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I had to go back and watch some scenes in the movie again because of the bad picture quality and English. subtitles and if I think about the "badness" then a fairly decent plot unfolds with well-known pinoy actors (Coco, Sid), with a small component of gay content and an ending that I did not expect...
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This short film has a lot going for it
This short film has a lot going for it, it features a young man who is gay and can't hear yet, which are two big handicaps against the intolerance of a part of society. Erotic, the absence of hearing, first sex, flare-up, desire, hope, disappointment ... who can do it, who wants the "something" that the creators of this Korean short offer, will take, will take .. simply this short does not play a fairy tale , it is LIFE itself ...This short film has a lot going for it, it features a young man who is gay and can't hear yet, which are two big handicaps against the intolerance of a part of society. Erotic, the absence of hearing, first sex, flare-up, desire, hope, disappointment ... who can do it, who wants the "something" that the creators of this Korean short offer, will take, will take .. simply this short does not play a fairy tale , it is LIFE itself ...
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Miseinen: Mijukuna Oretachi wa Bukiyo ni Shinkochu
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Absolute reality and humanity
In this hetero ocean, two fish appear, each with its own sea and deep down they have doubts about who they really are...Japan produces LGBTQ+ projects, ranging from complete strongholds to completely unrealistic pieces based on manga, but still Japanese society as a whole is not so open to human differences on the outside, traditions and uniformity are adhered to. This wonderful piece is proof of how these two characters were shy and approached their inner differences so cautiously. That is why, in my opinion, this series is so different from most others, which offer unreality, fairy tales and often we don't find many hetero characters in the project. Thanks to the director, the entire team and both guys who put that special Japanese charm and absolute REALITY into it, it is civil, HUMAN and for me not 10/10, but 11/10.
Someone here mentions whether the project would have been so highly rated if it weren't for BL. Of course it wasn't. After all, the hetero characters wouldn't have to fumble around so much, come to terms with their difference on the outside, and it would have been a completely normal series.
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A pleasant experience
This time my review will be a bit longer, but those who know me and write to me many times on gaytitulky.info, where the series is translated into CZ, will surely forgive me.This is one of those really good mystery series connected with the Thai branch of Buddhism, it surprised me because after the first episode I had no idea what would happen next, because the original described plot took place in the first episode and I didn't like the main characters either. Apparently, the same process took place inside me while watching, as with many viewers, because the increase in ratings from the first episodes to the end is not typical, it usually decreases (IMDb from 7.2 to 8.3 and MDL from 8.0 to 8.5) and I found my way to two the main performers and I started to like them a lot, both as characters and as actors. Well, if I look at San (Daou), how he looks at MDL in civilian clothes, maybe it's not him either, I don't want that! 🤣 I've gotten used to it and I love the look of the "old man" with old-fashioned clothes and short pants, the creators did a good job with that. Not to mention Ponda (Third), I already love this little girl from the 180 Degree series ... And even the great-great-granddaughter Ju was really great, one of the few "normal" female characters in BL projects, otherwise we mostly meet scumbags, extra bushes, or is the character scared, affected or annoying. All of them, including Ton and Tao, convinced me that in the end I gave the acting performances not a nine, which I originally thought, but a ten, despite the slightly grinning "rat" Rat. The overall concept, the story, the actors, the music, all of this completely prevailed in my assessment, and this is not affected even by the not completely 100% processing, which can be partially excused by the fact that the creators had to fit into a very limited budget (battles, shooting games and red marmalade or raspberry juice, treadmill, etc. and at the climax of the last episode we had to watch Tao brushing his teeth with superpaste). But what I can't forgive, and it shouldn't affect the budget, and many viewers will forgive even this under the overall impression, are the two Asian "falls" in the first part and in the last one, when Wat holds the stone in his pretty feminine fingers and in the close-up in the shot, it is held by a man's fingers (apparently this omitted scene was recorded by directors Wo and MI themselves), I thought they were going to limit me, I've already seen it in some other series, I'd kick someone from the crew for that, and I'm reducing it by two whole rating points for processing.
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Ryu Sun Bi's Wedding Ceremony
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Anyway, right at the beginning and with the previews, one could have expected a big story, drama, but after the first episode, everything slipped into a mini-form, both in the cast, the length of the episodes and the story itself. Apparently, the creators also struggled with a low budget.
The story, the idea (perhaps even according to reality) excellent, but for the most part unused, the potential that was offered was tons - like not many places, really a pity. But I don't mean to punish the creator.
The main three characters are cast by three stars from other Korean series and projects that are very well rated here on GT - Where Your Eyes Linger (Jang) - sk tit, Mr. Heart (Lee) - series sk tit and movie cz tit by monvi and Wish You II (Kang) - has cz tit by karcikarl, I list the civil nicknames of the actors in parentheses and the actors are also listed in that order on the three-photo in the Pictures folder. I liked Lee - Choi Ki Wan the most in terms of character and acting, who appeared disguised as a woman for 95% of the series.
Extremely pleasant, delicious, but I was impressed by the set, costumes, and sound. I learned how Koreans used to dress, how they lived. Overall satisfaction, BUT ... with a hugely wasted potential of the subject ...
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Hned na začátku bylo vidět, že Korejci patří už k těm severnějším asijským rasám a mnozí mají hodně vystouplé lícní kosti (ne všichni), které stlačí oči do dvou štěrbin. Oba kluci byli od začátku sympatičtí, prostě přátelé ze školy blbli. Holčina mi zezačátku připadala mírně praštěná, ale takto to děj chtěl. A najednou se stalo, že z kamaráda se vyklubal kamaRÁÁÁD. Hrozně hezky, jednoduše a pravdivě vykresleno v pár minutách a spolu s hudbou a zpracováním na velmi solidní úrovni jsem nakonec mile překvapen a děkuji karcikarlovi za jeho další překlad a výběr příjemného filmu.
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The school was suppressed a lot in the first episodes and disappeared in the second phase, more eroticism came to the fore in the final episodes, the audience will enjoy it mainly with the Tutor-Figther duo, which after many series, when after a long wait at the end you will see max. or not even here, there is a shift.
Everything was top notch, especially the music and processing, the camera, the editing, the artistic aspect, you can also enjoy the Thai beaches and islands.
If you don't need all the BL series and choose only the best pieces, don't put one review on here, which is rather discouraging with its below-average rating, and I recommend this series to you.
Dle mě jeden z nejlepších thajských BL seriálů roku 2020. Kvarteto hlavních hrdinů v civilním věku 28,25,22 a 20 let s pečlivě načesanými afinkami rozehrálo pod vedením tvůrců partii, která není zcela běžným formátem tohoto druhu seriálů. Tutor se svou dívčí tvářičkou a s některými úsměvy jak měsíček na hnoji (v dobrém), nakažlivě přitažlivý Fighter, dlouhán Saifah a maličký Zon. Když tady monvi píše, že se "zhlídnul v thajských klucích", tak já bych doplnil - pro mě byl moc sympatický Day (dal jsem ho do Obrázků, je druhý seshora).
Škola byla hodně potlačena v prvních dílech a v druhé fázi vymizela, do popředí se protlačila větší erotičnost v závěrečných dílech, diváci si ji užijí hlavně u dvojice Tutor-Figther, což po mnoha seriálech, kdy po dlouhém čekání na konci uvidíte max. pusinku a nebo ani tu ne, je posun.
Vše bylo na výši, především hudba a zpracování, kamera, střih, výtvarná stránka, užít si můžete i thajských pláží a ostrůvků.
Kdo zrovna nemusí všechny BL seriály a vybírá si jen nejlepší kousky, nedejte na zdejší jednu recenzi, která svým podprůměrným ohodnocením spíše odradí a za mě Vám tento seriál doporučuji.
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Note: while staying (2022) in the southern hemisphere, I turn on the TV and Jerome Ponce jumps out at me on the Novela E Plus channel (probably for southern African countries) in the English-dubbed series A Soldier's Heart (gay character, but 110 episodes) and we can look forward to the continuation of the gay love from this series in the newly prepared project PhilJie's Heart with Jerome Ponce and Yves Flores (Stuck On You).
Byl to zatím NEJREALISTIČTĚJŠÍ seriál pinoy produkce, co jsem viděl a troufnu si říci, že zatím pro mě i jeden z nejlepších BL projektů poslední doby. Ani se nedivím, že oba hlavní představitelé Ian Pangilinan a Paolo Pangilinan (Vlad a Karl) získali jakousi tu cenu BL - RAWR Awards Tandem roku 2020.
Oproti přecukrovaným BL pohádkám s nerealistickým dějem a scénáristickými zvraty hned od prvního dílu vstoupíte sice do jednoduchého příběhu, ale za přispění herců, scénáře, režiséra a dalších tvůrců, NAPROSTO SKVĚLÉ, KOUZELNÉ HUDBY, podtrhující celý příběh a pocit z něj, a projedete celým seriálem bez postranních zdržovacích sraček jako máslem a na konci si řeknete, že takto by se to mohlo stát i ve skutečnosti. Až jsem si říkal, kde jsou ty ohňostroje, proudy umělých slz a soplů a přešťastných komparzistů na konci. Dobře je zahraná i postava Vladovy sestry Judit (Adrienne Vergara).
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Vtipný námět, kdy vpadají oba hrdinové jeden do druhého jejich životů a naopak, svižně zahráno, na čínské poměry pěkná bromance ve druhé půli, herci dokázali, že by měli navíc, nebýt debilního nařízení neomylné strany, nebo spíše jejího rudého autokratického "vůdce". Překvapivě působívý závěr. Jen mi asi třikrát vynechával zvuk... Rozhodně nadprůměr.
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