19 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
oct. 11, 2017
Complété 0
Globalement 9.0
Histoire 8.5
Acting/Cast 8.0
Musique 10
Degrés de Re-visionnage 9.5
This has a great plot, it's not something you haven't seen before but the way the story was told was just great. Painfully beautiful. I first used the term with A Beautiful Life (series) and this will just be the second time.
No matter how many times you go back in time to try to change things if it isn't meant to be that it will never be. Seems you really can't change what is bound to happen. You just have to accept the fact that whatever is meant to be will find its way eventually. Enjoy the moment and make the most put of it, keep those memories and make sure you tell those you love how much you love them.
Full review here:

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14 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
juin 25, 2017
Complété 0
Globalement 8.5
Histoire 8.5
Acting/Cast 8.5
Musique 8.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 7.0
Stuck in time looping ...
Time travel is and will forever be a fantasy, physicists say. But fantasies can tell us more about human desires and dreams than discouraging facts.
This is what happens in "Kimi to 100 Kaime in Koi" the movie has no pseudoscience is totally without physical logic. The film expresses the common and eternally frustrated desire to turn back time as easily as restarting a clock, with a melodramatic script about to thrill.
In the same way the film has cinematic movements in height, its history faithfully reflects the unbearable truth that he (protagonist) must finally face, although he does not present this truth with much subtlety. And the types of literal mentality can disrupt the logical moments of the film's narrative, which is close to the "surreal" category but also clearly expresses the truth. Good movie!

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5 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
sept. 8, 2017
Complété 0
Globalement 9.5
Histoire 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.5
Musique 10
Degrés de Re-visionnage 5.0
One of the best japanese movies I've watched and probably the best one I've watched from 2017, even though I don't really like miwa as an actress.
The story might seem a bit cliché, but I think it was carried out in a way that made it stand out from any other time-travel romance movie. It really hooks you in and my face flowed like a river of tears. It was just brilliant.

The acting was also pretty good, but I admit I might be biased since this had Sakaguchi Kentaro and Tanabe Seiichi.

The music was 10/10. Even though I don't really like miwa as an actress (but I guess she's also pretty new to it), I do admit is one hell of a singer. I was also surprised to hear Sakaguchi sing. There's really nothing to criticize about the song and, even though they're love songs like most other, they fit perfectly in the scenes they were inserted (they only made me cry more in the ending - just plain beautiful).

Rewatch value is low since I never rewatch anyhing.

Great movie! Recommend it to everyone!

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4 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
mars 16, 2018
Complété 0
Globalement 9.0
Histoire 8.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Musique 9.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 5.0
Not a perfect plot, but lovely nonetheless. Leaves you with a bittersweet feeling. The music was really good - not all the songs, but the background soundtracks were all well suited to each scene. Good enough that I'd buy the OST. My one complaint would be that the female lead's acting wasn't consistent and wasn't always natural, as opposed to the male lead. But perhaps, that's how the character was written. Overall, worth a watch. Wouldn't recommend watching it again as it might not convey the same feeling as the first time.
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Andriette Erasmus
3 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
mars 18, 2018
Complété 0
Globalement 10
Histoire 10
Acting/Cast 9.5
Musique 10
Degrés de Re-visionnage 10
Film: By Andriette Erasmus Rating: ***** Released: 04/02/2017 Japan

The heart can sense the presence of time.

The painfully beautiful love of ‘The 100th love with you’ has all the right ingredients to leave you wanting more.

The 100th Love with you.
(Kimi to 100-kaime no koi) Directed by Shô Tsukikawa.

Riku Hasegawa (Kentaro Sakaguchi) is the time master, a tall, good-looking, effortlessly competent college student in this film who exemplifies perfection to Aoi Hinata (miwa), a classmate who has known him since childhood. The director Sho Tsukikawa created the perfect painfully beautiful love story in ‘The 100th Love with you’. It is the perfect chick-flick to get those emotions going and has all the right ingredients to make any girl fall in love with film.

Riku and Aoi are also bandmates preparing for a gig at a summer festival on July 31 2017- the band’s last since Aoi will soon leave for England to study abroad. Then another band member Naoya (Ryo Ryusei), who make a awkward confession of love in public to Aoi. But she has feelings for Riku, who has already put her in the ‘Friendzone’. Another secret love attraction is Rina (Erina Mano), Aoi’s honest best friend, who is secretly in love with Naoya. Just as the film is settling into a familiar romantic-drama groove, an accident happens after the performance, and Aoi finds herself back at the story’s beginning, a week earlier, as though it was just a dream. What happened? Riku lets her in on a secret: He can reverse time. His method: a mysterious record on a seemingly ordinary turntable.

This film really leaves you with a bittersweet feeling. My one complaint would be that the female lead's (Miwa) acting wasn't consistent and at time wasn’t the best actress, but maybe that’s how the director wanted her to play or how the character was written to be. As for the director of this film, Shô Tsukikawa, I have seen one of his other films and must say he is very good at capturing and creating those romantic moments and making us girls behind the screen want to be in that moment. He won and really deserved the Japan Academy Prize for Popularity Award - Most popular film for one of his other film works. I really hope he produces another teenage romance soon.

I would say liking this film is an understatement. I loved it! The share love between Riku and Aoi could be felt throughout the whole film. The best scene I would say which was really heartfelt was when Riku was writing in his notebook. ‘Try thing that’s never been done before’ at first I didn’t think much of this quote but later on in the film I released which made my heart not only break but left me in tears. I enjoyed every second of this film and give it 5 stars as it ticked all the boxes for me.

“Just enjoy this life” - Aoi Hinata
This quote really hits me hard and makes me release that what I am taking back from this story is that you only live once so live it to the fullest with who you love. I believe others would agree with me due to this amazing film. I recommend this film to all the hopeless romantics out there who are looking for another love story to put into their collection and teenage girls who are interested in Anime, drama’s and/or K-pop.

I believe you all can agree with me after seeing this film, it is beautiful. It makes you want to find ‘the one’ and never let go the way Riku tried too. It has all the right ingredients to make anyone fall in love with the story of Riku and Aoi, and the fantasy of being about to turn back time.

RATING ***** Andriette Erasmus

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1 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
janv. 27, 2018
Complété 0
Globalement 7.0
Histoire 7.0
Acting/Cast 6.5
Musique 10
Degrés de Re-visionnage 5.0
Time traveling? A story happening in Japan? I've heard of this somewhere before...

Actually, this story reminded me of that time I watch The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya and the Endless 8 episode cycle. Again, time traveling is nothing new or exciting to me. I really liked the fact that the directors decided not to loop the same scenes and show the same footage over and over again. Just like an anime, this was a beautiful summer romance story based in Japan at its most intriguing time - summer. However, the romance and the feelings between the main characters seemed very odd to me. I've been meaning to watch this movie for quite a long time since Kentaro Sakaguchi is in this, but I didn't enjoy his performance here. And the leads didn't have that strong of a chemistry. Since this is mainly a movie based on a musical story, I quite enjoyed the soundtrack and the live performances. Frankly, I don't know what to add. Probably that the story is lacking something more, a deeper meaning perhaps.

Anyway, it's a good movie. GOOD as in just regular, nothing too meaningful or unforgettable.

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1 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
juil. 10, 2017
Complété 0
Globalement 8.0
Histoire 9.0
Acting/Cast 7.0
Musique 8.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 8.0
Já fazia algum tempo que não via um bom filme japonês e decidi apostar em Kimi to 100 Kaime No Koi simplesmente porque me senti atraida pela premissa de viagem no tempo.

Aoi junto com seus amigos Riku, Naoya, Rina e Tetsuta são parte de uma banda independente que tocam por prazer no meio tempo em que estudam na mesma faculdade. Eles estão se preparando para o festival de verão onde se apresentarão.

Só por aí já gostei muito, pois a capa não dá muitas informações se o enredo se passa numa escola ou não. Mas adorei ser um filme um pouco mais abrangente, dos protagonistas serem um pouco mais velhos e trazer temos como o que fazer da vida, intercâmbio e vida na universidade.

Logo nos primeiros minutos notamos romance não correspondido entre alguns desses amigos e uma pequena confusão se forma, levando ao ápice do incidente em que Aoi se envolve. No entanto, a jovem consegue acordar uma semana antes de tudo acontecer, a deixando bem transtornada.

E é a partir daí vemos que Riku esconde mais coisas do que imaginamos, e é uma grata surpresa. Estava muito apreensiva se essa parte da trama em voltar no tempo seria chata e maçante; mas não, muito pelo contrário. Satomi Oshima, que é o roteirista do filme, fez um ótimo trabalho . Mas também vale lembrar que Kimi to... é um live action baseado no mangá com mesmo nome escrito por Kumichi Yoshizuki com 3 volumes, então os créditos podem ser do autor do mangá.

Desse momento em que Aoi volta no tempo com ajuda do Riku há uma revelação de sentimentos muito embazadas no passado no casal e fica fácil de sentir que o romance esteve ali desde sempre. Então, Aoi e Riku decidem reviver o tempo como casal, e um amor muito bonito por sinal.

"Eu quero viver este momento com você. Vamos juntos por toda a vida."

Além disso, a produção cinematográfica merece muito elogios. Os locais escolhidos, a ótima fotografia, os closers. Acho tudo de muito bom gosto e passa um visual muito bonito para quem assiste. Além da trilha sonoro que é bem fofa, juvenil e romântica.

"O futuro sem você não tem significado para mim"

As duas últimas canções são muito bonitas, e transmite todos os sentimentos que a história inteira quis passar. Quero saber como os personagens não choraram porque eu simplesmente desabei. Lençol foi preciso! Além de mostrar as tradições da cultura asiática, como a comemoração de 100° dia para algumas coisas, seja relacionamento amoroso ou amizade, dando todo sentido ao título do filme. Posso amar mais por isso?

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0 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
déc. 3, 2024
Complété 0
Globalement 9.0
Histoire 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musique 7.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 6.0

A sad but beautiful story

We often forget what is truly most important in life. Unfortunately, time cannot be turned back, but we can use the time we have left. Enjoying every day with the people close to you. Showing them how much we love them every day. ❤️
A beautiful story, showing how fleeting life is. And that we should appreciate every day.
Cet avis était-il utile?
0 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
sept. 8, 2017
Complété 0
Globalement 9.0
Histoire 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musique 10
Degrés de Re-visionnage 7.0
Time travel and time looping have always been a fantasy to us but what this movie has done is it shows a beautiful yet sad side of this type of genre that can make us yearn about the past that we wish to change, let alone changing someone's fate.

I have not seen much time travelling movies but I believe this movie does not fall in the 'cliche type of movie' as this movie shows a 'realistic' side of the unrealistic/fantasy topic, highlighting that we must embrace the truth as some truths can be unbearable or hurtful.

As for the casts, I know many have been rooting for Sakaguchi Kentaro to take up a lead role and he definitely did not disappoint his fans (according to some fandom websites). For a novice like Miwa, it might be too heavy for her to take up a lead role but since the movie is focused (not heavily) on music, the casting director(s) made a neat job casting her as she is a wonderful singer, loved by all. Also, I could sense Sakaguchi Kentaro is very helpful in guiding her, perhaps the entire movie.

All the songs that are sung and played in this movie are absolutely heaven and I'd love to know all the song titles. It's almost like a musical especially the last song really stands out as it suits the scene, or even the entire story-lines. It really shows that the producers/directors thoroughly chose songs that strongly and similarly depict the story-lines of the movie.

Overall, I am very satisfied of the movie and recommend it :) [I did cry at the end because why, how can you not :) ]

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Abhiroop Gopal
0 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
nov. 23, 2022
Complété 0
Globalement 9.5
Histoire 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musique 10
Degrés de Re-visionnage 8.0

Loved the movie ?❤

The songs, the story, the lesson everything I loved it..
one of the best Japanese movies ❤❤..
the actors were great too and the concept of time travel.. it was different from other movies...
I hope to watch more movies like this in my life... I really love romantic movies... I hope they make more movies like this so I can watch them with my loved ones...
Everything was great in this movie.......................

I really liked this movie.... I do wanna watch more movies like this ❤❤

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0 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
mars 12, 2023
Complété 0
Globalement 10
Histoire 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musique 8.5
Degrés de Re-visionnage 8.5

i just didn't expect that!

i thought it's just another typical high school story but naur! it's so mind blowing, like REALLY. the casts are good, the plot is superb (super mind blowing) the songs are so EMOTIONAL DAMAGE. like wow, i cried too much. my heart's still aching. it's about fate and acceptance. we really need to cherish every moment and confess (whatta word) to never lose the opportunity. we have to spend our time with our loved ones and make it memorable. and really, most Japanese movies are so respectful to the fate. i mean, i knew what's coming in this movie but the next scenes gave me a slight hope that maybe something will change but, naur. we have to accept our fate talaga, like really. this is superb so watch it habang may panahon pa.

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0 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
févr. 2, 2023
Complété 0
Globalement 8.0
Histoire 8.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Musique 9.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 8.0

¿Ya dije que amo a Kentaro Sakaguchi?

¡Hola, muchachada! Hoy me paso por acá para hablarles de una película muy bonita que vi hace unos días: The 100th Love with You.

El 31 de julio, la estudiante universitaria Aoi Hinata tiene un accidente. Cuando despierta, lo hace una semana antes de que esto pasara. Luego de este hecho, Riku, uno de los amigos de la infancia de Aoi, le confiesa que tiene el poder de retroceder en el tiempo.
Riku y Aoi sienten algo el uno por el otro, pero hasta ahora nunca habían expresado sus sentimientos, por lo que deciden viajar un año atrás para disfrutar al máximo su noviazgo... ¿El destino puede cambiarse? ¿Qué pasará cuando llegue nuevamente el 31 de julio?

A esta película llegué de casualidad y terminé muy feliz de haberla visto. Es de esas historias que, a pesar de tener muchos detalles cuestionables, uno disfruta un montón por los personajes. Aoi y Riku me encantaron como pareja, fui muy feliz viéndolos vivir un amor bonito y envidiable, sobre todo porque la película mechó muy bien flashback de la infancia de los dos en donde claramente ya se querían un montón. Eso y la dinámica del grupo de amigos del que forman parte me sacaron más de una sonrisa, ya que todo es muy bello y funciona muy bien.

Ahora bien, no todo me encantó. Por ejemplo, las actuaciones podrían haber sido un poco mejores (Kentaro Sakaguchi, el protagonista, me encanta, pero el actor se ríe de la forma más falsa que haya visto en mucho tiempo). También me quedaron muchas dudas con respecto a cómo funcionan los viajes en el tiempo, ya que las cosas que pasan y la forma en la que pasan, para mí, en ningún momento terminan de tener una explicación de peso (a pesar de haber entendido el mensaje que quisieron dar al final). O sea, siento que hay muchos agujeros que podrían haberse eliminado agregando detalles muy simples.

En fin, es una peli que no busca ser impredecible en lo más mínimo ya que es obvio cómo va a terminar, pero las lágrimas son igualmente inevitables. Así que nada, si quieren ver una historia de amor cute con vibes a "La chica que saltaba a través del tiempo", se las recomiendo un montón. Además, la banda sonora es muy linda.

•IG DE RESEÑAS CORTAS: @altoplottwist

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The 100th Love With You (2017) poster



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