Dramas Completed in 2023
? - to be added to watch challenge
all the dramas (not movies/specials etc) I fully completed this year, along with:
- what I liked
- Negatives/dislikes
- Level of recommendability?
- I insist
- Yes
- Ok, for a specific reason (the actor/actress)
- No
1. The Ghost Bride
Taiwanese Drama - 2020, 6 episodes
Liked: the soundtrack was amazing, the plot was new/ interesting for me, and I loved seeing the culture. It also has some comedic relief, it’s not so depressing.
negatives: some ‘big’ reveals and such felt kind of anticlimactic, and they became quite predictable. The ending…….unexpected, not surprising *eyeroll* but unexpected (the most spoiler free representation of my current feelings).
Recommend: yes - why not. It’s short and honestly quite interesting
2. Hi Venus
Chinese Drama - 2022, 24 episodes
Liked: the chemistry was chefs kisses and the side couple weren’t boring. The characters were realistic yet not aggravating, and it talked about different issues such as abusing your authority and misogyny etc. it was honestly romantic and sweet.
negatives: you may find the fl annoying in the first episode, but only that episode.
Recommend: yes! Especially if you want something short and sweet with a little substance.
3. Between Us
Thai Drama - 2022, 12 episodes
Liked: the chemistry. BounPrem are officially one of my fav ships. The whole thing felt nostalgic and I enjoyed that.
Negatives: too many side couples, they weren’t really bad but there didn’t need to be that many lol.
Recommend: ok. If you enjoyed the prequel, and like the ship.
4. Meet Yourself
Chinese Drama - 2023, 40 episodes
Liked: literally everything. The OST was one of the best I’veever heard, I fell in love, the pacing, setting, and everything was so beautiful. The characters all had depth, and their own stories. I cried. Like I would literally just start bawling my eyes out without any build up or warning from my body. And of course the slowburn romance!!!
Negatives: …….
Recommend: I insist!!! Not only do I insist but I demand. Especially if you tend to enjoy these slowburn slice of life dramas.
5. My School President
Thai Drama - 2022, 12 episodes
Liked: it’s cute, fluffy, and fun. The characters are loveable and entertaining. It also talks about how society still views sexuality towards the end.
disliked: this is a ‘turn off your brain drama’. It might frustrate you if you pay too much attention, cos there are consistency issues etc.
recommend: yes/ok, it’s cute and fun to watch when u don’t want to think about anything so why not.
6. Moonlight Chicken
Thai Drama - 2023, 8 episodes
Liked: I enjoyed this drama in a way that I didn’t expect. I enjoyed watching the drama tbh cos there’s a lot. Although it wasn’t the cheating trope I expected it still delivered in the angst. The cinematography was pretty. The second couple was interesting and cute. It spoke about so many relevant societal issues and I loved that!!! From cost of living to same-sex marriage. Honestly refreshing.
disliked: unexpectedly I wasn’t invested in the main couple which is weird since I’ve enjoyed their other shows. Random bits of this show and their chemistry felt off. Like tell me my I was at some point I was only watching to see Alan and Gaipa lol. Which shouldn’t be the case.
Recommend: ok. You might enjoy it if you like a specific actor or ship. The second couple were pretty cute and it was interesting seeing them again so soon after watching MSP.
7. The Glory
Korean Drama - 2022, 8 episodes
Liked: idk why I was avoiding this one so much, I regret it. But I’m glad I finally watched it. It was so damn satisfying and pulled me right out of a very deep k-drama slump. I binged the whole thing in one go.
Disliked: …..
Recommend: I insist!!
8. The Glory Season 2
Korean Drama - 2023, 8 episodes
Basically the same thoughts as part 1, but I enjoyed it EVEN MORE lol. The revenge was unique and well thought out and most of all, everyone’s ending was so damn satisfying
9. Island
Korean Drama - 2022, 6 episodes
liked: the main plot is pretty interesting. the priest is the main/only major highlight to this drama for me. the addition of a young priest is interesting and pretty cool.
dislike: despite the interesting plot, the execution was pretty mid. the characters, their personality set-ups, logic behind actions/behaviour was pretty k-drama standard and honestly out of date. the small plot lines (that probs wouldn't go to s2) where closed in a rush. the short number episode is party to blame
recommend: yes. for the priest. that is honestly the only real selling point for me.
10. Nothing But Love
Chinese Drama - 2023, 38 episodes
Likes: talks about many hot topics such as; marriage, divorce, having children, cancer, and of course tennis lol. Every character has depth, nobody is completely evil/good. Some topic were so relatable to me and would be relatable to others too. The chemistry of the main couple was realistic. This was the perfect drama to be one of those long form slice of life ones.
Dislikes: every character is flawed lol. Even the main couple will have you kinda frustrated at times. characters also may make decisions you don’t agree with but you’re just gonna have ti accept it lol (*cough second couple cough*). I know the drama is about tennis, but I kinda realised that’s all the main couple would talk about, so I didn't really feel much romantic chemistry tbh.it kinda went stale towards the end.
Recommend: ok. If you like the older woman/younger man dynamic
11. Bed Friend
Thai Drama - 2023, 10 episodes
likes: easy to watch, and pass time. lots to complain about so I'm never bored lol. the plot is interesting in theory
dislikes: the acting was a cause for concern, the editing and directing was poor, the OST wasn'tgood. the plot was poorly executed, with illogical actions and inconsistent characters. I didn't like how the work conflict got resolved.
recommend: no. unless you for some reason already love the main leads, or want some eye candy this show is a waste of time.
12. Taxi Driver
Korean Drama - 2021, 16 episodes
likes: the revenge was sooooo satisfying, I like how they made the plot both exciting, bordering on unrealistic whilst also adding an element of realism. criticises real problems with the legal system such as the statue of limitations, wrongful convictions, sentencing, etc. which is incredibly important. exciting, yet serious, yet absolutely hilarious.
dislikes: the product placement became more obvious towards the end. it was jarring lol. there are some storylines that left me with questions/ slightly unsatisfied, which I know wont be revisited. fl was made to be slightly annoying.
recommend: yes!! especially if you like the revenge plot
13. Model Taxi 2
Korean Drama - 2023, 16 episodes
Liked: the same set up as season 2 with a completely new set of stories. It talked about very important social issues and some more unique ones, while also incorporating a level of comedy which I loved. It was a lot for funny than season 1 so that says a lot lol.
Disliked: not necessarily a dislike but the product placement was way too blunt here lol, like at some point it wasn’t even used as comedy it was literally an add for that damn protein drink. The occasional plot hole would come up
Recommend: yes!
14. Bad Mother
Korean Drama - 2023, 14 episodes
Liked: I enjoyed the countryside aspect a lot. And the plot line was pretty unique
disliked: the overall message. it was ok that she was abusive because she loved him. I wish the ml showed some actual resentment towards his mother (it just turned out to be fake so he could achieve whatever).
recommend: ok/no. if you like the countryside aspect. was pretty unsatisfying
15. A Boss and a Babe
Thai Drama - 2023, 12 episodes
liked: cute, fluffy, good chemistry
dislike: not really unique plot-wise but it was fun regardless
recommend: yes. if you wanna relax
16. The Rational Life
Chinese Drama - 2021, 35 episodes
liked: slow-burn, the characters where likeable and their chemistry was pretty sweet
dislike: very slow-burn lo. didn't personally have a problem with it though
recommend: ok. especially if you like these slow-burn workplace romance dramas. otherwise you probably wouldn't enjoy it
17. Summer Strike
Korean Drama - 2022, 12 episodes
like: short and sweet, relaxing therapeutic
dislike: not really anything to dislike, there's nothing really unique and interesting however.
recommend: ok. is you want to feel relaxed
18. King the Land
Korean Drama - 2023, 16 episodes
likes: the chemistry was AMAZING!! this drama was so fun to watch and enjoyable because of the main couple and their chemistry. it was swoonworthy and romantic, whilst also having some emotional moments
dislike: the plot was...... pretty cliche and unoriginal but I literally didn't care cos of the chemistry.
recommend: yes!! it was so much fun
19. Entre nouilles et démons 2
Korean Drama - 2023, 12 episodes
liked: I mean......it has its pretty fun moments....
disliked: if I begin, i'm never gonna stop. there was so much wrong, from the lack of character growth following the first season, to the ridiculously weak main characters, the random new character, the ridiculous villains that where objectively way stronger than the leads. all in all, it was so unnecessary, a second season was not needed.
recommend: no! especially if you liked season 1 like me. sigh.....
20. Wrong Carriage, Right Groom
Chinese Drama - 2001, 20 episodes
liked: it was fun, and enjoyable to watch. the plot was pretty unique and interesting
dislike: its really old, and it looks that way. also, on a superficial level, I wasn't really feeling both male leads in terms of looks.
recommend: yes! its definitely better than watching the more recent remakes
21. Enquêtes Tactiles
Korean Drama - 2023, 16 episodes
like: it took a bit to get into, but once I was into it, it became SO FUNNY. like everything was freaking hilarious.
dislike: the fl was SO dumb. she constantly got into the most dangerous situations in the most ridiculous way. the second half of the drama fell of a lot. it lost its humour, people just kept dying, meaning there where so many loose ends and unanswered questions
recommend: ok. but warning the ending is so underwhelming so maybe no?
22. The Warp Effect
Thai Drama - 2022, 12 episodes
likes: its as weird as it looks. the plot is kinda ridiculous but it also has a pretty deep message underneath. the entire drama repeatedly speaks about the lives of people with different sexualities, gender identities and lifestyles. it speaks about practicing safe sex, as well as forms of sex etc. its really cook
dislike: .....nothing really. you might not like the pretty exaggerated acting
recommend: I insist! its unlikely that you've watched anything like this before. give it a chance
23. Khun Chai Puttipat
Thai Drama - 2013, 10 episodes
likes: I love the old aspect to this show. the ballroom dancing, the tea parties, the palaces. all the aesthetics of this show here my vibe. the chemistry was also so sweet and swoon worthy. also quite quick paced for a lakorn
dislikes: the main villains ending was unfortunately believable but I would like toes some more suffering tbh.
recommend: yes! especially if you like the old vibe, I feel like its good for a specific group of people lol.
24. Only Friends
Thai Drama - 2023, 12 episodes
likes: the DRAMA was everything. every character made mistakes, nobody was perfect, I was always on the edge of my seat waiting for the next dumb decision lol. also im a SandRay lover. iwas so shocked when I realised I liked a character that I just hated an episode ago. the ending for each couple was satisfying enough for me
dislikes: towards the end, it got a bit annoying because I still couldn't see where it was going, I was worried it would be rushed, but I ended up being satisfied.
recommend: I insist! it is really fun to watch especially it you love watching drama that isn't yours. or just watch for SandRay because they're perfect.
25. My Name
Korean Drama - 2021, 8 episodes
26. Thong Ake Mor Yah Tah Chaloang
Thai Drama - 2019, 14 episodes
27. Middle Love
Thai Drama - 2023, 8 episodes