it will ruin and make those 125 episodes fade so much in the background you actually wonder why you wasted your time.

Sorry for ranting but it's just so maddening that an amazing sitcom (which it truly was) was actually ruined by a simple 5 minutes at the end - I'm sure if they had done anything but that I would have given it a 9 or something because I really did love watching the show.

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0 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
avril 23, 2024
126 épisodes vus sur 126
Complété 0
Globalement 8.5
Histoire 7.5
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musique 9.5
Degrés de Re-visionnage 10


Đơn giản chỉ là một bộ sitcom để giải trí nên mình không đặt nặng vấn đề khác lắm. Nhân vật trong phim ai cũng bất ổn, ai cũng có khuyết điểm và ưu điểm riêng biệt, chắc trừ con chó Herich ra :v Mỗi nhân vật là 1 màu sắc riêng, xem vui vui giết thời gian hay trong khi làm việc khác cũng được.
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0 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
janv. 27, 2024
126 épisodes vus sur 126
Complété 5
Globalement 1.0
Histoire 1.0
Acting/Cast 7.5
Musique 7.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 1.0

Utterly disappointed. Wasted time on this.

This show started out so try hard but not that funny. Then it got pretty good in later teens to episode twenty. But they ruined all the good with the worst ending choice in th lasr 8 minutes of the show. worst ending ever for K-Drama. Debating whether High Kick 3 is worth a shot. I don't want to invest another 120+ episodes to be so let down. Even with a lot of decent to brilliant episodes, the ending is bad enough to warrant an even worse rating.

On a positive note, there are at least 10 brilliantly written episodes. There are also a large number of great ones.

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0 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
févr. 15, 2024
126 épisodes vus sur 126
Complété 0
Globalement 8.5
Histoire 8.0
Acting/Cast 10
Musique 7.5
Degrés de Re-visionnage 8.5

I laughed a lot

I laughed a lot everytime I watch this series. I don't know what else to say lmao

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0 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
sept. 18, 2024
126 épisodes vus sur 126
Complété 0
Globalement 8.5
Histoire 8.5
Acting/Cast 9.5
Musique 8.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 7.0

Comédia de Costumes e Confusões Familiares"

High Kick through the Roof! é a sequência do popular High Kick! e continua a explorar a vida caótica e hilária de uma família coreana comum. A história desta vez se concentra em Shin Se-kyung e sua amiga Yoon Ji-hoon, duas jovens que, após uma série de desventuras, acabam indo morar com a disfuncional família Lee. As situações cômicas e absurdas que surgem no dia a dia da convivência são o foco central do drama.

A série brilha com seu humor físico e diálogos rápidos, abordando temas de amizade, amor e as complicações de viver sob o mesmo teto com pessoas muito diferentes. O elenco, composto por veteranos da comédia e jovens talentos, entrega atuações memoráveis, e os personagens, por mais excêntricos que sejam, são cativantes e fáceis de se relacionar. Além disso, o drama também insere momentos emocionais, equilibrando bem o humor com situações mais sentimentais.

High Kick through the Roof! é perfeito para quem procura uma comédia leve e divertida, cheia de momentos imprevisíveis e gargalhadas garantidas.

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Jo Y
0 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
sept. 25, 2015
126 épisodes vus sur 126
Complété 0
Globalement 9.5
Histoire 9.5
Acting/Cast 10
Musique 10
Degrés de Re-visionnage 10
BEST COMEDY OF MY CHILDHOOD! I watched this whole sitcom with my family and we laughed a lot. We rewatched it so many times that we learned the diaogues by heart. All the characters are really loveable and funny in their own way. Really great actors, every single one of them.
BUT: -0.5 points for the HORRIBLE HORRIBLE ending! I wished they would redo the ending even if it was 6 years later:'(
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High Kick Through the Roof! (2009) poster



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