Squid Game Episode 9 Réactions
An manchen punkten war die Serie durchaus vorhersehbar was mich dennoch nicht abhielt sie zu genießen! Irgendwie war die Stimmung mega cool und schwer zu erklären die die Serie rüberbrachte! Aber es fühlte sich einzigartig an!
Null Zeitverschwendung! Hab gerne meine Zeit investiert!
Einz frage ich mich wie mir nicht vorher und sogar den Spielern nicht diese Sticker und Bemalungen an den Wänden im Schlafraum aufgefallen waren XD die haben ja mal mega gespoilert! XD
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2nd: I hate open endings so the police guy not really getting to a point (what he went throught lead to nothing, as we see the game still going on after the time skip) + the protagonist coming back to the game and revenge the dead ppl- we don't get to see any of it ? (Yes, it may have a next season but I don't think it is necessary, they should have just extended the k-drama as it is super short)
The rest I actually liked, and I did not see the old guy's plot twist at. all and I appreciate they leaving the final game aside to show their emotions about each other in the end even if the game part suffered for it
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- The last game is kinda anticlimax. No more strategy needed. Even the squid game rule is not important. It is kind of sad to know the fact that the title is "Squid Game", but the game itself is the least explored throughout the game.
- It is kinda predictable who will win the game in the end.
- The ending is actually the start of season 2. Another "Squid Game"... I hope they add more interesting games. Not like games in Season 1. (I like liar game better)
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Cet avis était-il utile?