Tranche de vie
Un drama tout en nuance, c'est doux et à la fois montre des vies qui ne sont pas celles qu'ils auraient voulus . Il n'y a pas grande action mais le charisme des personnages, que se soit principaux ou secondaires, donnent envie de voir leur évolution, leurs attentes se transformer parfois en rêve d'autres en réalité. C'est amené de façon simple , non surjoué , de bons acteurs qui nous amènent à nous poser des questions sur notre train train quotidien.Cet avis était-il utile?
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I didn't watch the Japanese version, but I felt that this drama with its storyline alone was good enough. The plot was spot on, it didn't go too makjang overly dramatic, nor too bland and therefore Love Affairs in the Afternoon was just the way I liked it! The little sweet/ romantic moments thrown into this drama made it even more worth the watch!
The first episode alone was very precise with the introduction of characters of Son Jieun as a quiet and average woman who felt trapped and lonely with her routinary life, and Choi Soo-ah a woman who never felt love but is constantly seeking for it through meeting other men. The cinematography, setting, and even the OST's used also added to why this drama is worth the watch. It helped give us a vivid view of the mood and theme of the drama which is light and romantic however sad.
In addition, what drew me in the most with this drama is the bittersweet storyline of the lead characters.
Jungwoo and Ji Eun were both quiet and seemingly honest characters. They knew being in an affair is not the right thing to do, especially Ji Eun so she tried her best to avoid him but when they are with each other, it seems like their world has fallen into place. Together they were able to express themselves better, were happy, and was able to experience that heart shattering love that they couldn't with their partners. Jung Woo and Ji Eun, because they were too kind to others to be selfish they got married to their other halves too hastly, leading to their pitful lives. So if you like star-crossed lovers type of drama this one might also be for you!
I also love the chemistry and acting of Park Ha Sun and Lee Sang Yeob here! Whoever casting director you are, you deserve a raise. They seem to both fit the introvert type of role, they were able to deliver their characters well, and both are hella good looking! They make a good couple. ^^
Overall, Love Affairs in the Afternoon was worth the watch! The love shown in this drama was so romantic it made me wish I could find a sweet and nice guy like Jungwoo. It also made my big fat crush on Lee Sangyeob even fatter. T_T It was a good deviation from all the murder-mystery Korean dramas that are being released nowadays. The good conclusion or ending is an even added bonus!
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A weirdly pure love in an affair. Raw.
I never thought I'd watch a drama about adultery, but here I am. This drama had some of the best acting I have seen in a kdrama (looking at you, Jung Sang Hoon). I definitely cried watching it. This drama will stick with me, that's for sure.It was poetic, a slow-burn, but hooked me; some might feel conflicted to rate this drama high due to the implications and subject matter, but just because you rate it high doesn't mean you approve of what the characters are doing. Just because I give this drama a 10 doesn't mean I approve of affairs or cheating. The reason why this drama is a 10 for me is because everything was perfect: the acting, storytelling, music, etc. You could FEEL the emotions and turmoil that the characters went through and see how their actions hurt them and the people around them. I thought it was perfect, and wish more dramas could be so beautiful to watch.
Also, side note, but DAMN episode 12. That episode...best of the show. Had my heart nearly bursting out of my chest from anxiety and pain. I would defnitely go back and rewatch that episode. Like I said, some of the best acting I've seen in a kdrama.
I have not seen the Japanese version of this, so I cannot compare the two, but I will just say that this drama is worth your time.
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By Far The Most Beautiful Yet Underrated Drama Of All Time
This drama had so much depth and rawness to it that you can’t help wishing it would never end.The two female leads who started on the wrong foot turned out to be each other’s comfort and strength - what a beautiful friendship they had with so much love and respect for each other.
I applaud how Lee Sang Yeob and Park Ha Sun used their eyes and facial expressions more than dialogues to convey a wide spectrum of emotions - undeniably they are artists in the truest meaning of the word. Bravo to them and to the director and scriptwriters who brought out the best in them.
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Think twice before you marry
No adultery should ever be justified but lee sang yeob and park ha sun's might be an exception. A very realistic story about marriage. This drama shows why we should think over and over again before we decide to get married. The naration at the end of every episode is very beautiful. Great acting presented by great actors. Sad and painful as it should be, but at the same time is also warm and hopeful. Very satisified by the ending as it gives full closure to every character. Thank God i came across this drama. 10/10 would recommend!!Cet avis était-il utile?

Sexless Tea Party
You'd think there was room for this deep dive into human desires and the messiness of relationships, but the drama just stumbled into this predictable mess of melodrama and characters you could barely see through. The characters were supposedly torn apart by the whole moral dilemma of their sneaky affairs but they did the bare minimum in that regard. Even the romantic tension felt somewhat forced and lacking. The drama would've benefited from only focusing on the main infidelity but here everyone was cheating on one another. Too much noise. In comparison, all the previous points also applied to the JP version except that they were even more drastic and detached in that one.Cet avis était-il utile?
A tenderness that pulls your heartstrings
What an exquisit, lovely drama!I am so annoyed at people who dismiss this drama because it's not politically correct to be in favor of infidelity. But please, forget about that for a second and enjoy this tender and deep lovestory in which two lonely and misunderstood people find their voice, their lust for life, and their soulmate. And let's face it - the main couple have great chemistry which is radiating through the screen.
Beautiful performances and a satisfying ending! I binge a lot of dramas and this one is so unique and memorable!
I will definitely back to this one. It satisfies a certain kind of K-drama hunger.
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I truly enjoyed this drama and I feel that all of the characters were beautifully paired. Their chemistry was great, the acting was very natural and not over the top and they each delivered their lines and emotions in a true to life fashion. I would definitely recommend this drama and I would even watch it all over again! Well it only has 16 episodes unlike some dramas that go on for 50 episodes with too much unnecessary repetition!
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The Scarlett Letter Comes to Mind
My review is simple - I hope it helps you decide whether to watch this drama or not:What I liked about this series:
-The music - it beautifully matched the individual scenes
-The pastoral scenes where the main couple met on occasion to escape from reality
-The art - I wish I could find some of those beautiful art pieces
-The final resolution for each one of the transgressors
-The chemistry between one of the women leads and the artist
-The chemistry between the two little caged parrots and their significance to the drama
-The still shots of the making of the series at the end of episode 16.
What I didn't like about this series:
-Which century is the series living in? The Scarlett Letter comes to mind. Massive punishment for the transgressors makes sense if this were the 15th century or earlier
-Melodramatic acting (over exaggerated) on the part of some of the actors
-The constant repeatings of previous scenes to the point where I didn't know if were watching the present or not
-The final episode which was clearly rushed and fill-in. Writer could have spent more time on the main couple in their final scene. A brief smile between the 2 leads is not enough
_The annoying repeating apologies "I'm so sorry" and the constant apologetic kneelings on the part of the transgressors
Would I have watched this If I knew how bad certain aspects of this drama were? No.
Why did I watch it?
I liked the male lead after watching him in Eve. A very pleasing actor. I hope he has more films to watch.
And finally, thank you for reading this!
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Cette critique peut contenir des spoilers
Park Ha-sun as Son Ji-eun plays a great part as a quiet and average woman with a small stature and modest appearance who becomes bored with the repetitive life of a small town. She had no intention of being involved with a married man but gradually she let down her guard and became totally besotted with Lee Sang-yeob as Yoon Jung-woo, a biology teacher at an alternative school in the town Ji-eun moves to. He looks at the world with curious eyes and loves nature and animals. They were so similar in interests and personality they just fell for each other. She was starved for affection and his wife had been gone to the States for three years.The housewife Ye Ji-won as Choi Soo-ah, a housewife married to an owner of a huge publishing company. She seems to be a perfect wife and mother, but she harbours a deep secret within. She had never been in love and was playing the afternoon delights when Jo Dong-hyuk as Do Ha-yoon, a painter who has led a difficult and stressful life, rife with marital and financial difficulties. When he meets Soo-ah, however, the two grow unexpectedly close and their lives become intertwined. He comes to her house to meet her husband when sparks ignite between the two of them. He saw how he treated her like a slave. He had compassion for her and that is how it all started.
The thing is with love, you can’t control it and the heart wants what it wants. “Where the heart goes there is no control.”Quote from “ The Legends 2019”
So funny that the man she’s interested in is her old school mates husband. Ironically she doesn’t know it at the time. The bird( looks like a budgie but they called it a parrot) Love flew out of the cage and out the window. Her husband (Jung Sang-hoon as Ji Chang-kook) is furious the two birds are like his babies, since they don’t have any children. So ridiculous a grown woman wandering about calling out “Love come home”. Instead she meets the then wavering husband (her Lover)Lee Sang-yeob as Yoon Jung-woo in an archway of blowing blossoms. They stand in the pathway staring at each other.
I hope the two kids (students) were watching when he pushed her away. Then she ran away fast. He stood stunned thinking what could have happened. She takes her rejection out on her husband who doesn’t realise he has taken her for granted and hates being called mom. Their love life is nonexistent. His wife(Ryu Abel as Noh Min-young) who has been in the States for three years doesn’t know whats happening with him because their interests are so different. He standing in the shower fully clothed and she finds the umbrella in his bag. Her first suspicion is aroused.
He(lover2) Jo Dong-hyuk as Do Ha-yoon from the other couple said lets never see each other again. Can they stay away from each other? Next time he tells her she is wearing a mask. He’s her first love.
Then here’s the jinx meeting every Thursday at three to five is definitely ………..cheating. Whether they kiss hold hands for more or less its still…….. cheating. They are both married and we saw their wedding rings.
Here I am not wanting these cheating people to get caught because their partners are so uncaring towards them. Is it because I have been in the same boat and had a husband that ill-treated me so I can have sympathy for these four people. Its the two woman actually. They are getting close to getting caught as they are pushing it. The rich husband has spotted them on the beach. What is he going to do? She is looking at her lover so adoringly. They don’t even see him. When they walked passed him. Now its dark he’s even taking photos of them and they don’t notice. He’s going crazy looking in every caravan for for them. They are just strolling arm n arm on the beach,
This story is such a circle of entanglements from the boy(Shin Won-ho as Park Ji-min) who smashed the car window onward. They all became jumbled up together. Rule number one: “ Never get involved with married men” in the long term its to your own detriment and karma comes to bite you in the bum. So what are they doing now they are breaking each others hearts which is a pain worse than child birth. So they are not just giving them the friend zone speech but you are a stranger to me now. Delete my number. Don’t speak to me in the street, just walk on by with no greeting. We are meaningless to each other.
This boy Shin Won-ho as Park Ji-min, Yoon Jung-woo’s student looked familiar to me and turns out. He was an actor in the very first Asian Drama I ever watched “ Legend of the Blue the Sea”. I hadn’t seen him again since. That was in 2016. Even though he’s now 27 he’s still acting young kid roles and he’s good at it.
So we have got to the part where its all turning to custard. Every one finds everything and lightning strikes.
I really feel sorry for these rule breakers and the public is so harsh on these people. Korea democracy still imprisoned people for adultery into 2010.
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Touching lovestory regarding forbidden love (adultery love)
Love in the Afternoon has a touchy story. One about cheating which is usually an antagonist trope that gives sympathy for our lead character but not in this case. I don't believe this drama is playing it off as something you should do. It doesn't. There are clear ramifications and consequences for our main characters. Horrible, heartbreaking ones. It's more about finding yourself, being happy with yourself and who you choose to be with. Letting go of the people that either don't want to be with you or you with them.Son Ji Eun and Young Jung Woo are two miserable people trapped in lifeless/loveless relationships. It's not exactly their partners fault, although it's clear they aren't helping and are ignorant towards their feelings. Our leads are lost in their mundane, tedious, lonely lives until they meet together. They understand that they can't be together, that they shouldn't because they are already married but they are unable to forget each other. While they are trapped by their circumstances and unfortunate timing, we still root for them because at the end of the day, they are happy when with each other. Cheating is a sad subject. Something you wish to never be on the receiving end of, that makes our leads flawed, but the lightness their relationship gives us compared to their dreary lives only makes us root for this forbidden love. The second set of leads aren't quite as strong, aren't nearly as touching or romantic and probably deserve a lot of the flack that Love in the Afternoon gets aimed for. They are a little more selfish and unforgiving compared to the Jung Woo and Ji Eun relationship.
The acting is good. Really good. You can absolutely feel the misery of our two main leads. And the contrast between when they are together and when they are seperated. Ye Ji Won (playing Choi Soo Ah) doesn't have a great character but she is still excellent in the role. As are the Husbands of the women leads.
The dramas flaws are just like most Dramas- the conclusion. We all know where K-Dramas lack the most. It's not needed to be pointed out yet again. But at least we can take pleasure in knowing Jung Woo and Ji Eun have their happy relationship at the end.
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