0 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
nov. 26, 2023
8 épisodes vus sur 8
Complété 0
Globalement 7.5
Histoire 7.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Musique 8.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 7.0
Cette critique peut contenir des spoilers
Ho seguito attentamente la loro storia sin da Cutie Pie e a dire la verità non sapevo che Naughty Babe sarebbe stata la loro storia, pensavo fosse un’altra serie con loro protagonisti.
Questa cosa l’ho pensata fin quando non è uscito il trailer, l’ho guardato e i nomi mi risultavano già sentiti, in questa maniera ho scoperto che questa sarebbe stata la loro storia da vicino.
A dire la verità la mia reazione è stata molto brusca, non ne ero contenta e preferivo una serie a parte con loro protagonisti. Non ne ero contenta perchè sinceramente non mi sono mai piaciuti, ho guardato sia la prima che la seconda stagione di Cutie Pie in onda e ho scritto già quello che pensavo della loro coppia nelle recensioni di entrambe le stagioni. Riassumendo non mi sono mai piaciuti perché la loro relazione mi è sempre sembrata molto ferma a sé stessa, una relazione impossibile, e Yi non mi è mai piaciuto per il suo comportamento ossessivo nei confronti di Diao; per questi motivi e per molti altri non mi sono mai piaciuti tanto e non ho mai sperato in loro, anzi preferivo che Diao si liberasse da questo stress il più presto possibile.
Data questa mia opinione veramente non sapevo che pensare riguardo questa serie, l’ho guardata solo per restare fedele a Cutie Pie e completare tutti pezzi della storia.

Inutile dire che anche solo il trailer mi aveva fatto incazzare molto per la storia proposta.
Mi spiego facendo riferimento a tutta la serie.
Già non mi piacciono e la prima assurdità che mi buttate è Yi che ha deciso di non fregarsi più di Diao, è semplicemente assurdo pensare a come in Cutie Pie 2 You fossero innamorati e in Naughty Babe mi dai la bella notizia che dopo il loro fidanzamento è andato tutto perso. C’è stato il minimo periodo felice e poi boom quel coglione di Yi ha ignorato nuovamente Diao, mi sembrava fossero ritornati all’inizio, come stavano in Cutie Pie. Veramente assurdo.
Per questo ho amato il fatto che Diao abbia deciso di scappare, lo stavo amando troppo perchè non si merita tutto ciò, e ho capito che Yi lo evitava per quei sogni e il senso di colpa ma cazzo dai è da Cutie Pie che si parla di sto senso di colpa e di non aver detto a Diao di quello che gli accadde da piccolo, ormai l’avrebbe dovuto dire sin dall’inizio e se proprio sto senso di colpa è forte cerchi di stargli quanto più vicino possibile, non farlo soffrire da solo dai, è coglione proprio.
Successo l’incidente vabbè era ovvio che Diao sarebbe corso in ospedale ma vi giuro ho riso troppo quando è caduto, non potevo rimanere seria.
La seconda assurdità viene con Yi che decide di fingere un’amnesia……….non ho parole.
Veramente, la prima cosa che mi è saltata per la testa è stato l'istinto di andare subito in thailandia a picchiarlo perché non è fattibile.
Sto coglione invece di fare il sincero non solo non riesce a dirgli la verità del passato e ha pure deciso di coprire una bugia con un’altra bugia….incredibile….non è fattibile.
Ci sono rimasta veramente di merda sopratutto perchè la prima cosa per cui Yi è un coglione è il suo pretendere di proteggere e fare del bene a Diao ma lo sa fare solo con le bugie che manco a dire fossero buone, anzi, lo fanno soffrire ancora di più.
Se prima Diao soffriva della mancata presenza di Yi, adesso ha sofferto ancora di più dandosi la colpa: se solo non avesse deciso di partire, se solo fosse stato giusto ecc.
Si è dato un'immensa colpa pensando di essere la causa di tutto e che avesse causato l’incidente a Yi.
A questo punto mi viene da chiedere a Yi: sei sicuro che tutto questo sia per il bene di Diao? Sei sicuro che non soffre?
Beh ragazzi la risposta è un ovvio no ma Yi non l’ha mai capito.
Per questo il mio odio nei confronti di Yi è aumentato e da lì la storia è stata okay, nel senso che c'erano parti comiche a me piaciute tanto e Yi stava incominciando a capire di amare tanto Diao e a capire di dovergli dire la verità.
La cosa che mi ha fatto scazzare è quel suo pretendere di fare di nuovo l’innamorato. Sinceramente sin da Cutie Pie mi è sembrato un continuo tira e molla, stavano male ma poi si amavano, poi Yi si allontanava di nuovo, poi si amavano di nuovo e così di continuo.
A sto punto che state a fare assieme! È normale avere delle situazioni “no” nella relazione ma il loro era un tira e molla dovuto dal senso di colpa di Yi e sta cosa sinceramente l’ha fatta durare fin troppo a lungo.
Per questo ho amato quando finalmente si è risolto a dirgli tutto, ho dovuto aspettare Cutie Pie, Cutie Pie 2 You e alcuni episodi di Naughty Babe per una cazzata che avrebbe dovuto dire sin dall’inizio. Che poi la dobbiamo finire col dire che Diao è piccolo. Si è laureato, ha 20 anni passati, è decisamente maturo non un bambino. Le cose non gli vanno nascoste perchè "ancora piccolo”, cazzo significa che è stra adulto. Io veramente non lo capirò mai.
La cosa che però mi sta più sul cazzo tra tutte è decisamente il fatto del contratto di fidanzamento. Diciamocelo, non è normale sto contratto. È la cosa più assurda al mondo.
La cosa che mi rompe di sto contratto è il loro materializzare un sentimento, una relazione amorosa che non ha nulla a che fare con la roba materiale.
I sentimenti non rimangono sempre gli stessi ma cambiano come se nulla fosse, è assurdo mettere in gioco i sentimenti di due persone che si amano dicendo “we se lo lascia, tradisce o altro mi devi risarcire”, scusate ma che merdata è.
Non è fattibile che due uomini adulti abbiano veramente messo in gioco i sentimenti dei loro figli per delle proprietà…ma purtroppo questo è essere umani, siamo così egoisti e vogliamo solo potere e denaro, non ci frega del resto. Quei poretti ci sono andati per sotto.
Quindi inutile fare che tutta quella situazione delle famiglie la trovavo irragionevole.
Da una parte Yi è trattato di merda dal padre (che poi alla fine si è risolto essere un buon padre e l’ho amato ma bho certe volte delle parole carine a Yi le poteva dire, non mordono), e dall’altra parte Diao che madonna non mi far parlare di quanto ho odiato la sua famiglia.
Non mi pare normale che il padre dicesse di amare Diao se poi lo utilizzava solo per avere dei vantaggi dalla famiglia Chen, è tutta una menzogna e sinceramente anche alla fine, quando si è scusato e sentito in colpa, a me non è fregato de meno. Non puoi comportarti così di merda e viziare così tanto i tuoi familiari che alla fine alcuni di loro hanno deciso di usufruire dei danni che avrebbero avuto nel caso quella macchina l’avesse guidata Diao e probabilmente sarebbe pure morto. Per questo odio quando il padre voleva pure difendere Tem e dire “non denunciarlo, perdonalo” che deve perdonare, ha quasi ucciso Yi e l’intento iniziale era Diao, che considera come figlio suo più di Yi. Ma fammi il piacere, cosa avrebbe mai dovuto perdonare, ha fatto bene a dire di no.
In generale tutti quelli che si potevano definire “plot twist” erano molto prevedibili, l’unico di cui sono rimasta veramente scioccata è il fatto di Aon figlio di quel guardiano, chi se l’aspettava vi giuro.
Riguardo il matrimonio io bho perchè in primis dicevo di continuo “questo matrimonio non s’ha da fare, né domani, né mai” ed ero alla IO MI OPPONGO.
Non mi hanno convinto proprio sulla loro coppia, ho iniziato senza speranza per loro e ho finito continuando a pensare che sarebbe stato meglio che Diao l’avesse lasciato.
Proprio non mi convincono.

Che poi altra assurdità è il fatto dello scappare dal matrimonio. Mi spiego.
Lo scappare di Diao per me è stato stupendo, quello che non capivo è perché cazzo Yi voleva tanto che non lo facesse. Alla fine lo sapeva il motivo per cui l’avrebbe fatto, ed era un motivo a mio parere giusto perchè è più che normale non volere sotto alla propria relazione un contratto del genere. Non si sarebbero lasciati ma solo fatto un pò di scena per annullare il contratto e poi continuare a stare assieme, non era complicato.
Eppure Yi era così contrario, io non lo capivo proprio e anche adesso non lo capisco.
Che nervoso.

Nonostante tutto la fine della serie mi è piaciuta per il suo significato e per il loro aver messo su una famiglia. Mi dispiace che tanti paesi si riufiutino di legalizzare il matrimonio omosessuale e addirittura non gli garantiscono neanche il diritto di poter adottare dei bambini perchè “potrebbero influenzarli in modo sbagliato e non dargli la possibilità di vivere una vita normale”....ovviamente trovo questa frase assurda e decisamente discriminatoria, sia che siano adottati da coppie etero che da coppie lgbt i bambini avranno una vita normale e saranno felici. Poi non è detto nulla, ci sono persone cattive che potrebbero adottarli per poi trattarli male ma nessuno può dire che questo succederà solo nelle coppie lgbt, può succedere con chiunque, letteralmente chiunque. È assurdo pensare che la coppia lgbt non possa garantire ai bambini una vita generosa e bella. È vero che potrebbero essere presi in giro ecc ma è anche vero che questo non è colpa loro e deriva dall’educazione che i genitori danno ai loro figli, se si vuole fare un passo avanti nella società si deve partire dalla mentalità e quindi insegnare i bambini al rispetto reciproco e che tutti hanno la stessa dignità.

In conclusione posso affermare che questa serie non mi ha preso molto per vari fattori, non sono stata per nulla empatica con quello che succedeva. Addirittura alla proposta di matrimonio e al matrimonio stesso NON HO PIANTO…….voi non capite quanto è grave.
I matrimoni e le proposte sono i miei due punti deboli, piango sempre quando ci sono, per farvi capire una volta ho addirittura pianto per la proposta di matrimonio di due comparse che non c’entravano nulla nella storia…è assurdo per me non piangere in ste scene.
Oltre a questo, la storia in sè non mi ha colpito, sì è stata decisamente divertente in varie parti e in altrettante anche troppo drammatica con le musiche e tutto ma vabbè non sono riuscita a immegermi nella trama per la mia antipatia nei confronti della loro coppia.
In ogni caso consiglio lo stesso di guardarla.

+l'unica cosa che ho veramente amato è la ost. Nat ci ha droppato una hit.

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Billy Regala
0 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
oct. 9, 2024
8 épisodes vus sur 8
Complété 0
Globalement 4.0
Histoire 2.0
Acting/Cast 4.0
Musique 6.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 4.0
Cette critique peut contenir des spoilers

Could have been so much better but it is not.

Naughty Babe is where the side couple from Cutie Pie is taking a center stage and the main couple is taking more of a back seat. The story follows Khon Diao and Yi as they are navigating their relationship which they had for a very long time now. They are a seasoned couple and the main problem here is that they have been together for quite a long time that Khon Diao feels and suspects that Yi is already cheating on him while it is also projecting itself to be a family drama where the family of Diao is really getting money from the family of Yi. Now, this is a story that we have seen more than a couple of times but I do not hate the show because I feel like the execution is not bad at all. You can easily see that this show has budget because it is a well-made show but I am hoping that they were able to put some of that in the writing of the series because they really pushed for this one and added as many things as they can like an amnesia arc, a family fight, and a fighting couple. There are so many things that are happening that they pushed it all in one episode which I feel like did not led to good pace for the story. The stories especially the family that had some issues against each other was more hinted rather than anything else that would merit something enjoyable to watch. The family drama is there but they were able to handle it so quick that I am wondering how it took so long for them to really handle it and the supposed villains of the story just were suddenly gone in the story. The chemistry of the main couple is there and it is undeniable but the story is not there supporting what they could have done with it. Instead, it felt a mediocre job for a story just to gain money from the love team. It did not feel like a commercial but more of an audition for another series which is okay if they made it shorter or if they could have put it in a more concise packaging. There is potential with the stories if they were just able to handle all of them slowly or if they decided not to put all possible hindrances and do nothing about them. Again, it is not a bad show because the chemistry is good and Max is hot but the story and the show is, unfortunately, bad and lackluster.

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0 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
août 20, 2024
8 épisodes vus sur 8
Complété 0
Globalement 1.0
Histoire 3.0
Acting/Cast 2.0
Musique 9.5
Degrés de Re-visionnage 1.0

Well… you didn’t eat the food still there

Okay I’m going to start off by saying I enjoyed episode 1-4 I thought the plot was really good at first and I thought it had a rich story, and I thought this was gonna be a really good series, but honestly I thought wronged, after watching episode 5-8 I just have to say what the hell was the writers thinking, first of all no shade nat acting was so horrible, I never laughed so hard during a crying scene, the story felt all over the place, felt like they couldn’t stick to one topic, I have never skip spicy scenes ever before in my life of watching BL until I watch this one, the whole “I love you” then “I’m gonna ruin the wedding” then “do you even want me to stay” then “I love you” then 3 years later we are married with 2 beautiful kids and puppy…. Like what ? How did we even get here ? Plus I knew it was the brother it was a clean give away, the uncle just going proof is crazy. Towards the end it was really hard to watch I mostly just skipped through it after watching cutie pie I just couldn’t do it and I watched cutie pie as soon as it came out and I never heard of this series till now and jeez I wish it never popped up on my recommendation, now I can’t just sit here and say I hated the whole show because they’re were some scenes that I love, the puppy is the real star of the show, Yi father is a icon, low key was shipping Yi and Lian, I think falling in love all over again and yi realizing his mistakes in him and khondiao relationship was really beautiful. Aon is hot, I love yi personality but overall the story didn’t eat but it wasn’t the worst I’ve watch.

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0 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
juil. 23, 2024
8 épisodes vus sur 8
Complété 0
Globalement 5.5
Histoire 6.5
Acting/Cast 6.0
Musique 7.5
Degrés de Re-visionnage 2.0

Comedy and Drama that doesn't mix

Most really can't handle the cringe of this series, I can. But even when the cringe doesn't bother me, it's still lacking a lot. It takes a long time for me to finish this.

Things I like

The humor. They try to be funny. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. I appreciate the effort.

Hia Yi and Kon Diao's interaction when they're not fighting. The hugs and kisses are really cute.

The friendship between Yi and Lian, Diao and Kuea.

Things I Disliked

The whole incident with Lele is nonsensical to me. Why wouldn't they practice extreme caution? Like a 14 year old Yi wants to take him out for a walk, a 7 year old Diao wants to pet him. I think they're old enough to understand that the pet is dangerous. This part really doesn't work for me. Too unbelievable.

Kon Diao's family. Wtf is that. The audacity that they have.

Nat is not that good at acting. He doesn't have enough range of expression. Most of the time it's just a polite smile on his face though the dialogue calls for more.

Casting. Why do Thai dramas cast actors who are way too young to be parents? Especially parents for grown adults. Yi's dad looks too young when you consider Yi is supposed to be around 30.

Diao's indecisiveness. Does he want to get married or not? Is he going to Switzerland or not? Does he love Yi or not? His thinking is hard for me to follow. I really hope rather than trying to solve his problem with his friends, he can try to deal with his family after Yi and Diao are married.

Overall, this drama is too ambitious. The combination of the family drama with the comedy undertone is too much. The beginning is more comedic and it gets serious towards the end, like the drama is made by two different people. I don't know whether I have to take this seriously or not. I thought we could unravel the family and the past properly if we have more episodes.

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0 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
janv. 30, 2024
8 épisodes vus sur 8
Complété 0
Globalement 8.0
Histoire 7.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Musique 9.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 9.0
Cette critique peut contenir des spoilers

MaxNat brilharam, mas poderiam ter brilhado mais!

Estive esperando ansiosamente para ver Naughty Babe desde seu anúncio, já que Yi e Kon Diao sempre foram meu casal secundário favorito do universo de Cutie Pie. Esperei mais ou menos pouco mais de 1 ano e confesso que fiquei feliz com a série. Poderia ser melhor? Sim, mas eu gostei!

Os atores fizeram um ótimo trabalho, especialmente o Max. Eu sempre fui uma fã de sua atuação e sinto que ele tem melhorado muito desde Cutie Pie! Também fiquei feliz em ver os outros atores novamente, em especial o NuNew e o Zee Pruk. Falando um pouco sobre a trama, eu achei o final realmente adorável. Me emocionei tanto no casamento quanto no desfecho, acredito que não poderia ter tido um final melhor!

Algo que me incomodou um pouco foram os efeitos especiais. Sério, eu sempre soltava um arzinho pelo nariz quando via o CGI do tigre. Isso acabou fazendo com que as cenas dramáticas do ataque do Kon Diao perdessem um pouco da emoção. Outra coisa que me incomodou foi que a história ficou um pouco corrida no final, já que não tivemos nenhum desfecho do que aconteceu com os Wongtheerawit. Acredito que isso poderia ter sido melhor trabalhado no decorrer dos episódios.

Bom, no geral, a série é muito fofa, mas diversas coisas poderiam ter sido melhor trabalhadas. Ainda assim, fiquei feliz por poder adentrar o universo de Cutie Pie mais uma vez. Espero que possamos ver mais dos MaxNat no futuro!

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Cet avis était-il utile?
0 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
avril 29, 2024
8 épisodes vus sur 8
Complété 0
Globalement 4.0
Histoire 3.5
Acting/Cast 4.0
Musique 6.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 2.0

Giving a 4 bc of the ending

um??? idk the story is weird, I didn't like it. the acting is not great either and to be honest, there were parts I found cringe 😭
there were time where I just wanted to drop the bl cause the story was boring.

now, what i kind of liked is the random comedy moments between drama. those moments saved the bl for me.
CHEMISTRY IS GREAT!!! one of my favorite things definitely.
last cap. was so cute that yep! it made +1 star for my review lmao
Production is good, just wish they'd spend some of the budget with the story :/
Cet avis était-il utile?
0 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
janv. 25, 2024
8 épisodes vus sur 8
Complété 0
Globalement 8.5
Histoire 7.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musique 8.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 7.0
Cette critique peut contenir des spoilers

Nong was the star of the show.

I am so happy Max and Nat got their own series, these two have amazing chemistry and I loved watching the relationship between Kon Diao and Yi in Cutie Pie so I'm happy they got their own series.

Like it predecessor Cutie Pie, Naughty Babe is keeping with the humor and comedic moments which I very much enjoy. You get to learn more about Kon Diao and Yi's past and the reason behind some of Yi's choices and actions in Cutie Pie.

I found it hilarious the archenemies Yi got as the episodes went on. In Yi's mind, that dog really was out to get him 😂.

I enjoyed the family dynamic in Naughty Babe and I especially adore Makorn and his obvious love and favoritism towards Kon Diao. I love how the show made it perfectly clear, as did Makorn a few times throughout the show, that he was Team Kon Diao and Yi better wisen up or else. Diao really developed from the character you're first introduced to in Cutie Pie, now he doesn't take any of Yi's crap and is even seen getting revenge against him. It was very amusing to watch Kon Diao's revenges.

I absolutely hate Kon Diao's family. How someone as sweet, caring and kinda naïve as Diao can come from a crook/conman like Sattha is just amazing to me.

The whole amnesia storyline was both good and bad. It helped the plot progress but it also got a little old as well. I didn't particularly like Yi lying to Diao about his amnesia but I understood the reasons for it. The romantic moments between Kon Diao and Yi are stunning to watch. Max and Nat did an incredible job showing the love these two characters feel for each other. Amazing acting from them both.

Yi accepting that his dad loves and adores Kon Diao as the son he never had is just hilarious to me.

The chase scene and that whole plan, while I understood why it was happening was odd and the whole re-proposal thing was just confusing and while it was sweet was kinda a little pointless. Maybe I just missed the mark on what it was about/meant.

And Nong strikes again turning father against his son and I don’t mean Kon Diao!! I died laughing at that whole exchange between Makorn and Diao. Nong really is Yi’s archnemisis. I love the teasing relationship they all have in this scene.

I still hate Kon Diao’s dad but I did really like how he had his chance to make amends with Dio and realize what he was actually doing to his son and hopefully change for the better. I thought the moment between them during the wedding was sweet.

Overall the acting was amazing Nat and Max really shined in this series. The plot was okay, a little boring in places but overall very enjoyable, the music was sweet and fit the scenes.

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Cet avis était-il utile?
1 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
oct. 25, 2023
8 épisodes vus sur 8
Complété 0
Globalement 9.0
Histoire 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musique 5.5
Degrés de Re-visionnage 8.0

really enjoyed

this was a good story after finishing this drama I was thinking what one did I like better cutie pie or naughty babe. but naughty babe did it for me, I enjoyed the chemistry between the 2 main leads. even though their was only 8 eps, each episode showed the storyline and had emotional sides, funny sides and the loving sides of each main lead and to get their background story it all fit perfectly within these 8 episodes. the directors topped it off nicely with the wedding and showing u them years down the line where they have children and have became a proper wee family.

but I did like hia yi with the dog they just has a love & hate relationship.

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Cet avis était-il utile?
0 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
oct. 22, 2023
8 épisodes vus sur 8
Complété 0
Globalement 7.0
Histoire 5.0
Acting/Cast 7.0
Musique 3.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 2.0

goofy series to kill some time

Watched Cutie Pie first and it really got me intrigued by Diao and Yi's relationship so I decided to give it a try and hear me out: it's not as bad as you may or may not think. Alright? Gotta give it a try.

The plot? I loved it at first with this whole "lost memory" play it reminded me of old times when most of series/movies had this as part of the storyline and Max's acting really did justice to it. But as soon as the 5th episode hit and everything shifted from losing memory and wanting to "fix the relationship" to Diao's family issues and him planning to cut off his own family by ruining HIS OWN wedding I just simply got lost. It's like two series in one and none of them are from the same scriptwriter, you know?

But I can't lie I still enjoyed watching it.
The chemistry between Nat and Max on screen is something so pleasant to watch it can wash away all the "bad" things.
Even despite the fact that Nat (in my opinion) isn't too good at acting and still needs to work on that - whenever he's with Max it's like a whole new atmosphere. Love to see it.
Well.. Max in my not so humble opinion carried the whole series on his shoulders and I know I may be biased since I like him as an actor ever since he starred in the previous series but he just made it so much easier to watch Naughty Babe.

I just kind of wish they'd made it more on the "comedic" side of series other than the "serious" one cause it would definitely fit this one better. There are some intentionally "funny" scenes but actually most of the REALLY goofy ones are the ones that were meant to be deep and meaningful.

So.. if you're planning on watching it:
just make sure you enjoy what's on the screen without looking for any deeper meaning to it cause you might find out that there's no meaning to it lol

Also- just gotta mention that the chihuahua deserves its own fandom. They literally made this dog the third main lead 😭

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Abandonné 4/8
1 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
mars 2, 2024
4 épisodes vus sur 8
Abandonné 0
Globalement 1.0
Histoire 1.0
Acting/Cast 1.0
Musique 1.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 1.0


OMG was this bad!! I was only able to watch four eps before I dropped it.
The lead actors both are eye rolling. The plot the writers of this came up with was pretty ridiculous.
Nat's character in my view was made to still look like he hadn't grown up at all since Cutie Pie.
It bothered me the still the way Max's character treated the boyfriend character like he was a child.
Even in Cutie Pie it but it was worse there. This might have been good if the story was better but I tried to watch it to the end but four and maybe about 5 minutes into the the fifth ep is all I could do.

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Cet avis était-il utile?
0 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
oct. 30, 2023
8 épisodes vus sur 8
Complété 0
Globalement 8.5
Histoire 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musique 8.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 8.5
Cette critique peut contenir des spoilers

A show that showcased their growth in acting

*happy ending*

We have been thirsty in having MaxNat in their own series and this show delivered it quite well.
Nat, especially, showed the utmost growth in acting that most of the times in the series, I cried with him. There are also times that his acting is so great that Max's acting look subpar. There was even a time that I shouted that Max should step up his game.
Nat has delivered his character well. I really felt Diao's intelligence in Nat's eyes. He is so expressive that you can see it it the screen when Diao realizes something in the conflict.

I really love Diao's power bottom personality. He is really steadfast about his ideals and what he wants and he doesn't waver in fighting for it. He is very upfront in showing love as well that it shocks Yi a lot of times.

The NC scene, especially the uncut is chef's kiss. There is still that odd feeling I always feel when watching MaxNat's NC scenes because of how really young Nat looks. But they did the mature scenes really well and realistically too.

The story, for me, is a 100 times better than cutie pie. It makes a lot more sense too. Cutie pie's conflict is not too big compared to this one. The flow and pacing is also quite well. And I understood the reasons for everything except why Diao still does not want to ride a car except if he is with Yi. When reading the comments in youtube, I can see that they did the novel portrayal very well. Though if you compared it to their cutie pie story, there will be a lot of discrepancies like lele and the timeline. But a lot said that they understand YiDiao's story more in cutie pie because of this series.

I loved watching this whole series. It is very funny, romantic, and well executed. Cant wait for MaxNat's next series.

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0 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
nov. 28, 2023
8 épisodes vus sur 8
Complété 0
Globalement 7.0
Histoire 5.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Musique 7.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 5.0

better than cutie pie

In my opinion this is better than cutie pie,

The story is not great, but it is something.
The chemistry is also okay- like a 6.5/10

Over all the first half was pretty boring but I really enjoyed the second half,
It became more interesting the longer you watched and the ending was one of the best endings in BL !

The ending is really heartwarming and i shed a tear, it was great seeing all of them happy, in loving and healthy relationships !

Is it a must watch? Absolutely not lol, you can go your whole life without watching this and you will not miss out on anything

But stil... I really enjoyed it ! Its great having fluffy and wholesome series that are done well. It will maybe become a comfort show, who knows !

If you are interested in a fluffy, dramatic Bl series this is a good option, I watched for the actors and not the story and I'm glad I did, if I watched for the story I would probably have ruined expectations

Overall it was okay, maybe even good, I gave it a 7/10 because if this is what you wanted you will not be disappointed.. well kinda?
It was boring, hard to get trough the first 4/5 eps but the longer you watch it becomes more interesting!

I will not recommend this to you if If you don't watch bad story fluffy BL's
I will not re-watch it again, that being said..
It still deserves a 7/10 because you get exactly what you wanted

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Naughty Babe (2023) poster



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