[Fix] Profile images: Japan (Male)
These profile images need to be edited and updated to match MDL guidelines.
> MALE version
>> Guidelines for a good MDL profile image:
- The focus should be solely on the head, not the body.
- The head should NOT be cut off from any side (top, bottom, or sides).
- There should be EQUAL space from all four sides (from the head to the top, from the chin to the bottom, and from the ears to the side).
- The face should be FULL frontal, not turned to the side.
- The head should not be titled to the side, but looking straight ahead.
- There shouldn't be anything covering the face (NO hands, accessories, glasses, hats, and similar things obstructing the face).
- It should be in full color, and not black and white.
- It should have a 300x360 px crop ratio, with the head in the middle.
- It shouldn't be blurry or of low quality.
- It shouldn't have any watermark on it.
Example of how to crop and center the head = https://prnt.sc/seck_mfT8HWV
Examples of good images fit for MDL = https://mydramalist.com/people/top
- Tokuyama Hidenori est un acteur et chanteur japonais originaire de Tokyo. Fan de tokusatsu, des films d’action en direct ou des émissions de télévision qui utilisent beaucoup les effets spéciaux pratiques. Tokuyama ...more
- He is a member of Johnny's Jr. group Shounen Ninja (少年忍者).