
  • Dernière connexion: juil. 13, 2024
  • Genre: Femme
  • Lieu: USA
  • Contribution Points: 108 LV2
  • Anniversaire: July 15
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  • Date d'inscription: février 19, 2015
Oh My Venus Episode 6
9 people found this review helpful
déc. 2, 2015

*internal screaming*

This episode had so many good things in it!

This episode was filled with humor and wonderful interactions between the characters. "Kang Joo Eun Day" was hilarious. I really love the Yeong Ho/Joon Sung/Ji Woong trio and I loved watching them follow all of her orders. They have such an interesting dynamic in their trio and I absolutely love it.

Besides the progression in the plot, AKA more background information and Joo Eun continuing to work on loosing weight, I really loved Yeong Ho in this episode. So far I've loved him in every episode, but in this one I could see just how in love he is with her purely by how he looks at her. So Ji Sub is doing an amazing job and the chemistry between the main leads is wonderful. That ending was perfect as well! I'm so excited to see what next week's episode brings!

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Oh My Venus Episode 7
7 people found this review helpful
déc. 8, 2015

Four Stars

This episode was quite interesting. It definitely had it's cute moments, but didn't move very fast plot-wise. Not that I have a problem with that, because I just love watching all of the characters interact. Anyway, seemingly important parts of the plot were delivered to us in little bits, so I'm quite interested to see how everything comes together. I'm really glad that Yeong Ho's grandmother doesn't seem to be evil. I'm starting to understand more of the dynamic within his family, but still don't know the complete situation. In previous episodes the show really focused on cute things and small issues, and now it feels as if the real drama is beginning (especially with the ending of this episode).

On a different note, I loved seeing the aftermath of the ending of episode 6. I'm glad that Yeong Ho isn't pretending that nothing happened, but he's definitely teasing her! I really love the interactions between Yeong Ho and Joo Eun, so I'm hoping that the end of this episode won't completely alter their relationship. I'm really hoping that they will go on the mentioned camping trip in a future episode.

Anyway, this episode definitely wasn't especially fast paced, but I still really enjoyed it and am looking forward to seeing how everything is going to come together!

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Oh My Venus Episode 12
4 people found this review helpful
déc. 23, 2015


First of all: NO. Secondly: NOT OKAY. Thirdly: AHHHHHHHHH.

I knew this episode was too good to be true! It was so good and everything was going so well until the end! To be honest, the ending wasn't too hard to predict once the scene was set up, but it killed me all the same. I'm really hoping they don't pull a BOF with this. I just need everyone and everything to be okay. Despite the pain it's causing me, this was still an amazing episode and I guess this is the price we get to pay for all of the happiness and cute moments in the beginning of the episode. I don't know how I'm going to wait for next week's episodes. *cries*
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Oh My Venus Episode 14
6 people found this review helpful
déc. 30, 2015

Five Stars

My face hurts from smiling and laughing so much. This episode was exactly what I needed after all the craziness that just occurred. It was so nice to get a break and just watch everything fall into place. This may be my favorite episode yet.

With only two more episodes, I'm not sure what to be expecting. We didn't get any previews for next week so literally anything could happen. I'm slightly concerned. I feel as if there has to be more conflict, but right now it feels like everything has been resolved. I'm wondering if there might be something wrong with Soo Jin (since we got that little hint). But other than that, I don't know what to expect. I'm hoping for a clean wrap to the show and I don't want things to be crammed in at the last minute. I guess I'll just have to see what happens!

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Oh My Venus Episode 11
6 people found this review helpful
déc. 22, 2015

A gift from drama heaven

I am so pleased with how the writers are handling Oh My Venus! A common trend in dramas is to cause problems between the main couple and cause them to fight, break up, etc. and I am so relieved that Oh My Venus is taking a different route. The show still has plenty of drama in it, but the main couple is teaming up to take their problems head on and it's just so refreshing. This episode, could have gone down the other route, but again, stayed away from the fighting-couple trope (thank goodness). There were so many cute moments to balance out the drama and judging by the previews, the next episode is going to be awesome!

On a side note, can we just talk about that sexy scene? Usually drama romance is more adorable, fluffy, and cute, but So Ji Sub and Shin Min Ah, can go from cute to sexy in an instant. I love it! It was so steamy! The chemistry between the leads is awesome!

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oct. 18, 2015

Five Stars

I think this was my favorite episode yet. I loved the development between Gong Shil and Joong Won! They're so much closer than they were before.

This was probably the most emotionally impacting ghost story so far. I've found pretty much all of them to be sad, but this one hit me hard. Maybe it's because I get more emotional at night, but I definitely teared up.

Also, that ending was perfect! Joong Won isn't marble, he's a total cinnamon roll!
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oct. 9, 2015

Things are looking up...

I've really really been enjoying She Was Pretty, but I think this episode has been my personal favorite so far. While the show has been light hearted and funny for the most part, there's been the issue of Ha Ri (STILL) pretending to be Hye Jin. But things are finally looking up! I love how Seong Jun has started to figure things out and Ha Ri and Hye Jin (hopefully) both seem to be ready to tell the truth in the near future. Either way, all the lies are about to come apart.

Throughout the episode I was thinking that it would end with Ha Ri, Seong Jun, and Hye Jin all running into each other and Seong Jun finally figuring out what's going on. But the transformation was so much better! We've already seen Seong Jun falling for Hye Jin while she wasn't "pretty," so I can't wait to see what will happen now! I'm going to do a major face palm if that knucklehead STILL doesn't put the pieces together.

It looks like episode 9 is headed in a good direction!

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oct. 20, 2015

The end of this episode was perfect. I can…

The end of this episode was perfect. I can now sleep peacefully tonight because of it. I really liked how we got to see Joong Won figuring it out for himself rather than being told. It shows how much he cares.
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oct. 19, 2015

I find it really funny that this is the third…

I find it really funny that this is the third drama I've watched where Seo Hyo Rim plays a character that comes in and tries to ruin my OTP. First Sungkyunkwan Scandal, then Scent of a Woman, and now The Master's Sun. What the heck?!?

Anyway, this episode was really entertaining, since it dealt with a different aspect of Gong Shil's "6th sense." Also, that kiss was pretty much perfect. It's too bad that she doesn't know it happened!
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oct. 18, 2015

The beginning of this episode was hilarious!…

The beginning of this episode was hilarious! It was really funny to see Gong Sil get possessed by all of the different ghosts! I really liked the development between Gong Sil and Joong Won in this episode. And we got to see more of Joong Won's past!
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oct. 16, 2015

Five Stars

This entire episode was beautiful. I love how even though she's now "pretty" the only thing that's changed about Hye Jin is her confidence levels. And Seong Joon was so nice in this episode! He actually acted like a decent person. He's definitely come to the realization that he likes Hye Jin so I can't wait to see what happens next week!
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oct. 17, 2015

One episode, and I'm hooked. I really like…

One episode, and I'm hooked. I really like the vibe this has! I'm excited to see where the story goes!
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oct. 13, 2015

A lot happened in this episode! We got to…

A lot happened in this episode! We got to see some of the problems within Gi Tae's family! I like how we also got to see the softer side of Jang Mi's character and how she can sympathize with people who aren't even nice to her. I definitely think that Gi Tae is beginning to fall for Jang Mi so I can't wait to see where this goes in the next episode.
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oct. 13, 2015


Slowly but surely, backstory is coming into the picture and I can already see the beginnings of character development. I have a feeling that Gi Tae and Jang Mi are going to learn a lot from each other. The bathroom incident was hilarious, but I think it'll also teach Gi Tae a lesson about being alone. This was a really entertaining episode.
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oct. 13, 2015

Four Stars

This episode constantly had me laughing. I'm glad we're already getting to delve deeper into the characters' personalities and many layers. I'm looking forward to watching the next episode!
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