Binge or Skip - 2023 Drama Edition

  • These released in 2023 - categorized if you should BINGE or SKIP it.
  • BINGE - I enjoyed it to the point that sleep/food was forgotten in order to finish it.
  • SKIP - I started these basis the promising trailer/cast/news/initial episodes, but realized it was not worth the time,  so drop it.
  • Read More of My Rating System:
  • The list below is in no particular order - go by my rating, and Binge/Must Watch OR Skip Keywords
omo-omo-omo janv. 28, 2024
20 Titles Loves
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  • Barakamon

    1. Barakamon

    Japanese Drama - 2023, 11 episodes


    BINGE | Themes: Country Life, Finding Meaning, Slice of Life, Community, Nature

    • One of the best and my favorite drama of 2023
    • I have rewatched this already around 5-6 times
    • Beautiful tale of finding meaning of your life and power of community - family and friends
    • Set against a sea-view of countryside of Japan, visually the show is very healing
    • Sugino - another one of my bias, and deservedly so cause his acting is so good. Proving that he is just not a pretty face who used to be cast in high-school roles but can take on mature roles like these ?
  • Le Jeu De La Mort

    2. Le Jeu De La Mort

    Korean Drama - 2023, 4 episodes


    BINGE | Themes: Life/Death, Grim Reaper, Supernatural, Revenge

    • Part 1 > Part 2 but overall the story was gripping suspense and profound given the theme of life/death choices
    • Flawless acting by all but especially the main characters
  • Once Upon a Boyhood

    3. Once Upon a Boyhood

    Korean Drama - 2023, 10 episodes


    BINGE | Themes: Retro-vibes, Bullying, Friendship, High-School

    • Almost Perfect
    • Siwan is just a talent you should watch any chance you get!
  • The Worst of Evil

    4. The Worst of Evil

    Korean Drama - 2023, 12 episodes


    BINGE | Themes: Action, Crime, Retro-Vibes, Romance & Bromance

    • Ji Chang Wook & Wi Ha Joon Bromance is FIRE 
    • Ji Chang Wook & BIBI chemistry is FIRE
    • Action scenes are FIRE
    • The fine line that blurs good, evil and love are masterfully executed through storyline and pace, direction, cinematography and acting
  • Perfect Marriage Revenge

    5. Perfect Marriage Revenge

    Korean Drama - 2023, 12 episodes


    BINGE | Themes: Makjang, Contract Marriage, Supernatural, Revenge, Drama

    • This is on the list as I have recently started appreciating makjang dramas
    • Usually the plot is not that great or over-the-top but this one is very balanced along with good acting
    • The ML is one of the greenest flags of dramaland
  • Maestra

    6. Maestra

    Korean Drama - 2023, 12 episodes


    BINGE | Themes: Music, Extra-marital affair, Suspense

    • Remake of a French show, so many like me might be familiar with the plot.
    • Soft Makjang - and the FL is someone I have seen in this drama for the first time and what a terrific actress she is
    • The suspense is predictable only towards the end - and therefore the whole drama is engaging
    • It also has classical music at its core - which is given adequate focus and not forgotten while other themes are explored
  • Mask Girl

    7. Mask Girl

    Korean Drama - 2023, 7 episodes


    Dark and Twisted - which will make you think whether the character is in the right or wrong?
    A highlight on the evils of society and choices made cause of it

  • Le mariage contracté par Park

    8. Le mariage contracté par Park

    Korean Drama - 2023, 12 episodes


    Started out exceptionally well, and would be highly recommended minus for the ending that was meh compared to the beginning. Still worth a one time watch! ??

  • Copycat Killer

    9. Copycat Killer

    Taiwanese Drama - 2023, 10 episodes


    One of my first Taiwanese show - and I was all in cause of the ML, Chris Wu.
    It was a little slow for me being a suspense show and the ending was predictable to me, but still a good watch! ?? 

  • Model Taxi 2

    10. Model Taxi 2

    Korean Drama - 2023, 16 episodes


    Season 1 >> Season 2. But always good to watch the show and see Lee Je Hoon & team in action. ?

  • A Good Day To Be a Dog

    11. A Good Day To Be a Dog

    Korean Drama - 2023, 14 episodes


    The latter half and long airing schedule killed it for me. But the story premise, characters, main leads visuals - chemistry is good. Cute/Fluff romance and recommended for a one time watch, but with caution as Ep 9 and onwards goes downhill. 

  • Osama ni Sasagu Kusuriyubi

    12. Osama ni Sasagu Kusuriyubi

    Japanese Drama - 2023, 10 episodes


    Was such a great premise, visuals & chemistry of the main leads was amazing - but the latter half of the show was a big downer. Again - blame the bad executing ??otherwise would have been a Good Drama.

  • Someday or One Day

    13. Someday or One Day

    Korean Drama - 2023, 12 episodes


    Many might hate me for this - but this is my opinion. I have not seen the Taiwanese version and saw this first. Did not understand the hype even with the good cast. Honestly will skip it, but then one can watch if you are curious. 

  • See You In My 19th Life

    14. See You In My 19th Life

    Korean Drama - 2023, 12 episodes


    Feel so bad calling a Shin Hye Sun drama as average - but while she was great she could not make up for the bad ML and storyline. Not worth remembering tbh, even though as I watched it was okay. 

  • My Demon

    15. My Demon

    Korean Drama - 2023, 16 episodes


    SKIP IT.  
    Brilliant premise - but not executed well, only saving point was the visuals and romance of the main leads. Sad & disappointing. ??

  • My Lovely Liar

    16. My Lovely Liar

    Korean Drama - 2023, 16 episodes


    SKIP IT.
    another of those 2023 dramas that was hyped and could not live up to it. Had a good premise, good chemistry between the leads but the story/mystery could not deliver well. Sad and Disappointing ??

  • The Glory Season 2

    17. The Glory Season 2

    Korean Drama - 2023, 8 episodes


    SKIP IT.
    But watch Part 1, maybe? Best part of drama - me discovering hot ahjuiccyy Jung Sung Il ???. That's it.

    Again such a hyped and loved drama - I myself recommended it to so many people when I saw Part 1. But the Part 2 was so bad! The revenge was SO, SO, SO damn cold that it should not even be labelled revenge.

  • Irresistible Love

    18. Irresistible Love

    Korean Drama - 2023, 16 episodes


    SKIP IT!
    I was so excited for this one - given they are my favorite actor and actress. Again the mystery/story was butchered so badly, that it almost made me cry.  The chemistry was good but romance felt awkward and what was that SML doing? 

  • Kang Nam Soon, une force de la nature

    19. Kang Nam Soon, une force de la nature

    Korean Drama - 2023, 16 episodes


    SKIP IT .
    But watch the edits of Byeon Woo Seok on Youtube/Social Media. He as the antagonist was the best part of this drama and in the world of villains. 

    Rest of the drama was such a bad joke in the name of women empowerment and feminism.
    Everything was just bad, terrible - waste of drama brain cells. I cry thinking I watched it. This drama should never have been made but since it gave me the villain, it is okay

  • Heartbeat

    20. Heartbeat

    Korean Drama - 2023, 16 episodes


    SKIP IT.
    Another drama that should have never been made. Period. 

En vogue