Komatsu Nana's filmography

Vote for your favourites and rank every film and show starring Komatsu Nana, you have seen.

Lethe janv. 15, 2021
24 Titles Loves
0% Watched
47 Voters Signaler
  • Tomorrow I Will Date With Yesterday’s You

    1. Tomorrow I Will Date With Yesterday’s You

    Japanese Movie - 2016
    2,269 points by 23 voters
  • Drowning Love

    2. Drowning Love

    Japanese Movie - 2016
    2,064 points by 21 voters
  • Close Range Love

    3. Close Range Love

    Japanese Movie - 2014
    1,646 points by 17 voters
    Yuni est une lycéenne qui vit avec son parent proche Kazuma Akechi, qui est également le professeur de mathématiques de l'école. C'est une élève exceptionnelle mais qui a des difficultés avec l'anglais. ...more
  • The Black Devil and the White Prince

    4. The Black Devil and the White Prince

    Japanese Movie - 2016
    1,353 points by 14 voters
    Akahane Yu emménage dans une chambre de dortoir après le transfert de travail de son père. Elle est ravie de vivre dans le même dortoir que Shirakawa Takumi, alias "Prince blanc". Pourtant, ...more
  • The World of Kanako

    5. The World of Kanako

    Japanese Movie - 2014
    1,188 points by 12 voters
  • Farewell Song

    6. Farewell Song

    Japanese Movie - 2019
    879 points by 9 voters
  • Kurosaki-kun no Iinari ni Nante Naranai

    7. Kurosaki-kun no Iinari ni Nante Naranai

    Japanese Special - 2015, 2 episodes
    860 points by 9 voters
  • Ito

    8. Ito

    Japanese Movie - 2020
    677 points by 7 voters
  • After the Rain

    9. After the Rain

    Japanese Movie - 2018
    675 points by 7 voters
  • Yume wo Ataeru

    10. Yume wo Ataeru

    Japanese Drama - 2015, 4 episodes
    567 points by 6 voters
    13 ans auparavant, la famille Abe déménageait dans la banlieue d’une ville, entourée par la nature. La famille Abe est composée d’un père Français Toma, de sa femme Japonaise Mikiko et de ...more
  • Closed Ward

    11. Closed Ward

    Japanese Movie - 2019
    479 points by 5 voters
  • Bakuman.

    12. Bakuman.

    Japanese Movie - 2015
    378 points by 4 voters
  • Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: Diamond is Unbreakable

    13. Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: Diamond is Unbreakable

    Japanese Movie - 2017
    368 points by 4 voters
  • Kids on the Slope

    14. Kids on the Slope

    Japanese Movie - 2018
    294 points by 3 voters
  • Coming

    15. Coming

    Japanese Movie - 2018
    294 points by 3 voters
  • Tadaima

    16. Tadaima

    Japanese Movie - 2013
    288 points by 3 voters
  • Samurai Marathon

    17. Samurai Marathon

    Japanese Movie - 2019
    278 points by 3 voters
  • Koi wa Ameagari no You ni: Pocket no Naka no Negaigoto

    18. Koi wa Ameagari no You ni: Pocket no Naka no Negaigoto

    Japanese Drama - 2018, 4 episodes
    275 points by 3 voters
  • Destruction Babies

    19. Destruction Babies

    Japanese Movie - 2016
    194 points by 2 voters
  • Aka no Shou - Keishicho Shomugakari Hitomi no Jikenbo

    20. Aka no Shou - Keishicho Shomugakari Hitomi no Jikenbo

    Japanese Drama - 2017, 4 episodes
    191 points by 2 voters
  • Kuro no Shou - Bengoshi Shirai Shinnosuke no Daisainan

    21. Kuro no Shou - Bengoshi Shirai Shinnosuke no Daisainan

    Japanese Drama - 2017, 4 episodes
    186 points by 2 voters
  • Sakura

    22. Sakura

    Japanese Movie - 2020
    183 points by 2 voters
  • Prophecy

    23. Prophecy

    Japanese Movie - 2015
    94 points by 1 voters
  • Hero Mania: Life

    24. Hero Mania: Life

    Japanese Movie - 2016
    83 points by 1 voters

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