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juil. 4, 2017
15 épisodes vus sur 15
Complété 0
Globalement 9.5
Histoire 8.0
Acting/Cast 10
Musique 9.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 10
This is one of the best BL series out there. Addicted is on my top 3.

The storyline is good although there are scenes that would confuse you as the editing is not quite organized. There will be parts that would jump from this place to another that would confuse the hell out of you, but maybe because of too much cuts. The chemistry of Bai Louyin ang Gu Hai is 10/10, seriously they could just get married! On and off cam, Johnny(Gu Hai) couldn't just take his hands off Timmy (Louyin) lmao. Their acting is superb, the character development is there although it was kinda rushed maybe because of limited episodes but it was enough. This is a series that would give you the feeling of living inside the web, like you could really get attache to the characters, that's how good this series is. If you like domineering seme you should watch this. Gu Hai always try to force himself with Bai Louyin so be prepared for some of that. It's not as serious as SOTUS and not as playful as MIR, it's somehow in between.

If you like to watch BL stories with lots of skinships, this is for you. *winks*

P.S This series was not finished as China banned this from airing as well as the actors from doing shows together. Many says that the main eason fro the banning was because of the gay theme but the other reason was because of the title that is drug-related (Heroin). They say that the production team can;t anything about it because law for drugs in China is very strict but anyway we all know how homophobic their government is.

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fluffy 13_4
0 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
sept. 19, 2021
15 épisodes vus sur 15
Complété 0
Globalement 8.5
Histoire 5.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musique 9.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 10
I’ll admit it - I totally enjoyed watching this drama. And only after reading some of the reviews here, I realized - yeah, the stalking, kidnapping and harassing are highly unacceptable.

Nevertheless, I found both lead actors so hot and charismatic and the chemistry between them so intense that when I watched this series, all of its morally disturbing and offensive aspects faded into the background.

Am I proud that their hotness and natural charisma clouded my moral judgement? No, absolutely not, but I would still rewatch this series.

This is not a drama that you watch for its great storytelling. It’s a horny watch (especially if you include the deleted scenes - easily to be found on YouTube), and if you can appreciate it as that, you will enjoy watching it.

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0 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
févr. 10, 2023
15 épisodes vus sur 15
Complété 0
Globalement 2.0
Histoire 2.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Musique 4.5
Degrés de Re-visionnage 1.0
Cette critique peut contenir des spoilers

what the hell....

I'll get the good out of the way first....
the story line was basic but good, two school boys meet because their parents divorced, and the divorcee met the others parent making them "step brothers". fine and dandy, done before but a safe choice for a BL.
The cast is good, acting is good. Soundtrack is fine.

But what in the BL rape f*ckery happened to this drama?!

Gu Hai is diagnosably insane... No question in my mind. This character is so problematic from start to finish. He starts out with an innocent crush (while having a girlfriend) on his step brother, Yin. He then STALKS HIM. Starts bringing him gift after gift while harassing him at school and causing all sorts of issues for poor Yin who just wants to nap. He continues following him around until eventually he moves in with Yin and Yin's father.
He proceeds to repeatedly force himself on to Yin so many times its disgusting. every time he is pushed away aggressively, there's no room for "well maybe he's being playful or playing hard to get". no he's SHOVING Gu Hai away while basically telling him to f*ck off.

Gu Hai then for some reason thinks it's a good idea to send two men to kidnap Yin and tie him up on Gu Hais bed so he can have his way with Yin, along with some of the creepiest dialogue I've ever seen.
He releases Yin after finding out Yin isn't mad at him and wanted to apologize for their fight, but doesn't give up on physically assaulting Yin throughout the rest of the show.

At some point near the last episode Yin is seemingly stolkhomed enough to climb on top golf Gu Hai, who is passed out and drunk at the time, and starts making out with him out of nowhere. This wakes up Gu Hai who is unsurprisingly happy that this is happening and immediately flips Yin over and has "sex" with him. They sleep together again in a car that Gu Hai bought for Yin because he felt jealous of Yins ex girlfriend? idk at this point.

After all of these shenanigans it shows a clip of them in class when suddenly Yins ex girlfriend comes into their class and says something like "you already forgot about me" or something weird... Then ends?? Thats all folks. The most random ending I've experienced.

I would not recommend this to anyone.

TL;DR - this is literally a story of assault and stolkhome syndrome. Just don't waste your time.

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0 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
mai 28, 2024
15 épisodes vus sur 15
Complété 0
Globalement 5.0
Histoire 5.0
Acting/Cast 10
Musique 5.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 4.0
Cette critique peut contenir des spoilers

os brutos também amam? (queria o meu tempo de série de volta)

começo pelo ponto forte da série: atuação: a china sabe formar bons atores. e aqui termina o ponto forte da série rs.

eu gosto de amores brutos, rudes e frios. o clima e a narrativa da série tinha tudo para explorar e lapidar um bom romance nesse contexto. como disse anteriormente: o trabalho dos atores principais e coadjuvantes, tão natural, permitiu uma vibe íntima e simples bastante cativante que facilmente poderia fazer dessas uma boa história de amor --- amor entre meninos de escola, claro, mas ainda assim. foi por este motivo, e apenas este motivo, que assisti, bastante contrariada (por que faço isso comigo?) a série inteira. de outro modo, como eu poderia ter acompanhado a história de dois personagens chatos, ridículos, enfadonhos, brutos, unidimensionais? coisinhas que só boas atuações chinesas conseguem lograr.

até hoje dou risada amargurada com isso: esta série me fez assistir a história de dois caras que eu julguei detestáveis, de inicio ao fim, e por isso merece uma rodada de aplausos. mas só por isso mesmo. não vi enamoramento ou amor bl em lugar algum da história dos dois. amizade (bromance)? talvez, mas há controvérsias. particularmente, adoraria ter um amigo que ajudasse a mim e minha família em momentos de dificuldade. mas eu buscaria uma ordem de restrição, caso este mesmo amigo me drogasse a bel prazer. em certo sentido, é possível argumentar sobre "coisas de adolescentes". mas esta série não é 'skins' --- gu hai é o único que saiu agindo de forma admitidamente abusiva com alunos e professores e cuidadores ao seu redor, com a justificativa de que ele era um garoto oprimido pelo desamor do pai. o típico personagem "de personalidade forte" intragável. bonitinho mas ordinário. mesmo se eu fosse analisar a série por uma perspectiva bdsm (eu amo analisar as coisas por uma perspec bdsm), addicted (heroin) é muita bagunça (e bdsm não é bagunça). para tudo existe limite. gu hai não é dominador - ele é controlador e manipulador. poucas coisas são mais brochantes do que a narrativa "eu odeio/maltrato todo mundo menos você", porque isso significa tolerância com abuso. bao luo yin, por sua vez, além de passivo, foi o personagem mais sem sal mais sem consistência mais patético da série (e da história de séries que já assisti). a única posição que ele tomou seriamente foi o seu ódio para com a sua mãe biológica. de início ao fim, ele foi uma marionete - indo com o fluxo dos desejos alheios. muito chato. antes, ele tinha um amigo. depois. esse amigo que se foda enquanto sofria bullying de seu chamado 'interesse romântico'. que cara ovo mole. ele não fez nada importante que não tivesse sido fortemente influenciado por gu hai ou pelo seu pai ou qualquer outra pessoa. até mesmo na resolução de conflito com gu hai, o pai dele é quem tinha que dizer a ele o que pensar ou fazer (detesto este tipo de coisa em histórias de romance. o personagem não tem autorreflexão? sempre tem que vir alguém para puxar o saco do interesse romântico? sem falar que era suspeito, porque o pai vivia recebendo favor do tal "menino de ouro" que era o gu hai).

a quimica entre os atores? cem por cento presente, não posso negar. mas não havia nada de amor ou romance na narrativa. li em algum lugar que "gu hai queria pica e não sabia como pedir" --- a mais pura verdade. podia ser a resenha da série, com o acréscimo de: não sabendo como pedir pica, gu hai foi assediar bao luo yin. antes de assistir a série, eu havido lido, nos gatilhos, um "consentimento duvidoso", mas de fato, tudo o que assisiti foi puro assédio. foi muito estranho e incômodo e irritante. bao luo yin nunca pareceu ter qualquer tesão qualquer crush qualquer enamoramento por gu hai. o 'romance' deles foi muito forçado: unilateral, até as ultimas consequências. o gu hai literalmente raptou o outro!!!! o que, sinceramente, me fez rir hhahahah de tão absurda a narrativa.

então há o retrato de personagens femininas: desprezivo. as mulheres são tidas como irritantes ou loucas ou infantis ou vagabundas --- e sempre, verdadeiramente simples. nossa. foi muito mal escrito. dá pra sentir o cheiro de homem reunidos em roteiro e direção de longe.

foi uma pena a série ter sofrido a censura chinesa que sofreu, isto é inegável. e o que os atores sofreram com isso também - terrível. mas a série, em si... pelo amor de deu. PELO AMOR DE DEUS!!!!! queria o meu tempo de volta!!! os brutos também amam, mas não é bem assim

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0 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
mai 21, 2020
15 épisodes vus sur 15
Complété 0
Globalement 10
Histoire 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musique 10
Degrés de Re-visionnage 10
I really do hope there will be a continueation of this series but there probably won't be because china has a lgbtq ban in series/movies which is just great (i'm being sarcastic here)

I think it was one of the few series i find are perfect
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0 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
oct. 12, 2023
15 épisodes vus sur 15
Complété 0
Globalement 7.5
Histoire 7.0
Acting/Cast 7.0
Musique 8.5
Degrés de Re-visionnage 5.5

Not what I expect

It's not bad but I basically have the same feeling about this that I had about Love Sick & KinnPorsche (KinnPorsche people pls don't get offended it just wasn't for me). A lot of People said you just had to watch it because it was so good but you come out underwhelmed. The ending was not an ending but I guess China banned it so it didn't really get an ending but it was good when I watched it but not something is chose to watch again. Sorry jumps randomly and with no explanation so you just have to roll with it.
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coffwalk Yun
0 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
mars 24, 2020
15 épisodes vus sur 15
Complété 0
Globalement 3.5
Histoire 2.5
Acting/Cast 5.0
Musique 4.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 1.0
At the beggining I must say two things.
The first I apologize for my bad English, I'm not a national speaker.
The second this is really my humble opinion, so please if you like this drama don't be angry. This is only my opinion and everybody has law to share their thoughts.

I chose this drama because I had mood for something in this genre. I don't know why, maybe I was a little tired because of my self-study everyday so I wanted to watch something undemanding. You know what I mean – something I don't have to think about.

So I found this and I started watching... and I finished this at one day. But it wasn't good, I finished it only because of it I didn't want to do something else. And also due the story line went so fast. I liked the speed.

Main plot is too cliche, it is so similar to Fifty Shades if you know this books/movies. And Fifty Shades is focused on BDSM and sexual plot. Addicted Heroin is focused on gay relationship (And I must to say I like BL lines, this isn't the reason why I dislike this) and it has so many similar elements like Fifty Shades. And Fifty Shades is primitive story where everything is wrong. So... because I see similarity in this, I can't like this.

Main characters... I don't know why Da Hai fell in love with someone like main character. Maybe I want better describing feelings, something like that.

I like two another characters more, Yang Meng and You Qi, they were so nice and their plot was nicer for me than the main romantic line. It's a pity they didn't have so much space for describing their relationship, it was really plain.

It was average, but at least it kept me looking at it. I don't think this is so beautiful BL drama. It's a shame.

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0 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
mars 26, 2024
15 épisodes vus sur 15
Complété 0
Globalement 8.0
Histoire 7.0
Acting/Cast 6.0
Musique 6.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 8.0

Early BL series, with all the flaws of a starting industry and a cult status today.

I am very torn about this one, and I cannot really make up my mind.

First let me give you some background about me (in order to present you with some context). When this came out I watched it and I liked it very much, since (believe it or not) this was my first asian BL series. In reality I became infatuated, probably because I had just broken up with my Chinese bf. I got so hooked up, that I read the book in Chinese (which, given my language level at the time, was quite a struggle). In fact, I even started reading the second book (yes there is a continuation), but the story was so ridiculous that I gave up halfway through. The bottom line is that for personal reasons I somehow relayed more than expected to the characters, probably trying to make sense of my life at the time. This led to my adoring the series, and I suppose that a series or film that can succeed in connecting to its viewers can be regarded as successful. However, it is not always straightforward to cleanly separate successful and good.

After rewatching it (mostly in fast forward this time) a few years later, I realized that if I have to be honest the series is amateurish, the actors have little to no chemistry (at least not compared with modern series), and that the plot sucks (to put it mildly). The episodes are often logically disconnected and without the knowledge of the book plot (which per se is already wanting), the viewer is left confused.

Does this suffice for a bad rating? Well yes and no. Yes, since (at least for today's standards) this is a badly made series, but then again no, because when it was made it was quite revolutionary (especially it being a Chinese production). And everyone involved did their best (for that time). Obviously, same as with every type of art, judging old movies today is completely unfair. A Buster Keaton or the SanMao movie would be complete flops today... Furthermore, the series made quite a stir, to the point that people legally suffered because of it (google to see what happened to the main leads), which gives many plus points in my eyes.

Be it as it may, the series has definitely acquired a cult value among Asian-BL lovers like myself. If you want to watch a modern high-level production of a BL series, then this is probably not the best choice. If you want to understand what the early steps of the industry were, then this is definitely a must.

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0 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
sept. 20, 2022
15 épisodes vus sur 15
Complété 0
Globalement 8.5
Histoire 5.0
Acting/Cast 7.0
Musique 1.5
Degrés de Re-visionnage 4.0

and I oop

this was a cute one. the story a little cliche but I loved how they played it. I also loved how this was an overall good bl without a sex scene. really cute actors. and I love how he eventually accepted his feelings. I also feel that the part where they are going to "war" playing these panks..... it wasn't like basic baby powder in hair dryer. no it was sticking closes the arms and neck holes with the amount of pull ups he did. it was the ima just fallow him home right quick. Like it was amazing but this would be a watch one time thing because when you watch it again you will be screaming at the tv the entire time. witch btw I did. so would not recommend unless your voice wants to get horse. anyways I say WATCH ITTTTTTTT

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0 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
févr. 6, 2019
15 épisodes vus sur 15
Complété 0
Globalement 7.5
Histoire 8.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musique 5.5
Degrés de Re-visionnage 5.5
Cette critique peut contenir des spoilers
Everyone I know said that their love this show but I can't agree with them. The show is good but not great. It has its issues. I don't think the people in charge of writing read the book. Because I don't feel anything between the the two main characters. The two friends from school just seem like a huge waste of space but they are both very funny. Back to one of the episodes when ever the friend kidnaps is friend and in the next episode everything fine. Even though he kidnapped you and then made out with you.
Cet avis était-il utile?
0 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
mars 20, 2023
15 épisodes vus sur 15
Complété 0
Globalement 9.5
Histoire 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musique 7.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 8.0

Most successful BL ever.

According to Wikipedia it is the most successful BL ever. It even topped big mainstream productions. Within 24h 10 Million views.

If you only like glossy stories, you might not be happy. But that's exactly what I like:
I like this drama because it also shows normal everyday life and not everything is so hygienically clean and bling bling, as in almost all productions. You also see a dirty backdrop sometimes. The bed doesn't look like something out of an expensive department store brochure and the shower looks more improvised than the shower of a luxury 5-star hotel.
Yes, we all dream of this luxury and I am still waiting today for my prince to seduce me in such a luxury bathroom.... looking at me with his languorous gaze and swearing eternal fidelity... trembling gives me a kiss... (I think I'm rambling ^^)

This drama has a very nice humor and the love story still gives me goosebumps today.
The paths of two down-to-earth guys who don't like each other cross constantly and a very deep relationship develops. Of course, everyday life goes on and problems get in the way. But they manage everything and... and then? And then suddenly this drama ends.
The series was so successful that the censors got scared.

Dear censorship people. A BL drama does NOT make anyone gay. Not even if a gay man gives you a kiss, none of you will become gay. It is not a contagious disease and no woman will suddenly drop dead while watching a BL drama, no car will out of the nowhere breaks down from a BL drama power and no voodoo of this world will harm your sexuality. The only thing that will happen is that you will make yourselves ridiculous.
Anyone who stops something like that deserves eternal boredom in a small office. Let's see what heaven has in store for you. People told me that censorship people will face an eternity with exactly what they have stopped in films.
This is true for ANY censorship in any country. Yes, even the western world considers censorship normal.
And before you misunderstand me. I am an advocate for youth protection! What always makes me think a lot is that a nipple leads to big censorship measures, but a knife in the belly (in the head for all I care) (with liters of blood) does not. It's a weird world. We are all conceived through sex and almost all of us practice sex (in one form or another). But violence is (hopefully) not at home with everyone.
Oh... I've drifted off again.
So... the censors stopped the filming and that's what I call fear. There were then final scenes shot so that the viewer wouldn't get the feeling of an abruppten end. Too bad. I would have liked to see the real end and it would have come with the popularity to a second season.

So. What you get is not only a very beautiful love story but it is also a document. But even without these circumstances the film would have gotten 15 out of 10 points ;)
Very well acted, very sensitive and not too striking.

Every BL fan must have seen the mother of all BL movies.

Have fun!

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0 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
juil. 16, 2020
15 épisodes vus sur 15
Complété 0
Globalement 6.0
Histoire 5.0
Acting/Cast 8.5
Musique 8.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 4.5
Cette critique peut contenir des spoilers

I'm on the fence about this drama

So first I think it was brave for all the actors and the whole production team to make a BL drama in China especially with all the restrictions.
The acting in the drama was overall quite good as was the music.
However, the issues I had which made it quite difficult for me to finish it was the relationship between the two mains. Most of their skinship (touching) was forced. Gu Hai repeated forced himself onto Bai Luo Yin claiming it was normal and ok because they were 'bros'. I get that Bai Luo Yin didn't like properly shove him away at any point but you could tell it was a bit uncomfortable. I know lots of BL (Y) series also have issues with consent but in other ones I've seen, the issue has been handled better then it was here.
Also, the fact that they are step-brothers makes it murky water for a lot of people, however, as they do not find out about this until quite late in the drama, you can't blame the characters for this.

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Addicted Heroin (2016) poster



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