
  • Dernière connexion: Il y a 6 heures
  • Genre: Femme
  • Lieu: hell
  • Contribution Points: 221 LV3
  • Anniversaire: March 30
  • Rôles: VIP
  • Date d'inscription: février 7, 2013
  • Awards Received: Finger Heart Award177 Flower Award445 Coin Gift Award114
After Sundown thai drama review
After Sundown
26 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
by Kate Flower Award1
avril 11, 2024
Complété 13
Globalement 3.0
Histoire 2.0
Jeu d'acteur/Casting 6.5
Musique 2.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 4.0

No logic, no cohesiveness, no brain… and I have no self respect for watching this.

When watching this movie, every new revelation made me ask one simple question “why?” - everything about the characters, their relationship and plot progression was so unnatural all I could do was laugh about the piling up cliches.

Alpha male with a soft heart and an innocent kid with a warm nature will give you a second hand embarrassment with every little ridiculous interaction and painful dialogues. Who needs decent writing when you can just throw poorly executed cliches at your audience?

And the ending? I don’t think I would manage to write something similar even on crack. What happened? How high were the characters? How high was the writer? It took me 30 minutes to finish the last 10 minutes. I kept pausing because my brain could not take this level of prolonged idiocy.

Acting wise… I think it’s time for me to leave the delulu land and admit Zee is not really a good actor, he is just good at delivering heart eyes. It truly pains me to say, since I basically wrote an essay about how amazing of an actor with great potential he has 4 years ago. On the other hand NuNew did quite well trying to deliver good performance even though the script made it an impossible task.

Overall, I regret watching it alone. I think this is a perfect title to group watch and joke about all the stuff that makes no sense. The movie truly invites you to rant your heart out.
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