Aww... The totally cutest guy gets killed in 1st episode!
Well, this is a series where lead characters are actually less likeable than the hired killers after them (I'm not talking about the mangirl that survived) that itself should kinda advise you whether you wish to watch it or not.The main guy is portrayed by Joss Way-ar Sangngern and his character swings not both ways, but any way (girls, boys, married women, friends...), Mild is tolerable, perhaps Tay Tawan's Shin is the only likeable one. We are shown in the blashbacks that in the past, Neo did everything a guy possibly can do to make Shin fall in love with him, he even kissed Shin. In the present line, Neo gets together with Miu (Mild) with Shin hopelessly watching. The trio is on a lam together. They try to hide from the local mobster, who is Shin's dad. I would point out how absurd that is, but what is NOT in this series?
Then they get stoned and everyone kisses everyone. Maybe that's why they cast Joss Sangngern as the lead. He can well handle real-kiss scenes with both sexes, LOL. Pitty we never see kissing like this in some series or lakorn where it would really be exciting (there we usually wait 20 episodes for nothing... here it comes at epi 6 out of 10). Did I already mention "absurd"?
Absurd is also the way general story keeps continuing. If there would be an UFO landing in the middle of it, or a zombie attack, it would hardly disturb it. Since epi 7, I started zoning out. All the "excitement" getting me kinda bored, LOL. There's yet another "mafia boss", and even more stupid than the first one... And then they set off to kill even the second hired killer I liked more than the leading characters? (Again, not talking about the mangirl that survived.) As I didn't really care how this will end, I skipped the rest.
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дуже недооцінений лакорн, вартий уваги
короткий зміст сюжету від мене:я спочатку розповім про героїв:
спочатку, розповідь ведеться від першого головного героя — нео. нео — стриптезер, який починає роман з заміжньою жінкою — ванікою. у ваніки є багатий чоловік, який здогадувався про зраду своєї дружини.
наступний головний герой — шін. шін - пасинок ваніки, тобто рідний син її чоловіка. одного разу, друзі шіна запросили його до клубу. дізнавшись що у нього ще нікого не було, вони вирішили замовити шіну повію. мів — менеджерка бару і ще одна головна героїня лакорну. саме їй за гарну суму запропонували провести ніч з шіном. проте як виявилось, нічого не відбулось.
далі ми знайомимось із наступними персонажами: тур і фон, вони є кілерами, які працюють на чоловіка ваніки. у фона є дівчина мей. мей - трансґендерна дівчина, яка переживає за фона, і завжди просить його кинути цю небезпечну роботу.
всі ці персонажі були пов'язані однією ситуацією: чоловік ваніки наказав фону і туру вбити нео, за те що спить з його жінкою. коли вони прийшли в ту квартиру, де був нео з ванікою, так сталось, що фон випадково вбив ваніку, а нео втік. нео прибіг до клубу, так вийшло, що він зустрівся із шіном. вони вже були знайомі, і як ми потім дізнаємось шін був закоханим у нео. раптом їх знаходить мів, і коли по нео прийшли фон і тур, так вийшло що мів застрелила фона. і ці троє - шін, мів і нео втікають разом. за ними женуться тур і мей, щоб помститися за свого друга і коханого, а також за наказом батька шіна, бо на його думку, мів і нео - викрали шіна. як далі розгорнеться доля цих трьох, і які стосунки у них виникнуть, ви дізнаєтесь коли переглянете цей лакорн.
мої враження:
мені дуже сподобався лакорн, хоч я не фанатка лакорнів і т.д. про поліаморні стосунки. кожен персонаж має свою історію і про них цікаво дивитися
особливість атмосфери:
гарна колористика, і він має свій вайб.
чи рекомендую?
так, цей лакорн однозначно вартий уваги і на мою думку, він недооцінений. хоча, якщо ви не можете сприймати поліаморні пари, то можливо самі стосунки вам не сподобаються, але не те що це є основним у цьому лакорні, тут більше трилеру і екшену, ніж романтики.
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This was what I always dreamed of.
I watched this series about 3-4 years ago. Before discovering this series, when I saw Triple H's 365 Fresh MV and I said it should be a series and I should watch it. I wanted it so much, I wanted it so much that it came true. Years later, I found this series. I definitely think it was inspired by that MV and I am very happy about it. I remember falling in love when I first watched. It's one of my favorite Thai TV series that I can't forget it for years, but my only problem with the series is the ending. It didn't seem like a poly relationship to me and I was so angry about it. But this was years ago, I grew up and maybe my thoughts are changed. I hope to watch it again and be more satisfied later, but I'm not so sure.Cet avis était-il utile?
Cette critique peut contenir des spoilers
I came across this while looking for more BLs to watch, so here's my first point - ITS NOT A BL. IT DOES INCLUDE BL ELEMENT BUT ITS ACTUALLY A RELATIONSHIP OF 3 PEOPLE, ONE BISEXUAL, ONE GAY AND A GIRL. THERE'S ONLY ONE EPISODE WHICH FOCUSES ON THE LOVE STORY OF THE 2 GUYS.The story goes like- a stripper ( Neo) ends up getting on the bad side of a mafia and was on the run from a hitman. He coincidentally bumped into one of his acquaintance/friend ( a guy named Shin who secretly liked Neo) and a girl who was a strip club hostess who got tangled up in the mess. 3 of them starts running for their lives. Later they come to know that Shin is actually the mafia's son. But Shin doesn't like his father so he helps them elope everytime. So the story is basically about 3 of them running away as they struggle to survive against 2 mafias and police. During this time, they develop a special bond of love and friendship. BOTH SHIN AND THE GIRL LIKED NEO AND NEO CLAIMS TO LIKE BOTH OF THEM TOO. SO THEY BASICALLY LOVE EACH OTHER AND SLEPT WITH EACH OTHER (3SOME). THEY NEVER GAVE UP ON EACH OTHER.
The plot about running away and struggling to survive is preety common and nothing out of the box. What was actually special was this love and bonding of these 3 people. Although I don't know or don't wanna judge if it's actually good or bad, did Neo actually loved both the same way, one thing I liked is they actually could go to any extent to protect each other without any jealousy or bad feelings.
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I was over it at episode 2
Honestly, it's a great series BUT, the biggest problem with this is the character MATER. Yes, I do know Thai people do have naturally tan skin/melanin but the person who plays mater does not have that as a natural skin tone. The hair and the outfit was a no for me. I really couldn't finish watching it. Before anyone wants to come for me you can look up the indigenous people in Thailand in the deep south. It's just the fact that they could've hired a person with the skin and hair type that they wanted for the character.Cet avis était-il utile?