Un drama sans prétention
Hum...Le titre m'avait induite en erreur, je l'avoue. Je m'attendais à du surnaturel (je n'avais pas encore lu le résumé) et j'ai été au départ un peu déçue et puis, j'ai fini par tout regarder. Je trouvais que le début était intéressant mais très vite la frustration a pris le pas. Le drama n'est pas mauvais en soi et peut plaire à un très grand nombre : l'histoire n'est pas inintéressante et les personnages ne sont pas mauvais. Mais je n'ai pas réussi à accrocher.J'ai apprécié le lead masculin, sans le trouver incroyable, il était un personnage sympathique très procédurier et qui évolue au fur et à mesure. C'est d'ailleurs, le seul point positif que je trouve à ce drama : l'évolution de Ji Suk, son regard et ses actions changent à force de côtoyer Yoo Ryung.
Je n'ai, par contre, pas du tout aimé Yoo Ryung. Lorsqu'on a du mal à sympathiser avec les personnages ou à se reconnaitre en eux, cela devient difficile de les aimer. Je n'ai pas aimé sa façon d'imposer envers et contre tous ses idées. Je ne nie pas qu'elle avait souvent raison, et que les cas rencontrés méritaient en effet de sortir de la procédure (et d'aller vite), mais je pense que c'est plutôt sa façon de faire qui me gênait. Elle ne tenait pas du tout compte des autres, des conséquences de ses actes. Elle était irréfléchie et fonçait tête baissée. Le drama avançant, on comprend très vite que c'est à Ji Suk de nettoyer derrière elle, en récoltant blâme et punition sans broncher. Yoo Ruyng, rien du tout. Son passé peut nous aider à comprendre bien sur ses actions mais je ne pense pas que cela puisse tout pardonner. Quoiqu'il en soit, je n'ai pas aimé le personnage féminin. Et ses yeux de chiens battus étaient pénibles, elle agissait selon son bon vouloir et ne faisait que pleurer par la suite.
les vilains de l'histoire ne sont pas passionnants, ni effrayants. J'ai, par contre, eu un pincement de cœur en apprenant l'histoire du fantôme du métro. Je comprenais ses raisons. De détruire. C'est forcément immoral. Mais tellement humain.
les personnages secondaires n'ont malheureusement pas d'attrait spécifique. J'avoue qu'ils étaient eux-même des fantômes à mes yeux. Inexistants.
La romance est simple, mais il est vrai que n'ayant pas d'affinité avec l'héroïne, il me serait difficile d'avoir des étoiles dans les yeux. l'alchimie n'explose pas et bien que l'évolution de leur relation est bien présente, il n'y a pas d'étincelles.
Je pense tout de même que le drama trouvera son public car il est facile à suivre et les rebondissements assez intéressant pour vouloir aller jusqu'à la fin.
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la vie passionnante et passionnéedes policiers du métro de Séoul...
Il y a plusieurs histoires qui s’entremêlent, la recherche de Jin par Ryung, la poursuite d’une troupe de 4 pickpockets, les Sauterelles, qui a l’air de vraiment ridiculiser ce pauvre Ji Seok, La poursuite du Fantôme qui dépend d’une autre unité de police dont, comme par hasard, la chef est l’ex de Ji Seok, et naturellement la relation qui se noue entre Ryung et Ji Seok…je dois dire que j’ai énormément apprécié les 3/4 du drama, qui avait clairement opté pour la comédie avec une touche de burlesque et qui est menée tambour battant… Le dernier quart est toujours bien mais on retombe un peu dans les histoires plus classiques à la fois du point de vue policier et du point de vue sentimental.
Le gros plus du drama, à mes yeux, de sont les personnages, qui sont à l’opposé des héros traditionnels : ici c’est le garçon qui se retrouve sans argent, sans maison, avec une personne malade à sa charge, rôle qui échoit en général à la pauvre héroïne méritante ! par contre l’héroïne, elle, prend la direction des opérations, pousse tout le monde, n’en fait qu’à sa tête, tout en restant quand même attachante et sympathique et c’est le héros qui ne veut prendre aucun risque (bon, il a ses raisons…)
Les acteurs sont parfaits, ils incarnent des gens « ordinaires » pas toujours courageux pour le héros, et avec le look banal d’une fille ordinaire pour l’héroïne, parce qu’ici il n’y a pas de défilé de garde-robe impressionnant, genre un manteau nouveau par plan ! Il y a sûrement du placement de produit, il y en a toujours, mais c’est discret !
Kim Sun Ho est excellent, il a le don de la gentillesse et de la sincérité dans son interprétation. On voudrait l’avoir comme frère, comme ami, tant il donne une impression de fiabilité et de franchise simple.
Moon Geun Young, est aussi excellente, j’ai retrouvé les qualités qui me l’avaient fait aimer dans Painter of the wind : la sincérité, la ténacité, la force d’affronter les obstacles du destin choisi . Le reste de la distribution est très bon, comme toujours dans les dramas coréens, où les seconds rôles apportent souvent une armature d’humour, d’amitié et des moments de rouspétances qui donnent vie à toute l’histoire.
Pour finir, ce drama, que j’ai commencé un peu au hasard, m’a vraiment beaucoup plu, et même si j’étais un peu moins enthousiaste sur la fin, ça a été une très bonne surprise.
Et je répète ce que j’avais dit en revenant de Corée : les escaliers du métro sont meurtriers !! Vous verriez ces descentes, cette profondeur ! Impressionnant !
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What I loved: The main couple, and the other subway cops.What I liked: The case-of-the-week format.
What I was meh about: The main plot. It was draggy in the middle, but kept me engaged in early and late episodes.
What I hated: Ha Ma Ri, the metro police in general (they're terrible at their jobs).
The driving force of this drama, for me, has been the personal stories of Go Ji Suk and Yoo Ryung. Both of them are very warm-hearted people who have had to take care of their disabled loved ones all on their own, so they both have experienced a lot of suffering. The case-of-the-week format worked for me as well, with each case having Ji Suk warming to Ryung's style of doing things more and more, as he comes to understand her drive to save people.
The main plot is admittedly weak, because the police seem ridiculously incompetent at finding clues to the Subway Ghost case. The way it's written, without Ryung's help they would never have figured out who the killer was. Lieutenant Ha Ma Ri is lousy at her job, because chooses to be a hateful bitch rather than be a good detective. Ma Ri ignores Ryung's pleas to investigate her sister's disappearance, as well as her theory that the killer used the subway tunnels. She also finds every opportunity to verbally spite Ryung and put her down because Ji Suk falls for Ryung instead of coming back to HER. Ma Ri could have been a great character, but instead she's just plain hateful, an incompetent detective with an inferiority complex.
I like this drama a lot, despite its issues. Some of the lines, like Ryung saying it was her sister's fault (if you've seen it you know what I'm talking about), made no sense at all, and irritated me because it had been established that due to her sister's Autism, her mental state was about the level of a two year old. How can a two year old be to blame for what happened? I can understand why the villain blamed her – he was out of his senses with grief and anger – but I don't understand why anyone else would blame her.
But 90% of the time I really enjoyed watching this drama. So I will recommend it to those who are a fan of slow-burn love stories that have a lot of spark, because the chemistry between Moon Geun Young (Yoo Ryung) and Kim Sun Ho (Go Ji Suk) is amazing in this drama.
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Now for my review-
So the things I absolutely love about this drama:
Acting: Kim Seon Ho and Moon Geun Young!
I was so happy with both of their performances. Kim Seon Ho is such a good actor and he had my fancy ever since I saw his mini drama called You drive me crazy (another amazing drama) and he did complete justice to his character of a man who always tries to stay out of trouble, but finds his sense of duty after meeting Yoo Ryung.
Do I even need to say anything about one of Koreas most prestigious and critically acclaimed actress's, Moon Geun Young. She plays both Yoo Ryung and Yoo Jin really well and sometimes you'd feel like theyre actually being played by different actresses because of her versatility in both roles. The chemistry between KSH and MGY both in reel and real life is out of the charts for me, I had a LOT of butterflies, however dont expect a lot of skinship because there ISN'T a lot. (Side note: watch their interviews and the BTS of the drama, they're really cute uwu) The other subway officers are hilarious too. The "villains" acted well too and had us fooled for a good amount of time.
Story: For me the writing did get a little shabby at times and was sometimes stretched, but i find that to be the case for most investigative dramas. Catch the ghost is a breath of fresh air in terms of crime and investigative dramas as humour is also a huge part of it. Even if you're not impressed by the story, you'll forgive it as the humour makes up for it and doesn't leave you bored at any point. There are a lot of twists and turns so it's never monotonous at any point. The drama is very gripping towards the beginning and the end, although the few eps in the middle feel a little dragged
Music: The ost's are pretty good although none of them leave a huge impact on you. In saying this I dont mean theyre not good songs, I have a few of them in my music playlists too, for a matter of fact. The bgm isnt over the top which is also good.
Rewatch value: I would watch it again but maybe not for the story as the cats already out of the bag and I know the killer, but for the acting, humour and the chemistry between the leads.
Things I didnt like too much: The side characters like Ma Ri, Woo Hyuk and Won Chul (the PR rep of police) never caught my interest and were really good at making me annoyed. I didn't care for Ma Ri and her side story and was not able to sympathise with her. Sometimes, the characters did really stupid things and had the suspects escape multiple times becuase of their foolishness, which was very annoying. The metro team in general was so incompetent and it seemed like they were only able to crack the case because of Yoo Ryung. In the 2 years they solved the subway ghost case, they didnt have ANY strong leads and quite frankly did absolutely nothing towards the case, while the subway team solved it in just a week...
But overall I will recommend it to anyone looking for something entertaining with good acting and a new story. 9.5/10
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An Enjoyable Way to Pass the Time
A fun romance/crime drama that managed to keep me entertained for its 16-hour run time. It's certainly not groundbreaking but then again, it's not trying to be.- 3 Pros -
1) The Couple
A strong couple is exactly what this drama needed and, luckily, the writers and the cast managed to deliver just that. Whilst they keep things relatively lowkey (there's no sweeping grand gestures or slow-mo gazing into each other's eyes), their chemistry is palpable in every scene they're in and the relationship itself develops in a way that feels sweet, natural, and surprisingly mature. It is very much a relationship of equals and, by the end of the drama, you can tell that their love for each other is rooted in mutual trust and respect. I feel it's still quite rare to see a truly healthy relationship in the k-drama world so it's nice to see Newbie and Chief Ko develop one that feels so normal.
2) The OST
A good OST adds another layer of colour and emotion any scene it's in and there are certainly a few of those in Catch the Ghost. Particularly memorable are Woosung's (The Rose) Feel My Heart, Roh Tae Hyun's Highlight, and ABRY's Wanted. They're on the more upbeat side and they normally made me smile and start humming along when they started playing (Feel My Heart Being an exception).
3) The Representation
Whilst Catch the Ghost isn't a particularly deep drama, I do appreciate its decision to tackle subjects like ASD and dementia. I thought both strands were relatively well handled (given SK's reluctance to address issues like mental health and neurological conditions) and I liked that the characters were allowed to be more than just comic relief.
- 3 Cons -
1) The Plot
The plot itself is really not that strong, especially with regards to the main crime. The pacing is bizarre at points (some key information gets revealed way too early) and there are leaps of logic left, right, and centre. It feels like the writers are trying a little too hard to mislead the viewer in order to fit in more plot twists but, because a lot of them feel so contrived, they end up being a lot less impactful than indented.
2) The Subplots
There are certain subplots I feel didn't get enough screentime to make their inclusion worthwhile. The Police Commander and her daughter had a really interesting relationship and it would have been nice to have seen it grow and develop. As it was, it just felt rushed and out of place, wrapped up too quickly for it to have any real impact.
3) The (Sort of) Love Triangle
This one is purely personal but I do hate love triangles with a passion so I thought I may as well include it. I personally didn't feel it was necessary or that it added anything to the story (when do they ever though?) and all it ended up doing was make me like one character a little less than I would have otherwise.
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Character wise: At the beginning, none of the main leads are likable. They each have their own flaws which can annoy you. I mean it definitely annoyed me to see one who was reckless while the other didn't want to do anything at all and leave it in the hands of others; however you do begin to see character development in the male lead, Ji Suk. He eventually became my favorite character in this drama because of his selflessness and sacrifice. The female lead, Yoo Ryung, on the other hand, is the exact opposite. This is where the extra patience comes in. Her character can be a make it or break it for the viewers. If you can't stand her character because of her actions, you'll end up dropping this drama because she doesn't have development until after her secret is revealed which is around ep 11. So if you can tolerate the frustration she will give you, then you'll make it to the point where she's becoming a bit more likable. The frustrating second lead Ma Ri just seems like an angry person overall. She's pretty much mad at everything. She does become better towards the last few episodes but the progression for her reaching that point doesn't make sense at all. It's like one talk and she completely flipped 180. And then we have second lead Woo Hyuk which honestly he didn't really seem like he had a big role. He has the looks but that's about it. He attempts to form a love triangle between the leads but it fails just because Yoo Ryung wasn't into the romance department. I will say that the subway ghost does have actor potential to be the next lead character after seeing his acting on here. His acting was really convincing and I say he was able to outshine all of the other characters.Story wise: It was a good introduction. I think this drama started off strong with the plot, only to fall short midway and towards the end. I liked how these cases, or I called it side stories, ended up telling a story that the leads can relate too, though most of the cases related to Yoo Ryung. The plot began to drag for me as it seemed like every week it was the same old thing and very little discoveries on what the title of this drama was about, "catch the ghost" or in this case subway ghost. I like how you couldn't guess who the subway ghost actually is. The writers make you believe it's person or that person. You always have suspicions. That being said, I'm disappointed the way the last episode was handled. The subway ghost had a big revealing, had a back story, only to be scrapped off in the first 15 mins of the episode. We don't know if he was caught or he died. That remains unknown which is lame because I say he played a vital role to this drama. It's just an okay ending overall, not bad or even sad but just nothing really big to talk about.
SUMMARY: If you can withstand, have the patience, tolerate, the frustrations of the female lead, and secondary female lead, then you'll be able to watch this drama from start to finish. Is it worth it? Well, the progression of the plot is slow, the last episode is missing a lot of important details so it did felt rush, romance is there but maybe towards the last few episodes. You'll probably not missing much if you past on this but if you like the actor or actress, hey give it a shot.
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Great potential, horrible shit
I don't know how it happens but I came across the same type of drama again - a great potential, a great mystery and main root of the story story but the FL is a horrible trash of a person hurting everyone around her. However, even though she's such a trash destroying and behaving like shit towards literally all the people who care about her, she's just forgiven by everyone and a ML who should basically put her in a toilet and flush it 10 times runs like crazy to help her instantly after discovering her motives.She suffered - yes. She suffered because of her own stupidity and being a trash of a person in the first place. We may forgive her due to the pressure she faced taking care of her sister with autism. Ok - let's say she might have collapsed mentally, she made a mistake and left her sister on a train, her sister "died" because of her so now she has a regret and an obsession. Ok - it is understandable. Due to that, she was obsessed with finding the "murderer" of the show - ok. I get all of that. However, when she found the only person helping her, taking care of her, she hid all of her problems and ran to the stupid secondary ML instead of pursuing truth with the ML who was helping her all the time already - he even risked his life for her while the secondary ML had literally no advantage and there was no reason to choose his help. Still - she just left the good and caring guy, chose the help of a SML without any real reason to do so. It wasn't logical even for the sake of her hidden investigation. Then she destroyed life of the ML, he lost his house, he lost his job, he couldn't support his mother with dementia - all because of her wrong-doings. What's even worse, she did all of that perfectly aware of his troubles (magically discovering them by a coincidence on a way). Of course, he did not know anything about her but she knew everything about him and all she did was destroying, breaking, leaving all the people who cared about her for people who did not care at all and literally did nothing to her as compared to those who as I said - risked their lives a couple of times - literally - the ML took a hit with a knife, attacked a professional boxer just for her sake when she was hurt by this boxer, saved her from disciplinary comitee a couple of times, he became her friend, her only family she's never had except of her sister - but she was only and consistently behaving like a total bitch towards him.
So she did all of that, used the ML for pursuing her goal, did not even reveal truth to him even after she made everyone's life hell and then - guess what - she gets into trouble again, our ML magically discovers truth by a next coincidence and what - runs like crazy to help her. She's forgiven by everyone, she regains her friends, everything clears up, the murderer gets arrested, a dead sister magically lives and a man who should again - kick her in the butt afterwards, at least after helping her if he's the real angel, he still does all he can to help finding that sister for her... when she does literally nothing (!!!) - and happy end.
Totally shitty shit. It's just disgusting. Such dramas should be really taken down because they promote wrong values, wrong behavior, wrong examples under a wrapping of the romantic, self-sacrificing, heroic and "pure" love. Such a bullshit. It's really stupid, just wrong. Simply - do not watch this shit, please.
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It did make me want to ride the subway though.
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Touching story
I came to watch this drama after watching many famous crime/detective drama. I didn’t expect much because KSH and MgY both looked quite not so fancy there.So few minutes into the first episode I wanted to skip it. The video quality was quite bad I suppose. Then, somehow I tried again and got hook. I knew KSH from 100 days my prince and Strongest delivery man but didn’t have much impression back then. After few episodes I was really a fan. I didn’t even feel like he acted or something. I just like him very much and MGY. I have never liked an actor like that in my 20 years of watching Kdrama.
Both characters have pitiful backgrounds which make me understand the struggles of people who must take care of their family members with mental illness and autism.
GJS as a character was beautifully written. First we thought he was just a coward policeman, who wanted an easy job. Then, his back story and his encounters with RY showed us a selfless individual who sacrificed his career and even love to take care of his poor mom. It’s very touching, very sad.
We live close to a family who has a girl with Down syndrome. Every morning when I get off the bus after taking my kids to daycare, I see her sitting in her chair with her mom next to the bus stop. She always try to reach out to something I never know. But it feels really sad. The mother has no choice but stays at home to take care of her. I really would like to ask how she is, but never have the courage to ask in another language. That’s why when I learnt more about the drama, I really appreciate how the writer used both humors and sadness to let the characters touch our hearts.
For the main lead, she’s really a strong one. She caused so much troubles for JS. But as the main lead, that’s what he needs to get out of his comfort zone and find fulfillment in his job and life. Together they make a lovable and strong couple. One of the best couples in Kdrama land for me. They are human, relatable and beautiful people around us.
Many incidents in the drama open my eyes about ongoing crimes nowadays and I love this fresh metro police theme. The commissioner Lady is awesome in my point of view. Other characters are nice and even the antagonist is there for us to feel sorry for him.
There might be some dragging in the end and some small holes in the plot, but if you like a humane journey to our hearts, you should definitely give it a try. There’s not much romantic scenes though. I guess it is because the female lead’s focus on finding her sister and it’s reasonable. However, it would be nicer if they let JS hug her more in the end.
Final point, please watch bts and interviews of this drama, they are lovely and fun. You’ll see how the team worked together and it felt so nice and heartwarming.
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After watching about almost a hundred of kdramas, I began to get bored at all kdrama romance and all that, some are just very predictable and nothing new to me so I left kdrama for a while BUT Guys, if you're getting bored at kdramas but got some time to kill, GO WATCH THIS DRAMA, YOU WILL NOT REGRET IT.
This drama for me is literally not like the other kdramas with those steamy kisses and cheesy cringe-worthy romances and ridiculously doesn't make sense twists and tragedy or trauma, this is entirely different.
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I have to say, I am lowkey disappointed. I expected a bit more, and I don't quite understand why I kept skipping scenes. It was not bad, there were brilliant moments and the plot was intriguing and well written and executed. I started to find Yoo Ryung annoying and I don't know when that started. In the beginning I liked her a lot, she was cool and brave, hot tempered but sensitive. But half way through I kept skipping scenes of her crying and thinking about her sister. Maybe I just wasn't into that whole sister bond thing, I didn't felt it enough. But the reunion was indeed cute and satisfying. The highlight of this whole show was indeed Ko Ji Seok. What a sweetheart, an amazing character and Kim Sun Ho captured him perfectly. He was literally the sweetest, and most precious boy ever. GO KIM SUN HO!
Even though many people hate on Mi Ran, I could weirdly understand her, she was frustrated and I was moved by the conversation between her and and her mom. She was an ass sometimes, but I still couldn't hate her.
But oh boy! The plot was so good! It kept changing and made the viewer wonder about the murder and victims. I liked the fact that they made the Subway ghost someone who had a "reason" to kill and not just someone with a mental illness. The role of his mother was way bigger than expected and it was heart wrenching. It was a wonderful way of unraveling the story even though I have to say towards the end there were a few minor holes.
Also, normally with crime-dramas I always wish for less romance, but this time it was the other way around. I wished for more sweet moments between the leads.
Anyway, I can say that it was not my cup of tea but I can understand why people like this.
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