0 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
janv. 11, 2022
16 épisodes vus sur 16
Complété 0
Globalement 7.0
Histoire 7.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musique 5.5
Degrés de Re-visionnage 3.0
Cette critique peut contenir des spoilers

Avoir du cœur, ça peut avoir plusieurs significations...

Commentaire fait au fil du visionnage
- J'ai commencé "Falling for innocence" et déjà c'est un plaisir de voir que je connais quasiment toute la distribution ! (dont l'inévitable papa de jan Di ! )et ensuite, malgré une parfaite enfilade de clichés dramaesques (jusqu'au passage obligé dans une boutique pour rhabiller l'héroïne ) ça se boit comme du petit lait !!
- J'ai vu deux épisodes et comme je l'avais supposé (vu qu'il ne l'embrasse pas une seule fois malgré des "je t'aime" à répétition), le fiancé ne finira pas avec sa fiancée ! ou en tous cas pas de façon habituelle, car dès la fin de l'épisode 2 l'histoire est écrite !
- Autrement je continue "falling..." qui me plaît toujours mais dommage seulement que déjà on sache tout, ce qui donne une impression de ralentissement, car qui douterait un seul instant que c'est le cœur du gentil qui a sauvé la vie du méchant, et que ce cœur va le transformer ?? alors on voudrait que la transformation se manifeste plus rapidement !
- Je continue "falling for innocence"avec beaucoup de plaisir, car les intrigues et les complots sont heureusement contrebalancés par le petit côté fantastiqu :
(la façon dont Min Ho comprend qui lui a donné son cœur, et comment il appréhende la situation),
et par pas mal d'humour dans les scènes entre Min Ho et Soon Jung, sans compter le secrétaire/ami/bras droit du héros qui est très drôle aussi ! Tout cela permet de donner de l'originalité à une histoire de vengeance/manipulation assez banale et déjà bien exploitée ! C'est pour ça que j'ai laissé tomber "Money flower", parce que il n'y avait aucune touche de fantaisie, d'humour ni de chaleur dans le personnage principal !
- Je continue "falling ..." qui est une épreuve pour les nerfs !!! Si je ne savais pas déjà que la fin va tout remettre en place je ne pourrai pas supporter la suite d'obstacles que Min Ho doit franchir pour revenir du bon côté de la Force !! Et j'ai encore 5 épisodes à voir !! Je sens arriver le passage "je t'aime mais je te quitte" et j'espère que ce sera assez bien fichu pour être crédible !
- Edit : avant dernier épisode de "falling..." et paf ! revoilà la maladie incurable !! la fin de l'épisode et le preview essaient désespérément de me faire peur, mais que nenni !!! j'ai vu la fin et je sais que c'est juste pour un nouveau rebondissement (parfaitement inutile, je trouve, les démêlés avec le Traître et le maintien de l'entreprise se suffisaient déjà bien à eux mêmes !!)  Mais on a droit à tous les clichés dans ce drama ! Heureusement que c'est bien fait, avec humour et très très bien interprété !!

- Re-edit : Et voilà !! Ils ont refait le coup !
Il tombe sur son épaule, direction l'hôpital, défibrillateur et ... rien ... Alors on croit qu'il est mort, et hop, la vie continue, mais qui voilà tout à coup ??? mais c'est le miraculé ! Il était aux USA pour les affaires !! Comment son rejet de greffe s'est résolu, ça on n'en saura rien !! Mais pourquoi s'ennuyer avec de petits détail triviaux de ce genre ?? Non, mais vraiment c'est se moquer du monde, une fois de plus, d'autant que cette histoire de rejet était parfaitement inutile !
Comme c'est dommage, c'est un drama charmant, alternant le suspens, la romance et l'humour dans une juste mesure mais la fin... La fin !!!!! *s'arrachelescheveuxdedésespoir* !!!

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0 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
mai 4, 2022
16 épisodes vus sur 16
Complété 0
Globalement 8.5
Histoire 8.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musique 7.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 6.0

Bon drama d'enquête sur fond de magouilles économiques, avec une jolie romance

L'histoire est basée sur 2 concepts totalement farfelus, mais très fréquents dans les mangas / dramas :
1/ le coeur est le siège des sentiments (non, c'est le cerveau qui les créée :)
2/ une greffe du coeur transmet les émotions, les sentiments du donneur....
N'importe quoi :) :) :)Bon drama

Si on excepte ce GROS bug dans la story, le reste est à peu près cohérent.

Un homme d'affaires spécialisé dans le rachat d'entreprises en difficultés, subit une greffe du coeur. Il change peu à peu en tombant amoureux de la fiancée du donneur.
On assiste à leur amour naissant (avec hésitations, réticences, etc.) sur fond de rivalités amoureuses (comme d'habitude, le meilleur ami d'enfance :) et d'une féroce concurrence entre dirigeants d'entreprises. L'enquête sur le meurtre du fiancé, effectuée par une policière-collègue très attachante et drôle, permettra de punir les méchants.
Investigation, romance, un brin d'humour, beaucoup de "fight" de testostérone...

Ce drama (de 2015) a un petit côté vintage, je ne sais pas pourquoi. Les coiffures ? Les acteurs plutôt matures ? La réalisation ? Les OST ?

Les acteurs sont très bons, TOUS, des gentils aux méchants, en passant par les nombreux personnages secondaires. Ils donnent vie de façon très crédible à des personnages assez bien pensés.

A priori, ce n'est pas un drama que je regarderai à nouveau, en tous cas dans un avenir proche (car je l'ai finalement revisionné après avoir oublié que je l'avais déjà vu en 2019 :)

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Cet avis était-il utile?
90 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
mai 24, 2015
16 épisodes vus sur 16
Complété 3
Globalement 9.0
Histoire 9.0
Acting/Cast 10
Musique 9.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 8.0
Okay so where do I begin with this. Honestly this drama was the best for me so far in this year .. It has just the perfect amount of romance, action and comedy. The plot story is interesting and the writers kept it fresh with events happening ... What got me the most in the Drama is the guy lead. His acting is always on point and his humour is something else. The chemistry between the character is purely amazing I think other dramas should take notes on how love chemistry should be. This Drama is simply refreshing and I loved it .. !
Cet avis était-il utile?
60 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
juin 9, 2015
16 épisodes vus sur 16
Complété 0
Globalement 9.5
Histoire 9.5
Acting/Cast 9.5
Musique 9.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 9.0
Go watch this drama now ~~~~~~~~~~~> GO GO

It is a veeeery good drama, as for the acting, as for the truth of the characters and for the really smooth plot accompanied with some really nice cliffhangers.

It is definitely worth to watch, and I would even say to re-watch (which is not something I usually do). The songs are great and some sequences full of emotions are really strong and great.

You will laugh at some situations, tears at some others and even though some imagination is needed sometimes, it all makes sense.

It's a drama I had much pleasure to begin, much pleasure to continue, and much pleasure to finish. It's well done and makes you go through a bunch of states!

I didn't know any of the actors but they are really doing great and you get attached to them really fast.


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Cet avis était-il utile?
36 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
mai 24, 2015
16 épisodes vus sur 16
Complété 0
Globalement 9.5
Histoire 8.5
Acting/Cast 10
Musique 8.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 8.0
I really enjoyed this drama, from the story-line to Jung Kyung Ho's acting and everything in between. It is filled with sweet/cute moments and silly situations or happenings b/c of the main guy - Kang Min Ho - 's heart transplant. He starts to have emotions and unconscious thoughts like his donor, from taste in food to taste in women! It might sound ridiculous but it's hilarious and honestly quite sweet. ^^ I enjoyed it from beginning to end, the acting was well played for every character, the comedy was excellent - I laughed so many times at Kang Min Ho's actions, sometimes even just one look or one expression would get me laughing :P I loved the "Captain Hook, Peter Pan, Wendy & Tinkerbell" references ;)

All the cast did great jobs - especially Jung Kyung Ho as Kang Min Ho & Kim So Yeon as Kim Soon Jung - Their interactions were always funny & cute. The actor (won't give out the name) who played the villain did a great job at making himself a believable villain. This was also the best role Ahn Suk Hwan has ever played! A kind-hearted dad for once who didn't have a stupid laugh between every word. PLEASE play more character roles like this one!!!

The OST fit the drama but was nothing too impactful - the song I remember the most vividly is Dong Wook & Min Ho's Ringtone song: "Each Time You Do That"/"?????" by Toy/?? - If I had a cellphone I'd make this my ringtone^^

Yes, I would re-watch this - even if it was just to watch Jung Kyung Ho's adorableness some more ^-^
I recommend it for anyone who loves cute romantic dramas with a splash of detective/business...

"People forget love with the excuse of work." - Kang Min Ho

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Cet avis était-il utile?
20 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
mai 25, 2015
16 épisodes vus sur 16
Complété 5
Globalement 8.5
Histoire 8.0
Acting/Cast 9.5
Musique 8.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 9.0
It so happens that I have found myself discussing this drama a lot more than much more serious, thought-provoking and cleverer shows I've watched lately. Falling for Innocence is, after all, a romantic comedy, with neither the pretense, nor the substance of anything more. It is cute, romantic, funny and even goofy. Certainly not groundbreaking. So, the reason for my need to talk about it is easily explained in three words: Jung Kyung Ho.

His character here is so endearing, this drama could have just as well been entitled "Falling for Min Ho" and it would have mirrored my sentiments exactly – though I realize the pun with Sung Jung meaning Innocence would have gone lost. The way Min Ho's character is written is clever enough, but it's the actor's rendition that makes him so darn adorable. I can easily picture a director instruct his actors to show surprise, anger, sadness, joy, but in the end it is always the actors who decide how to bring these emotions to life. Min Ho's reactions are almost never what one would expect, his movements and even the intonation of the voice took me by surprise more than once, never failing to express what it was meant to, though.

What I personally found irresistible, is the way he would think things over, make his own personal connections and deductions and blurt out the conclusion with the utmost candor, leaving the poor people around him totally confused. Not to mention his appearance, a mixture between a kid with temper tantrums and a pale man who's either just got out of bed or is in dire need to go back to it. Not exactly the general idea of a romantic hero, on paper. And yet, he's the kind of man I would fall in love with in real life… wait, I atone: he's the kind of man I HAVE fallen in love with in real life and even married (minus the heart condition, the whole revenge/business stuff and the Korean language. Details). So you may now understand and perhaps forgive my passionate bias.

Since this is a drama review and not Jung Kyung Ho's – wait, did I tell you I love this actor? – I suppose I should address the rest of the cast too. Kim So Yeon is a talented actress I've known and liked before. Her role here is very well acted, very believable; possibly, a little too… by the book. It's as though in an attempt at staying as true as possible to her character, she forgot to be that character. Sung Jung is lovable, loyal and intelligent and if only this script had given her the opportunity to be a little more lively, we could have enjoyed a sizzling love story, instead of a very cute one. But I suppose that was the original intent, so I won't complain.

If chemistry has to be, then I thought there was quite a lot between Jung Kyung Ho and his nemesis Yoon Hyun Min. Since these two have worked together before as best friends in Cruel City, it was great fun to see them stand one opposite the other as enemies. Their steady, verbal arm wrestling made up for some of my favourite scenes. The character of Lee Jun Hee is like a dog in the manger, who doesn't eat vegetables, but doesn't want anyone else to eat it either. While I hated him for his actions, his motivations made him into a pathetic man. To quote Min Ho's words: "You do not live to be able to gain something..., you live to take things from other people. Is there any happiness in this?". Really, how measly is that?

The most touching moments in the drama are those involving fathers, Ma Tae Seok in primis, and the funniest the ones with Detective Ok Hyun and Secretary Woo Shik, aka Wendy and Tinkerbell. What an improbable, hilarious pairing!

The music is like the rest of the drama: very cute. Not something which would stand alone, but rightly chosen for the feel of the drama.

All in all, I laughed a lot, I fell in love with the male lead, I was highly entertained, grew very fond of all the characters, was sad to say goodbye to them and had a lot to talk about for the reasons mentioned above. I don't ask a rom-com for anything more.

Recommended to everyone, I'm definitely going to watch it again in the future.

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Cet avis était-il utile?
34 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
mai 24, 2015
16 épisodes vus sur 16
Complété 2
Globalement 7.5
Histoire 7.5
Acting/Cast 10
Musique 7.5
Degrés de Re-visionnage 4.0
Cette critique peut contenir des spoilers
Falling for Innocence is one of those dramas that makes me feel conflicted when it comes to writing a review. Usually I am very clear how I feel about each drama. I am either ecstatic and can’t wait to share my excitement with everyone that cares to listen or it just doesn’t do anything for me. Or when a show has to make me work hard to like it, those are the ones I will ultimately drop.

So did I enjoy this drama? Yes and No. There were a few times I was ready to walk away from it but it did have enough punch to keep me watching.

The number one reason I stayed through the end was due to the leads. The show’s strongest attributes were its casts. Jung Kyung Ho made me mad, made me laugh, made me sad, made me cringe, but ultimately he made me root for Min Ho. His performance was multifaceted and he was able to pull it off and made me a believer. I might have cringed at some of his expressions and showmanship if delivered by other lesser actors as it could easily have come across as contrived and childish.

The number of times his hair changed or got a makeover made me laughed too. To me, it seemed like the stylist paid more attention to his hair than So Yeon’s which had remained constant throughout the show.

So Yeon was stellar. Her performance was consistently good as the loving fiancee and prospective daughter in law. She did a great job portraying Sung Jung’s inner struggles between loyalty for Dong Wook versus her newfound love for Min Ho.

Hyun Min was as good as it gets for a villain. He made it easy for us to hate Joon Hee by delivering the emotions of a man scorned by his first and only love, someone treated like a dog with little to no respect from the Chairman; both of which ultimately led to his greed for power as the answer to all his woes.

Jo Eun Ji as Wendy and Lee Si-Un as Woo Sik were perfect supporting casts with a cute love line of their own.

I also enjoyed seeing strong female characters; Sung Jung was not afraid to speak her mind and followed her conviction and her heart. Same with Wendy for pushing for what she believed is right and just in a workplace dominated by powerful and corrupted men. Even the secretary pool of Yoo Mi and Mi Roo also depicted strong female traits rather than the conventional silly airheads of many kdramas.

What got me annoyed and almost made me gave up was the plot. I didn’t mind the premise of the corporate M&A theme but the constant re-use of the same plot devices got a bit tiring episode after episode. Instead of one main story arc spanning the entire 16 episodes, it felt like the same story arc got repeated over and over again albeit with slightly different ingredients thrown in. The writer did make us guess all the way to the end but all that angst culminated in one rather quick episode which also made it too tidy and a tad rushed.

The music is good and complements the show nicely but nothing to write home about.

For the above mentioned reasons, it is not a re-watch for me.

But overall, it is a decent drama. The romance is fun, cute and touching. I can’t say enough about Jung Kyung Ho. His performance made all the difference for me.

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Cet avis était-il utile?
14 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
juin 17, 2015
16 épisodes vus sur 16
Complété 0
Globalement 7.5
Histoire 5.5
Acting/Cast 8.5
Musique 6.5
Degrés de Re-visionnage 5.5
Man, I was so disappointed with this drama. I went in with so much excitement that kept disappearing as I watched more episodes.

There were some good things though. Like:
* Jung Kyung Ho. But if you're a fan, you probably know he's a hell of an actor, so he could sit there with a paper bag over his head and I would still watch it. His character development as Min Ho is a delight to watch, I had so much fun watching that and there were a lot of funny moments.
* Side characters. His secretary Woo Shik was hilarious, he had me rolling on the floor every time he was on screen. And he has such great chemistry with JKH, their scenes were non stop laughing for me.

Those two are the things I liked most about this drama. I didn't like:
* The main plot: It was SO boring for me. But I usually find business plots in dramas boring, so maybe if you like that kind of thing, it will be enjoyable for you. I was just falling asleep since I didn't get most of it. And don't get me started on that murder subplot....
* Kim So Yeon. Not that she was bad per se. And let me tell you, I am KSY's number one fan. I am crazy about her and I've liked her in everything I've seen her. My problem here is Sun Jeong. I don't know what it is but I feel like they could've done more with her character. I kept waiting for her to do something: I know her thing was being all strong and taking whatever came her way but I just wanted her to stand up and say stop for once. But well, I guess it's just that I don't like that kind of characters. There were cute moments between her and Min Ho but everything was kept too formal for my taste I just wanted her to be a bit crazier.
* Lee Jun Hee. His storyline made NO sense. ABSOLUTELY NONE. What a way to waste Yoon Hyun Min's talent. They should've just made Min Ho and him BFFs like in Cruel City and go with it. (Kidding, tho I still need another drama with these two)

Anyway, I don't even remember the OST and I finished this two weeks ago so I guess it's not that memorable, not that it's bad either. It's just there.
Overall 7.5 from me. JKH makes this drama.

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Cet avis était-il utile?
9 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
juin 7, 2015
16 épisodes vus sur 16
Complété 0
Globalement 7.5
Histoire 8.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musique 8.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 6.5
I might as well say that I am a huge fan of Kim So Yeon(IRIS and I Need Romance 3), but Jung Kyung Ho stole the show. He had such a quirky, but also deeply developed character. It was hard not to love this guy in the drama. Jung Kyung Ho was not the only one who acted well though, the whole cast was good.

The plot was interesting enough, but certain aspects of it seemed to be dragged along and could have been brought to a close earlier(but that seems to be a common theme in dramas). I came to want to watch episode after episode to watch the moments between the two leads and also between Captain Hook and Wendy. The actual corporation and investigation were sometimes boring, or just weren't as intriguing as the chemistry between the leads.

Although the storyline didn't surprise me that much, the writers do play with your emotions. This drama has such amazing lighthearted moments, but also has the feel of a melodrama(which it is).

Overall this was a fun drama to watch and it's easy to love the leads and many of the supporting characters. If you're a fan of melodramas and romance, but also like having a good laugh here and there, then this drama would be a good pick for you.

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Cet avis était-il utile?
8 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
mai 28, 2015
16 épisodes vus sur 16
Complété 0
Globalement 9.0
Histoire 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musique 8.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 7.0
TL;DR? Seriously amazing, you'd be crazy to take a pass on this drama.

I don't know what it says about me that I am always shocked by the actual genres of dramas once I start them. You'd think after being surprised enough times that I would do some more research, or just look at the genres listed on here. But no, I just look at a poster and read a description and if it tickles my fancy, I'm in. That's what happened with this drama. I saw the placeholder they had up on Dramafever, the one with Soon Jung in the middle and Kang Ho and Joon Hee on opposite sides pulling each other's hair. Then I read the description, and thought man, this is going to be absolutely hilarious.

I don't want to say I was wrong, because there are quite a few legitimately hilarious moments in each episode, and it does do a fairly good job of balancing levity with melodrama. But man, this drama made me cry several times. And not the dainty, one shining tear cry. The ugly kind of cry that makes your boyfriend look at you like you have finally gone insane, just as he had been expecting all these years.

So yeah, this drama knows how to hit you right where it hurts. Which sucks if you hate sad things, but is also kind of amazing because of how well the actors pulled off this story line. I mean, Dong Wook was just this character you couldn't help but fall in love with the second you saw him. He was so upbeat and cheerful and was willing to do anything to make Soon Jung smile. On the opposite end of the spectrum, you have Kang Min Ho, a revenge-fueled egotist who would stop at nothing to take down his uncle's company, even by destroying countless people's lives. They were as opposite as can be, but shared a fate that would forever tie them together.

Then you have Joon Hee, the second male lead of the drama. I don't want to say too much about his character, but Yoon Hyun Min was just perfect for this role. I mean, just wow. Soon Jung was probably the weakest aspect of this show for me. While I did actually like her, I feel like at times she was a little plain Jane of a character. I'd have liked at least half as much character growth for her character as we saw for the male leads. Cause boy did their characters grow and change. Jung Kyung Ho's Kang Min Ho has to be one of my favorite male characters that I've seen in a long time. After his transplant, the change in him was instantaneous. It was so adorable watching him struggle with his new feelings and emotions, and even more adorable watching him try to woo Soon Jung.

My only complaint about this drama, and what kept it from a 10 in my book, is just how much they focused on the company. It got a little boring after a while, and extremely predictable. One side was going to cause an insane problem, and whoever the "good guys" were of the episode was going to find a way to fix the problem. Lather, rinse, repeat.

Overall, this drama was just exceptional, and the romance in it was just so much fun to watch. All of the side characters really did bring so much to the show, and the Wendy/Tinkerbell side story was entertaining. If you are a fan of romance and melodrama, this show should not be missed!

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Cet avis était-il utile?
5 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
juin 20, 2015
16 épisodes vus sur 16
Complété 0
Globalement 9.0
Histoire 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musique 9.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 9.5
To be honest I started watching this because of Min Ho's hair. I love the style and colour and it goes so well with a suit but then I found out that they changed it half way through the series which kinda made me lost interest at one point. BUT I kept watching and it was GREAT! When I started this I thought it the plot would be very heavy because of all the business deals and company competitions but surprisingly it's well balanced. It's light and funny just when you feel like the tension in the series is escalating. Yep it balances well.

The thing I really love most is the character development. Min ho's character development to be exact. Jung Kyung Ho's acting is brilliant! He makes you fall in love with the character even though you might really really hate him in the beginning.They planned it all well and you just cant help giggling to his antics and how he tries to figure himself out after the surgery.

The chemistry between the leads is just great especially towards the end! While there r no sexual scenes that many drama use to validate their character's love for each other, the romantic side of this drama just focuses purely on love, and just that feeling of being in love. Its extremely sweet and warm and funny and just brilliant.

Overall I'd say that this is a really great drama to watch if you're looking for something not overly heavy, or you're looking for a nice love story with funny moments but also wants a bit of seriousness. It's great that its only 16 episodes long too. The shortness of it really is just refreshing. Totally worth watching!

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Cet avis était-il utile?
6 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
mai 25, 2015
16 épisodes vus sur 16
Complété 0
Globalement 8.5
Histoire 8.5
Acting/Cast 10
Musique 8.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 7.0
Let's be honest, I was not expecting much from this drama except a cute guy (maybe two), a nice story, and a bit of romance...

And let me tell you... I was really surprised ! This drama really has a lot of potential ! It's really worth watching it, the characters are well developped, and you will grow attached to them quite soon, and won't be able to stop watching this lovely, epic story !

So if you want to relax (well... if you want some drama as well... pheeew), some great romance and cute main characters (oh yes!), this drama was made for you, and it's definitely worth giving it a try !

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Falling for Innocence (2015) poster



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