A Little Princess (2019) poster
Votre note: 0/10
Notes: 8.0/10 par 427 utilisateurs
# de Spectateurs: 1,132
Critiques: 2 utilisateurs
Classé #2580
Popularité #8528
Téléspectateurs 427

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  • Français
  • 中文(简体)
  • English
  • magyar / magyar nyelv
  • Pays: South Korea
  • Catégorie: Movie
  • Date de sortie: déc. 4, 2019
  • Durée: 1 hr. 44 min.
  • Score: 8.0 (scored by 427 utilisateurs)
  • Classé: #2580
  • Popularité: #8528
  • Classification du contenu: G - All Ages

Distribution et équipes


A Little Princess (2019) photo
A Little Princess (2019) photo
A Little Princess (2019) photo
A Little Princess (2019) photo


2 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
juin 16, 2020
Complété 1
Globalement 9.0
Histoire 7.0
Acting/Cast 10
Musique 7.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 1.0
the story was simple and it was set int 2000(?) so the setting and filmography was basic as well, but I CRIED so much! more like ugly sobbed after the halfway mark. stories like this just break my heart, especially when kids cry TT_TT

they had a lot of sweet moments as the two got to know each other, while they let Gong Joo have a separate life in school to build her a solid personality and friendships outside of her time with her sister and grandma that added depth to her as a person.
they had a nice amount of comedic elements and interactions with side characters that I usually find scarce in movies like this.

I did have issues with the ending, but since it was supposedly in 2000 I will ignore them. Kim Soo An was a little gem, she was really really amazing and her crying broke my heart the most.

it was also nice to see Chun Woo Hee, Choi Soo Young and Jung Yoo Jin in one movie, I wish they'd reunite in another project together.

the music was nothing special and I never rewatch stuff~

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Cet avis était-il utile?
1 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
avril 20, 2024
Complété 0
Globalement 10
Histoire 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musique 8.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 9.0


Genteee que filme emocionante, chorei horrores e estou escrevendo essa resenha ainda com lágrimas nos olhos, é impossível conter o choro.

Toda a história de vida da Gong Joo é de partir o coração, aí depois juntou a da avó e foi aí que acabou comigo.
Ver essa criança lutar sem desistir e tentando o seu melhor sempre, me fez chorar até ter soluços.

Senti que o filme passa um pouco a mensagem sobre as diferentes formas de família na sociedade.

Sério, só assista .
Cet avis était-il utile?


Stand By Me
Untitled Shin Yeon Shik Film


  • Movie: A Little Princess
  • Pays: Corée du Sud
  • Date de sortie: déc. 4, 2019
  • Durée: 1 hr. 44 min.
  • Classification du contenu: Tous publics


  • Score: 8.0 (marqué par 427 utilisateurs)
  • Classé: #2580
  • Popularité: #8528
  • Téléspectateurs: 1,132

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