
  • Dernière connexion: il y a 25 minutes
  • Genre: Femme
  • Lieu:
  • Contribution Points: 0 LV0
  • Rôles:
  • Date d'inscription: mai 22, 2020
mars 29, 2022


This familycontinuesto show justhow dysfunctional they are. The teamhas done agreat job indepicting how far theywill go to destroy eachother.
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mars 28, 2022

Love Conquers

The endingwas perfect.All issueswe’re resolved. The two mls cometogether and save thefarm. The aunt and uncleeven provenot to be as bad as we thought. Thedoctor gets the sister. What aperfect ending.
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La Cuisine Episode 3
0 people found this review helpful
mars 27, 2022


I liked thisa lot exceptfor the nasty girlcharacter. I thoughther comments werehomophobic and theysounded like something someoneolder wouldsay or someone from the lastdecade. I really love the othertwo femalecharactersand how thisepisodeaddressedreal problems that shipping presents.
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La Cuisine Episode 2
0 people found this review helpful
mars 27, 2022


Now it isstarting toget moreand moreinteresting.We have two groupsfrom twocolleges. Itlooks like the matchups have begun and it looks like fun.
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La Cuisine Episode 1
0 people found this review helpful
mars 27, 2022


The firstepisodelooks likethis may bean interesting series. Sofar I like what I see. I just hopeIt does notget boring.
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Cutie Pie Episode 6
0 people found this review helpful
mars 26, 2022


Just loved how this episode isstarting to pull back the layerson each relationship. The waythe couples interact with oneanother and are so protective of their hearts. Love the music and how it all blends together.
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My Ride Episode 9
0 people found this review helpful
mars 25, 2022


What agreat episode of love andfriendship.The pieces are fallingin place. Itwas good tosee Bossstarting torethink hisfeelings andNadia too.Hopefullythey won’t be too late.
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mars 16, 2022

Wrap it up

So it allcomes to anice happyending. I still feel thepart with the sisterand the writer was notneeded. Dothey thinkthrowing aheterosexual couple makes a bl morerealistic. Quite the contrary.
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mars 16, 2022


The mlsfinally gettogether butthe part with the best friendis just ok.They finallykiss but weneed moredialogue inmy opinion.
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mars 16, 2022


Again thiswas a nicesweetepisode butthe partwith thesister isstill soirritating. Like how thecousin andteacherinteract witheach other.
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mars 16, 2022


Like thisepisodea lot. Showsthe mlsgetting closer to eachother butthey needto just sitdown andtalk insteadof avoidingeach other.
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mars 16, 2022


Nice episode but seemsto be dragging. Theinclusion ofthe sisterliking thewriter seems to be justa filler. Whydo they haveto show afickle femalerunning after a male ? Ican’t believeAsian women are this needy.
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mars 16, 2022


Going ata slow pacebut stillshows a lotof promise.The tone islight andthere is nota lot of drama. Themusic fits.
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mars 16, 2022


Like how itstarts outand the mlsseem to match well.My one issue is they look almostlike twins sothat is notappealing to me. The storyline isplausible.
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mars 14, 2022


Love how the story isprogressing.The actingis great and the pace isgood too. Also I like the music. It hasa good moodand sets upthe next episode nicely.
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