"Baby Steps" revolves around Maruo Eiichiro, a punctual and earnest boy who has strived for straight As since elementary school. The 15-year-old high school boy stops by a tennis school to deal with his lack of exercise. There, he meets Takasaki Natsu, a beautiful, earnest girl who only has a passion for tennis.
"Baby Steps" revolves around Maruo Eiichiro, a punctual and earnest boy who has strived for straight As since elementary school. The 15-year-old high school boy stops by a tennis school to deal with his lack of exercise. There, he meets Takasaki Natsu, a beautiful, earnest girl who only has a passion for tennis.
"Baby Steps" revolves around Maruo Eiichiro, a punctual and earnest boy who has strived for straight As since elementary school. The 15-year-old high school boy stops by a tennis school to deal with his lack of exercise. There, he meets Takasaki Natsu, a beautiful, earnest girl who only has a passion for tennis.