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Un titolo validissimo, con tanti punti di forza e pochissimi deboli.Partiamo, per una volta, dai punti deboli. E’ vero, i costumi maschili sono piuttosto belli, e gli uomini in divisa sono un vero schianto. Ma sul serio. Però gli abiti femminili sono spesso piuttosto anonimi e cambiati abbastanza raramente, e questo è un peccato, perché si nota tantissimo. D'altronde, probabilmente dipende anche dal periodo storico.
Ci sono, specialmente verso la fine, alcune situazioni piuttosto discutibili, in quanto a logica. E, soprattutto, c’è una pesante propaganda politica, della quale però non dovremmo lamentarci più di tanto, visto che nei film americani ce n’è altrettanta, se non di più (in effetti, mi dà molto fastidio anche quella).
Detto questo, si tratta di una serie che, per una volta, si svolge nella giusta lunghezza, spiegando quello che deve essere spiegato, ma senza dilungarsi in sotto-sotto trame e filler noiosissimi e inutili. E che storia! L’intrigo, i giochi di intelligenza e astuzia e, soprattutto, la tensione, mi hanno tenuta inesorabilmente incollata alla sedia. Ci sono stati un paio di episodi da infarto, ma tutta la serie si mantiene con costanza su un livello molto alto di interesse. Soprattutto, gli attori sono stati magnifici.
La protagonista Zhang Jing Yi è stata veramente brava, considerato poi che è giovanissima e non ha tantissima esperienza sulle spalle. Anche il bellissimo Evan Lin ha dato vita ad un personaggio molto credibile, specie tenendo conto che, anche lui, è molto giovane e non ha ancora partecipato a molte produzioni. I vari personaggi di contorno sono stati efficacemente presentati, compresi i cattivi della situazione. Un piccolo appunto: certe risate falsissime hanno disturbato un po’.
Ma la vera anima della serie non può che essere Chen Xing Xu. Bello, sì, ma questo è decisamente il meno. La parola più adatta a descriverlo è “mattatore”. Complice un personaggio a tutto tondo, tutto sommato facile da amare pur con una partenza piuttosto dubbia, ha saputo interpretare con eccezionali sfumature tutte le sfaccettature del suo carattere complesso, spaziando dal deciso comandante al giovanotto scanzonato, passando per il disperatamente innamorato e l’amico fedele. Soprattutto, il suo personaggio rimane umano pur possedendo un'intelligenza e un'astuzia quasi leggendari. Perché perfino lui, qualche volta, può essere colto di sorpresa e commettere sbagli.
Una serie che probabilmente in futuro riguarderò.
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Mu Wan Qing wraca do swojego rodzinnego miasta po 10 latach nieobecności by pochować matkę. Nieoczekiwanie w drodze powrotnej spotyka Tan Xuan Lin, który od początku nie budził w niej swojego zaufania. Gdy na swojej drodze spotkają się dwie takie osobistości nic dziwnego, że będą prowadzić grę, sprawdzając siebie nawzajem. Gdy na horyzoncie pełno rodzinnych intryg, morderstw, wojen i braku zaufania do otoczenia zaczynają polegać na sobie, zbliżając się przy tym do siebie. Mu Wan Qing ma przy sobie zaufanego przyjaciela z dzieciństwa, który jest w niej zakochany od dawna i marzy o małżeństwie z przyjaciółką. Nieoczekiwanie prosta historia staje się zbyt zagmatwana by samemu poradzić sobie z nią.Historia pełna zwrotów akcji, uczuć, więzi rodzinnych i tych których sami sobie wybieramy. Drama o bohaterstwie, rodzinie, miłości, wojnie i przeznaczeniu.
Ich relacja iście braterska. Naprawdę mimo różnic wychowania, statusu społecznego i tak dalej trójka przyjaciół dąży do tego samego, nie mając poparcia ze strony swoich rodzin. Muszą wybierać jakie wartości są dla nich najważniejsze i mimo wszystkich krzywd i niepowodzeń dążą do tego w co wierzą. Była tam jedna scena, która pokazuje siłę ich przyjaźni i skradła moje serduszko, Ci co oglądają pewnie się domyślają.
Główna para. Przyznam szczerze nie spodobał mi się główny bohater, byłam smutna ale aż do 2 lub 3 odcinka, później skradł moje serce i tak już zostało. Myślałam, ze to będzie miłość, w której główna bohaterka leci na tą tak zwaną złą postać ale się myliłam. Tam był osobą godną zaufania, sprytną, mądrą, utalentowaną, silną ale po tylu niepowodzeniach bał się zaufać aż jej nie spotkał. Zawsze mogli na siebie liczyć, nawet jak długo się nie widzieli, nawet jak cały świat był przeciw nim. Ta para powinna być razem i nie wyobrażam sobie innego zakończenia.
Xu Guang Yao zbyt dobry by istnieć na tym świecie. Z brata stał się bratem i za to go kocham. W sensie nie porzucił jej gdy nie mógł jej mieć, na zawsze został jej rodziną, choć może ona tego nie widzi. Na początku widziałam ich razem, ale Xu nie traktował jej tak jak powinien moim zdaniem, wiele razy musiała radzić sobie sama, a on udawał ze nie widzi.... No cóż, ale naprawdę dobry z niego człowiek.
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Not bad as i thought
it's not too bad, the acting is also quite good, and there is a feeling like revolutionary drama,,, and the duration ok about 43 -46 minutes per eps ,,, but when watching it, there is a feeling that the shooting is careless, the equipment is not adequateI quite enjoy it the romance , but there are some scenes that I don't understand,
from the start xuguangyao lives in shanghai one of the reasons is as a prisoner so that his father doesn't break his promise, but in the middle of the end he was even allowed to return to yuecheng,,
and like nothing tan xuanlin wants to rule shanghai
I feel, there are certain people who actually can not die
like most Chinese war dramas, always glorify the communist party
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Rare gem hard to come by!
My overall impression of this drama is pretty favorable allowing for the fact that this is set in the Republican era. This is because Mystic Nine was the only series that is branded upon my memory as a well-executed Chinese Republican drama before coming across Fall in Love. I am quite impressed at the writer's foresight and astute move in creating the personalities and identities of the characters here. Although it was beyond my understanding how this type of plot based on a part of China's history could pass the strict censorship, the unfolding of the rest of the plot shed light on the answer to my question.I would like to take my hat off to Chen Xing Xu for his terrific and unfailing acting skills. His changing facial expressions and portrayal of the character are top-notch. I was fond of the second male lead here in Crush, and I still am but when he and CXX appeared on screen together, it was apparent that CXX was more attractive with his charms and wonderful acting skills. I truly admire his flexibility and versatility in playing his characters, and I would think that there is no Chinese actor to set beside him as a villainous male lead. As shrewd male leads are on my favorite characters list, I enjoyed watching how the male lead did not play by the rules to fulfill his goals. Nevertheless, he did not go beyond the bounds of morality and was always be careful about the people around him. He did not make impetuous decisions just to aggravate the audience which is an essential element in some Chinese dramas.
As I have given enough appreciation toward the male lead's character, I will discuss the female lead and the reasons for my support for her character. I could say she is the best female lead in a modern/Republican Chinese series that I have ever watched (and probably that they have ever produced). She is not those female leads who are old enough to get married but think like a child of the Stone Age (because most children today are clever enough as adults). She could make considerations in a logical way, knew how to deal with her enemies, and make a pact with the stranger who she thought she could trust to survive the ordeals of living in a dangerous place. Most importantly, her strongest charm was being humble and communicative despite her high social status and intelligence. As far as I know, modern Chinese dramas are apt to be extreme in building the female leads' attributes. They are either super dumb or super independent to the point of being over-arrogant.
The third feature of this series that I particularly love is the mature relationship of the main couple. They were mutually helpful and supportive even during the times when they could not be together. They were able to stand to face the problems and horrors of the atrocious situations calmly and strongly. Although their first meeting was not a smooth start, they did not relent on their trust in one another once they were able to understand each other completely.
There is no character that I hated here as all of the characters carried out the objectives that came with their nature. Xu Guang Yao and Gu Yue Shuang are my second favorite characters as I love the main couple's characters equally. They did not turn bad because of their obsession with the male lead and female lead just like the secondary roles in other Chinese series. They were true to themselves and remained loyal and sincere throughout the whole plot. Although their characters were just frosting on the cake, I really enjoyed watching them.
As to the story, the beginning episodes were thrilling and addicting but began to lost momentum after those episodes. However, it was still fairly engaging in the middle, but quite boring at the latter part. The romance of the main couple was also better in the beginning part. Regarding the ost songs, they were not remarkable. Sway in the Wind by Fang Ni Liu was the single song that I liked and craved to listen to after watching the drama, and it piqued me that they did not play that song in the scenes between Xuan Lin and Wan Qing. All in all, this is a worth-watching series that I did not regret spending my spare time on.
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Drama militare carino ma troppo militare.
Il dramma è ambientato in un periodo storico pieno di guerre e intrighi tra clan e armate perciò per lo più è incentrato su questo con militari comandanti etc etcStanca un po' proprio per via di queste strategie militari che sono molto molto presenti forse troppo se non si è appassionati di questo genere.
Poi ci sono anche le storie d'amore che però un po' perdono proprio per via di tutto questo militare. I protagonisti sono un comandante e una donna testarda e molto brava nei suoi affari. La loro storia inizia in opposizione ma poi sboccia un bel amore con parecchie sofferenze tra inganni e conflitti famigliari.Gli attori bravi bravi.
In più ci sono le altre coppie molto carine ma pure per loro le sofferenze non mancheranno.
Bel dramma e se non fosse per tutto così militare sarebbe stato davvero fantastico.
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one of the best romance dramas
I loved this drama a lot, I always wanted to watch it because of it’s Poster, it’s looks so beautiful. I have not seen many Chinese Republican Era Drama so far, so I had no idea what to expect but I loved the overall Plot. It was interesting from the first second and really intriguing. Once you start watching it you just can’t stop. As for the cast, it was my first Drama with the lead couple. Chen Xing Xu was the perfect cast for Tan Xuan Lin. He did a really good job. Zhang Jing Yi was amazing too, Mu Wan Qing became my favourite FL in a long time. I just loved her and rooted for her from Episode 1. I have seen Evan Lin in Crush already and I loved him in this drama. I was curious how I would like it to see him as SML and surprisingly it was fine for me. His role was so supportive over the FL but it didn’t bother me. I hope to see him in many dramas in the future. This drama had also to 2 side couples, both had really interesting plotlines, but I did prefer Pei Shao Jun and Tan Sang Yu, these two were the cutest. Especially Tan Sang Yu, she was adorable. The whole cast and crew did an amazing job with this drama and I highly recommend it to anyone that loves Republican Era dramas are simple is searching for an epic love story!Cet avis était-il utile?
Avrei voluto una puntata in più
Finale un pochino affrettato. ultima puntata avrebbe avuto bisogno un seguito. o qualcosina in più comunque. sono rimasta un pochino con quella sensazione di...incompletezza...5 minuti risicati di Finale non mi sono bastati. però rispetto alle altre serie questa ha una storia molto ben sviluppata. il protagonista maschile fantastico. mi è venuta voglia di vedere altro. e delle donne finalmente ben scritte e non le solite ragazzine scemotte. Una serie dove muoiono anche i protagonisti... certo un pochino di propaganda per la rivoluzione comunista però abbiamo tutti una storia e la Cina ha la sua 🤷♀️Cet avis était-il utile?
Mi dispiace davvero perchè mi sembra di essere la pecora nera che deve per forza andare contro a tutto. Mettiamola così: l'avrei continuato solo per la coppia principale. Il resto mi stava annoiando da schifo. La storia non è male, ma è sviluppata troppo lentamente e dopo un po' non mi ha più incalzato. Il resto delle coppie non mi hanno mai interessato. La recitazione trovo che a volte sia davvero carente. Per il resto non ho molto da dire, insomma solita solfa: storia carina ma poteva essere molto meglio perchè il potenziale c'era tutto.Cet avis était-il utile?
Power Couple
Y'all, the first episode or 2 is trash, but keep going. Everything unfolds......Pros:
-lots of twists and turns
-love the scheming
-love the political intrigue
-love the dealing with of the 2ml
-side characters were mostly liked
-love how the main leads support each other (using power, finances, and emotionally)
-some of the plot twists stab you
-one of the side couples are kinda annoying (skipped past them)
-the sister of the ml is troublesome
-not a huge amount of chemistry
(I will soon finish and give my final review)
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Be still my heart!
I absolutely loved Oliver Chen Xing Xu in GBMP and couldn't move pass that for over a year. A bit hesitated to start a new drama with him, b/c I wanted that perfect chemistry of LCY and XF's couple in my mind.Oh boy, am I glad to have this "Fall in Love" to binge watch now! CXX still has that charismatic, intelligent, and playful yet brilliant, brave, and loyal characteristic of LCY. Love his subtle smirks, the eye messages, and hilarious Jack Sparrow hand-waves. He looks absolutely dashing in the military uniform! Can we just say CXX t kick major butts when he is doing the fighting scenes? His PERFECT acting abilities absolutely put him on my all-time top Chinese Actors list.
My first time watching Zhang Jing Yi (FL - MWQ) and I'm very impressed by her calm, collected, cunning/intelligent, and courageous character! I love, love, LOVE that she is the one who thinks on her feet and even outsmart the ML. She actually rescues the ML not once, not twice, but EVERY TIME the ML was in trouble and she totally rocked it. She totally saved the day! I love how she said is the only who live up her statement "that she will take care of HIM" :D and not the other way around.
I enjoy the new chemistry with the FL here. I couldn't stop watching, and clicking onto the next episodes --- at the same time, I don't want the drama series to end. Signs of an excellent drama that my heart needs. The script and plot are just incredibly and cleverly written. It transitions smoothly through the story. Immediately started the leads in hostile opposition of each other due to their circumstances and their polar opposite relationship turned into a cute and sweet bickering-love. Every detail ties back together nicely. The mood and the music OST set each moment perfectly. Even the pace and the flashbacks to details are perfected. The theme of "Fall In Love" goes beyond the romantic love. It touches on love for family. Love for friends/brotherhood. Love for one's country. Love for humanity during the time of war. What a wonderful drama!
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It's enjoyable but contained lots of problem
My Review will not really contain spoilers. Let's Me divided it into 3 parts so if you don't want to read the story part you can skip to see the other parts. Part I I'm going to talked about the drama then Part II what is the good things abt the drama Part III I'm going to talk abt the things that I it bad.Part I
The story is abt the commander and a rich lady in Shanghai that the story happen in the republic of china. The FL and GL happen to meet each other on the ferry when the ML is trying to hide the corpse under his bed in his room. The he lock himself with her.... Don't want to talk lots let move on from this thing. Then there come the SML that happen to caught the the ML kidnap the FL and help rescue her and take her home. The FL is happen to be SML childhood crush. The love triangle of the FL ML and SML is nothing just don't care about that. Then the FL agree to be ML partner and work as the SML assistant. FL family have some problem because the step mother of the FL is trying to kill her so that her own child can married with the SML. The SML while trying to save the FL from those guys ho got shot and send to the hospital. After the FL known abt the person who want to kill her and also know that her step mother is the also the one that kill her brother she is taking her revenge. and the ML help her to take the revenge. Then they fall in love but then the SML father want the FL and his son to get engage. At first the SML is really happy but after knowing that the real killer of the dead of the FL is his dad he is giving up.
Part II
The good things about this drama for me:
1. The OST
2. The acting of the ML FL and SML is good
3. The good looking actors and actress
Part III
The bad things about this drama for me:
1. The production
2. the visual
3. Some editing is too much such as the car is moving but the wheel stay still
4. the dubbed
5. The plot of the story itself it weird in somehow
6. Remember this is the time of (Shanghai)republic of china ( this is the main point if you have watching lots of drama that happen during that of time then should try to forget abt all those because if u compare all those drama to this one you will drop it as soon as you start it.
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My Head's Still Spinning
A plot filled with way too much politics for my liking, I'm sorry to say. If you're interested in politics that comes with countless twists and turns with the aspect of war was captured through strategies rather than battles, so if you're more intrigued by that, this is for you.The main leads are both amazingly smart and capable and understanding. Kudos to their acting!
But overall, it just wasn't my cup of tea as someone who was into this because of the wartime cdrama I was looking for. I couldn't keep with the politics and the different enemies, but that's my subjective opinion.
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