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Something in My Room thai drama review
Something in My Room
7 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
by madego
mars 24, 2022
10 épisodes vus sur 10
Globalement 9.5
Histoire 9.0
Jeu d'acteur/Casting 9.5
Musique 9.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 10.0


I was not prepared for this. It's that simple. What I assumed would be a light comedy with some pulling at the heartstrings had me mulling over life, death and the hereafter. "Something in My Room" is so chock full of life lessons - love, family, selfishness, regret, mortality and marvel. And the people behind this wonderful series just take it all the way to the end. Okay, so here comes the inevitable comparisons to "He's Coming to Me" and "Peach of Time", both of them dealing with similar themes - boy meets ghost, boy and ghost forge a relationship, boy helps ghost find the missing pieces of his saga so that he can move on. All three are actually very good, but "Something in My Room" has a little something extra.

Let me start with the performances. Supanut - it actually pains me now to say that I really didn't have high expectations where he's concerned. The only previous performance of his I'm aware of is his turn in "Oxygen", and to call that performance wooden would be an insult to wood, TBH. I did, however, like the song from "Oxygen" and that led me to his YouTube channel. The Supanut of YouTube was completely different to what I'd anticipated after slogging through "Oxygen" - here's a guy with a sense of humour who takes his work very seriously without all the posturing, etc. He comes across as a real good guy, and clearly the director and the casting director saw something in him that was just right for "Phob". Nut is perfectly cast, does a wonderful job and I, for one, cannot wait to see what comes along next for him. Then there's Plan who plays "Phat". I really couldn't ask for more - he gives such a wonderfully honest and elegant performance that I couldn't imagine "Phat" being played by any other actor. The entire cast is really good, but I have to mention Green who shows up for a rather short arc following the relationship between "Phob" and "Ben" - a guy he briefly dated in Uni. Wow. What a performance...short but excellent.

Finally, let me talk about the director - Tee Bundit Sintanaparadee - whose previous work includes "TharnType" and "Lovely Writer". His work just keeps on getting better and better and better. J'adore. With little left to say except to shout out the writers for their beautiful work, musical director and (I have to include) the costumer who dressed the most stylish ghost in the history of ever. Job well done everybody.

P.S. There are two versions out there - the 45 minute episode version and the 1 hour plus version. I only watched both versions one episode of the series and the difference was stark. Do yourself a favour and try to catch the longer version. There's so much more that you're missing. That's all.
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