This story follows the sweet and “overprotective” newly-wed life between Someya Yukito, a young master of an established inn in Asakusa, and Tsuruoka Io, a pure-hearted female apprentice training to be a chef. Tsuruoka was in the depths of despair until she found solace in the sweet konpeito candy given to her by Someya. Since then, she has earnestly cherished her feelings while training as a chef. Yukito’s affectionate words and actions reserved only Tsuruoka, along with his excessively cute jealousy, create an irresistibly heart-fluttering devotion with a charming gap that’s impossible to resist!
Recommandé par 73n5h1k015h173
Jin Joo is a half-Korean and half-Vietnamese girl who marries a Korean man, Kang Jun Woo, in order to come to Korea to look for her biological father who abandoned her. The drama is not only about her searching for her dad but also about the cultural differences between her and her husband's family.

There is bad blood between the two families, Kim and Kang. The rivalry is even more fueled because Jun Woo's mother used to date Young Min's father but Young Min's mother stole him away from her. Kang Sae Mi is Jun Woo's sister and Kim Young Soo is Young Min's younger brother. They want to get married but both families oppose their marriage which leads to the two young lovers running away and living together.
Recommandé par 4chukyunz1302
Leo, a young Japanese college student, travels to Hawaii and eventually falls in love with Maria, an older Japanese-Caucasion woman.
Recommandé par 73n5h1k015h173
Mika goes all the way to Seoul to see her sweetheart Hyeong Jun who's been waiting for her. She suffers faints at the airport and she mistakes Kim Gyeon as Hyeong Jun due to trauma. Kim Gyeon also ends up falling in love with her, thus disrupting the balance between the three. Their memories start intertwining, but, before long, a tragedy occurs.

Recommandé par 73n5h1k015h173
L, an angel who’s endlessly fascinated with the human world, gets into trouble when she unthinkingly saves the life of Han Shi Yeong, a man who was meant to die. To make up for her mistake she must guard him on Earth for one hundred days and keep him safe from Hwan, a death god who is required to collect his soul. Both supernatural beings must contend with the knowledge that whichever one of them fails by the end of the hundred days will be erased from existence, and the longer they stay on Earth the further their powers fade and the more human they become.
Recommandé par 73n5h1k015h173
Choi Hong is a Korean student studying in Japan. She meets Aoki Jungo, and they fall in love with each other. But, they break up due to different thoughts about love and practical problems. Five years later, Hong and Jungo meet in Korea.
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Emilia, a Filipino who arrived in Japan with aspirations of becoming a model, coincidentally encounters Matsuyama Mirai, an aspiring photographer. Their connection deepens as they find themselves drawn to each other. Mirai, intent on immortalising their moments together, diligently captures their essence through the lens of his camera. However, an unexpected parting disrupts the flow of their narrative. Subsequently, the saga of these two individuals unfolds beyond the shores of Japan, traversing the vast sea to the Philippines, where their story takes on new dimensions.
Recommandé par 73n5h1k015h173
Female Lead is a foreign in Korea, FL moves to Korea to get married and is treated nicely and helped by the main family. She is hardworking and decides to stay in Korea even when things become difficult. FL wants to learn and get a better education and aims to have her dream job someday with the support of the ML.
Recommandé par dramelu
Hanaoka Nao’s mother Yuriko is a single parent and a live-in confectioner at Kogetsuan, a traditional Japanese confectionery shop of long standing. That is how Nao meets Takatsuki Tsubaki, the 6-year-old son of the owner of Kogetsuan, and they become each other’s first loves. However, Tsubaki’s father is stabbed to death by someone. Nao’s mother is arrested as the suspect based on Tsubaki’s statement. Nao is kicked out while her mother passes away while under interrogation. Now daughter of a murder suspect and son of the victim, Nao and Tsubaki separate with ill feelings for each other. More than 15 years later, Nao and Tsubaki are reunited at a competition on Japanese confectionery. Tsubaki takes an interest in Nao’s creations and asks her to marry him at their first meeting without realising that she is his childhood friend. Nao hides her true identity and decides to get into Kogetsuan through her marriage to Tsubaki in order to prove her mother’s innocence. Little does she know that all sorts of adverse circumstances lie in wait. Despite being made sport of by cruel fate, Nao and Tsubaki are drawn to each other. What is the truth of the case 15 years ago?
Recommandé par 73n5h1k015h173
When his boss, Dae Jung, goes missing in a ship accident, the company sends Woo Joo to Osaka to finish his business. On his last day in the city, Woo Joo chases someone looking exactly like Dae Jung to Taisho, an area in Osaka. He ends up losing him, but the sound of a guitar draws Woo Joo to a small bar, Pier 34. Its owner, Snow, somehow reminds him of Dae Jung, and listening to his music brings back memories. After passing out right there, Woo Joo ends up missing his flight back to Korea. He quits his job on a whim and soon meets Haruna, who is learning how to play the guitar from Snow. Woo Joo decides to stay at Pier 34 until he finds Dae Jung and so begins an unlikely vacation for him.
Recommandé par 73n5h1k015h173
Yuki Rio, the daughter of an old, prestigious family in Kyoto with over 1,000 years of history, enters into an arranged marriage at the age of 16 with a man she’s never met. Her husband is Takamine Masatomo, a handsome CEO in the IT industry. Every year on her birthday, she would receive 50 million yen, making their relationship one based solely on money. One day, after ten years had passed with no contact, Rio decided to move to Tokyo. She asks her husband, whom she’s meeting for the first time, for a divorce. On the other hand, Takamine finds himself unexpectedly attracted to Rio and doesn’t want a divorce. Thus begins a romantic battle between a wife who wants a divorce and a husband who refuses to let her go.
Recommandé par 73n5h1k015h173
Singer Hyeon Seok develops problems with his hearing (Menieres syndrome) and has to stop his recordings. He notices a picture of Hokkaido in a magazine and decides to travel there. He eventually arrives in a a small village in Hokkaido for rest. While there, he reminisces about the old days. The owner of the inn offers him a Japanese meal. There he meets a bright cheerful girl named Megumi.
Recommandé par 73n5h1k015h173
Both movie about immigrants in foreign country. How hard they work, their life in foreign land (Japan) not always smooth. Their romance, and love life.
Recommandé par 4chukyunz1302
A drama about young adults and the importance of text messaging on their love lives. In the drama, Han Seung Ho is a Korean foreign student who moves in with, Miu, his friend. Han Seung Ho wants to send a message to his first love in Japanese, but because his Japanese is weak, he enlists the help of Miu to write the texts. Through this relationship, the two end up in love.
Recommandé par 73n5h1k015h173
Both drama about immigrants in foreign country. How hard they work, their life in foreign land (Japan) not always smooth. Their romance, and love life.
Recommandé par 4chukyunz1302
Golden Bride (2007) poster



  • Score: 7.4 (marqué par 611 utilisateurs)
  • Classé: #6865
  • Popularité: #6159
  • Téléspectateurs: 1,819

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