Mary Nanna
0 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
juin 27, 2023
10 épisodes vus sur 10
Complété 0
Globalement 10
Histoire 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musique 7.5
Degrés de Re-visionnage 6.0

What it means to be human beautifully captured

Easy to watch, easy to become engrossed in, easy to relate to. That's why I enjoyed this K-Drama so much.
All of us are hurt at some point in our lives, all of us know the feeling of needing to protect ourselves from pain and the vulnerability that comes from our longing for connection and the fear of its loss. This story beautifully weaves threads around this most basic human need into a rich tapestry of human experience.

We know from the very outset that the happy ever after from season 1 did not stay that way. What follows is an exploration of vulnerability. Past losses and rejections, trauma, all leave their mark and condition the way the leads relate to their lives and each other. The drama unfolds as a dance, as each character steps forwards and then retreats, not sure how to be together.

It has it all, great chemistry between the leads, tender moments, pain and heart break, frustration at the lead for being his own worst enemy and a generous amount of affection to leave the ending fully resolved.

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Cet avis était-il utile?
0 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
juil. 13, 2022
10 épisodes vus sur 10
Complété 0
Globalement 7.5
Histoire 8.0
Acting/Cast 8.5
Musique 7.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 7.5
Cette critique peut contenir des spoilers

triste ma insegna

Ho iniziato questa seconda stagione non ricordando molto di ciò che era successo nella prima ma fortunatamente hanno fatto un intro che richiama la storia generale di tutta la prima stagione, il che mi ha fatto ricordare molte cose.
Prima di iniziarla avevo sentito molte opinioni riguardo questa seconda stagione dicendo che era molto triste, un disastro e devo dire che è triste… molto triste ma allo stesso tempo è bella, ciò perché loro si sono lasciati, cosa che personalmente non mi è piaciuta molto in quanto non mi piace vedere le coppie belline insieme lasciarsi, però questa cosa ha dato l'opportunità di riuscire a maturare sia loro come personaggi ma anche io guardando effettivamente tutta la seconda stagione, quest'ultima fa vedere come i personaggi sono maturati riguardo anche la loro storia d'amore eccetera.
In questa seconda stagione vediamo che Ji Woo lascia Seo Joon e il perché di questa scelta non l'ho mai effettivamente capita, certo aveva le sue ragioni fra le quali sentirsi inaspettatamente solo in questa relazione però sono tutte ragioni che non riportano a lasciarlo in quella maniera così brusca e cattiva, qualunque siano i tuoi sentimenti non puoi letteralmente lasciare una torta con un bigliettino con scritto lasciamoci il giorno del compleanno dell'altro, il giorno del compleanno è unico e arriva una volta l'anno non puoi lasciare quella persona proprio quel giorno facendogli rimpiangere il compleanno ogni volta, in primis non è rispettoso verso l'altra persona soprattutto per il fatto che ha lasciato un bigliettino ed è scomparso invece di parlare faccia e faccia.
Quindi appunto non ho molto amato questo modo di aver lasciato Seo Joon, c'è stato poi un anno in cui Seo Joon continuava a cercare Ji Woo ma non lo trova mai fin quando appunto non l'ha trovato però lì le cose sono andate comunque male perché Ji Woo era così cattivo nei confronti di Seo Joon nonostante tutta la preoccupazione che quest'ultimo ha avuto verso Ji Woo.
Qui Ji Woo non mi è piaciuto per nulla soprattutto per il suo comportamento irrispettoso nel nei confronti dell'altro che invece lo trattava bene e sperava nel riuscire a riaggiustare la loro situazione, abbiamo anche visto comunque che a un certo punto pure Seo Joon ha detto basta incominciato ad essere anche lui sgradevole nei confronti di Ji Woo, cosa che capisco completamente perché a un certo punto uno si stanca e dice basta.
E solo qui abbiamo visto Ji Woo pensare a tutta la situazione e capire che effettivamente non può vivere senza Seo Joon e che vuole continuare a stare con lui, vediamo loro due che parlano e chiariscono e si rimettono insieme cosa che ho amato.
Questi due attori hanno una chimica veramente molto bella, ho amato veramente tutte le scene carine fra loro due perché mi fanno scoppiare il cuore, piango tutte le mie lacrime per loro.
Ho amato anche il manager e il capo dell’azienda per cui lavora Seo Joon, l’hanno sostenuto tantissimo capendolo in tutto e dando consigli, sembravano veramente una famiglia.
Infine ho amato la bambina e la madre del paesino, soprattutto la bambina era così bellina e simpatica, un mito, l’adoro.
Consiglio questa serie anche se molto triste.

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0 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
août 28, 2022
10 épisodes vus sur 10
Complété 0
Globalement 9.5
Histoire 9.5
Acting/Cast 10
Musique 10
Degrés de Re-visionnage 9.5
Cette critique peut contenir des spoilers

the untold story= beautiful sotry

First of all, this is the first time I love how they create a season 2. Usually, when they create season 2 they tend to destroy what they build in season 1 but in this series, they widened it and improved it.

This season has had tons of improvements in acting and story.

So the story revolves in showing the untold stories from season 1, they showcase a different love story and societal issues. Season 2 was widened, the production expanded, and I really like the participation of different age groups. The characters especially the main leads, portrayed their roles very well. The chemistry is so strong, their eyes tell everything.
The story/plot is jaw-dropping, I didn't expect that they take the risk in doing this kind of plot instead of using the lovely-Dovey theme.

There's nothing I can say about this series because everything is praising. I LOVE LOVE LOVE IT!
I can't ask for more because they gave it all.

I really commend the actors and all staff for creating this beautiful Series.

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0 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
janv. 21, 2024
10 épisodes vus sur 10
Complété 0
Globalement 8.5
Histoire 9.5
Acting/Cast 10
Musique 8.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 4.0
Cette critique peut contenir des spoilers

É bom ou ruim?

Para responder a essa pergunta precisamos mergulhar um pouco no enredo da primeira temporada antes de começar a falar sobre a segunda temporada.

Muitas pessoas ficaram extremamente decepcionadas com a segunda temporada por achar que seria uma simples extensão da primeira, sem adicionar uma trama forte a mais, talvez uns problemas aqui e ali, mas nada que realmente prejudicasse o casal que tanto amamos, porém o que a segunda temporada fez foi exatamente o contrário, ela trouxe uma trama pesada e extremamente triste logo de início que se estendeu por quase todos os episódios, isso consequentemente desapontou muitos dos fans que sentiam falta da fofura do casal (que eu entendo bastante, já que não teve tantas cenas fofas depois do casal ficar junto na primeira temporada, logo pode ser frustrante).

Em contrapartida quem ama angst simplesmente ficou apaixonado na segunda temporada, assim como eu, muitas pessoas elogiam essa obra, porém não vamos ignorar o fato de que a segunda temporada da série tem seus problemas.

Três problemas para ser mais exata!

1- O início: Tivemos logo um baque de que Ji Woo desapareceu deixando apenas uma nota de despedida para Seo Joon, que passa um ano inteiro em desespero tentando encontrar o amado que o deixou sem nenhum rastro, mas onde o enredo erra aqui? Simplesmente na forma abrupta de lançar um problema/reviravolta; passamos diretamente de um casal apaixonado na primeira temporada e já pulamos para um casal quebrado e separado no início da segunda... não tem seguimento e nos faz questionar o que aconteceu... e é agora que vou me contradizer!! Eu não odeio isso. Pode sim ser um problema no roteiro, não ter essa ligação lisa entre os acontecimentos, mas isso também causa medo, angustia, solidão e ansiedade no telespectador, que reflete exatamente os sentimentos do Seo Joon, então acredito que o início tenha suas falhas porque o final da primeira temporada não tenha sido feito com um gancho (uma simples cena do Ji Woo duvidando a intensidade do amor de Seo Joon por um breve momento, já resolveria a falta de ligação das temporadas, mostrando que Ji Woo no fundo ainda tem esses problemas psicológicos/ansiedade. Se encaixaria perfeitamente na segunda temporada e não estragaria a fofura da primeira temporada).

2- Seo Joon e seus problemas: Nessa segunda temporada podemos ver os problemas psicológicos do Ji Woo e como ele sofre com suas ansiedades e inseguranças, contudo através de pequenas conversas e breves relados de Seo Joon sabemos que esse personagem também tem sua dose de trauma e isso não é levado em conta! O enredo não fala sobre isso nem se aprofunda!! Sabemos que Seo Joon já tomou remédio controlado e que ele tem problemas com ansiedade referente aos fans fanáticos e agressivos, mas também tem os problemas dos pais que não sabemos nada sobre e não é aprofundado em nenhum momento. Isso traria uma complexidade maior para a obra e se os traumas de Seo Joon fossem mostrados para Ji Woo no final da segunda temporada, teria resolvido o próximo e terceiro problema ⬇⬇⬇

3- O final: Essa parte da temporada é um das que mais me incomodam, todos os problemas que a série apresentou e todas as crueldades que Ji Woo cometeu com Seo Joon não foi solucionado de uma forma satisfatória para quem assiste! Passamos todos os episódios anteriores sentindo uma parcela de raiva de Ji Woo pela sua hostilidade com Seo Joon e mesmo entendendo suas motivações isso não é suficiente para receber esse final de forma calorosa; onde após Seo Joon desistir do relacionamento, Ji Woo pede desculpas e depois de algumas cenas Seo Joon o aceita novamente. Sinto que faltou algo, faltou uma complexidade nas cenas da reconciliação e na verdade... faltou cenas. Como citado no problema 2, uma forma de resolver isso seria trazendo os problemas psicológicos do Seo Joon, desenvolvendo isso e fazendo Ji Woo entender mais seu parceiro, porque o que me faz pensar é que Ji Woo não conhece Seo Joon o suficiente, assim como nós que estamos assistindo, ele não sabe o que Seo Joon passou, não sabe seu passado e suas dificuldades, apenas que sua personalidade é insistente, solitária e alegre; com umas nuances aqui e alí, mas nada que nos faça o entender por completo! Um dos motivos para que Ji Woo abandonasse Seo Joon em primeiro lugar foi ele não conhecer seu parceiro! Não saber que ele na verdade o amava muito e que Ji Woo na vida dele era algo importante e essencial, então como resolvemos isso??? CONHECENDO O SEO JOON! Óbvio.

Passamos a 2ª temporada percebendo que Ji Woo não conhece Seo Joon o suficiente e terminamos percebendo que ele AINDA não conhece seu parceiro por completo e nos faz questionar "E se surgir outro problema? Como vão resolver?".

Concluo essa review dizendo que apesar de apontar os problemas da história eu ainda amo essa série e amo essa temporada, principalmente porque sou apaixonada num bom angst, dito isto não assistiria novamente kkkkk mas guardo o que assisti no coração <3

Se alguém leu isso (uau), obrigada por chegar até o final! Espero que tenha entendido o que penso sobre To My Star.

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0 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
déc. 16, 2023
10 épisodes vus sur 10
Complété 0
Globalement 8.0
Histoire 8.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musique 7.5
Degrés de Re-visionnage 7.5
Cette critique peut contenir des spoilers

so good it hurts

"i wanted to find my own universe. in my once dark heart, i now have one little star shining so bright. i have found my universe with all our stories."

i wasn’t prepared how raw and painful this was going to be. it was completely different from how sweet and wholesome the first season was.

first off, seojoon. i was genuinely hurting for this man. i wanted to go inside the screen just to hug him and tell him he didn't do anything wrong to deserve the kind of treatment from the person he thought he'd spend his life with. i was like his best friend throughout the show because i wanted to hit him just to make sense out of him. face palming myself when he kept coming back just to get the worst treatment back. it was genuinely heartbreaking to see someone who has so much love to give even when he didn't grew up nor surrounded with it willingly endure all that. personally, wouldn't dare to think for a second to take someone back after getting that treatment the first time around.

second, jiwoo,it wasn't exactly easy to understand this man but i do, only to an extent on what he felt during the relationship. his feelings at that time were valid. he had his own problems and fears and those fears tend to come out in the worst way possible which lead us to make the worst decisions ever but what i don't understand was how he treated seojoon after. i've come to know him in S1 as someone who might seem reserved but is actually a very warm person and to see him treat seojoon like that, the one person he always protected even in the smallest things, was maddening. what was even worst was he was doing it intentionally, he did everything to make seojoon hurt, to push him away. not knowing that was actually his worst fear, seojoon finally giving up on him because how lucky you are to have someone unconditionally love you in spite of your flaws, faults, and weaknesses and yet be so cruel to have that someone swallow their pride to beg for your love and take every worst treatment from you just to have you back in their life even if you're not the least bit deserving.

lastly, i don't entirely agree on the writer's view of how one person needs to be more giving in order for the relationship to work but i do agree with the line "in this world, there's no perfect man nor the perfect form of love. it's just a matter of understanding and adapting to each other through love. it's about learning to speak one's mind rather than put one's pride ahead" because what is love if not learning and growing to be better individuals to each other. as much as i love how sweet and easy the S1 were, i love how depth S2’s story got because i was able to relate with each character and i get to be invested with them; to feel for them, to hurt and learned from them.

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0 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
juil. 30, 2022
10 épisodes vus sur 10
Complété 0
Globalement 9.5
Histoire 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.5
Musique 9.5
Degrés de Re-visionnage 9.5
Cette critique peut contenir des spoilers

Better than the first season!

I was a bit worried going into the second season because of all the mixed reviews I was seeing. I loved the first season, and it's one of my favorite Korean bl's, so I was still excited about seeing these characters again. There was definitely a lot of angst and sadness this season, but it made sense and drove the story. Ji Woo pushed Seo Joon away for many reasons. Loneliness, sadness, guilt, and confusion. Yes, Ji Woo was harsh, but I also kind of saw his perspective. He has trouble navigating his emotions and actions. He was suffering in silence. He should have talked to Seo Joon, and none of what happened to them would have happened. Then, again, if they did, we wouldn't have a story. I liked how the episodes were longer, and we saw flashbacks in nearly every episode. This season felt more like a full-length, well-navigated drama. We are also introduced to a handful of new characters, and they really add a lighthearted and happy element to the story. I also feel like the actors have grown a lot from the previous season. They looked comfortable and did excellent, bringing to life all the kissing and emotional scenes. Overall, I really enjoyed this season even more than the first one and recommend watching it, it's worth it!

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FirstKhao Fanpage
0 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
janv. 22, 2024
10 épisodes vus sur 10
Complété 0
Globalement 8.0
Histoire 8.0
Acting/Cast 10
Musique 7.5
Degrés de Re-visionnage 4.5
Cette critique peut contenir des spoilers

Good but annoying

The first season was really good, I'm not sure why I watched this one, honestly, I would've been fine with just season 1 because it ended very well. The whole series was just really annoying to me.

First of all, I disliked Ji Woo's character, he turned from a cold person with a soft heart to a cold person with a cold heart, we didn't get a full reason why he left Seo Joon, just that everything Seo Joon did annoyed him which was just an easy way out, instead of saying he was scared to be in a relationship or something that made sense.

It pained me to see Seo Joon trying too hard to get Ji Woo to like him again, he needed to move on because he didn't deserve Ji Woo and the way he treated him. Seo Joon even found out Woo's restaurant wasn't doing well so he did everything he could to get people to come to the restaurant and Jo Woo was still stand ofish.

The little girl was extremely annoying to me and they were she was calling Ji Woo "dad" She needed to stop, Also her "running away" and hiding in the cupboard just because her mother couldn't pick her up was unnecessary.

I wish they could've found someone else for Seo Joon, he was just too pure for Ji Woo

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0 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
août 1, 2022
10 épisodes vus sur 10
Complété 0
Globalement 8.5
Histoire 8.5
Acting/Cast 10
Musique 9.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 8.0
To My Star 2: Our Untold Stories te hace escalar una montaña de sufrimiento, con pequeños descansos de alegría, para dar mayor profundidad y contexto a los protagonistas. Muestra las inseguridades, traumas y palabras no dichas que resultaron en dos corazones rotos.

Toda la producción de esta temporada está en un nivel superior que su antecesora, las actuaciones no fallan en seguir destacando. Sin embargo, me quedo con la trama de la primera.

La forma en que se desarrolló, con uno de ellos insistiendo en reanudar la relación y el otro rechazándolo durante casi todos los episodios, me agobiaba. Agregado a eso, los personajes secundarios no se ganaron mi interés.

Claro que tiene sus partes bonitas, sacando brillo a la adorable química de los actores principales, pero en general me gustó menos de lo que esperaba.

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Cet avis était-il utile?
1 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
juil. 4, 2022
10 épisodes vus sur 10
Complété 0
Globalement 10
Histoire 9.0
Acting/Cast 10
Musique 10
Degrés de Re-visionnage 9.5

it's painful, but worth it.

10/10 would go through the pain of 9 episodes of angst to watch episode 10 again and feel joy.

the to my star series is easily one of the best and well crafted korean bls out there. ms hwang da seul i owe you my entire life!!! will watch anything attached with this woman's name guaranteed! her vision is so simple, but beautiful. my heart broke for seo joon and ji woo every week in hopes that their love could be reconciled and over the ten episodes we get to see the boys in a different light and see the change in their relationship from what it was in its early stages. i felt despair upon watching episodes 7 and 8 and can they ever come back from this, but I should have known to trust that there was an endgame in sight (even if it was a bit rushed imo) and pure elation i felt watching episodes 9 and 10 was so special. this series is so special to me. im sad that we won't get to see more of seo joon and han jiwoo's story, but i am glad that I got to go along on the journey we did get.

now its time to do a full series rewatch!

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En cours 2/10
17 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
juin 5, 2022
2 épisodes vus sur 10
En cours 3
Globalement 8.5
Histoire 8.5
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musique 8.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 8.0

Done right! Just done right!!!

It is pretty safe to say that the second season of this series is as magical as its first season was. And yes I am not exaggerating.

I loved first season, well we all did. Although it isn't a new story but it hit all mark right. Only into first two episodes of second season, I could see how humble they remain and stick to the story rather lost into the fame received from first season. Both leading actor performed exceptionally well in their respective roles, and they are performing with equal passion in second season.

The story is pretty guessable and seems basic, but what magical is how actors persuaded its viewers that a story told many times, still can be fresh if it is made, performed and execute with passion. And I can clearly see the efforts of cast and production to bring a quality content to us once again.

There are no big daunt on coming out or big stigma of dating a celebrity, but rather their problem exist in them, which led to sway away in a relationship. But love never lessened never faltered. Sometimes when you love someone beyond your limits, you are bound to hurt that person with your inability to control your emotional outburst of good or bad intentions.

What I have seen so far, their breakup has a deep connection of love that is very much alive but rather it is on a small hiatus, as among them one, trying his best to become the best version of himself, before he could offer himself to his love of life.

Love bird KSJ is a quick to react, but at the same time, can't hold grudges, easily forgives, ducks in to the love of his love despite not committing any mistake, smiles at him, cares to death for him, expressive and lives for him, on the other hand, HJW, a quiet puppy, with less words and expressions, he has mammoth amount of equal love for his lover. Although one may seem HJW is not reasonable but he knows he is trying best as his personality is opposite to KSJ, but stepping out of his comfort zone and move into the world of KSJ was not an easy step.

HJW already a man with fewer words, left KSJ for reasons we will know in coming episodes, but one thing remains, he loves him, and loves him to the point that he had to leave in order for him not to hurt KSJ out of his own miseries.

Also, I was surprised the girl in this season would be KSJ ex, but it turned out to be HJW's. This was a unusual surprise, usually in such type of story, ex appears for a popular one or should I dare say for "seme (top)", I know it is stereotypical of me to say that, but that is a surprise actually. I am going to see how once again love will bloom again and how HJW entrust himself to KSJ once again.

I am so looking forward to, first two episodes made me fell for this series once again!!!

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En cours 6/10
2 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
juin 24, 2022
6 épisodes vus sur 10
En cours 1
Globalement 10
Histoire 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musique 7.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 9.0

The Story is too realistic. Not your burst of sweetness like S1.

I watched all available episodes just today and I am like in awe at where their relationship has headed to. Usually S2 are just a sweet and tangy continuation of S1. But this is a whole 360° to what one can expect or what I had expected. For now it's all SJ's pov and it's freaking heartbreaking for me. But I must admit that this story is very realistic when it comes to difficult human emotions.

SJ is a like an abandoned puppy who has tried literally everything he could for this good for nothing relationship. And I am just sad and frustrated at how JW has been treating him. In S1 when SJ confessed initially, JW spoke of his doubts that SJ might play with his feelings or take this relationship as a child's play, but what JW did to SJ was exactly playing with his feelings for one or so year, using him as a substitute to taste somehting new for a while and then when he was done playing, he left. For 6 episodes if this was SJ's pov then I wanna see JW pov too coz for now he is being nothing but an as*hole.

rn I just want SJ to stop, stop wasting his time and energy on a stupid and arrogant man like JW. I cannot imagine how hard it is for SJ. working, leaving from work and coming to a remote area so far away and then keep getting rejected like a fool. Keep listening to stupid shit like what JW listed as their breakup reasons???? Does JW realise how ridiculously narcissistic and arrogant he himself is? People like SJ are hard to come by, they are like light, but they are also sensitive and alone. JW thinks he is the only lonely person when we already know (from S1) that it was never easy for SJ too. He is also very alone. He also struggled all his life. Just bc he is a star and he is rich doesn't mean he is not sensitive.

Oh god I am just so frustrated at this ill behavior of JW? I really don't care about a happy ending at this point. What I would love is a realistic ending just like how this whole season has been so far. No matter how diplomatic I try to be I still cannot wrap my head around this shitty behaviour toward a lovely person like SJ. It hurt me so much when SJ mentioned that he will change just to be with JW. No baby, in love you don't change, you adapt yourself to your lover likes or dislikes a bit but you still remain what you are.. and it has to be mutual. So no baby, you won't be SJ if you change and that stupid sh*t JW doesn't deserve this hardwork & true emotions of yours.

I wouldn't mind a sad ending but I also would like to see SJ happy whether it is with JW or without him. And I want JW to cry and regret for how shitty he has been to SJ. That's only justified.

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En cours 4/10
3 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
juin 13, 2022
4 épisodes vus sur 10
En cours 4
Globalement 9.5
Histoire 8.0
Acting/Cast 10
Musique 10
Degrés de Re-visionnage 10
Cette critique peut contenir des spoilers

Han Ji Woo is a Noob

This BL show is way better than any other Korean one I have seen but I have a problem with Han Ji Woo's behavior towards Kang Seo Joon. He is being a total dick. And extremely cruel. While Kang Seo Joon on the other hand just wont stop following him around despite the constant crappy treatment. It doesn't matter why Ji Woo ghosted Seo Joon (blackmail, life or death or whatever), his treatment and the things he says to him are just so far beyond the pale that its unbelievable that anyone would ever get back with him after being treated that way (which i presume the two do end up back together). Personally i hope for an alternate ending where Ji Woo begs Seo Joon to take him back and is flat out, bluntly and in every nasty way possible rejected. And then Seo Joon runs off into the sunset with some other guy who is a 100 times hotter and nicer than Ji Woo.

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To My Star 2 (2022) poster



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