Dramas you watched On-air
Most of us love binge-watching dramas and are spending sleepless nights. But definitely, the haunting cliff-hangers and the dreadful weeklong wait before the next episode hits different. When we binge-watch a drama, we tend to skip a few parts and rush to witness how it ends. But when we follow the drama while it airs we enjoy every scene of it. Sometimes, we even rewatch a particular episode over and over coming up with countless possible theories as to what might happen next. When the anticipation builds up, we start appreciating the dramas more. So, what are the dramas you have watched while they aired?
NOTE: This list is not just for the current on-air dramas. You can include any dramas you watched at the time they aired. If the drama that you want to vote for is not on the list, feel free to include them on the list.
OPTIONAL: In the comment section, mention if you love binge-watching the dramas or do waiting for new episodes thrills you more.
- The Producers est une série montrant les coulisses de ce qui se passe sur une émission de variétés. Baek Seung Chan était un jeune étudiant en droit qui a tout abandonné pour ...more
- Le drame suit les événements étranges qui se produisent lorsqu'un avocat de troisième ordre prend en charge une affaire de meurtre. C'est le récit des combats menés par un avocat de la ...more