
  • Dernière connexion: Il y a 1 heure
  • Genre: Femme
  • Lieu: United states
  • Contribution Points: 0 LV0
  • Rôles:
  • Date d'inscription: octobre 13, 2018

My first dramas were Meteor Garden (2001) and Strawberry on the Shortcake (2001), so I've been a drama fan for 20+ years. Princess Hours (2006) and Full House (2004) were the series that got me hooked on Kdramas... and Scarlet Heart (2011) was my introduction to mainland Cdramas. These days I'm really interested in wuxia and xianxia dramas, but my watchlist is alllll over the place.

Currently: wheezing with laughter while watching The Starry Love!

ฅ՞•ﻌ•՞ฅ   Feel free to add me! I love meeting others who love these shows.

My rating rubric (X out of 45 possible total points):

Romance QualityPerfect chemistry, satisfying developmentAcceptable together but some chemistry issuesForced relationship or toxic dynamics
ComedyConsistently funnyHit-or-miss jokesCringe-worthy
Plot/IntrigueComplex, well-craftedBasic with some unique elementsPredictable, plot holes
SoundtrackMemorable, enhances scenesAdequate, some standoutsForgettable or just bad
World-BuildingRich, detailed universeBasic with interesting elementsPoorly explained, inconsistent
Visuals/CostumeStunning, detailedNot bad but nothing to write home aboutMeh
Binge FactorI stayed up way too late for "one more ep"Watchable with breaksStruggled to finish
ActingNuanced, excellent rangeCompetent, some stiff momentsWooden or overacting
ConflictCreative, well-resolvedStandard conflictsFrustrating, recycled

🤓Then the star-rating gets based on the percentage: 

1.0-4.0 ⭐ I hated it and probably DNF'd it before rating, if I rated.
5.0-5.5 ⭐ OK, lots of flaws that can't be ignored
6.0-6.5 ⭐ almost good enough to ignore some flaws
7.0-7.5 ⭐ I liked it enough to ignore the flaws
8.0-8.5 ⭐ I really liked it, but it won't linger with me long afterward
9.0-9.5 ⭐ I loved it, I'll be thinking about it for a while but it wasn't perfect and I likely won't rewatch it
10.0 🌠 PERFECTION, might rewatch one day if I find the time


49d 23h 29m
1,250 épisodes, 86 séries
1d 0h 47m
films 13

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