4 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
juin 9, 2021
6 épisodes vus sur 6
Complété 0
Globalement 1.0
Histoire 1.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Musique 1.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 1.0
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Oh hell, I don't even know where I should start.

I really think it's not wrong to admit that many, and the appeal of this drama, watched this for Song Kang. During the first season everything was centered on Sunoh and Jojo, but in the second season this changed completely and if you watched it 10 seconds it was a lot.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not angry because Jojo did break up with Sunoh (in fact it was for the best because she literally played and trampled his feelings. She didn't deserve Sunoh as the "second") , but because of the mistreatment the director gave him, when he was the lure of the drama.

And I want to say something, Sunoh was not a bad person. He was the most honest character; he didn't "steal" anything from his friend. He gave her many opportunities to admit that she liked Jojo and even told her that she had to choose. Her friend just fell silent, chasing her like a bloody stalker.
He was sincere with Jojo, as well as his girlfriend. He never lied or played with anyone. It was just direct and doing what he wanted to do, without lying to anyone.

His friend played good person and Jojo ... OMG, I don't even know what to say. I think her cousin ended up being a better person than her. Having a sad past does not justify playing with people's feelings. Jojo wasn't one bloody honest time, not even out of compassion. She just ran away, as always. She didn't care who she hurt in the way, only his fucking feelings mattered.

Everything was so badly executed. The ost was crap and the only thing that stood out was the cinematography. I already knew who I would end up with, I just hoped they did something decent but they had 2 years to make a fucking disappointment.
The message is lost in the face of such sloppiness. I really don't recommend anyone to see this. And if you want to see it, just watch the first season until chapter 6, which is the only recommed.

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Abandonné 6/6
4 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
juin 9, 2021
6 épisodes vus sur 6
Abandonné 0
Globalement 1.0
Histoire 7.0
Acting/Cast 6.5
Musique 4.5
Degrés de Re-visionnage 1.0


I was looking forward to this sequel because I loved Season 1 but this drama was GARBAGE!!! Each episode I kept waiting for something interesting to happen but NOTHING DID. So anticlimactic and boring. I guess this was such a disappointment because I expected to be as good as the first season but it was as if the writers had no real plot in mind and they just created a sequel to reuse the same characters... Super unsatisfying watch that I ended up dropping it. This drama was a flop for me also because I thought if I waited long enough it’d be worth it to see my ship couple get together but they didn’t!! I suppose you might enjoy this drama depending on who you want the FL to get with? But even so, the romance storyline is pretty bland.

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2 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
janv. 15, 2023
6 épisodes vus sur 6
Complété 0
Globalement 3.0
Histoire 2.0
Acting/Cast 5.0
Musique 9.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 1.0
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The only good thing about this is the OST

Review for both seasons !!! This drama managed to contain everything I hate in a love story:
- love triangle ✔️
- two best friends fighting for the girl ✔️
- asshole guy stealing the girl from his nice friend who liked her first ✔️
- girl immediately liking the asshole guy over absolutely nothing (but his looks I guess) ✔️
- dumb miscommunication which breaks them up✔️
- time lapse ✔️
- the miscommunication is cleared, but they have moved on and do NOT get back together, the main couple changes ✔️ (I love second-chance romance :( )
- bittersweet ending ✔️

Basically, I hate love triangles cause they're always a mess and bittersweet. I especially hate them when the MC changes throughout the story. I can't ship one couple and then ship another, I just can't.

The only good thing about this is the OST and maaaybe the character development of the heroine, coming to terms with her past.

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2 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
mai 21, 2023
6 épisodes vus sur 6
Complété 0
Globalement 4.0
Histoire 3.0
Acting/Cast 10
Musique 10
Degrés de Re-visionnage 1.0
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Worst Kdrama to date

The story line had so much potential but it was ruined by selfish characters. JoJo was by far the worst.
She continues to let SO suffer as if she was doing him some favor by not telling him why they couldn’t be together.
I realize they Heoyoung liked her first and Sonhu snatching his girl was wrong but for me it was easy to say that true love hit JJ & SO.
I mean no one ever got SO love alarm but JJ.
And had JJ cleared the issues with SO then HY would have never got JJ love alarm.
JoJo sucks!
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5 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
mars 17, 2021
6 épisodes vus sur 6
Complété 0
Globalement 8.0
Histoire 8.0
Acting/Cast 7.5
Musique 7.5
Degrés de Re-visionnage 2.0
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Unpopular opinion: It was an okay drama but not the best either

I dropped this drama in the past maybe like twice bc I didn't like Jojo and Sun Oh together. But hearing about the buzz about this drama lately I decided to give this drama a shot again. I heard complaints about the ending of season 2 and unlike me, I thought the drama was okay but at the same time not the best either. I will combine my review for both seasons:

First, I didn't really like the first season bc I couldn't feel the connection between Jojo and Sun Oh. I didn't like Sun Oh as much either bc I thought he was sorta selfish. I mean, he was well aware that his best friend, Hye Young, liked Jojo but decided to still pursue her which was so effed up. Also, another reason why he was being selfish is his actions. Like, it frustrated me how him pursuing Jojo and making it public in season 1 bc he wanted to made a negative impact on Jojo. She was already being critically judged and hated by her high school classmates for cheating on her first bf with Sun Oh and told him she didn't wanna be too pubic about it. But he didn't listen. THEN, in season 2, bc he was really angry and willing to risk his image to win back Jojo that he went to her university to see her despite caring that everyone knows he's in a relationship with Yuk Jo. He only thought of himself and not Jojo bc people will think of her as a "mistress" bc they think she was having an affair with Sun Oh. So her university life is gonna be like crap too bc of him? Wow. He really didn't think about how his actions would've affected Jojo and only thought of himself. Although Jojo did him wrong too for deceiving him about the shield but Sun Oh was at fault too in some ways. They were both wrong in some ways imo.

Second, the whole love alarm app was quite a very frustrating technology that really made an impact on people. People relied so much on the love alarm app to see if a person truly loves them. Like with Sun Oh, he kept asking her to show her love alarm to get clarity if she still loves him or not. Then Jojo is here confused of her feelings bc she doesn't have the love alarm app to show who her feelings go for. Then Hye Young is here waiting for her to ring his love alarm to show proof that she does love him. Even he questioned her feelings for him bc of the spear despite all the actions Jojo showed to him prior that she does love him. The love alarm is just toxic in so many ways that people depend on that crap to show proof of your love for someone. The whole spear thing just made things worse and was totally unecessary. It's bad enough with the shield but adding the spear made it more complicating. They could've made it simpler where Duk Go, the developed, removed the shield so she can show her feelings to Hye Young and that's it! That was the whole point from the very beginning was to remove that but the story suddenly just went a different direction bc of the spear.

Third, as much as majority wanted SUn Oh and Jojo together, I actually wanted her to be with Hye Young in the end since season 1. And spoiler, THEY DID END UP TOGETHER IN THE END <3 I thought they had good chemistry and Hye Young was just so loving, caring, and understanding towards Jojo. He still had hope that she'd one day fall for him in which she did. He wasn't forcing himself on to her compared to Sun Oh but simply just showed his affection towards her and took it steady. The love alarm app really wasn't necessary to prove Jojo's feelings for Hye Young but they relied on it so much. Jojo CLEARLY proven and shown him physically and emotionally that she had feelings for Hye Young. She even tried so hard in meeting the developer to remove the shield in order to show she loved Hye Young to him. But they were blinded by the app that it took them this long to finally get together. I feel like Hye Young contributed a bit on Jojo's change compared to Sun Oh who just kept getting mad, trying to win her back, and etc.

Fourth, Jojo's character as like everyone said was annoying in many ways. It was annoying seeing how she was stringing both guys along bc she kept doubting and couldn't figure out her feelings for both of them. How I see it, she always loved Hye Young all along, but she was insecure and needed confirmation herself from the love app. She was a broken, insecure character with a broken childhood. She grew up being hated and had trauma from her past that it affected her relationships with people. As a lot of people complained, she could've just straight up told the truth and communicated with both guys than staying silent to herself. It would've made things less complicating if she had done so which was another flaw in this drama. But then again, there are many people in real life that are not good at confrontation or expressing their feelings bc of their fear and what they've been through. Although it's not an excuse for her to do that to both guys, but it is a reason that we have to look at as to why she did it. I felt bad for Sun Oh bc he really deserved so much better than Jojo. As for Hye Young, I felt bad for him too bc he literally waited and was hidden in the dark about the truth and not knowing her true feelings for him when she clearly could've told him herself. But she didn't until it reaches the point she was about to lose him. But I guess there was some character growth in her? She really just needed time for herself to learn to love herself again before getting into a relationship.

Overall, despite some of the flaws in the storyline and characters, it was an okay drama but not something I'd rewatch again.

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Teresa Lume
7 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
mars 14, 2021
6 épisodes vus sur 6
Complété 0
Globalement 3.0
Histoire 3.5
Acting/Cast 7.0
Musique 1.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 1.0

Uma seca de temporada

Nem cheguei a ver os episódios até ao fim, fui fazendo fw. A actriz principal tem um papel que enerva, uma chata, confusa e idiota. Quanto aos papéis masculinos... passam a vida a chorar! Sério? Demasiado parado para o meu gosto, aquilo de ficarem a olhar uns para os outros durante uma infinidade de tempo definitivamente não é o meu estilo e já está muito visto nos Kdramas. Enfim, o tema nem era mau já que nos lembra que a tecnologia não pode substituir os verdadeiros sentimentos. Se a primeira temporada foi engraçada e entretia esta dá sono!
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Belén Bravo
3 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
juin 11, 2021
6 épisodes vus sur 6
Complété 0
Globalement 5.0
Histoire 4.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musique 9.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 1.0
Cette critique peut contenir des spoilers

Characters were messed up for plots sake

I really feel a 5 is a good number for how I felt watching this second season.
I would have left this whole story (1st and 2nd season) happier if I just stopped at the 1st, tho I don't know if I regret watching it all, at least I can be angry with all the info haha.
A person that liked this season said some very valid points in favor of this season, so I would recommend reading some good reviews, because I do feel is a matter of perspective and taste.
I've read other reviews and I think they sum up pretty well what was wrong with it, but here's a short (and spoilery) review.

*****Spoilers ahead*****

Things I liked:
- Hye-Young is such a nice and lovely character, and he was respectful with Jojo all the time and that was great so see.
- Jojo's university friend is the very best (I wish we've gotten more of here).
- Gul-Mi's character, she grows so much, but doesn't stop being quite shallow (I love consistency, it wouldn't make much she changed her base personality, ***like other characters did***).
-Duk-gu's appearance was perfect, he stayed true to himself, and helped everyone he had set up to help.
- Sunho and Jojo's goodbye was pretty, it made me cry (and it was totally not enough).
- The acting was great, I've already watched Kim So-Hyun in "School 2015" and I enjoyed her, she did very well, and Song Kang is amazing to watch, I'll definitely be following him more. Go Min-Si, Jung Ga-Ram and Kim Si-Eun also did a very good job. Someone said this in other review from this page, and it made lot of sense to me, an I quote: "I must admit actors did a great job portraying their characters with what was given to them".

I didn't like (at all):
- The obvious and mayor complain is about Sunho, for me is not even like they changed him, he was just dropped and left stuck in the saddness:
-He is kind of forgotten mainly by Jojo, who runs from him every chance, never gives him an explanation tho' she always seems to care for him in a romantic way (that at the end was just her being confused, other review said that he was pressuring her when she clearly didn't love him, and on this I have 2 things to say, one is that I agree that he pressured her too much, which I didn't like, but I disagree with the part of she being clear, I felt she wasn't really clear until episode 4-5, and when she finally is clear, he backs away), he ends up figuring out why she left him all by himself (and thank's god he did) and then we're supposed to be satisfied with the convo at the end, something that may have happened if it took place a bunch of episodes back.
-I also felt that his friendship with Hye-Young was totally wasted, they fight at the start (or last season? I can't remember), and from that they're basically strangers, and I hated it so very much, they recovering their brotherhood would have been a beautiful addition to the story.
-On the other hand he himself never does an effort to get over the heartbreak until the very end, and when he does it's following the awful advice his mother gave him (basically fake it til' you make it), which is so sad and unfulfilling. He really deserved so much better than what the writers gave him and it makes me so mad.
- Suddently the mother cares in this season, when the last she didn't show any sings whatsoever of it (and as I said, gives him terrible advice).
-Talking about weird changes of personality, with no reason Jojo's aunt doesn't hate her at all, and she even likes here, and it makes no sense (I wasn't that bothered about it as I was with Sunho's mother cuz at least Jojo's aunt is a little helpful).
- Jojo was overall just a mess, and tho part of it makes sense (and that I liked), other part feels forced to make things happen, the writers changed her so much I barely remember how she was the 1st season.
- The thing with the spear and the fight it created between J and H was so weird and I felt missed the point with the real issues, like, he thinks she's lying bc she decided to make his alarm sound? Like... that's how life works... Idk, maybe it makes some sense, but with all the repertory of stuff he had to be angry, than the writers chose that is a waste. On the same like, I have a similar issue with Jojo in regards to Hye-Young as with Sunho, and it's the fact that she never gives any explanation for her actions, and that's an issue she also has in season 1, but as I always percived it as a main problem, I was hoping it was something she learned, but we only get a tiny glimpses of it, she never really explains the more important stuff to anyone, and that leaves the relationship between her and HY with an unfinished feeling to it.
- Overall it feels like the writers had a story they wanted to show, but it didn't fit the characters they had, so they just messed up the characters.

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3 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
oct. 26, 2021
6 épisodes vus sur 6
Complété 0
Globalement 3.0
Histoire 1.5
Acting/Cast 7.5
Musique 5.5
Degrés de Re-visionnage 1.0

if disappointment was a series its this.

maybe this isnt THAT bad, but if youre considering watching, i would advise to look for something better, cause its kinda a waste of time. like tf. i dont like to hate on fl but she deserves it. this doesnt have a story. like fr i cant seem to find one. every scene is dragged out as hell. and the only interesting character doesnt have good scenes or screen time. also they just completely changed the characters? for example jojo's aunt hated her/ treated her like shit in season 1 and now she treats her better ig? and her ''character development'' isnt explained or showed in any way. instead of treating jojo like shit, she treats her daughter that way now. so,,, yeah. oh and im ngl i didnt like hye yeong cause he had no personality and somehow they gave him screen time and made him (bleep). also i would like to know the reason why jojo broke up with sun oh. cause i cant seem to find it. she treated him like shit. he deserves better lol

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3 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
mars 22, 2021
6 épisodes vus sur 6
Complété 0
Globalement 6.0
Histoire 6.0
Acting/Cast 6.0
Musique 6.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 5.5
Cette critique peut contenir des spoilers

Not as good as Season 1

1. I really wanted Jojo to be with Sunoh in s1 but after watching S2 eps 1-4, i felt relieved that Jojo chose Hyeyoung and Sunoh had the closure he wanted.
2. I think Jojo made the right choice to choose Hyeyoung. They are both boring and simple and they worked well as a couple. I felt like that Sunoh was made to look pathetic, stalking Jojo like Hyeyoung did in s1. And i felt it was unfair that Jojo never gave him the same chance she gave Hyeyoung.
3. Felt bad for Yukjo but i think Sunoh will love her eventually, the same way Jojo slowly fell in love woth Hyeyoung throough his consistent efforts.
4. I actually liked Gulmi here.

1. The story didnt start from the end of s1 where they all met at the conference, so it felt like a huge chunk of time went by and we didnt know what happened. Suddenly Jojo and Hyeyoung were a couple.
2. Ep 1-4 were bad because it felt like Jojo was forcing herself to love Hyeyoung out of pity. And everyone was so obsessed with ringing each other's alarm.
3. The morale of the story didnt really had an impact to me because even though they talked about timing and volition, their actions didnt match the lesson.

I wanted to rate this lower but ep 5 and 6 weren't bad as i thought it would be.

Rating: 6/10

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4 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
juin 12, 2021
6 épisodes vus sur 6
Complété 3
Globalement 1.0
Histoire 1.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musique 2.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 1.0
Cette critique peut contenir des spoilers


Okay, JOJO is a gold digger, and why? who paid for her field trip to Jeju island? Who paid for their ice skate date? It was SUN-OH, TEAM HYE YOUNG!!!!! as all HYE YOUNG gave was nothing! TEAM SUN-OH!!! and the fact that HYE YOUNG made SUN OH suffer and made him as a love bridge so he could make JOJO fall in love with him. Like SUN OH respected you and all you gave him was NO=RESPECT! I would actually not recommend you to watch this crap. We just wasted our wifi bill just for this garbage drama. If you ever watched season one there's a scene where HYE YOUNG just moved SUN OH and said give her a time... And guess what in this garbage drama B=+-H HYE YOUNG just made her focus on him! #teamsunoh

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4 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
mars 16, 2021
6 épisodes vus sur 6
Complété 0
Globalement 9.0
Histoire 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musique 10
Degrés de Re-visionnage 9.0

We have different concepts of happy ending.

It takes maturity to appreciate and understand the whole 6 episodes of Love Alarm S2. If you've been spoiled and doesn't want to watch it anymore because of the ending. Then this is the sign for you to WATCH IT. I promise you it will be worth it. And look closely in the message Love Alarm S2 wants to convey. You'll surely pick up so many valuable lessons and realizations. I also cried while watching, btw. Team Sun oh like me knows what it felt like. A taste of pain and happiness all at once so watch it guys. Well recommended. Plus, the songs here were really really great.

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5 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
mars 17, 2021
6 épisodes vus sur 6
Complété 0
Globalement 8.0
Histoire 8.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Musique 9.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 4.0
Cette critique peut contenir des spoilers

POV on each character & Why did JJ choose HY? (FULL SEASON)

Please recap S1 before watching S2. These are all from my point of view. I hope you can understand the story better after reading. I don't want to write too long but the injustice for rating is too much. I don't mean the reasonable ones.

SO has always been the ML and HY is 2nd lead. SO is more interesting character while HY is a nice/good character through out the show. Just because JJ chose HY didn't make him 1st ML. HY might really be ML in Webtoon but we are talking about drama here. I am not interested in Webtoon too.

This is for all of them in general:

They were high school so they must be 17/18 years old which means we as a viewers has to accept that they were immature. Not just because of their age but by the way they act. I think human maturity are affected by our age, situations, events, tastes and feelings. (Maybe there are more but I will stop here cos I don't want to think anymore. xD)

Then, 4 or over 4 years later, they met on crosswalk. SO got gf (YJ) and JJ & HY were single. So, they were 22/23 years old now. They seem a bit mature in appearance.

Sun Oh is handsome, has very high background, actor, model and no love from his family. He has control freak/possessive parents. Maybe that's where he get his possessiveness, bold/daring and inconsiderate/too cold personalities. His parents were too cold to him and didn't bother about his feeling but their own success/love/happiness.

But he got his best friend Hye Young who stand on his side until he found out that his best friend has a crash on Jo Jo. Maybe he didn't want to lose someone dear to him so he got interested in a girl who was his bf's crash. But then, he went ahead and kissed JJ with his bulldozer/daring personality. (Yo, I am not saying that this is his fault alone but also JJ. But wait for JJ turn. It will come later)

Then, I wondered why he is so daring? It must be because he got everything like money, fame, background and appearance at high school. Isn't he taking things a bit too easily? He is like, "I will be good to my bf and the girl I love." But he forgot to consider their situations. He didn't think what would jealous people or people around them would see them differently and treat them differently in a bad way cos they were poor. (Will you let someone do as they like cos they are immature? No. Not for me.) That's why HY didn't ride the car with him. He already took a lead with a kiss and love alarm with JJ. But then he said to HY, let's fight fairly. What? He was already way ahead, do you think anyone could beat him at this stage? That's why HY uninstalled love alarm not to interfere with them. He totally backed off for his bf. Then, SO & JJ enjoyed their moments until they got into accident. His father told him to do as he will or he is going to send him abroad. So, he continued his life as actor/model and failed all audition badly? He dated YJ cos of his parents? (I might be wrong)

In short he did as he liked without consideration for others just like how his parents treated him. But he at least treated HY, JJ & YJ better than how his parents treated him. He just didn't think about the consequences of how it could affect them by others.

Then, 4 years later SO met her again on crosswalk but just passed her like he didn't notice. That's okay cos he seem like he was trying to get over with JJ. Then, he interfered with JJ & HY so that HY won't get hurt. He also wanted to know why JJ broke up with him? Why was she giving a chance to HY but not him? Then, he found out that JJ had loved him and she didn't know she will ever love anyone as much him again. He then said that he will believe if she rang HY love alarm. They met again at Love Alarm 2.0 launched day and time skip for whatever reason. (I was like, wth just happened. JJ & HY became a couple in S2E1 and he just continued his life.)

Then, JJ & SO met again at school. Then, at Love alarm badge club SO found out that JJ installed a shield. That's why she couldn't ring his love alarm. But JJ told clearly that she wanted to remove the shield now cos of HY but SO couldn't believe it. So, he thought, JJ was lying this whole time and not to get caught by him, she dated HY to protect her feeling from him. Then, he went to JJ college and ask her out publicly just like when they were in high school. Did he think she will be impress? Shouldn't he wait for her to break up first before he did anything with her? e.g., a kiss at alleyway & asking publicly in college. The first time, she was someone else gf and his bro's crush. Did he forget that she is his bro's gf now? Then, he pecked on her lips again. Maybe he did it to let her remember their past again and to like him again. Then, SO found out that JJ came to his house from his mum later. Then, he followed her to ask it was his fault? She answered that if she stopped, he could continue smiling. So, he thought she did it to make him smile without her. Then, while fighting HY, SO thought HY was making thing hard for her cos HY didn't know that JJ was doing all this to hide her feeling from SO when the video went viral. That's why he was able to get angry and hit his bro cos he thought he was right. So, SO felt restless to make her love him again. Then, he met JJ and found out that it was her choice and not love alarm when she came back from HY house. He felt crushed by JJ words at that moment. (I felt so bad for him at that time. But he shouldn't lie himself anymore. I was screaming inside, "please, move on already SO") After that, JJ rang HY's love alarm in front of him and SO accepted from that time to start moving on. YJ had to travel cos of that viral video too. Celebrity getting rejected by someone that no one knows was quite shameful to YJ. He should have think those through before he causes this big problem. (Aw. Poor YJ). Then, HY came to met SO cos he also found out about a shield and a spear. JJ had already confessed to SO that who did he think she likes now. SO should have just helped them by telling HY that she truly like him now instead of staying quite and answering, "I don't know either but I do know that it's her own volition." Maybe he was still holding on last hope and didn't want to believe it. (Well, what can I say, he love her so much. I can only understand for him as a viewer.) After finding out that TRW's artist was JJ, he finally understood that he ain't the only one who had been having a hard time cos of a shield. Then, he met with JJ and told her that she didn't have to feel sorry for liking him and liking someone else now. He understood by now that she did all those choice for her own sake (To free from exhausting life back in high school and change of heart after 4 years) and not his fault. So, he let go of her and move on with YJ. Maybe he felt bad for YJ's 4 years long efforts and giving trouble to her. (I think he did care for her and more considerate to her than JJ although he forgot to think through of the consequences most of the time or each time. But he always went back to her. XD. I feel that YJ might be a bit too good for him but that's YJ's choice.) Anyway, writer has the most authority to make choice cos it is hers.

Hye Young is a nice guy who was coward to hit on JJ at high school. He lived at someone else house, he is poor and his crush (JJ) has a bf. Maybe he is not hitting on her cos he thought about circumstances and a time to date. Then, his bf, SO came back and went to same high school with him even though his social status is on another level. (Maybe there is only one school in this drama. XD) (Actually, cos SO wanted to go same school with HY.) Then, his bf kept on asking him if he like her or not. Then, he was not going to think about any situations and go with his heart but couldn't met JJ that day. Then, his bf kissed HY's crush and JJ rang her love alarm. As SO asked HY that he wanted to help JJ, he said stay by her side just like him. Then, HY decided to uninstalled love alarm for JJ & SO. Then, SO & JJ got into an accident and HY tried to let JJ connect with SO. Then, they met again at crosswalk. As SO & JJ had break up and HY's mum said to live freely, he mustered up courage and start hitting on JJ. She kept on rejecting him but he said that she didn't know what being alone means cos she had felt alone for so long that she didn't realize she felt that way. And he said that she didn't need to like him back and she could dump him too but let him ring her love alarm and keep on liking her. She accepted him at the schoolyard cos of HY touching words which warm her cold heart. Then, time skip for JJ, HY & SO meeting at Love Alarm 2.0.

They were already couple in S2. Then, HY kept standing by JJ side whenever she had a hard time and waiting for her without pressuring. He shared his problem with JJ and apologize her for lying. Then, he found out that SO publicly go to JJ college and ask her out. Then, he got mad at SO for doing that without consideration for JJ so he punched him once. After that he was so happy cos JJ rang his love alarm. But found out that she used the spear to ring her love alarm. So, he went to found out that SO knew about that or not. SO said that he didn’t know about it either and she did it on her own volition. Then, he got upset for pitying him and not sincere. JJ had told him to get angry, mad and to argue with her if she did anything bad so he did it this time. (LOL. This guy became a victim of love alarm app too. He should have thought through why JJ used the spear. Well, HY got too caught up in emotions & he had never kissed her, so that's what happened, I guess. Yup, writer did it again. Another Inconsistency in a character.) Then, he found out that she was sincere when she used the spear from Duk Gu. So, he went back to her side and listened to her side of the story and be together again.

Jo Jo had a tragic past and she had a fear that anyone would find out about her past. So, she lied and live her high school life. Then one day, popular, charming and handsome, SO started on hitting her. She fell for him and kissed him cos she was having a hard time with her inconsiderate bf, cousin and aunt. She was still paying for her grandma hospital fee too. She didn't think this through when she got bf and fell for her lust. Well, maybe she might have been very depressed. She got terrible friends who kept asking thing she didn't want to answer and had to lie. It was her fault for not being able to confront her feeling that she was a child who had no parents and worse they tried to suicide and she was the only one who survived. The next day, her terrible best friend shared the photo of JJ & SO kissing. She was trying to break up with her bf but SO came in and asked for her hand. So, she thought he shared the photo cos he couldn't wait her. Then, she pulled him away and asked if he did it? He answered that he didn't and that's not important cos they did kiss. Then, she found out that they both like each other by love alarm app so she forgave him. Later, she found out that HY, her boyfriend's bf ring her love alarm too so she felt awkward when she met SO with HY. Then, SO & JJ enjoyed happy time until the accident. Even before the accident, she needed to work, study and take care of her grandma every week. She still got debt to pay. She thought SO was rich and famous but she didn't think that he would be that big when she went to his house. His father called SO that he was useless and he would send him abroad if he kept acting that way. So, she thought SO's life was going to ruin if she kept staying by his side and everyone who were with her got bad luck so she decided to install the shield and broke up with him. He was too heavy/exhausting for her to continue her life too. She thought he could be happy and successful if SO forgot about her and continue his life. Then, 4 years later, JJ met SO & HY on the crosswalk found out that SO still rang her love alarm. But he got a gf this time. Then, HY came to JJ and hit on her openly and told her that he would only be doing this until he went to internship. So, JJ was like okay, he was not going to pester for long. Then, when she was having hard time with Gul Mi, HY came to stand by her and told her that she didn't know what being alone means cos she had felt alone for so long that she didn't realize she felt that way. Then, they went to the bridge and when HY shouted her name and wanted to make her happy, her shielded heart was starting to crack a bit. She also learned that night that he uninstalled love alarm when she was in relationship with SO. The next day, JJ went to meet HY and told him that the break up of her & SO was her fault and she didn't plan on loving anyone. But HY's words, touch her heart and she wanted to give him a chance so she let him ring her love alarm. Then, SO met with JJ and she answered that she might not love anyone as much as she had loved him but she felt sorry to try with SO. Then, they met at Love Alarm 2.0 launched date and boom, time skipped.

JJ & HY were couple now in S2. JJ was starting to feel something when she saw HY now. Maybe, because he was always stand by her side whenever she had a hard time. (The drama didn't show that much but it kind of give a bit of that intention.) HY was there for her when a crazy fan chased her and when she found out that Duk Gu committed suicide. When she was at HY's apartment, he was warm to her and kept distance from her to make her feel comfortable. HY shared his wound with her and she liked the fact that he was able to face his emotional wound or problem head on. She was trying hard to confront her feeling with SO at that time. When she was on viral video, all she could think was HY and he didn't get angry at her. HY kept reassuring her that she didn't have to feel pressure and wanted to build thing up slowly. She felt his sincerity and love so she wanted to rang his love alarm in return. Then, on her way back to her house, she met SO and she was able to tell that she liked HY more now and not SO anymore. After seeing photos, she was able to see clearer now that she did love HY. So, she called him and rang him love alarm on the bridge. (I think she might have been making sure of her feeling this time unlike with SO which happened too fast. What if she break up again if things get too hard for her again.) Very next day, HY found out about the shield and spear and she didn't know how to explain anymore cos she did used them for her own sake. Then, she felt she was at the bottom of the ocean cos whatever she did, things always bad in a bad way that seem like bad luck was with her. But she didn't want to lose someone dear to her this time and she knew that HY might forgave her if she was sincere. It was her last hope too. So, she mustered up her courage and confront her feeling with SO. Then, she went to marathon to find herself, the courage to survive again. There she found out that it wasn't because she hated anyone (SO), it was just too heavy for her to carry/move on. So, it was no her fault or SO's fault or anyone fault. Then, she met HY at the end of marathon and told him all the things honestly. Then, JJ & HY lived honestly together.

2 years ago, when I first watched Love Alarm Season 1. I was totally rooting SO & JJ cos he was too bold & brave. I hated 2nd lead HY for being a coward and not hitting on JJ earlier. That's why he was 2nd lead for a reason.

But then, I recapped season 1 to watch season 2. My viewed has changed now cos I was able to see each character better. I know why SO was too bold and why HY was coward? Why JJ broke up? Why JJ opened up to HY? HY became brave after 4 years later and said some touching words to JJ. I think where HY rode bicycle around JJ in the schoolyard (S1E8) is beautiful and JJ quoted, "1 is bigger than any number in the world". Then, I was not sure who to root for anymore when the show left with cliff-hanger.

Those were before I have watched S2.

In S2E1, I was shocked why the writer didn't continue where cliff-hanger was left. But JJ didn't meet up with Brian Cheon cos she didn't want SO & HY to know that she installed the shield. But I want to see that climax moment badly. Why end with that cliff-hanger if they ain't going to show it. I am so mad about that.

Why did JJ choose HY?

JJ & HY were couple now. So, I was like, "Okay, let's see how SO will get JJ back cos he is the ML." But SO was telling JJ that she should like him cos she used the shield but she clearly said that she wanted to remove the shield now cos of HY. What worse is that SO went to college and ask her publicly when he knew that his bf is dating her officially now. Because of the viral video, it hurt JJ & YJ. Then, SO thought HY was making thing hard for JJ cos HY didn't know that she used the shield to hide her feeling when SO & HY were arguing. Then, he still wouldn't help his bf that JJ like HY more than him now when his bf got confused/misunderstood about why she installed the spear. I was able to accept JJ choice cos SO was too selfish and inconsiderate to JJ & YJ. I think JJ chose HY cos he would stand by her side whenever she had a hard time and he was opened about his wound to her. Maybe, she wanted to be brave like him and confront her feeling like him so he was kind of like an inspiration to her.

After watching both seasons and while writing this, I down rated S1 from 9 to 8 cos I am able to understand the story better now although there were plot holes.

Sorry for long review and Thanks for reading my opinion.

The link below is for people who think S1 is amazing and S2 is a trash. They were just above average for me. (By Gaylord)

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