Mirai Nikki Episode 1
Hoshino Arata gets hold of a new phone which, as he excitedly discovers, has the unusual power to predict the future.
At college he meets his fellow student Furusaki Yuno who seems to have a keen interest in him. Later on a friend calls Arata to a planetarium where he is attacked by a masked man; but luckily Yuno and his own father come to his rescue.
- Diffusé: April 21, 2012
Mirai Nikki Episode 1 Réactions

Hope the actors put more emotion into the drama and hope the screenwriter works harder to impress in the next episode.
I didn't read the manga so I don't know where this is headed but why didn't he just stay at home if he was that scared eh?
Yuno just comes across as a stalker.
That cop I'm guessing...what's he doing there at the scene? Who's that woman in the hospital? And why didn't the other victims dematerialize?
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Maybe the manga it's based off of was like this, I don't know, but so many aspects of the chase scene and of the character's actions just make no batshit sense.
Well, it'd make sense if everyone were chickens with their head cut off, but otherwise, these characters aren't people, they're puppets the screenwriter is using to make movements across the drama. They haven't gotten any feelings out of me yet.
With a premise that appears to be super interesting, I'm really hoping it doesn't disappoint. :|
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Producing a contemporary drama that involves a fantasy element ? future prediction- requires a clever balance between reality and surrealism to leave any impression but Mirai Nikki appears ?too? normal but for an app which resembles Gengar.
One of my main issues is the tendency to sacrifice logic and consistency for a scene to be ?hip?. You, you episode let me scream and bang at my screen in disbelief!
a) That it?s best to approach your victim from behind to kill it easily and without resistance is written in every killer?s manual. And why would you drag your victim around for a couple of minutes just to cozily raise your arm when your victim?s companion returns? Man, kill her already!
b) Why doesn?t Yuno kill/beat/smash/crush the masked, either? She already proved to us that she is capable of, with a smirk on her face, hitting a man from behind ? why not hit him twice to end the chase already? Yeah, her baseball bat wouldn?t have had a chance against his metallic toothpick.
c) As much as I understand Arata?s father?s sentiments for rescuing his son a simple jump at the killer?s back would have done the job. No need to die.
The way Rui acts the abduction/entire future game and the masked man seem to be connected but the masked man surely isn?t the initiator of the game: Why bother inviting someone to play cat and mouse and kill him off already?
So what?s the masked man doing there? By coincidence and because of his phone? But who and why was Arata then lured to the planetarium? I trust you, Mirai Nikki, that you are going to solve this riddle for us.
Arata: With his smirks and Domyoji-perm. A brat I find it difficult to sympathize with even in sad moments (e.g. divorce). I also feel he overacts a little. I have yet to form an image about a guy who first covers under a blanket in fear and then goes to meet the guy who gave him his ?terrifying? future diary. I also found his little heroic act to be disturbing which I blame on the scriptwriter. First be a scarred rabbit, then have a total change of mind, suddenly know how to fight and all while pop music plays in the background.
Yuno: She has great potential to be a very annoying character. On the one hand she?s a puppy with a baby-face and bubbly personality; on the other hand she?s a grinning head-smasher and stalker. Theoretically the character traits could make the perfect lunatic but the way Gouriki portrays her character (or how the screenwriter wrote Yuno) makes her just so unauthentic and unreal. I also find the whys and hows of Yuno and Arata?s initial meeting rather strange. Apparently she?s been stalking him for a longer time why does she, with her exuberant personality, hold back until now just to jump onto him and even kiss him when he discovers the nature of his new phone?
On a side note: The dematerialization of the father didn?t match the general look of the drama very well but looked cool. The chase was filmed unsteadily, I suppose the cameraman was drunk or he thought it would emphasize the situation? ah no!
Result: I couldn?t get into the story nor connect with one of the characters. The plot has great potential and the actors aren?t too bad but work has to be done. To say the least I was mildly entertained, nevertheless I failed to feel the dangerous vibe of a phone application and what?s Gengar doing there?
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