1 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
févr. 28, 2021
30 épisodes vus sur 30
Complété 0
Globalement 6.0
Histoire 7.0
Acting/Cast 6.5
Musique 7.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 6.5

Não é o melhor dorama já feito.

Sinceramente, eu comecei a assistir isso muito animada, pois segundo a sinopse, a história se passa no mundo dos videogames, porém, acabei me decepcionando um pouquinho, não era exatamente o que eu esperava.
- A história é até boa em certo sentido, o casal principal se mantém estável e são um exemplo de "casal perfeito", que só existe na ficção mesmo.
- Os casais secundários não são muito explorados, mas eles realmente não eram muito interessantes.
- Há um casal homossexual, não é exatamente explícito por ser um dorama chinês, mas a gente entende que aquela relação é algo mais.
- A trilha sonora é ok
- A atuação pode não ser a melhor do mundo, mas não atrapalha na compreensão dos personagens.
- A história mesmo sendo boa como eu falei, não tem grandes empasses com o casal principal e nem um suspense ou tensão realmente empolgante, nada que te impressione muito sabe?
- Existem muitos momentos e cenas desnecessários, e muitas coisas bestas que idolatram o personagem homem, personagem esse que apesar de "perfeito", educado e respeitoso com a garota, é muito desinteressante, não é um personagem que você se apega. A menina é mais interessante, mesmo que não tanto.
- A personagem principal não parece ser uma mulher de grandes ambições, o que é decepcionante, já que no início ela se mostra bastante inteligente e experta, mas ela não foi nada explorada no lado acadêmico, mesmo quando seu par romântico poderia tela chamado para fazer algo pela sua empresa, ele não chama e ela continua sendo apenas a esposa do chefe. Eles até tentaram colocar uma cena onde ela mostra que não é por ser mulher que é burra, porém, levando em conta o resto, foi bem irrelevante e bobo.
- Eu particularmente não gostei da humilhação que uma das amigas da principal passa, pois fica evidente que parece que TUDO gira em torno da garota principal, e que todos os garotos se apaixonam por ela mesmo não podendo tela, o que é irritante pois essa amiga dela sofre muito e tecnicamente é por causa da garota principal (mesmo que ela não tenha culpa por ser muito bonita ou algo do tipo), e a série faz a principal ser coitadinha na maior parte do tempo, o que as vezes pode ser irritante.

Acho que o grande ponto para eu ter dado essa nota baixa é a falta de realidade na série, e também o fato do assunto jogos ter se perdido em vários momentos. Temos um casal e pessoas que parecem irreais de mais, nem por dificuldades eles passam, é irritante. PORÉM, eu assisti até o fim pois muitas vezes acaba por ser fofinho, e eu queria saber o fim. Se você procura um dorama mais tradicional e sem muito assuntos polêmicos ou atuais, ele é pra você. Eu indico, mas não julgo se você não quiser terminar de vê-lo.

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1 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
janv. 21, 2017
30 épisodes vus sur 30
Complété 0
Globalement 10
Histoire 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musique 9.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 10
I have to confess! This is such an amazing excellent beautiful and lovely drama kyaa~
OMG! I never imagine that I would be like this after watched it!
Before, I thinked that 30 episodes are so long for a drama
But actually at least this drama should be 50 episodes, no no, 70 episodes!
I want more! I want more!
Eventhough it's not possible there will be season 2 but I will always waiting for it!

Recommended Drama! You'll regret if you do not watch it! Trust me

And I regret coz I always doubt this drama at the first time
Hahaa sorry, i can not bear my feeling ^^

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1 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
mai 18, 2017
30 épisodes vus sur 30
Complété 0
Globalement 10
Histoire 9.5
Acting/Cast 8.5
Musique 9.5
Degrés de Re-visionnage 9.5
This is the First Chinese Drama that i ever watched (And became one of my favorites)
The production was very amazing and i loved the Game Concept. The Actors are so brilliant!!! notably to the Actor named Yang Yang who was got of my attention because he was so visually good. The Music was great and i loved the opening Track.

Overall!!! Very Entertaining!!!!!
This drama made me a Fan of Yang Yang
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Rosa Diaz
1 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
déc. 25, 2016
30 épisodes vus sur 30
Complété 0
Globalement 10
Histoire 9.0
Acting/Cast 10
Musique 8.5
Degrés de Re-visionnage 9.5
I have to admit I don't consider myself part of the drama fandom, but this drama was really amazing. It's not the usual love triangle or the great unreal complications, it's quite realistic. It's an amazing story, the actors did an excellent job conveying the emotions in the scenes. I compelatly recommend it, thank you for such an amazing 30 episodes, I'll define toy watch it again. Oh and a sequel would be amazing!
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En cours 17/30
2 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
nov. 29, 2021
17 épisodes vus sur 30
En cours 0
Globalement 5.0
Histoire 5.5
Acting/Cast 6.5
Musique 6.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 5.0
I know a lot of people gonna disagree with me because this drama is popular along with the main lead. But i feel like i am the only one who Couldn't pass Through more than 15 episodes. I have tried to watch this drama at least 3 times & give it a try again & again. But i failed. I just Couldn't feel any chemistry like people say & seem to say the dynamic was good but i dont find it interesting. But its just my opinion & preference. You dont have to watch the drama based on my experience. I don't even find the game parts interesting instead i found it super boring. I skipped bunch of scenes for that. I feel like yang yang lowkey carried the drama somehow & the drama is mainly popular because yang yang has a big fanbase. I liked him tho but i dont think he Has any chemistry with the FL here or at least the FL wasnt trying to create any chem as good as him. Not to mention the FL is such a bad kisser. If you Wanna watch E-sports based drama i would recommend go go squid & falling into your smile. These two are far better than this drama in my opinion if you are looking for light hearted romcom esport drama & if u are a fan of romcom. Once again the review is based on my opinion. You dont have to take it seriously. Because opinions vary from person to person

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Abandonné 14/30
2 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
nov. 17, 2020
14 épisodes vus sur 30
Abandonné 0
Globalement 4.0
Histoire 3.0
Acting/Cast 3.0
Musique 8.5
Degrés de Re-visionnage 1.0


I couldn't stand this show, it was too difficult to watch. The story was too cliché. If there was chemistry maybe I would've continued but the acting was quite bland. The best part of this show were the soundtracks; I couldn't stop singing them for a while. Other than that, I didn't like anything else. I'm not a fan of both main characters. The FL is well-known and her acting is always the same, immature and quirky which isn't always cute. She's not a bad actress, it's just not my cup of tea.

Definitely overhyped and will not finish.
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Abandonné 9/30
5 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
août 25, 2019
9 épisodes vus sur 30
Abandonné 1
Globalement 4.0
Histoire 4.0
Acting/Cast 6.0
Musique 6.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 1.0

Too ridiculous even for me

I've seen a lot of bad shows, but this one was just ridiculous.
Students acting like businessmen, computer science students knowing nothing about computers, a battle RPG game where you have to get married for absolutely no reason at all, petty fights and arguments, people falling in love left and right with their playing partner's fictional character and acting way too serious about it, and then there's the guy who IRL almost killed his friend the ML and instead of apologizing to him, he apologized to the FL because ML was in a coma and so she lost a battle, which are a dime a dozen.
And don't even get me started on the special snowflake that is the female lead who's apparently the only smart student on the entire campus and everyone wants to date her, meanwhile she falls in love with a guy in the game (ML) and quits the game because he doesn't show up ONCE.
Ugh, I'm frustrated just typing this.

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Abandonné 15/30
2 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
déc. 15, 2020
15 épisodes vus sur 30
Abandonné 0
Globalement 4.0
Histoire 5.0
Acting/Cast 5.0
Musique 4.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 3.0


First of all, this drama got to me recommended back when I was new to Chinese drama. Apparently this drama was supposed to be the newcomer- friendly but still exceptionally good drama. Well I was disappointed. I am actually surprised about how much it was hyped. Beware, I did not finish this drama, I also will not finish it.

To start off with, the potential in the plot is not bad on itself, but somehow the way it was executed made the whole plot boring to me. There was no build- up moment, no real cliffhanger nor any moment created to make you hold your breath back anticipating for what's next. No, it felt like I was watching a monotonous dialogue. The only thing that could have saved this, could have been the acting of the main leads.
But let's go on on that, the acting was cutely bad. Cutely bad, because even though their acting weren't horrendous, the fact that their acting was boring multiplied to the already- boring plot. The main male lead almost held no expression, while the female lead felt like she did not fit the role. She might have, but she did not play the part.

Since I did not finish this drama, I'd say this has no rewatch value. Some people might love this drama, some might not. As a person that is not shy from heavy palace dramas and dramas with many episodes, this drama was just not my cup of tea. This is something I concluded of course after I explored other Chinese dramas.

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1 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
oct. 23, 2016
30 épisodes vus sur 30
Complété 0
Globalement 9.5
Histoire 9.5
Acting/Cast 8.5
Musique 9.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 10
This is the first Chinesse Drama i watched and idk how if i ever even gonna move on from it.
The Casts r beautiful i cant even-
Yang Yang sLAYS, his acting is on point, but not a big fan of Zheng Shuang's acting BUT it's not bad it's just not as good as Yang Yang. Specially Kiss Scenes she just stand there like nothing happened.
I Love the Game element of the story that they make them act as if they're in the game,
The romance is very sweet, The character develompment > interesting.
the first 9 episodes are not as interesting after 10 but still as good.
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0 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
avril 19, 2017
30 épisodes vus sur 30
Complété 0
Globalement 10
Histoire 9.5
Acting/Cast 10
Musique 9.5
Degrés de Re-visionnage 10
I love this drama !
Despite or perhaps because I don't play online games, I really enjoy the intervention of gaming with the immersion inside the game and personification it's the original point of the drama which bring some action and fantasy scene.
The main couple is great together. I like how they interact together and trust each other.
It's a sweat, soft and positive drama that will make you put up a smile thinking about it.
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Abandonné 20/30
1 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
juil. 30, 2021
20 épisodes vus sur 30
Abandonné 0
Globalement 5.0
Histoire 5.0
Acting/Cast 6.0
Musique 5.5
Degrés de Re-visionnage 3.0
Cette critique peut contenir des spoilers
I honestly think this drama is too over rated. This drama was okay but nothing more. It was pretty simple and had a lot of clichés as in the guy being a cold and emotionless and the girl being warm sweet. Xiao Nai (Yang Yang) is extremely handsome and a great kisser but other than that, there is nothing else. I also felt the same way with Bei Wei Wei (Zheng Shuang). She is very very pretty but she lacked the emotion to the point that is sometimes became awkward. There was this one scene of them kissing and it was just straight up awkward because Xiao Nai kissed Bei Wei Wei and but she didn't kiss him back and she just did absolutely nothing at all... I dunno there was just no drama at all to keep me interested and the characters seemed too perfect.

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Abandonné 20/30
Simona Leila
0 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
mars 11, 2022
20 épisodes vus sur 30
Abandonné 0
Globalement 5.0
Histoire 4.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Musique 5.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 3.0

Liscio come l'olio

O sono la sola ad avere mille peripezie nella vita o non so. Questo drama è dolce, carino ma piatto. Non succede praticamente nulla. E quel poco che accade va sempre bene. Il corteggiamento praticamente non esiste perchè i due si amano da subito.
Gli altri personaggi non sono male, ma anche loro...
L'unica cosa veramente carina consiste nel fatto che sono gli stessi attori ad interpretare in live action i propri avatar del videogioco. Peccato che andando avanti con la storia anche questo sparisce piano piano.
Non l'abbandono perchè è brutto, ma perchè ho una wishlist lunga come la barba di Merlino e non posso sprecare il mio tempo. Tanto immagino già come andrà a finire.

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Love O2O (2016) poster



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