les débuts de jeunes dans la police de patrouille de Séoul...
En fait il n'y a pas d'histoire !ça commence avec la recherche désespérée d’un boulot par deux jeunes gens, Jeong-O et Sang-Su, qui finissent par intégrer l’école de police parce qu’il faut bien manger !
Et ça continue avec l’école, la formation (pas rigolote) puis l’entrée dans le service actif comme stagiaire, ou cadet.
Pendant un peu plus d’un an on va les suivre, et rencontrer avec eux les autres, plus anciens, les officiers, se confronter à une hiérarchie débile, affronter des scènes de crime, des bagarres d’ivrognes, des querelles conjugales, des violeurs et des voleurs, mais des moments de joie, de rire et d'amitié…
On va entrer aussi dans la vie personnelle de quelques uns, voir comment ils se débrouillent pour assumer travail et famille… On va voir ces jeunes gens évoluer, et finir par donner un sens plus élevé à leur travail de police. On voit aussi les chefs, après 20 ou 25 ans de maison, obligés de s'humilier pour plaire à la hiérarchie, tout en gardant fermeté et humanité envers leurs subordonnés.
Il y a 18 épisodes et j’aurais bien aimé qu’il y en ait 3 ou 4 de plus !! (et je ne dis pas souvent ça ! ) Parce que ce n’est pas comme si une intrigue commençait et finissait, c’est la vie qui se déroule avec ses aléas ! Il y a de grands moments de tension, ou d’émotion, ou de franches rigolades, un tout petit peu de romance, beaucoup d’humanité !
Et pour une fois il n'y a quasiment pas de beuverie systématique (du moins entre les protagonistes) car, dit en passant, ce recours systématique à l'alcool me fatigue un peu dans les dramas ! Mais revenons à nos amis :
Je ferai la même critique que pour « Prison Play book » : ce drama semble être fait à la gloire de la police de patrouille de Séoul et celle que nous suivons est parfaite en tous points ! Mais je ne l’ai pas lâché, ne me suis pas ennuyée une minute ! C’est cru, c’est hard, c’est drôle, c’est vivant et parfaitement interprété par les deux jeunes et quelques vétérans qu’on a beaucoup vus et qui sont vraiment d’excellents acteurs ! Si vous cherchez la romance gentille, passez votre chemin, mais si vous voulez une ouverture sur ce qui pourrait bien être une réalité de la vie coréenne, c’est ce qu’il vous faut !
Les chansons ne sont pas gênantes, même si j’aurais préféré qu’elles se cantonnent au générique !
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Cette critique peut contenir des spoilers
I've seen lots of dramas and yet this is my first review. The reason I chose to write it for this drama is because of how great it is. I always anticipated the release of a new episode, and would download it on Netflix to watch offline any chance I got. During long commutes to school or work, even for study "breaks". It's plot and characters are so well developed, that you fall in love with every character, whether they were an officer, citizen, victim, or suspect (trying to keep this review spoiler free). It shows the realities of officers and the daily struggles of both becoming a part of the force and staying in it. It removes the romanticized notion of the job of a cop, as it shows the frustrating and devastating moments as well as the miracles of life. It truly gives you a new perspective of life hence the name of the drama.
This is the only drama I found myself crying right at the beginning of the episodes, and crying nonstop right until the end of every single episode. This drama humbles you in ways you never imagined, and helps the viewer to appreciate the meaning of life. While I gave everything else a score of 10 (5 stars) I gave rematch value a 9.0 because I normally don't rewatch dramas anyways (unless it's little clips of them) but this one I feel I would want to rewatch in the future, but only once I've recovered from seeing it the first time. That being said, I've also never laughed as hard and out loud while watching a drama before.
I want to thank everyone who played a part in the creation of this masterpiece, for I genuinely enjoyed every second of the drama 'Live'.
P.S. While I often find myself watching an action or mystery drama, my preference usually is a good rom com. There is just the right amount of romance in this drama as well to make your heart flutter and your stomach feel butterflies. Of course I had to download the soundtrack because of my babes EXO, but all the songs are really amazing. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did!
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So let's start....
The only bad thing about this drama?
Well it ends! :(
Best drama eveeeeeeeeer !!!
The actors were not "super pretty idols/cute" that we usually watch on kdramas, instead, they were just normal,
We didn't get pretty faces? We got better than that!
Amazing actors , amazing story, amazing soundtrack.
Who needs romance when you have this kind of drama???
LKS amazes me every time he is cast in a drama.
I loved every story this drama had to tell, they were more than just 'cops' , they were a huge amazing family.
I will rewatch this drama again for sure !
And I suggest this drama to everyone. You all need to watch the best drama 2018 could have.
TVN always brings amazing dramas but this one...HATS OFF!
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I'm not a Lee Kwang Soo fan, so I didn't go into this drama for him as an actor. He overacted a bit in places, but otherwise, he did a fair job playing Sang Soo, which is a departure I believe from his usual comedic roles. I think I was more disappointed in Sang Soo as a character than Kwang Soo as an actor. I do generally like Jung Yoo Mi, and she did a good job in her role, but Jung Oh was also a character I didn't really connect with much or feel much empathy for. She just was. The real standouts for me were Bae Sung Woo as Lt. Oh Yang Chon and Bae Jong Ok as his wife, Captain Ahn Jang Mi. Their marriage and careers were much more interesting and layered than the rookie officers. They are the characters that I related to and cared for. I enjoyed the side characters and they did an excellent job playing their roles. There were many interesting facets to the story.
The officers in this show are often between a rock and a hard place. I feel for them tremendously if this is really how the system is in S. Korea. Of course, some of the things are reminiscent of the way things have been going in the U.S. for the past several years. They are paid pitifully little to put their lives on the line every day, not knowing whether they will make it home safely. They put themselves in harm's way to catch a criminal only to be accused of 'brutality' when the suspect is apprehended. If they are injured themselves, then they are just abandoned to take care of it themselves. In the heat of the moment when it's a choice between taking action or being a 'coward', they can't win. The public cries out that they went too far if use of force is involved and if they don't catch the criminal (possibly being too scared of disciplinary action to take extraordinary measures) they are accused of not doing their duty and wasting taxpayers money. They are the ones that get cursed at and spit on and accused of wrong-doing just for doing their job. And their superiors can't be counted on to have their backs. Who could continue to have a 'sense of duty' in such a landmine of a job? Thank goodness they can at least count on those that are out in the field with them (for the most part) to have some measure of loyalty and support. Why would anyone want to take on a role as an officer when this is the kind of thanks they receive for protecting the public? It really makes you think about their role in society and who will even want to do this kind of job in the future. It also raises questions of how 'social media justice' plays a part in ruining people's livelihoods - there is no repentance in the age of internet. Your wrongdoings will haunt you forever - following you until the day you die. It made me very aware of the reason that the suicide rates in S. Korea are so high.
The music was wonderful and fit the tone of the show well. They had a couple of English OST's - one being Carry Me by Family of the Year, the same group that sang the song "Hero", the OST from It's Okay That's Love (coincidentally, also featuring Lee Kwang Soo). The other song I liked was In Your Light by Jon Allen.
I wouldn't re-watch this just due to the sheer length - 18 episodes running at about an hour and twenty minutes each. All in all, this was a powerful show and worth the time to watch, though.
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just when I was giving up hope on the train wreck of kdramas recently (I have dropped every single kdrama that has come out lately except for MOTHER and MISTY) along came this exceptional drama.
First of all, I just want to give big props to TVN for always producing quality dramas, one that rivals dramas from the US.
This drama reminded me mostly of MISAENG, a slice of life drama that truly depicts the working struggles of people.
I Know a drama would be epic if it touches every single fiber of my body and this drama did. I can't count on how many buckets of tears I shed for this.
The ensemble is superb, reminding me of DEAR MY FRIENDS, wherein there's no character left behind, everyone contributed to the storyline which makes every scene worth watching. Lee kwang Soo is the star for me in this, he's just raw and believable.
The soundtrack is amazing. every song is touching and emotional. I love it when kdramas use Western music, it adds magic to the scenes.
HIGHLY RECOMMENDED! it's definitely in my top three of all time best kdramas.
p.s. this drama had the best pilot episode I have ever watched in all series including the western dramas next to GOBLIN, it was like watching a full length movie almost.
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The reason I'm reviewing this is because It's freaking awesome!
This drama revolves around a daily group of cop dealing with their respective duties. It is as realistic as it can get, you don't get the usual K drama plots like dealing with a particular main bad guy here. Every episode is a roller coaster ride, you will not get bored watching this, there will be moments where you reflect on yourself and there will be moments that reminds you it's okay to be happy.
I like how they choose Kwang Soo who usually portray a goofy guy, to play a serious main lead role and show his serious side, guess what? His acting was really good here, with comedian as main job at that! (<3 YooJaeSuk). Some don't like Jung Yu Mi's chemistry with Kwang Soo and likes it better with Shin Dong Wook, but I prefer her screen time with Kwang Soo rather than with Dong wook, Dong wook did a good job here playing a guy who can't get over his past which is why I find his interaction with Yu Mi awkward. The other supporting character also did an excellent job, and the veteran actors like Jang Hyun Sung, Bae Sung Woo and Bae Jong Ok, really shine here, also their love story and family problems are emotional, ah and a drama with Sung Dong Il is bound to be great.
The pacing was excellent it wasn't dragged or rushed, and like I said it's a roller coaster ride, I didn't find or watch any boring scene. Each episodes are full of emotions and you can feel the characters grow mature, and develop their sense of duty as a policeman.
The Osts and background music hits right in the feels. The music always support the mood of that exact scene.
I don't have a thing that I disliked from this drama, oh wait I have one, the cliffhangers :)
All in all this is a must watch if slice of life is your cup of tea, this might be one of the best in 2018 for me. A drama where you can cry and laugh right after! The ending was just perfect! Overall a 10/10.
#ps did you get that one punch man referenceXD
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Han Jung Oh (Jung Yoo Mi) is a police woman that actually *gasp* does that job for the paycheck and doesn't feel some higher calling to wear the uniform. Pragmatic, but delicate with a hunting backstory that is the heart of the drama and the themes. It's not surprising that not just one, but two of her coworkers are smitten with her, but only one is able to deal with her heavy back story.
Yeom Sang Soo (Lee Kwang Soo) is a tall dorky idealist who might be a bit too naive for the job. He does that job for the paycheck just like Jung Oh, but it's a bit harder than he first thought. He finds himself attracted to Jung Oh and is persistent in winning her affections.
Ahn Jang Mi (Bae Jong Ok) and Oh Yang Chon (Bae Sung Woo) are a married couple of police officers who find themselves on going through a downward slope in their marriage. Jang Mi is the real highlight of the drama, tough and and equally full of heart. Dedicated and hyper competent at her job, but also a caring daughter in law to her father in law to whom she is closer than his own son. Yang Chon is a supremely unlucky, but also hard working police officer who is going through some shit, some stuff self-inflicted and also some that isn't.
I think every drama fan familiar with Noh Hee Kyoung winced a bit, hearing that she was teamed up with her long time partner in crime Kim Gyu Tae who for some reason is filming everything in hyper close ups and saps the rawness and emotion out of her scripts to a hyper polish. But thankfully he's finally found out the zoom out function and did a surprisingly competent job and let's Noh Hee Kyung's writing shine.
The highlight of the drama is the whole team spirit that develops among the police officers, I especially enjoyed the relationships among the veterans and the new recruits of the force. The chemistry among the actors was mostly great and I especially enjoyed the friendships that developed among the team and how they worked together on the cases. It's a realistic and raw look into the profession that goes against what is usually portrayed. It's also good to see that the subject of sexual violence has come to the forefront in quite a few dramas in recent times. It doesn't hold back and doesn't just show the immediate aftermath, but also the trauma down the line that victims have to deal with their whole lives.
The love triangle I felt didn't quite belong and seemed quite forced. I didn't feel like Jung Yoo Mi and Lee Kwang Soo had the chemistry necessary to make it work and I think that Lee Kwang Soo just isn't leading material. He doesn't have the charisma or screen presence to be the leading man and I feel that he was miscast here, coming across as pushy instead of charming. Jung Yoo Mi on the other hand was a great fit for the role. While the main love story just wasn't working for me, the one of Jang Mi and Yang Chon while quite unusual and unglamorous is also starkly realistic and made up for the main couple not being my cup of tea.
Overall a breath of fresh air, with some casting missteps, recommended for anyone that loved American cop shows and anyone that's sick of the usual Korean cop dramas. The no holds barred realism present in this drama, is not too often found in Korean dramas and should be cherished.
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These police officers are making impossible choices serving a society that doesn't much respect them. Unlike most cop shows, violence against girls and women wasn't some sick eye candy to keep the plot going, but it was heartbreaking. The young leads find out how much you need to have a good motive behind your actions. Sang Soo clearly shows the underlying message of the drama, that men and women can still have faith in each other, which is a rare thing to see today.
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girls who love girls
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Chances are you won't agree with 100% of the opinions in this drama, but what TV drama ever aligns with your beliefs perfectly? This show handles a lot of difficult subjects with a strong sense of justice and caring. I think my favorite was how it handled the tricky and traumatizing area of sexual assault. I really appreciated that.
My home country suffered from a very corrupt police system back when there was a war tearing it apart, and the country I live in now also has a turbulent relationship between the police and public. I think that's why I like shows like this, that give me hope that no matter how corrupt, there are still officers out there doing their best and fighting to change the system.
At first I was unsure how much I'd like the romance between Sang-su and Jeong-o, but by the end I was smiling at what a warm and sweet couple they were. A really gentle, close relationship that makes me happy to see. Not to mention the secondary couple, struggling to regain lost love after a divorce, that made me tear up a couple times.
As for the acting, it was just excellent. I walked in here a fan of Lee Kwang Soo, yet I was still amazed at how well he did in a starring, serious role. Please give him more opportunities. The actors for Oh Yang-Chon and his badass wife, Jang-Mi, blew me away with their emotional range. And Jeong-o did great. Honestly, there was not a single actor here that didn't do amazingly in my eyes.
I started streaming "For You" after hearing it so many times in this show. I think this is a memorable and deeply emotional, hard-hitting drama that manages to stand out from many other police dramas just by how much it cares. It's not perfect. But it's pretty damned good.
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Live depicts the lives of rookie cops and their mentors and how their work and family life intermingle. The writing was excellent. I did not know what to expect when I started watching it. When I first heard of Live, it was listed as a comedy. It is not. If I had to catergorize it, I'd put it under slice of life. Drama. Comedy. Action. Romance. It's all in there. It has many scenes that will make you smile, but it also has several that will make you sad and even anger you. The writers did a great job at balancing the emotions and climate of each episode. Was it 100% perfect? No, I'd be lying if I said it was because nothing is perfect. However, the story is well told.
The story is also well acted. Wonderfully acted as a matter of fact! The male leads were played by Lee Kwang Soo and Bae Sung Woo. Now, I will confess that I watch everything Lee Kwang Soo because I think he's an excellent actor and not respected enough. He has never failed to entertain me. I've only seen one other drama Bae Sung Woo has been in and I don't even remember him. Trust me when I say, I will remember him now. Lee plays rookie to Bae's seasoned vet. The 2 clash from the beginning but their relationship develops into one of mutual respect and friendship. The female leads (Jung Yoo Mi and Bae Jun Ok) are also Korean officers, which is uncommon in Korean drama. They're both strong willed and determined women who don't back down. There's a marvelous scene of Bae Jun Ok confronting the all male hierarchy in the police. It was beautifully brillant! The rest of the cast is peppered with seasoned scene stealing vets like Sung Dong Il, Jang Hyun Sung, Lee Soon Jae as well as some and up and comers to keep an eye on.
Usually, I hate how music is used in most dramas. I have to admit TVN music editors do a pretty good job. I did get tired of hearing the same songs, but they weren't played for what seemed like 3 minutes at a time while we re-watched scenes we just saw. I was surprised the main song(s) weren't by Korean artists, but they fit with the characters and the atmosphere. Thus, I believe, they were good choices.
I'm also not a big re-watch fan, but I am honestly ready to marathon Live again right now. I hope they do a sequel and not make the mistake of hiring a brand new cast. * fingers crossed *
There are some dramas that end perfectly with about 18 episodes; some that you wish did end with 18 episodes; and some you wish had a few more episodes. Live is the latter. If you like cop shows that delve into what happens in the precinct and the private lives of the officers, then you should be watching Live.
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For those who want to watch this, this drama was great ^_^
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Story: Unlike other police dramas focusing on detectives and details of the crime, this show focused on first respondent police officers. Every person has a unique background, motive of becoming a police, and a family. Like the title is this drama showed the things they go through every day to "live", and "survive".
Acting/Cast: They really looked like police officers. How they run, talk, look... everything was incredible.
Music: Personally it could have been acceptable even if there wasn't any music.
Overall: Anyone who hates police or trouble makers should watch this. Yeah, there are evil officers and sometimes make mistakes. But this show reminds us that they are also us, and trying to "live=survive" everyday.
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