Enjoy little things
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Un drama d'action sympathique
Même si ce drame ne restera pas "LE" drama de l'année, j'avoue avoir passé un bon moment.Et pourtant c'était mal parti ! En effet, au bout de 3 épisodes, je n'avais pas accroché : Beaucoup d'actions, peu d'histoire, j'ai donc laissé en suspens plusieurs semaines, avant de me décider à réessayer.
Et j'avoue, dès le 4ème et 5ème épisode, je suis partie pour de vrai dans l'histoire.
Ji Chang Wook est toujours aussi bon dans ce genre de rôle avec des scènes d'actions, et il sait être tout autant dur avec ses ennemis que touchant avec Im Yoon Ah.
Les rôles secondaires, surtout ceux qui naviguent au plus proche des deux rôles principaux, sont bien tenus.
Une aparté pour Song Yoon Ah, qui joue le rôle de la méchante à la perfection, ainsi que sa dualité, qui, moi, m'a touchée, et j'avais presque mal au cœur pour elle.
Les petits points négatifs : De l'action et des scènes de combat c'est bien, de l'histoire c'est bien aussi… Au bout d'un moment l'action tue l'action. Je trouve que l'histoire s'étoffe et devient intéressante bien trop tard dans les épisodes.
Un drama avec beaucoup d'actions, un peu de romance, juste de quoi passer un bon moment sans en attendre plus.
Cet avis était-il utile?
Coup de Coeur
Un de mes préféré , ce drama allie le côté intense de l'histoire, des personnages captivant (du moins pour la plupart) , une méchante avec un charisme puissant, ça bouge et les scènes d'action m'ont bluffées.L'histoire de Je-ha et ses capacités au combat rendent ce moment encore plus passionnant.
Un vrai coup de cœur.
Cet avis était-il utile?
Génial !
Ce k-drama fait parti des premiers que j’ai visionné. C’est dans ce drama que j’ai découvert Ji Chang Wook, et de tout ce que j’ai vu ensuite, je trouve vraiment que c’est la meilleure prestation dans le domaine de l’action. Voici pourquoi je l’ai tant aimé :Tout d’abord, en ce qui concerne, l’action, on est bien servi ; on ne s’ennuie jamais. De plus, on peut voir comment se passent les plans et magouilles des politiciens, les crasses qu’ils peuvent se faire entre eux, et je dois dire que c’est assez complet en terme d’informations à assimiler. Et le déroulement des évènements pour arriver à la vengeance est vraiment passionnant. Quant à la romance, elle se passe tout doucement, c’est émouvant et adorable. Biensûr, Anna est une jeune fille naïve et est assez craintive, mais c’est la façon dont Je Ha va l’approcher qui est belle.
J’ai beaucoup pleuré en voyant se drama, je suis peut-être trop fleur bleue, mais ça m’a vraiment émue, et ça m’a époustouflée. Les scènes de combat sont incroyables, l’alchimie entre les acteurs est superbe, d’ailleurs, tous les acteurs jouent bien, on ne s’ennuie pas, les musiques sont sublîmes, bref, pour moi, ce k-drama est top ! Et lorsqu’on voit comment ça a été filmé, c’est encore plus épatant !
Cet avis était-il utile?
Cette critique peut contenir des spoilers
Un drama sympa
J'ai plutôt bien aimé ce drama. J'aurai tellement aimé avoir plus de scènes avec J4 ; j'ai adoré son personnage, son charisme et sa personnalité.D'ailleurs concernant l'histoire ça reste un peu complexe à suivre, tout se mélange, tout est confus j'ai l'impression faut bien être concentré à 200% en regardant ce drama. Ca part dans tous les sens.
Les scènes d'actions sont sympa, les épisodes sont bien montés : les flashbacks de K2 arrive au bon moment. Dommage on n'a jamais su son vrai prénom et un peu plus de son passé, pourquoi l'armée etc..
Par contre, y'a un truc que j'ai ADORÉ c'est clairement la musique, y'a rien à redire c'est la perfection totale.
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Un drama qui n'a pas matché pour moi
J'ai été très surprise des avis vus sur internet sur ce drama, qui sont tous très positifs et élogieux. Alors que personnellement... je n'ai pas trouvé que le drama était un bon drama. Alors attention je ne dis pas qu'il était mauvais non plus, mais il y a tellement de choses qui ne fonctionnaient pas pour moi que je ne peux pas le qualifier en drama que j'ai apprécié.J'ai même par moment, trouvé que c'était très difficile à regarder, et ai même pensé à l'arrêter (chose que je ne fais quasiment jamais).
Alors pourquoi n'ai-je pas aimé ce drama ?
Tout d'abord, je trouve la course politique de ce drama illogique et tellement impossible que ça m'a décroché de l'histoire. Ce drama est rempli de scènes d'actions, qui sont sincèrement très bien réussies et qui donnent un rythme intéressant. Mais c'est si illogique... Les politiciens organisent littéralement des attentats pour se tuer les uns entre les autres, créent des fusillades à tout bout de champ et ça ne pose de problème à personne ? La partie réalisme a été manquée pour moi pour cette raison et ça m'a beaucoup dérangé.
D'autre part, j'y reviendrais plus tard mais les personnages... À part Choi Yoo Jin, aucun personnage n'a su gagner mon coeur ni ne sont développés et j'expliquerai pourquoi en détaillant les personnages principaux. Même les personnages secondaires, supposés apporter plus de légèreté et une part d'humour pour moi, n'ont pas marché. Je n'ai pas apprécié les acteurs/rôles secondaires que l'on voit régulièrement (Kim Gab Soo dans le rôle de Park Kwan Soo, Lee Ye Eun dans le rôle de Mi Ran ou encore Lee Jae Woo dans le rôle de Lee Sung Gyu).
Et surtout le plus gros problème pour moi est la romance. À mon sens elle n'a aucunement sa place dans ce drama. Et quand je dis aucune c'est... Vraiment aucune. Je n'ai pas trouvé d'alchimie particulière entre Wookie et Yoona d'une part, mais de plus j'ai trouvé que la romance ne collait pas au personnage principal qui n'a aucune raison de base de tomber amoureuse de Anna. Vraiment... Il tombe amoureux en un claquement de doigt et passe de mercenaire à canard en deux scènes. Aucune logique, tout comme certaines scènes de toute façon comme la scène des ramens ou la scène du premier bisou 😫.
Kim Je Ha (Ji Chang Wook)
Kim Je Ha est un ancien soldat et mercenaire, activement recherché suite à son passé. Et son passé... On ne le connait pas. Genre vraiment, on ne connait ni son vrai nom, ni son passé avant l'armée, rien... Le personnage, n'est pas développé. Et pourtant, c'est le personnage principal !
Alors au moins, on a le droit à beaucoup de scènes d'actions où on peut à la fois profiter de la jolie vue que nous accorde Wookie, et où l'on peut découvrir ses talents dans des scènes vraiment bien chorégraphiées, mais au-delà de cela, le personnage est un peu plat.
Son association avec Choi Yoo Jin est basée sur un ennemi commun : Park Kwan Soo, candidat aux présidentielles et cible de la vengeance souhaitée de Kim Je Ha. Je ne vous dirais pas pourquoi, car cela serait spoiler, mais autant vous dire que la raison de son souhait de vengeance est la seule partie de son passé que nous connaissons, et ça n'en dévoile pourtant pas tant que cela.
De plus, je trouve des incohérences dans le caractère du personnage. Prêt à tuer n'importe qui sur son passage lorsqu'il se bat, il tombe amoureux en un claquement de doigt et devient un vrai canard sans aucune personnalité... Très peu pour moi.
Comme quoi, Wookie ne peut pas tout sauver juste en étant lui, car pour le coup c'est le personnage est mal écrit.
Go Anna (Yoona)
Go Anna est la fille du politicien Jang Se Joon et de la célébrité Uhm Hye Rin, retrouvée morte chez elle il y a plus de dix ans de cela. Depuis la mort de sa mère, Anna s'est retrouvée enfermée par les soins de Choi Yoo Jin, car elle représentait une force de manipulation envers son mari.
Ce personnage est le pire défaut du drama selon moi. Rien ne va ! Pendant les sept premiers épisodes, à chaque fois que Anna est à l'écran, c'est pour pleurer. Elle parle un peu pendant le premier épisode, puis il faut attendre plusieurs épisodes avant qu'elle ne prononce à nouveau plus de deux mots ! Et une fois qu'elle est lancée et qu'elle cesse de pleurer, ce n'est que pour quelques épisodes et pour révéler une personnalité enfantine, une grande naïveté et un manque de charisme.
Alors oui vous aurez compris, j'ai détesté ce personnage. Je l'avoue, de base je ne suis pas du tout une fan de l'actrice... Mais pour le coup je ne suis pas sure que ça soit de sa faute si je n'aime pas son personnage, mais tout simplement le personnage lui-même qui est mal écrit et ne sert à rien.
Vraiment pour moi, ce personnage n'a fait que 3 choses pendant le drama : pleurer, parler de sa mère, se faire enlever.
Choi Yoo Jin (Song Yoon Ah)
Le personnage de Choi Yoo Jin est pour moi le personnage qui sauve le drama. On retrouve une femme forte avec de réelles ambitions et qui se donne les moyens pour réussir. Choi Yoo Jin est depuis toute jeune ancré dans un monde de politique et de gestion d'entreprise où elle excelle. Si les conflits familiaux sont de base très présents dans sa vie, ils prennent encore une nouvelle tournure à la mort de son père, où malgré tout le mérite qu'elle avait, ce n'est pas elle mais son demi-frère qui hérite du groupe JB.
Ce personnage est selon moi, incroyable et l'actrice a fait un travail remarquable à l'interpréter ! On ressent tellement de choses en suivant ce personnage, on ressent la souffrance qu'elle a ressentie, la jalousie qu'elle peut avoir, son ambition sans faille, mais aussi ses fragilités, ses faiblesses, ses rêves. C'est un personnage que j'aurai aimé voir encore plus et qui a su gagner mon coeur.
Un personnage complexe que j'ai adoré, mon préféré du drama !
Jang Se Joon (Jo Sung Ha)
Vous l'aurez compris Jang Se Joon est donc le père d'Anna et le mari de Choi Yoo Jin. Politicien visant le poste de Président, il se fait manipuler depuis des années par sa femme à qui il doit une majeure partie de sa popularité. Mari dont l'adultère est l'une des activités principales, il est difficile à cerner, et aujourd'hui encore je ne sais pas si j'apprécie ce personnage ou non.
Comme les autres personnages, on ne sait pas grand chose de son background à part son histoire passée avec la mère d'Anna, et encore ça reste très bref et il faut attendre les derniers épisodes avant d'en apprendre plus.
Je pense que c'est un personnage plus complexe qu'il n'y parait mais qui semble retourner sa veste à chaque épisode, d'où la difficulté pour moi à le cerner.
Malgré les points négatifs que j'ai cité, je comprend que certaines personnes apprécie ce drama. Les scènes d'actions sont pour la majorité très réussies et donnent résultat très rythmé qui donne envie de s'y plonger.
Autre point très positif pour moi, il s'agit de la musique du drama. Les différentes musiques sont très prenantes et ajoutent vraiment un charme. Dès qu'une certaine musique on sait quel type de scène va se produire, et personnellement ça a très bien marché pour moi !
En revanche comme je le disais, le gros point négatif est le manque d'approfondissement des personnages. Et l'un des points forts, soit le rythme comme je le disais, peut également devenir un point faible car au milieu du drama, ces scènes d'actions se font plus rares (pour reprendre à la fin ne vous inquiétez pas), et on en vient à trouver le drama plus lent.
Cet avis était-il utile?
The K2 is ambitious, it wants to be intriguing and captivating but too much pressure has underwhelming results. The drama is a weird combo of action, political drama and romance that doesn't really work. There are 4 main characters, all of them perfectly demonstrated and completely 3-D, each of them has a story of revenge or ambition about the future and all their stories get entangled to set the plot. The characterization is the best part of the drama.
The base story is there and it's quite well-thought-out once you get to grasp it (takes a few episodes - or more than a few), however the K2 was one of those dramas that even though you enjoy it, only drawbacks come to mind when you think of it, sadly.
The drama felt 50% superman, 30% boring political talk and no act and 20% forced romance.
Most surprising thing about this drama is that the biggest and most critical asset of it, the action scenes, ended up working against the whole thing. Ji Chang Wook was immaculate in them, it's not his fault that after 2-3 episodes my initial enthusiasm turned into yawning. It was certainly not his fault. The directing and editing is to blame here. They overplayed the scenes so much, they quickly lose their spark and interest; unnecessary slow-motion, gratuitous weird angles and more made them look overly cheesy. What's more, it quickly felt that the drama pays too much attention in CJW doing his thing than to the plot itself which made the drama feel increasingly superficial and shallow.
Furthermore, what is the korean obsession with making their male leads look like superman? As the episodes continue CJW's character felt more and more unreal. Humans have their limits, that's their charm. Striping them of that feature makes them look fake. I didn't sign up for a hero film, sorry.
Another really awkward thing is that each episode is packed with action, or scheming, plotting, romance, so many things going on, but when i stopped to think what had actually happened after the end of every episode, how the episode contributed to the overall story, i came up always with nothing. In retrospect, nothing actually had happened. Amazing isn't it? The story is there but there is no real development until the end. Dissapointing, what a letdown.
Continuing, the drama is defined by its political aspect. I'm not into political dramas, so once this part kicked in i was inevitably bored. However, I'm usually very much into scheming evil characters and backstabbing and this drama has plenty of it, but the build up to all this was lenghty and quite tiresome to watch.
Additionally, i'd like to talk about the dissapointing romance. CJW is paired with Yoona here, and while they do look good together, their romance felt thorougly forced and wasn't given adequate time to grow and develop. On the contrary CJW and Choi Yoo Na's chemistry was effortless and off the charts. I think i can safely speak on behalf of almost every viewer when i express my dissapointment in the writer's persistence to shove the former couple down our throats when the latter was there and was spotless since the very first moment.
Drawing my rant to a conclusion i'd want to talk about the misuse of Yoona (Anna) as a character. She was either running, crying screaming or taken hostage throughout the whole thing, while she barely appeared in the first half. She basically made CJW's character look like super mario trying to save his girlfriend, unrealistic and cringy.
At this point i feel inclined to mention and stress the significance of Song Yoon Ah's character who probably makes the drama worth watching on her own. Finding characters that are 3D and not carricature versions of real life people is difficult in kdramas. Here, all the character were well-created but Choi Yoo Jin was the perfect villain or more like the anti-hero. There are several layers of her character that go deep and are visible little by little. She was the perfect villain who everyone grew fond of quickly and she deserved better from start to finish. You'll love her believe me.
The acting was dazzling.
Yoona who is seemigly the weakest link of the main cast was way better than expected. She suited the character perfectly and was completely satisfying in her every scene even though severely misused.
Ji Chang Wook executed his action scenes spotlessly, and to be honest that was his character's main goal. I have nothing else to add, he was manly and a worthy main lead, but he deserves better as an actor.
Jo Sung Ha was also spectacular in his twisted role, but the real queen of the drama was Song Yoon Ah, hands down. Her character was disturbed, easy to misunderstand, but she made us all care for her and see beyond her evil mask. Loved her completely. Star quality actor.
Overall, the drama wasn't bad, it is one of those dramas that blow up in the beginning but never come up with the goods. It was enjoyable for the most part (let's exclude the boring political talk), and entertaining. If you are into hot guys playing superman in fight scenes, like evil characters scheming and double-crossing as well as some kind of romance in the sidetracks, do give this a chance. Having low expectations will surely result in higher pleasure. My 8 is kind of a stretch, consider this a 7.5 + 0.5 for the perfect poetic ending! I will never rewatch this.
Cet avis était-il utile?
An objectively bad guilty pleasure drama that’s perfect for a cosy weekend watch
I'm perfectly well aware of the fact that I've given this show a much higher rating than it deserves. However, as it happens sometimes, this is one of those reviews that are based solely on personal enjoyment rather than merit.You see, K2 is like this beautiful vase; it has intricately exotic designs on the outside but its inside is completely hollow and littered with cobwebs. Now, it's up to you whether you want to put it on a shelf and admire its surface beauty or you want to break it into a billion pieces and consequently end up being utterly disappointed by its stark reality. If you're a person who can momentarily cast aside rationale in the face of glitz and glamour, K2 and you would get along just fine but the moment you stop, tilt your head to the side and think; "wait a minute" all possibilities of friendship are out the door.
K2 is almost reckless in its execution, as if it reached a point where logic just didn't matter anymore. It took blatantly unrealistic happenings, a gigantic cluster of plotholes and downright ridiculous notions and attempted to create a story out of them. It's almost like the creators are poking fun at the audience as if they were idiots blanketed in foolish naivete. Events transpire without any build up, there is little to no attention to detail and honestly, it's a huge fast-paced mess.
This drama is like an arrogant brat who does whatever the fuck it wants, confident that it would be successful, still.
A woman in Iraq who's completely covered in a gown and headscarf at all times, without any second thought decides to cast aside her veil and liplock with her hero just because he suggested they should marry. The same woman is somehow extremely fluent in Korean language (even though she has lived all her life in Iraq) and Korean pop culture (even though she's in the middle of nowhere) and conveniently is killed to produce a motive for our male lead to enter the action.
A girl who's had extreme Sociophobia all her life, is suddenly very confidently striking poses with groups of people in the next second. A man who essentially hates power hungry murderers is shown to sympathize with a woman who is exactly that, if not more. There are so many handy plot devices just waiting to pop out from all sides at the very last moment in order to somehow save and prolong the show and it's all quite satirical.
But ofcourse, the smartarse that K2 is; it's completely in the know of all of its flaws and has the audacity to give justifications. The woman could speak Korean so well because she had been taught to be a translator. The girl never had Sociophobia, she just pretended because she didn't want to interact with people. The man didn't feel anything for the murderer, nope, that was just means to an end. And so, K2 commits many crimes and yet, makes sure to cover all the evidence.
The flow of the story, with all of its nonsensical and out of the blue events, is stroppy at best. Many things are left unanswered and this is the kind of production that will have you shake your head with amused exasperation at every second of its antics.
However, despite all this, for me this was a classic case of "it's so bad that it's good" and I somehow ended up thoroughly enjoying myself.
Jee Chang Wook has proved his excellent acting skills numerous of times and here too, he delivered impeccably. Unfortunately for him, he wasn't given much substance to deliver in the first place. His character is unbelievably overpowered, able to survive situations where even a super human ninja would've been obliterated. He has a butter heart, a hero complex and is very motivated to save the world one distressed damsel at a time. Combine that with JCW's natural mixture of masculinity and boyish arrogance and you get a specimen that is too good to be true. And when things are too good to be true, they mostly take a turn for the worse.
It's painfully obvious that the show is highly monetizing on his looks and name; for most of the show is him being either shirtless, flaunting his abs or doing something similarly badass to establish his "coolness". So if you're here to judge JCW's acting this is the last drama you should go to.
As far as I am concerned though, I really didn't care either way. For me, simply watching him is a pleasure, he's my ultimate bias killer and hey, if the producers want to shove mindless fanservice (involving him) down my throat, I ain't complaining.
Yoona turned out to be a pleasant surprise. She's built to play the helpless heroine who always needs saving, who trusts way too easily, cries even easier and basically creates hindrances for everyone around her. The show really tried to suppress her in every possibly way, they didn't give her character a single moment to shine and did everything they could to make her appear helpless and pathetic. However, somehow Yoona managed to turn the tables. Instead of pity, Anna garners sympathy and I would be lying if I said I wasn't rooting for her. There's an intelligence in her eyes that no matter how much of a putz she was portrayed to be, she still succeeded in speaking with the viewers and maintaining a likable character throughout.
And now comes Song Yoon ah- the heart and soul of the show. What an absolutely brilliant actress. She's one of the best k-drama antagonists; utterly ruthless and cruel and yet harboring deep vulnerabilities. She's a viciously dangerous woman and yet, pitiful at times. She's the most layered character of the show and even though she insists upon it, it's almost impossible to truly hate her.
As far as the romance is concerned, even though it's rushed and underdeveloped, there's no denying that Ji- Chang Wook can create chemistry with a garbage bag, if you let him. And if I'm being completely honest, I enjoyed the lovey dovey bits to the fullest. (Aww-ing and Ooh-ing was involved.)
So finally the question arises: If K2 on the whole, has so many shortcomings, why give it an 8.5 rating? Well, in answer to that I'll say, that I just had too much fun watching it. Plain and simple. For me, it was unadulterated amusement- sometimes at its ridiculousness and sometimes at its unabashed negligence. I anticipated every episode and was fully immersed from start to finish.
The K2 is like greasy junk food, you know it can't possibly amount to anything good but you still can't help devouring. With brilliant action scenes, beautiful visuals, entrancing music and a gorgeous cast that actually knows how to act, it is the perfect cheat meal.
Hate it or love it, you'd still end up watching it to the last episode and as far as the drama is concerned- that's a mission well accomplished.
A delectable guilty pleasure, so why not indulge?
Cet avis était-il utile?
A modern re-interpretaion of Snow White, this show could have been so amazing with some tight editing and a female lead chosen for her acting rather than her fan base. Yoona was terrible, the action was too emphasised, the real female lead was sidelined in lieu of an awful romance cliche and in the end it was a giant mess.
The biggest positive was the acting of some of the cast, especially Ji Chang Wook (the Huntsmen) and Song Yun Ah (the Evil Queen). Their performances were exceptional and their chemistry was off the charts. If the show had concentrated on that dynamic rather than shoehorning in the world's most boring romance with Snow White, this show would have been significantly better. The action scenes were brilliantly choreographed but in the end too pervasive.
Basically, when this show was channelling its fairy tale source material it was borderline genius. The rest of the time it was just terrible - nothing borderline about it.
Cet avis était-il utile?
The very first episode is at best, laughable, but at worst, unbelievably arrogant of the writers. We are supposed to buy that rich Korean conglomerates have that much influence and power outside of their country, in other continents and can even order around the Catholic Church and a police force in a European country?! Even Samsung doesn't have that much power! :p I was ROFL! However, I was mildly disturbed as I got to thinking. Does the average Korean who has never travelled outside of Korea really believe stuff like that? Something to ponder.
The rest of the drama doesn't get much better. It is from the same writers of Yong Pal, so even though not the train wreck that drama was, it is obvious that they were both born from the same simple and way too overconfident minds. As the story progresses, you can quickly discern the unbalanced character development. Our hero, Je Ha, should be a character with much depth and personality. Unfortunately, the writers apparently did not create him for that purpose at all. The character's sole purpose was to beat people up and to have a little love story with the main female. Poor Ji Chang Wook was totally wasted here. The whole first half of the drama, he barely has any dialogue. All he does is kick ass, kick some more ass, bleed and show his abs. The main female Anna is written so typically that she could have been plucked from any cliched K drama and just inserted into this one. She is sweet, innocent and always in distress. In fact, out of all the characters in this drama, only two show any interesting personalities, depth and growth. Those are Choi Yoo Jin and her brother. Those two characters were the only highly developed ones and I was mesmorized by both whenever they were on the screen. How much better would this drama had been had it focused solely on the schemes and manipulations of those two, instead of adding all that other crap to the mix. >_< Instead, the ending result was nothing but a big mess with an ending left with many loose ends and unexplained things.
I can't recommend this drama to anyone. Well, I take that back. I do recommend episode four. Episode four alone, though. Teehee.
Cet avis était-il utile?
- I didn't like how the story was written. Not much progress is seen in the drama. The things that is unanswered remain unanswered till the last episode. Nothing impact had been done to the bad guys till the last episode.
- I didn't like their love story, it is like sooo rushing. Suddenly a kiss scene occured. No emotional build up. The ending too! (Maybe is my personal preference XP)
- I like their acting. Especially Choi Yoo Jin (the second lead). Her acting is really really good. I really wanted to smack her at times and I feel pity at the same time.
- I like the action scenes. They really put SOOOOO much effort in the action scenes. Almost every episode their is an action scenes and all those scenes really seems very cool and real. Appreciate their effort. Maybe because they focus more on these action scenes causing the storyline to be not that fascinate.
In conclusion, to those who like to watch cool cool action dramas, you guys can have a try! :))
Cet avis était-il utile?
Cet avis était-il utile?
Some people were disappointed by the drama, I can understand. That's action, politic, and finally, romance is more a background. But, the story, about politic, was just, so interesting.
I know that my mark is high, sorry... I put a 10 everytime I feel happy all the time of the drama. So, watch other review too, I'm not objective.
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