
  • Dernière connexion: il y a 57 minutes
  • Genre: Femme
  • Lieu: ➳ ➳ ➳ ♡
  • Contribution Points: 26 LV1
  • Anniversaire: January 03
  • Rôles:
  • Date d'inscription: avril 15, 2022
  • Awards Received: Finger Heart Award1 Flower Award1


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Both FLs fake their kidnappings, talking to the ML over the phone, in order to get out of the marriage. Both FLs are selectively mute.
Recommandé par emeraldarrows - Il y a 3 jours
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Both FLs fake their kidnappings, talking to the ML over the phone, in order to get out of the marriage. Both FLs are selectively mute and work as sign language interpreters.
Recommandé par emeraldarrows - Il y a 3 jours
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Both MLs are falsely accused of murder and sentenced to death, with a small number of people working to prove his innocence.
Recommandé par emeraldarrows - Il y a 6 jours
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Both MLs are falsely accused of murder with the verdict rushed through by a crooked lawmaker. In both a police detective starts out antagonistic toward the ML and then begins to suspect he's innocent.
Recommandé par emeraldarrows - Il y a 6 jours
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Both are mini dramas that appear to be censored BL with excellent chemistry between the MLs, one of whom has a secret identity.
Recommandé par emeraldarrows - Il y a 6 jours
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Recommandé par emeraldarrows - Il y a 10 jours
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Both are historical dramas in which the leads have a difficult relationship due to the power struggles of the court and their countries. Halfway through both dramas one of the leads jumps off a cliff and is presumed dead by the other and the plots sort of "reset" with a change in location and costumes. Both have Song Wei Long as the ML.
Recommandé par emeraldarrows - Il y a 11 jours
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Both involve superpowers that are inherited by members of a family, and a ML who falls into depression and isolation after experiencing a painful loss.
Recommandé par emeraldarrows - Il y a 12 jours
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Both MLs have superpowers that cause them personal issues and heartbreak, and a fated destiny with the FL.
Recommandé par emeraldarrows - Il y a 12 jours
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Both are mini dramas in which the modern day FL time travels to the past and is married to a group of princes.
Recommandé par emeraldarrows - Il y a 14 jours
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Both are mini dramas in which the FL is married to a group of princes.
Recommandé par emeraldarrows - Il y a 14 jours
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Both have a very similar plot - the main couple marries, ML is distant, FL wants a divorce and fakes her kidnapping to try to leave the marriage.
Recommandé par emeraldarrows - Il y a 14 jours