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The School Nurse Files korean drama review
The School Nurse Files
94 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
by laurel
sept. 25, 2020
6 épisodes vus sur 6
Globalement 9.5
Histoire 9.5
Jeu d'acteur/Casting 9.5
Musique 9.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 10.0

A unique but strange watch.

The whole storyline is quite odd, but it works so well. There is pretty much a different mystery every episode so it doesn't get boring. I honestly think I loved every character. The first episode is very strange and had me wondering if I should continue it, but I feel if you enjoy the oddness of it, you will enjoy all of the storyline.

It truly is something I haven't seen yet in a kdrama. The effects are very high quality and well done, truly amazing to see and can't imagine the work that was put in. The effects are very cutesy at some points looking like little pets or candies, and at other points quite scary fitting the ghost/horror vibe. The story is very cute and humorous with some darker tones. It has so many aspects that I enjoy in a show.

It has only 6 episodes so I found myself thinking "there doesn't seem to be enough time to finish the story well enough" but it wrapped up nicely. I do wish it was longer but I feel satisfied with how the story progressed. However I also feel there could be more added on eventually in a new season if they wanted.

At some points a noticed a few plot holes or points that were missing and I was left thinking "wait what happened?" but I eventually figured it out. I do think rewatching it will give me some clarity on parts I may have just missed. All in all didn't have many issues and kept me focused, I didn't skip every 10 seconds like I do with some dramas.

The main leads were lovely, seeing Nam Joo-hyuk in this he seemed way older than other dramas I've seen of his. He fit the teacher role surprisingly well. Jung Yu-mi was very charismatic and she fit the odd-strange school nurse so well. At some points I cringed over how odd the character behaved but it just shows how well she acted because it's exactly what was intended.

Finally to close this off, I do think it's worth watching, the story has many different elements and can make you laugh or cry. I even found myself crying and that's rare for me! The strangeness was so new and fun to see. It's a cute watch that it is truly unique and honestly a breath of fresh air that I felt I needed from dramas.
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