3 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
nov. 1, 2017
16 épisodes vus sur 16
Complété 0
Globalement 9.5
Histoire 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musique 8.5
Degrés de Re-visionnage 9.0
I watched this on VIU by accident because I had nothing to watch, and I got HOOK from the first episode!! I like it when the guy character is goofy and silly while the girl is the serious type (and she's smart not like the typical K-drama I watched) I think they are a match made in heaven xD!!

So the story is about a famous acupuncture doctor from the past (I forgot which dynasty), he somehow had the ability to travel to the future or go back to the past but he has to be dead first to be able to travel.... In the future, he met a modern girl doctor who happened to have a bad experience with acupuncture treatment (her family actually ran an acupuncture clinic) so his interactions with the girl at the beginning didn't go so well. However, they slowly understand each other and even help each other in crisis and OF COURSE, they slowly started to develop feelings for each other!!! then as usual conflicts happened and you have to watch this to see watch happened!! LOL

Highly recommended!!

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En cours 14/16
4 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
avril 4, 2020
14 épisodes vus sur 16
En cours 0
Globalement 10
Histoire 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musique 10
Degrés de Re-visionnage 10
I am almost done with this drama. I am ferociously writing this review at 4am in the morning after angrily making an account at this hour because this show kept me up so late because it’s so fkng good that im so hooked and i despise how unhealthy its making me become right noww I NEED MY SLEPP give it back!!!!! I have to go to sleep with so much wonders and worries on my mind because this show is negatively impacting me I NEED AN ACUPUNCTURE and this is coming from someone with a needle phobia. Writers of this show are ***holes because the show does not need to be this good. Writers u better watch out because im coming for you as soon as i wake up

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Cet avis était-il utile?
3 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
juil. 28, 2022
16 épisodes vus sur 16
Complété 0
Globalement 7.0
Histoire 5.0
Acting/Cast 10
Musique 7.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 7.0
Cette critique peut contenir des spoilers


Rant review incoming:
With all due disrespect, fuck that ending. I had such high hopes because I was absolutely in love with this drama during the first 10 episodes. It obviously still had its faults and was never going to be a 10 star, but I was hoping to give it maybe an 8.5 rating. No. Hell no. I’d like to erase the last few episodes from my memory because at some point a little after the halfway point of the drama, things slowed down dramatically, random conflicts were created just to get the drama to a 16 episode mark, and the show became unbearable to watch. After all the shenanigans where Heo Im was getting accustomed to his new life came to a neat close and the romance took off, the drama started absolutely sucking. It’s taking everything in me to not rate this drama lower than this (because honestly speaking those first ~10 episodes were amazing and the bad ending shoudln’t take away from the show’s good parts) but that ending was absolute horse shit. The way they just decided to randomly separate FOREVER without any intention to get back together which is just SERIOUSLY! You’re in love with this person and you just decided like “yeah ok I guess we don’t belong together because he’s from the past and even though nothing is technically forcing him to go back, I’ll still make him go back so that he can save a bunch of people at war as if he’s the only doctor in all of Joseon or as if it’s any of his business at all. And then instead of coming back as soon as the war's over I think he should just stay there forever since we're just NOT MEANT TO BE” It just felt like the lamest, least convincing excuse ever for them to be depressed and pining for one another and despite being fully capable of living together peacefully, they still decide to stick to their own timelines because Mrs. Kdrama writer said so and because “He BeLoNgS iN JoSeoN.” Bullshit. If that wasn’t enough, the reason he came back to her wasn’t even intentional to begin with. It was literally an accident and even though he was feeling sad just a few moments ago about his lost love, we all know damn well he wouldn’t have done shit about it. And then suddenly he finds her and acts like all his life’s problems are solved and all his past bullshit reasons for staying away don’t even matter anymore. Bye. Just bye.

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Cet avis était-il utile?
Srta Jane
2 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
janv. 13, 2020
16 épisodes vus sur 16
Complété 0
Globalement 7.5
Histoire 7.5
Acting/Cast 10
Musique 7.5
Degrés de Re-visionnage 5.5



Eu diria que esse não é um drama que te pega no primeiro episódio, mas embora ele não te convença logo de cara, sugiro que você dê uma chance a ele e prossiga para os próximos episódios porque ele vai ficando mais interessante a medida a história avança.

A minha primeira impressão da protagonista não foi muito boa, porque ela me pareceu uma mulher bem mimada e cabeça dura. Além disso, seu comportamento nos primeiros momentos, sem dúvidas aparentam as de uma típica mulher que acha que é a dona da razão e tira conclusões precipitadas antes mesmo de saber de todos os fatos.

Por causa disso tiveram momentos em que cheguei a me irritar com suas atitudes, principalmente pela forma fria e indiferente como ela tratava seu avô e sequer se dignava a comer com ele mesmo morando na mesma casa que ele durante anos.

No entanto, felizmente aos poucos percebemos que ela não passava de uma "criança crescida", isto é, uma mulher que carregava certos traumas psicológicos de eventos que aconteceram em sua infância que contribuíram para que ela se tornasse assim. E depois de um tempo as mudanças em seu comportamento melhoram nossa percepção sobre ela.



Esse foi um daqueles dramas bem fáceis de assistir, já que conseguiu manter meu interesse do início ao fim sem que ficasse maçante ou desandasse no meio do caminho, o que já o coloca em um patamar acima de muitos dramas que assisti anteriormente.

Sobre o enredo eu preciso dizer que eu simplesmente amei todo o desenrolar desse Kdrama porque ele soube passear bem por vários gêneros sem perder a essência de um bom drama médico.

Temos o lado histórico e a medicina tradicional representada pelo protagonista que é um médico brilhante e bem a frente de seu tempo e o lado moderno e a medicina moderna representada por nossa protagonista, uma cirurgiã incrédula mas muito habilidosa.

O lado fantástico/ficção estava ali dando as caras a todo momento como é de praxe de todo drama que envolve viagem no tempo, e apesar de sempre ter um pé atrás com esse tipo de história por medo de se tornarem "uma verdadeira viagem" sem pé nem cabeça no meio do caminho, isso não aconteceu aqui, e felizmente as peças foram se encaixando bem na reta final.

Tivemos também vários momentos cômicos, principalmente, nos episódios iniciais quando nosso querido protagonista está "desbravando as inovações do futuro" e "conhecendo as novas técnicas médicas".

E claro pra temperar essa salada de gêneros não poderia faltar um romance daqueles para apimentar as coisas certo?

Errado, acho que a interação dos protagonistas esta mais para a comédia que para um romance propriamente dito. Então já adianto que você verá uma sombra de romance aqui e ali, mas não espere um daqueles amores avassaladores para balançar seu coração porque esse não é o foco aqui certo?



Não sei se você é uma dorameira romântica ou não, mas espero que não tenha fugido correndo depois do último parágrafo, tenha calma!

O que quero dizer é que tivemos uma leve pincelada de romance entre os protagonistas que foi bem legal, mas não posso dizer que foi o romance do século, se é que me entendem.

Até me surpreendi porquê embora eu suspeitasse que os dois iriam se envolver no início, como esse momento demorou muito, eu nem me dei ao trabalho de torcer por eles, até porque, a história já te prende independente disso.

Portanto, ficou nítido que esse encontro inesperado entre duas pessoas tão diferentes, em vários aspectos foi benéfica e contribuiu muito para que ambos pudessem superar seus traumas do passado.



Eu realmente gostei da proposta desse drama e achei esse contraste entre as duas medicinas muito interessante. E quando os dois uniram seus conhecimentos para tratar alguns pacientes então? Ui aquilo foi o ápice!

Já falei em outros blogs que amo esse gênero medico não é mesmo? Mas essa foi a primeira vez que vi a acupuntura sendo retratada e isso foi tão refrescante e novo pra mim que me deixou cada vez mais interessada pelo tema e sempre torcia para que as cenas dele curando pessoas usando suas preciosas agulhas aparecessem cada vez mais.

Foi tão envolvente acompanhar a evolução do protagonista nessa jornada para recuperar o ânimo que tinha perdido após certos infortúnios em sua vida.

Além disso, é bem interessante a sua luta para descobrir sua identidade como médico e a reafirmação de sua vocação para a profissão. O que quero dizer que foi perceptível porquê ele se tornou um dos melhores médicos de sua época e não apenas mais um no meio da multidão.



E para completar minha análise sobre esse Kdrama tenho que apresentar um ponto negativo aqui, então vamos abrir o parenteses : "Srta Jane reclama" kkkk.

Depois de ter assistido uma certa quantidade de dramas com viagem no tempo, percebi que cada um resolve retratar isso de uma forma diferente, vamos aos exemplos:


✦Salto de trem para o futuro em: Tomorrow With You;

✦Viagem de carro pagando um pedágio com uma moedinha especial em: Familiar Wife;

✦ Ida ao passado através de portal mágico que só aparecia raramente em: Faith;

✦Salto para o futuro em meio a uma perseguição policial em: Tunnel;

✦Transmissões entre policiais de épocas diferentes usando um walkie-talkie em: Signal;

✦Ida ao passado ao cair em uma poça de água em: Splash Splash Love.


Socorro, só agora que fui perceber a quantidade de dramas com o mesmo tema que já vi kkk.

Só com esses exemplos já deu para vocês perceberem que cada drama retratou essa viagem temporal de maneira diferente. Todas muito criativas sem duvidas, mas em: Live up to your name escolheram nos entregar isso de uma forma que eu não gostei, e por quê?

Inicialmente o protagonista não sabia como ele foi parar inesperadamente 400 anos no futuro, mas depois de um tempo ele percebe uma certa coincidência entre as vezes em que essa situação ocorreu, isto é, seus saltos no tempo só ocorriam quando ele era ferido fatalmente, e é justamente nesse ponto que gostaria de chegar.

A partir daí, vemos ele se suicidando corriqueiramente sempre que quer se transportar de uma época a outra e isso foi bem desagradável de se ver, alguém pode dizer: "ah mas a morte não era de verdade então não conta" , mas em um turbilhão de ideias e formas disso ser retratado não entendo porquê escolheram essa?

O resultado foi bem ruim na minha opinião e sinceramente, não gostei dessa banalização da morte do protagonista. Por isso, esse Kdrama infelizmente não entrou para aquela seleta lista de favoritos, acabou perdendo alguns pontinhos comigo e ficou com uma nota 7,5 no final das contas.

Outra coisa que achei uma pena, foi que não contaram qual era o mistério daquela caixa de agulhas que sempre voltava para a mão dele e qual foi o motivo desta situação ter ocorrido justamente com ele.


A conclusão que chego é que esse é um Kdrama que vale a pena assistir e certamente indicarei para os meus amigos daqui pra frente, foi muito bom começar o ano assistindo ele e apesar daquele pequeno detalhe que reclamei ali em cima eu realmente curti a experiência!

Espero que tenha conseguido despertar seu interesse por Deserving of the Name com esse blog, você encontra ele disponível no catálogo da Netflix, vão lá assistir depois voltem aqui para me contar o que acharam dele!

E você já assistiu esse drama? Compartilhe sua opinião comigo ai nos comentários, amo interagir com vocês!

Até a próxima!

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Cet avis était-il utile?
2 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
oct. 27, 2017
16 épisodes vus sur 16
Complété 0
Globalement 8.0
Histoire 8.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Musique 7.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 6.0
+1 I Love Time Travel
+1 Unique Medical Themed Drama compared to other medical dramas I've seen
+1 I recognize both the leads from either movies or just seeing them pop up in casts as I surf through different dramas to watch. But this is my first time seeing both of these leads in a drama and I was not disappointed... Both are very talented. I admire their acting skills but I've yet to see more of their acting to see if they make it on my top lists.
+1 Memorable and Impactful Story but not a favorite
+1 Great Chemistry from the leads

I wished the drama received more attention because it was funny, adorable, enjoyable and heart felt. But you can tell it's not a big hit despite the amazing things about this drama. Because of this drama, I've become more interested in acupuncture and the ancient practices of medical treatments. There was a lot of heart poured into this drama. Thank you to the cast and the entire production team who produced this. I enjoyed it well. :)

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Cet avis était-il utile?
6 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
oct. 4, 2017
16 épisodes vus sur 16
Complété 0
Globalement 3.0
Histoire 3.0
Acting/Cast 5.5
Musique 3.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 1.0
Seeing that this is Kim Nam Gil's comeback drama automatically made me put it down on my plan to watch list. It was really good -- at first. However, as the series started to become really boring and then later on became too cliche --definitely not something I have expected.  It was interesting how the writer tried to mix everything from Medical, time travel, historical and romantic-comedy. However, I couldn't help but think that the story got lost on what the writer really wanted to do with this story, where does she really want to focus? Does she want to focus on the medical theme of this drama? or the mystery of Heo Im's time travelling or the romance between the main leads?
At first, the story's focus was on Heo Im and YK's characters as doctors...showing us the passion for their job, their desire to treat people and all.  I see a lot of people complain on how "slow" the development is for the romance part of this series which I will definitely agree with....nearing half of the series and there's still nothing between them. Until the writer decided to cater for it, to the romance part of the story and when she did...the whole story became so cheesy, messy and lost all of the mystery and depth of the story. The slow romance development suddenly bloom in and the focus of the story became all about their romance. The rest of the problems, questions and other things about the story has been forgotten because the focus went on just to show how much these two love each other and they were being prepared to be that star-crossed lovers (not to mention, the unfair treatment that the other characters got...they were completely forgotten and ended up as nothing but "extras") and then the ending...they could've save the story with the ending but noooo they went for another cheesy one.

It's really disappointing, definitely not something I expect from KNG's work.

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1 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
nov. 11, 2021
16 épisodes vus sur 16
Complété 0
Globalement 8.5
Histoire 8.5
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musique 8.5
Degrés de Re-visionnage 8.0
Cette critique peut contenir des spoilers

To die is to heal and live again

This show has been on my watchlist for the longest time. I've watched several time travel tales that discarded any resemblance of logic for the sake of drama. Fortunately, this show gave time traveling a novel spin and is an integral part of the story telling. While the Show did not pay too much attention to the butterfly effect, it did not treat the temporal shift as a gimmick neither.

I'm sure there is no need to bring up the synopsis again. The important point here is that the ML did a great job portraying the fish out of water aspect of a doctor transported from the 1500's to present day Seoul. He was shown to be super resourceful and resilient. The Show made light of his ability to adapt to the present though. While it helped to move the plot along, it did lacked credibility.

Where the Show injected some novelty into the tropey plot is when the FL was taken back to the Joseon era by the ML on several occasions and it was she who had to adapt to the sudden change of her circumstances.

This jinx position allowed the Show to explore problems in both eras and forced the OTP to confront them as a team. The writer-nim also used their time in Joseon as a circuit breaker to take them away from the fast paced and insulating modern world. This gave the OTP breathing space and opened their hearts and minds to each other.

In the end, this is much more than a rom-com even though the early episodes were heavy with comedy. The Show skipped through several genres without pausing for breath. Tragedy, treachery and conflict were heavy in the second half and it was much more melodramatic. One cannot escape the social commentary which is mirrored both in the modern as well as olden times. The rich and powerful are still lording over their "slaves" and are prone to hide their inadequacies. The more things change, the more they stay the same....

Overlaid on top of such weighty subjects was the bittersweet romance of the OTP. Both leads are damaged and flawed. The Show forced them to confront their demons and plot a path through moral dilemmas so that they grew and heal each other. Their chemistry was so natural and their emotions so raw. While they did bask in the glow of their burgeoning love, their days together were numbered. You can sense their despair when they were separated and their longing for each other was palpable.

The acting was superb from the main cast. The range displayed by the M/FL was exceptional. The script is intricate with a solid core as foundation. However, some aspects of time travel were a bit contrived. The odd plot holes were just brushed aside. The oriental medicine aspect also took on an almost mythical quality so you might want to suspend your disbelief.
I do wish the ending was more fan service. We demand hugs and kisses, not a walk down a crowded street! The epilogue was very cute. The SML is in for a fun ride. :)

It is a quality production and it showed both in the set design, costumes as well as the OST.

The final caveat, this show is not for you if you dislike historical drama, cruelty, brutality, graphical medical procedures including acupuncture.

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Cet avis était-il utile?
1 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
août 19, 2022
16 épisodes vus sur 16
Complété 0
Globalement 9.5
Histoire 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musique 8.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 8.0

Must watch! Tru gem

There are virtually no flaws in this drama! It delivers everything you may ask for from medical/historical/romance!
It has comic moments, hardships, losses, beautiful love story!
I especially enjoyed:
1. Absolute 10 stars acting and cast!!
2. Unquestionable chemistry between ML and FL! First time a simple stare can satisfy my romance craving enough to overlook the lack of kisses :)
3. Well written story with no big holes
4. Totally no unsupportive relatives or other weird family/rivals melodrama.
5. The happy ending :)))) in all possible ways!

There is no actual negative point, but 13 to 15 episode was a little boring due to prediction. Despite being well played, I kind of expected everything and wasn’t much entertained but still find it perfect!
The other little downside is the time travel side of the story, I am against using self-harm/suicide/medical help to dye no matter what the reason.
I am wondering what other drama aired at the same time to overpower this underrated drama gem?!?

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Cet avis était-il utile?
1 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
avril 14, 2021
16 épisodes vus sur 16
Complété 0
Globalement 10
Histoire 10
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musique 9.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 10

This drama healed my soul

I'm currently on a medical drama marathon. I started with Dr. Romantic 1, then Season 2, then Dr. John, Doctors and now Live up to Your Name.

I came with no expectation. I thought it was simply the usual drama about doctors, but I was surprised when I realized it was about a doctor from Joseon Period (400 yrs ago) who time-travelled to modern times which will intertwine his fate with a talented cardio doctor. The two will be in a journey of healing (both others and themselves). I know it's in the blurb, but I didn't read it at first. So it was a pleasant surprise when the two leads time-travelled back and forth throughout the series.

In terms of medical content, you'll be pleased to see a lot of scenes in the operating room. Beware though that it will be graphic. It's also interesting that they gave equal attention to acupuncture. It amazes me at how doctors from ancient times were able to heal without the technology that we now enjoy.

The healing journey of the two leads will make you ponder about questions such as "what's the reason why you first wanted to become a doctor (or your field of work)?" and "what can we do to help others?" I'll probably rewatch this again if I need a reminder of these things.

I'm not familiar with both leads, but I'm so surprised with their craft and their chemistry. It's such a sweet relationship that transcends time and generation.

Hope you enjoy it as much as I did!

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Cet avis était-il utile?
1 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
août 20, 2018
16 épisodes vus sur 16
Complété 0
Globalement 9.0
Histoire 9.0
Acting/Cast 10
Musique 8.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 8.0
This is the drama that I'd intended to watch since last year but never had the chance to do so. Now that I have the time for a drama marathon, I am glad I finished watching it after all the episodes were out because I seriously cannot imagine how anyone could withstand the suspense of waiting for the next episodes to come out while it was airing! This is how good this hidden gem is! Here's my review:

Story: This is a time-travelling, medical romance drama. The drama started with a cheerful but jaded doctor in the Joseon era - Heo Im - who's job was to serve the people by day and the nobles by night. He wore two masks - one of a benevolent and kind doctor to the poor, and another a doctor who's only interested in fame and fortune. Which is the true Heo Im?

Heo Im was an exceptional and talented acupuncturist. After many years of treating the sick and needy, his efforts were finally recognised. In a once in a lifetime opportunity, he was summoned into the palace to treat the king. However, as he was about to treat the king, his hand shook and he lost his concentration. As a result, the king ordered for Heo Im to be imprisoned. Heo Im escaped and while he was being pursued by palatial guards, he was shoot by arrows and fell into the river. When he woke next, he's in 21st century Seoul. Hence starts his time-travelling adventure.

The female lead (Yeon Kyung) is a cardio-thoracic doctor who was skeptical of oriental medicines at first but after her many interactions with Heo Im, became impressed with his skills. The drama is very character-based. It's about the journey of self-discovery for Heo Im and Yeon Kyung as they learn about themselves, deal with their dark pasts and make peace with their current selves in their journey towards becoming the best doctors in their own fields.

I love the character Heo Im played by Kim Nam Gil. He's quirky, funny, wise, serious, ambitious, evil and nice all wrapped up in one yummy package of a talented acupuncturist. Heo Im is a bag of contradictions and Kim Nam Gil was born for this role. You'll find yourself laughing, smiling, nodding and crying with Heo Im. You will be emotionally and mentally invested in his character as well as his counterpart - Yeon Kyung.

Unlike Heo Im's hot and cold character, Yeon Kyung's a pretty straightforward character. From the get go, you'll know that she's someone who had had a painful past and that had caused her to be indifferent and cold towards her grandfather, skeptical towards oriental medicine and passionate about saving lives. From the moment they met, she and Heo Im influenced each other in a positive manner. Eventually, they fell in love with each other. Their chemistry is perfect. If I am to describe their relationship chemistry in two words, those words will be 'playful' and 'passionate'.

The time-travelling in this drama is not one-way. In other words, both Heo Im and Yeon Kyung travelled back and forth between Joseon and modern Seoul a few times. It wasn't until the third time that it happened that they finally figured out what triggered the time-travel and why they were the ones affected. After that, the time-travelling became a tool they use intentionally to help others.

The overall story is perfect but if I were to be nitpicking on the little things that the drama could improve on, it would be on the logical progression of the story at certain parts of the drama. For example: In one scene, Yeon Kyung and Heo Im were trying to fight off gangsters in Seoul and were cornered. Heo Im was injured while protecting Yeon Kyung. They time-travelled. Then, they met with Japanese soldiers. Yeon Kyung whipped out a taser and pepper spray and defeated the Japanese soldiers. One would wonder, why didn't she use the taser and pepper spray on the gangsters to start with? That would have saved Heo Im and they wouldn't have to time-travel right into the hands of Japanese soldiers! This is just one example of illogical story progression in the drama. Another would be the placements of things, like Yeon Kyung's medical bag, when she or they were running or when moving from one scene to another. If you keep an eye out on where she placed her medical bag when she fell and where it was after a while, you'll realise that in one scene, it wasn't with her and in the next scene, it's strapped over her shoulder! However, these are minor bloopers and didn't significantly distracted my enjoyment of the drama. You'd have to enjoy the drama as it is and not critically pick it apart as how professional reviewers do. As a whole, the drama focused heavily on the characters and not necessarily on little details such as those I mentioned.

Another part of the drama I loved was the interesting facts on acupuncture such as acupuncture points and what they do. I find that very educational. It made me want to read up on acupuncture and traditional oriental medicines.

Acting/Cast: Perfect acting and cast. Kudos to Kim Nam Gil and Kim Ah-Joong. There's also a significant number of elderly veteran actors and actresses in this drama. Three cheers for their excellent acting!

Music: Beautiful OSTs. I thoroughly enjoyed them!

Rewatch value: This is one drama that's enjoyable at every episode. I am saving it for re-watch. Perfect material for drama marathon when the mood strikes.

Overall: I am giving this drama 9/10. Overall story and character development's perfect. It is in the little nitty gritty detail that cost it a minus 1 point. If the director and writer polish up some scenes here and there, this drama will be a perfect 10/10. Absolutely a hidden gem!

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Cet avis était-il utile?
1 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
janv. 23, 2022
16 épisodes vus sur 16
Complété 0
Globalement 10
Histoire 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musique 8.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 10

If you don't love this, we can't be friends

I adored this story.

First, I'm not a fan of time travel or Joseon dramas and still this story stole my heart. I've watched many Kdramas that felt like they just tried to fill 16 episodes, but IMO there was no filler or time killers here. The story was engaging, the characters were very like-able and there was more than usual skinship (although sweet and innocent and not overdone in any way).

I literally LOL'ed quite a few times and even called my husband to come watch one funny scene with me. I am in love this series and it has firmly taken its place as one of my top 5 Kdramas of all time. I have also found a new favourite actor and I'm going to watch more of Kim Nam-gil in the future.

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Cet avis était-il utile?
1 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
avril 6, 2020
16 épisodes vus sur 16
Complété 0
Globalement 7.5
Histoire 8.0
Acting/Cast 8.5
Musique 7.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 7.0
So this is the kind of series that starts with a few fart jokes and turns into a very heavily emotional and exciting story.
Is there such a kind of thing? Yes, there is, and it's great.

The story was quite nice, it had lots of cliffhanger moments, where you just had to keep going to see what's gonna happen. The whole setting was interesting and entertaining to follow.

It was very emotional, with some dramas, little evil schemes, your typical drama stuff I suppose, but it was done nicely I think, it wasn't irritating, or too much. There were also a lot of lovely moments, where you just had to keep watching to get more! It felt sweet and honest. The mains were great! And the side characters also deserve a thumbs up!

The show also had I think an okay premise, about how doctors should be doctors just to save lives and such, but to be honest I don't think it came out so straightforwardly at times, even though they tried to highlight it with actions and words, but it wasn't always clear what they wanted to show as something bad or why it was a bad thing. Well, it's a little confusing without revealing details, and that's not my intention, so let's just say, I though it was a little confusing in the writing too...

It was quite silly at times, good silly and bad silly as well, like how some problems were solved in a too cheesy way sometimes, but usually it was actually quite realistic and serious enough to believe the situations and such.

The only bigger problem I had with this show is the one I usually have with similar romantic time-traveler shows. This is the reason I don't really like them to be honest, even though they have such potential. You know, it's the solution. But I won't say anything more about this, I read some people were satisfied with it, I'm not, but I knew it long before I won't be.

About the rating, I'd say it's a very strong 8, which is a GOOD show in my book. But for personal reasons about the flaws of time-traveling ending, I had to give it a 7.5. (sorry)

Still, such a nice, entertaining, sweet series! If you want something that has actually a quite exciting setting, but also some sweet moments, I'd say give it a try!

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