And the production and cinematography were very amazing too, they shot everything beautifully, I definitely cannot wait for it! Everything is superb, Don't miss this Drama ever!!!
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Well, first of all the combination of zombies and Joseon dynasty was definitely worth while. Haven't seen that kind of drama before and also don't know of anything like this. They integrated your usual sageuk theme quite well into the zombie genre.
You can see that they had a high budget on this and it paid off. Of course, there's also the "Netflix"-touch (or let's call it the Western touch) to it. Scenes/editing/cinematography feel different. I mean, really good sageuks have this certain serious aura. This one as well, but it's still different. And yet, it maintains its historical Korean core: the conflict between politicians and the Royal family.
Do you know what's really satisfying in this drama? Whenever you get annoyed by corrupt characters in a sageuk, you'd almost pull out all of your hair, you want to punish them yourself and it takes an eternity until they get what they really deserve. But here you don't get bothered at all because you just know that there's a higher/stronger instance that doesn't care for Joseon politics and that defines a new order. Its pure existance threatens the whole system whether it's noblemen or peasants. And no one can escape.
The cast in this is simply amazing. I wouldn't expect less either. Here are stellar actors and actresses assembled, each of them doing a fantastic job. Maybe it's the editing but it feels like a whole new level... or a different level. It's hard to describe.
The only character I couldn't become comfortable with was the queen. I don't really think that the actress was the right choice for this. She was the weakest part of them all even though the character itself is actually quite important. She never warmed up to me. That's my only complaint about this.
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Przepis na pandemie czyli zombie z dzikiego ziela.
Cała seria Kingdom to na pewno coś odświeżającego na półce z motywem krwiożerczych postaci potocznie zwanych zombie.Kiedyś w gatunków krwiożerczych istot królowały wampiry dziś tę pałeczkę przejmują bezmózgie ludzkie bestie co rusz zmieniając im tylko genezę powstania i ewentualne charakterystycznych zdolności.
O ile zombie ze słynnego Train to Busan były czystą niewiadomą pojawiającą się nagle w ferworze dnia codziennego tak w przypadku Kingdom mamy całkiem sympatycznie przedstawioną historię powstania takiego pierwszego potworka.
Jeden niewinny kwiatuszek kryjący się w lodowatych zakamarkach gór był w stanie zalać krwiożerczą pandemią całe królestwo przeciwko sobie. Co ciekawe i niespotykane pomimo najprostszego zabijania ofiar tej paskudnej zarazy okazuje się że na bycie zombie istnieje nawet lekarstwo. Oczywiście, żeby nie było zwyczajnie drastycznie przez całe TYLKO 6 odcinków (na sezon) poza akcjami z mordobiciem, wyrzynaniem i hektolitrami krwi adrenalinę podnoszą królewskie intrygi, polityczne igraszki i standardowo jak w saegukach walka o tron. Do postaci które naprawdę sympatycznie się prezentują na ekranie raczej nie przewiążecie się emocjonalnie gdyż poza brakiem czasu kompletnie scenariusz nie przywiązuje do tego uwagi.
O ile w większości zombiastycznych produkcji chce się za kimś łezkę puścić, tutaj stety lub niestety nie jest nawet człowiekowi specjalnie smutno. Myślę że bardzo to ujmuje produkcji. Teoretycznie szybkie tempo bo tylko 6 epów, a niejednokrotnie nie mogłam wytrzymać tych do bólu ciągniętych scen rozmów na tle politycznym. Niby czas goni bo horda zombie zaraz napadnie wioskę a z drugiej strony mamy jeszcze chwilkę między sobą się napadać i walczyć o stołek...
Z tego naciskającego pośpiechu łapie się niejedną gafę w scenariuszu.
*spoiler time* Na przykład nie ogarniam dlaczego informacje kluczowe jak sposób powstrzymania zombie czy lekarstwa wychodziły tak niemożliwie powoli że właściwie przez to dużo zginęło? Dlaczego polityczne intrygi i spiski również wychodziły (a nawet i nie..) w tak ślimaczym tempie? Czemu tak wolno zakumać grupie ludzi że gdy Królowa gromadziła ciężarne kobiety i zabijała dziewczynki odrazu nie śmierdziało faktem że nie jest w ciąży? itd itd itd. Albo jak to się stało na końcu sezonu drugiego, że podczas ostatecznej ucieczki księcia z grupką żołnierzy po tym całym CUDOWNIE SZYBKO oblodzonym jeziorze w chyba jeden wieczór nikt nie wpadł na pomysł by dużo wcześniej przebić lód? Tylko czekać aż dosłownie cała horda ich otoczy i wtedy się zmagać z krą lodu na pewnie 10cm? MINDBLOW.
Dużo rzeczy sprawiło mi większych frustracji i nerwów niż horda zombie znikąd w porażającej ilości i to zdecydowanie odjęło mi całej urody w tym tytule, który myślałam że ma jakieś szanse być czymś tak dobrym jak Sweet Home tylko że w innej erze.
Oj tak, zawiodłam się. Nie we wszystkim, ale kompletnie nie był to mój typ.
Muzyki kompletnie nie pamiętam, także uznaje ją za nieobecną,a aktorzy byli w porządku dobrani w sumie nie mam się tu co czepiać.
Kingdom ma całkiem ciekawą horror historyjkę na dwa długie wieczory. Jeśli pragniesz obejrzeć coś wyjątkowego to dobrze trafiłeś, znajdziesz tu powiew historycznego klimatu z dawką paskudnych bestii. Coś w sam raz na odpoczynek od codziennych obyczajówek.
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Começo uma pequena resenha enaltecendo esta obra de arte, que apesar de poucos capítulos e nem ter sido finalizada (já que teremos uma segunda temporada) é sem dúvidas a melhor série de zumbis, deixando no chinelo The Walking Dead - e digo com toda certeza, já que sou fã desta.
Kingdom apesar de tratar de dois assuntos bem explorados - zumbis e a dinastia Joseon - juntar os dois estilos foi realmente uma boa jogada e quase um indicador de sucesso, mas essa ideia já tinha sido colocada em prática (de uma forma um pouco diferente, em outro ponto histórico) por um filme americano e não foi nada bom. A diferença da série coreana para o filme americano é sem dúvida o roteiro e a direção.
Esteticamente falando: Kingdom é sem dúvidas espetacular. Belos cenários, fotografia extraordinária, lindos figurinos e uma maquiagem surreal. Eu realmente não me surpreendo muito, porque a Coreia traz essa qualidade em 90% dos seus trabalhos cinematográficos.
Os atores: são bons, nada de muito extraordinário, eu ainda não fui totalmente conquistada pelo protagonista e a mocinha é meio sem graça (apesar de ser bem decidida), quem realmente chama atenção é a rainha e seu pai (conselheiro do rei), ambos não valem o pão que comem e durante todos os seis episódios do drama quis acabar com os dois, entretanto sem eles a série não teria tanto impacto.
Zumbis: são nojentos, sem sombra de dúvida, mas a maquiagem é excelente, eles são bem ágeis, lembra muito os zumbis de "Guerra Mundial Z" filme do Brad Pitt, então pode imaginar a loucura que é.
Não sei que fim terá essa história e se ficarei feliz com as próximas temporadas, mas até agora estou apaixonada e na expectativa por mais. Não vou me aprofundar muito para não dar spolier, porque a história não é extensa, mas quero compartilhar a cena que eu achei a melhor de todas: a rainha e o seu pai estão perto do lago e ele fala sobre o que é poder, para a rainha é apenas dinheiro, para o seu pai é muito mais, seria a forma de abafar todos os assassinatos que ele já cometeu. Detalhe, o lago está repleto de corpos das pessoas que ele matou. Muito sinistro, mas adorei!
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South Korean shows are becoming good at taking old ideas, putting their own twist on it, and executing it perfectly. Being set in the distant Joseon period, the crew had to make sure everything from the costumes, the sets, to the props, all go together to create a sense of realism. It felt as if we were right inside that world. They were not afraid to make their actors look dirty, tired, and unattractive. Even the extras were done right, down to the zombie makeup and creepy jerky movements. The production value was sky high with hordes of zombies, bloody battle scenes, and even an undead ship. It was on par with Hollywood, and even better at times.
The acting was on point, nothing over-the-top or melodramatic. Ju Ji Hoon gave a very restrained, believable performance as an initially clueless prince who was learning to care about his kingdom and people. Jeon Seok Ho’s cowardly nobleman was not just a comic relief. You get a sense that he was on his way to redeem himself somehow. Heo Joon Ho as Lord Ahn was just cool without even trying. The show slowly built the characters so that you care about them, instead of just killing them off randomly for the shock value.
It was smart of them to leave out the romance. The plot had to enough substance to stand on its own. It didn’t need to be bogged down with a love story or worse yet, a love triangle. But what sets this series apart was how they used the plague to point out the social inequality that existed then, and still exists now. That was more scary than the zombies.
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Kingdom: The Heart-Pumping, Zombie-Infested Korean Epic You Can't Miss"
Oh boy, let me tell you about Kingdom! This show is a masterpiece, plain and simple. The plot is so intense and gripping that you'll be on the edge of your seat from start to finish. And the visuals are absolutely stunning! From the incredible sets to the jaw-dropping action scenes, everything about Kingdom is top-notch.But what really sets this show apart is the way it seamlessly blends history and fantasy. The Joseon Dynasty setting is meticulously recreated, and the attention to detail is incredible. And then you add in the zombies - or "infected", as they're called in the show - and it takes things to a whole new level. The way the characters deal with the outbreak is so well-done, and the tension and suspense just keeps building and building.
Overall, Kingdom is a must-watch for anyone who loves a good action-drama with a bit of horror thrown in. It's got great characters, an engaging story, and some truly unforgettable moments. Trust me, you won't be disappointed
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Zombies in Joseon
This was certainly different from other Korean dramas, a mesh of a political thriller and a horror zombie apocalypse.The crown prince, Lee Chang, is the central figure trying to escape from the court corruption in the midst of a zombie apocalypse. He starts out as a pampered but a well meaning prince who goes through a massive character development becoming a hero trying to save a dying nation. The story is well paced with a good amount of twists. Every character has a unique role without anyone being unnecessary. I liked that the writing did not focus on backstories and instead showed Lee Chang struggling against the zombie plague to help his people and at the same time repelling a corrupt minister trying to usurp the throne. The plot stays true to the genre, an action horror thriller, without turning it into a draggy melodrama.
The villain, a ruthless power hungry official, is a bit cookie cutter without a personality or any motivation other than power. But, the action packed and well paced plot more than made up for it.
Overall, if you don't mind gore and like zombie movies and political intrigue, this is it.
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Horror and gore, but genius plot!
KingdomA gore and shockingly scary series where some scenes left me in horror! Could not watch some scenes, but the political and environmental and historical elements did it for me. The shock of the first zombie scenes were exciting to watch, but after a while it was just too much for me. I love the main characters, and them working together. The villains were for real! The actors were amazing. Genius plot, and interesting background of the zombies that makes you want to watch more! I’m am still eagerly waiting for a third season.
I did not remember the music, even though I have rewatched this drama several times. This tells enough of what my mind thinks of the music, it was average. Background music often suspenseful.
Basically, overall the series made me want more! Especially now that a new actress will join the cast hopefully in a third season, from Ashin of the North. I say this is one of the best “zombie”- series I have ever watched, the best part is that the zombies were not the main part of the story, there were many different elements to it. And everything was connected and put together so well. Even the background of all the characters and when and how they would meet and continue the story was perfectly put together, it made sense. It is not a romance focused drama, more about politics, power, the different positions and groups in a society back then, and a zombie virus with an riveting origin and background. Still after two seasons, my curiosity is still not satisfied and I can not wait until further revelations come. I am most excited about what will happen when the actress from Ahsin of the North comes. This drama left me with many speculations and expectations and hopes that need to be fulfilled.
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Great Zombie drama
I watched Kingdom at the beginning of the COVID 19 pandemic, watching a story of a very contagious illness is pretty unnerving at the beginning of a pandemic while things are uncertain.I'm not normally into zombie dramas but I decided to give Kingdom a go because I heard good things. I enjoyed that part of the drama was working out how the zombie plague started as well as the drama of royal succession in ancient Korea. Kingdom is action filled and kept my on the edge of my seat while also having an interesting story line.
The acting seemed really good but unfortunately I watched Kingdom with the actor's voices dubbed, I found this really distracting but now I know next time I can change the settings. I thought the main actor was very handsome too. The ending gave a hint of a new season coming so I'd definitely be watching the new season if it comes out. I don't remember the music.
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Gripping politics amidst the zombie apocalypse
I avoided this drama for years since I don't like gore or scary shows, but I'm so glad I finally gave it a shot. The politics sucked me in right from the start, as did the gorgeous sets and rich atmosphere of the show. You are immediately sucked into the claustrophobic atmosphere at court between gild and etiquette and the horror of the undead.The show isn't subtle at all with its moral message of corrupt, self-serving leaders being the actual plague the country is suffering from, with the zombies only the most visible symptom of the corruption the country is suffering from. As such, most characters are starkly good or evil, and I wish there could have been more characters who left us guessing or weren't so easily defined, as I found these the most engaging characters. In this, it clearly shows there are only six episodes to the season, short even by Netflix standards, which leaves limited room for personal and interpersonal conflicts (season 2 did a better job of balancing this in my opinion.) But all the same, the characters are engaging and I found all of them interesting, even if not surprising.
I didn't find the gore as distracting or jarring as I had assumed I would, it fit in well with the pacing of the story. It was far less interesting to me than the political and social side of it, but that might just be because that's where my interest lies. Kingdom does interesting things with its zombies, though, both with the distinctive spins it puts on their powers and how cultural values shape how people respond to a familiar threat such as zombies.
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Honestly speaking, there wasn't anything special about this drama. I had no attachment to any of the characters, excluding Seobi, who was at least a decent character. There were some times where I felt intrigued as to what was going to happen next. However, it was boring and plain most of the time - you could find me yawning and paying attention to other things but this. Still, there were a lot of things in this drama that I was intrigued by, especially in the last few minutes, so I might consider watching the second season of this drama.Cet avis était-il utile?