- Français
- 中文(台灣)
- English
- magyar / magyar nyelv
- Titre original: 何者
- Aussi connu sous le nom de: Who , Nanimono ,
- Scénariste et Réalisateur: Miura Daisuke
- Genres: Vie quotidienne, Jeunesse, Drame
Distribution et équipes
- Sato Takeru Rôle principal
- Arimura Kasumi Rôle principal
- Suda Masaki Rôle principal
- Nikaido FumiKobayakawa RikaRôle principal
- Okada MasakiMiyamoto TakayoshiRôle principal
- Yamada TakayukiSawa [Takuto's senior]Rôle Secondaire

Cette critique peut contenir des spoilers
Finding the real story of your life takes more than one minute
WOW ... I started watching this movie out of curiosity, but then descended into despair ... job hunting ... it can really put you through the wringer ... rejection after rejection even though you put your 'best self' out there and when that doesn't work you put your best rendition of what you think the kind of person they are looking for ... and when that doesn't work ... what the hell do you do ヽ(•́ᴥ•̀)ノ ... if you are not backed by money or family supports ... it is your very existence, your survival that is on the line ... in the face of this onslaught of rejection and negative opinion, some people are resilient, some lie through their teeth, others wrap themselves up in a delusional world of their creation ... and so on.However, this depressing start soon became psychologically fascinating and the way the movie brought that to the screen was very clever ... "real life" turning into a boxed room stage play ... that was a visual profound shift in awareness ... the staged play reflected the true life of Takuto ... his 'real' life just a 'stage play'.
There were some powerful concepts that were repeated during the moving ... words and sentences that were densely loaded and worth time to reflect on.
"Someone" ... when Kotaru said "The job hunt is over, but I don't feel like I have become someone." WOW that is a profound observation ... how do we become 'someone' and what does that even mean ... how do we know when we actually become 'someone' and is the process and end the same for everyone (◑_◑)?
"The masterpieces in our own head ... the ones that we cannot get out of." WOW ... so true ... we have these grand masterpieces of how our life is going to be, how we are going to be 'someone' ... but bridging the gap (or chasm in some cases) between our mental masterpieces and real life, is easier said than done. Takuto himself threw this statement in the face of others more than once and yet he himself remained unaware or ignored the fact that he himself was still living in the masterpiece in his own mind ... the only way he could bridge the gap was to bring everybody else down through his alternative twitter account.
"reeked of desperation" ... yes indeed ... to one degree or another ... desperation for what ... to be someone BUT not just society's expectation of what that 'someone' should be, but rather to 'find the story of your own life' ... only to be told "Please express who you are in one minute." .... like what the photon ... one minute ... "I can't do this in one minute." Finally, Takuto became 'real' ... that brought tears to my eyes (༼☯﹏☯)༽ ... and then I thought well done Takuto, well done ◝(ᵔ‿ᵔ)◜
For me this movie was brilliant ... profound ... heartbreaking and yet potentially transformative as well ... applicable not just to the job hunting stages of life ... but life in general regardless of what stage we are at ... why ... because we all get out of the masterpieces of our own head at different times ... and some never escape it. The way they all brought these deep concepts to the screen in an hour and a half was very impressive indeed.
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"The job hunt is over, but I don't feel like I've become someone."
TRUE! Well, I'm so sorry, I watched this movie while my head is really heavy because of a cold, so maybe I can't give a proper review. As far as I caught is that job hunting is really a thing (been there, done that) and really a stressful event. But it's also true that a job offer didn't always made us someone.
Even though I can't clearly understand, but I love the twisted role in the end. Really surprising.
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