Buckle up and get ready for a binge-worthy adventure!
"Animals" is a delightful J-drama that transcends the typical romantic comedy genre. In this eight-episode series, we follow the story of Shikamori Umi, a relatable character played by Suzuki Airi, who finds herself trapped in a toxic work culture as an overworked assistant director on a popular TV talk show.The narrative takes an unexpected turn when Umi is offered a new job at Animal Beauty, a startup in the beauty industry. The contrast between Umi's chaotic past and the refreshing work culture at Animal Beauty becomes a central theme, highlighting the societal shift needed for a healthier work-life balance.
The drama explores Umi's personal growth, with a focus on her relationships, especially the one with Kazao, a photographer. The love triangle aspect is subtlety handled, emphasizing Umi's journey of self-discovery rather than conventional romantic entanglements.
Kawamitsu Sawako's writing skillfully avoids unnecessary drama, and the dialogue feels authentic, making the characters relatable and the storyline engaging. Despite its title potentially leading to misconceptions, "Animals" surprises with its gentle and heartwarming nature, offering life lessons without being overly didactic.
In conclusion, "Animals" is a feel-good series that goes beyond the surface, exploring themes of personal growth, workplace dynamics, and romance. With its well-crafted storyline, strong cast, and unexpected twists, it's a delightful watch that leaves a lasting impression. So, if you're in the mood for a heartwarming journey of self-discovery, "Animals" is the perfect companion.
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Pouco romance, a capa engana
Comecei esse dorama esperando uma história intensa de romance, mas fui surpreendida negativamente pela falta de momentos entre os protagonistas. Apesar de ter ficado presa ao dorama, senti falta de momentos mais fofos e calorosos. Também achei que o triângulo amoroso foi desnecessário para um drama de apenas 08 episódios. O protagonista é muito lindo, acho que foi ele que me prendeu até o fim. Achei meio sem sentido as cenas de briga deles, pois ambas foram acerca de coisas fúteis e sem nexo. Enfim, se fosse um drama mais longo, talvez a história deles tivesse sido mais explorada. Deixou muito a desejar em vários aspectos, no mais, fiquei apaixonada pelo ator principal. Muito lindo, fofo e atua super bem.Cet avis était-il utile?
P.S. I didn’t know where to put this but there are quite a few long takes in the show, oftentimes in Umi’s interactions with others, and they’re all really good. It really helps make the conversations seem like they’re real. Argh, I really want to like this show because it has stuff like this that is so good!! :’(
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Super gostoso de assistir
Amei muito esse drama!! É super gostoso de assistir e eu terminei bem rapidinho.O dorama faz uma leve crítica às jornadas excessivas de trabalho, mostrando o quanto a saúde pode ser prejudicada por isso.
Umi é uma protagonista extremamente cativante, me apeguei muito nela.
O casal é extremamente fofo e me fez terminar de assistir com um gostinho de quero mais.
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First, it shows the typical Japanese work culture where everyone is worked to the bone and doing overtime is common and even expected. Shikamori Umi is no stranger to this and continues to run around until she reaches a limit.
Second, the drama demonstrates that change is possible when Umi gets recruited as an intern at an agency, where a very different and refreshing work culture has been established.
Suzuki Airi is a natural, transitioning from a bare-faced, exhausted employee to a spritely, newly motivated worker who wants to try her best at everything, even over-extending herself sometimes. But she realizes that just fell back into the habit of over-pleasing others.
Her coworkers, her new boss and especially Kazao, and even Hina manifest ideas that shape Umi’s worldview, in that working hard is commendable, but also is taking time for yourself. The cast was supportive of Umi’s endeavors and she finally learns to be independent.
This drama was delightful and gratifying. Also neat was the trivial fact that three of the male actors in this show were in other BL dramas that I’ve watched. I did not even recognize Izuka Kenta in that whatchamacallit hairstyle.
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Its a Japanese drama on par with kdramas.
Although it was a rushed drama, and message at end not so easily understood by all, its only very few of Japanese drama I was hooked to till end, cinematography was lot better and there were no glitches of absurd non sense plot holes in drama. A nice piece of fiction I would say. If show was little longer with more of their characters explored. I would have rated it 10.Cet avis était-il utile?
Low angst enjoyment
I liked this show for multiple reasons:FL wasn't stupid, lazy or clumsy
ML was likeable
No evil parents
No evil SFL trying to break the couple up constantly
No triangle - never came to fruition
Happy, though unsatisfying ending
I pretty much loved all the characters in this show. Her work environment when she goes to work at Animal Beauty was, I think, the kind of work environment we would all wish for, collaborative, friendly co-workers, a great boss, and they discourage too much overtime (what a concept!). The friendships that were developed between the coworkers, as well as the FL's sister was so fun to watch.
I love a ML falling first. He could have been more assertive, sure, but the combination of fear, denial and the possibility of losing her friendship all factored into his decisions. When he first saw her all dressed up, I swear the look he gave her could have melted ice!
The relationship between the ML and FL is just a joy to watch. They are supportive of each other, yet often bicker like children. I sometimes got the feeling that I was witnessing feelings that they knew nothing about, but their comradery was the healthy way that relationships should develop. I could actually see why they liked one another.
I was disappointed in the ending, just because it was so abrupt. I would have also liked some closure as to how long he was going to be gone, but at least the ending was happy...with Japanese shows you never can tell.
I am so happy I wasted an entire day and watched this show.
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Commediola infantile con aspirazioni sociali
Breve commediola romantica nipponica apparentemente destinata ad un pubblico di giovanissimi, ma con qualche considerazione morale a condire una pasta altrimenti insipida e completamente senza sugo.La prima considerazione da farsi è che la locandina del drama è completamente fuorviante: gli abiti e la scena rappresentata non si ritrovano in alcun momento della serie e non potrebbero essere più diversi da quelli che sono i due protagonisti.
Shikamori Umi è una giovane impiegata che lavora ad un talk show e viene sfruttata in turni di lavoro massacranti dal suo capo, al punto da non dormire per giorni di fila. La situazione cambia quando lascia il lavoro e viene assunta alla Animal Beauty, una società che si occupa di trucco e bellezza: si tratta di un ambiente molto più friendly (in modo poco plausibile), giovane, fresco, innovativo e frequentato da un sacco di bella gente. Un fotografo, il presidente della società e, per certi versi, anche il suo vicepresidente e diversi altri personaggi, paiono tutti gravitare intorno a Umi e, in un modo o nell’altro, a interessarsi a lei.
Sarebbe però sbagliato pensare a questa serie in termini di solo romanticismo. Si affronta un tema molto attuale in Giappone: quello degli eccessivi carichi lavorativi scaricati sui dipendenti, che sono spesso costretti a fare più ore dell’orologio, rinunciando alla vita familiare e sociale, al punto da arrivare ad ammalarsi e, in casi estremi, anche a morire. La nostra Umi affronta quindi un percorso di riflessione, autoanalisi e crescita, che la porta a comprendere se stessa e quello che vuole dalla vita. Nel frattempo, troverà anche l’amore.
Ora, non posso dire che questa serie mi abbia soddisfatto. La recitazione è spesso eccessiva, i dialoghi a volte forzati, la gestualità esagerata, e non sono rari i momenti di imbarazzo di seconda mano per quello che accade sullo schermo. Le ragazze, e specialmente la protagonista, sono descritte in modo molto infantile: Suzuki Airi viene fatta agitare e strillare come un’oca e corricchia spesso qua e là come una gallina senza testa. Altre volte, invece, la sceneggiatura la porta a correre come una pazza per mezza città per arrivare a destinazione. I taxi, questi sconosciuti…
Per quanto il lavoro al talk show sia mostrato in modo abbastanza verosimile, quando l’ambientazione si sposta alla Animal Beauty le cose diventano molto meno plausibili: più che una società sembra una gabbia di matti. Ho avuto spesso l’impressione di guardare un anime interpretato dal vero.
Per carità, il tutto è ancora abbastanza godibile, a patto di accettare le cose così come ci vengono mostrate, senza assolutamente porsi domande sulla logica di ciò che accade e sorvolando sull’estremo infantilismo delle vicende. Bisogna anche superare lo scoglio degli ultimi due episodi, terribilmente rarefatti e noiosi, almeno fino al finale che, in buona tradizione Dramaland, dipana negli ultimi minuti tutte le matasse e ci elargisce tre coppie in un botto solo, regalandoci nel contempo anche un sottilissimo profumo di BL.
Al netto delle particolarità della recitazione della protagonista Suzuki Airi, che abbiamo già detto costretta a performance da macchietta, in realtà questa ragazza, quando non le viene imposto altrimenti, è molto brava, sia nei momenti allegri che in quelli più drammatici. Anche Honda Kyoya, che interpreta il fotografo, è una spanna sopra gli altri, e Izuka Kenta, il burbero vice, se la cava benissimo ed è molto piacevole. Al contrario, il CEO Jin Shirasu è piuttosto piatto e poco coinvolgente: non pervenuto. Il cast secondario agisce come mero contorno, e fa semplicemente il suo lavoro.
Una particolarità di questo drama è che ci sono alcune situazioni pregnanti in cui cessa qualsiasi sottofondo musicale, lasciando la scena completamente muta, e la cosa è abbastanza originale da essere notata. Purtroppo, però, si nota anche una certa mancanza di affiatamento di coppia in quella principale, che dovrebbe essere uno dei punti fermi della serie, e non coinvolge affatto.
Un commento musicale generalmente abbastanza anonimo, costumi vari ma decisamente lontani dai nostri gusti e una cinematografia semplice completano la disamina di questo drama, che vanta anche un minuscolo sequel, intitolato Animals: Kikoku-hen.
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Don't be fooled by the poster. Not steamy but light, enjoyable drama
Light, enjoyable drama about work, love (friends-turn-lovers trope) and friendships.What I liked:
1) Umi characterisation - Animals is about a woman challenging herself personally & professional. I like that we see changes in Umi - she was miserable in that first job but once she changed to a different job, she thrived!
2) Wonderful cast - Airi Suzuki was great in her role.
3) Friendships - This theme was prevalent in the drama. It's wonderful that Umi stayed in touch with her formal colleague despite being in a different company. I also like the friendship between Umi and Kazao.
What I disliked:
1) Romance - wish there were more romatic scenes once they became a couple
2) Based on title & poster, I expected sexy J-drama but haha I was deceived.
Favourite scene:
Particularly enjoyed 'choose an outfit for 1st date' scene.
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working adults would really appreciate this drama
tbh, i started watching this because i saw a gorgeous guy (honda kyoya) in the preview so i didnt really expect anything from this drama but i loved it. umi experiencing difficulties in her job and kazao wanting to do what he loves but having to make sacrifices first really resonated with me as someone who is also at that same stage in life as them. i felt really sad and frustrated when umi didnt understand kazao's feelings about his career. i mean, kazao didnt really express his thoughts enough to umi but umi fully supported her younger sister when she said she wants to be a stylist, she even told her to not worry about anything and just do what she wants to do. that's exactly what kazao needed from her. it made me think that maybe umi said the things she said and was acting a bit stubborn and selfish because she just didnt want kazao to leave Japan. it was fulfilling to watch umi learn to set boundaries when it comes to her career. i liked seeing the difference between umi's ad job and her job at ab, the difference in the environment are so obvious. made me hope that one day i would find a rewarding workplace just like ab. if you are a working adult i think you would appreciate and realize a lot of things through this drama. i have just one slight dislike about this drama tho and that is, it needs more romance. i needed more of umi and kazao. i wanted more of their lovestory. i really liked their dynamics like how they would bicker a lot and their interactions are just so adorable. i just wish we got more of their romantic story.Cet avis était-il utile?
Not convincing
I don't know what to feel ..Love story was bad .. in my opinion
Because he supported her and they have healthy relationship but why did i feel , he didn't chase after he and didn't do anything about his love for her ..
But the real quote and plot was good
You must take care of yourself ..
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