
  • Dernière connexion: avril 27, 2019
  • Genre: Femme
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  • Contribution Points: 0 LV0
  • Anniversaire: November 13
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  • Date d'inscription: janvier 14, 2016
Go Ho's Starry Night
60 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
par Audrie
oct. 19, 2016
20 épisodes vus sur 20
Complété 0
Globalement 8.5
Histoire 9.0
Acting/Cast 8.5
Musique 10
Degrés de Re-visionnage 9.0
Daebak! Woooo this drama is one of the best dramas I've watched for many reasons! If you're looking for a light rom-com drama that does not drag on- with characters that don't make you cringe or annoyed you should seriously watch this!

Basically this drama is about a women who works at an advertising company as she enters a crossfire of various love interests including her ex-boyfriend. Despite this, it's a hilarious comedy that looks into how she copes with her work and personal life.

The Good
Can I give a huge hug to the writers for not dragging on this drama at all compared to like 99.99% of the other dramas i watched?? Like damn, considering the 20 episodes- one wouldve thought that 'oh no... there must be some dragging on going around' but don't be deceived! Each episode is around 20 min; hence the reason why there are 20 episodes, but there is never a dull moment!

I seriously loved the storyline as everything gets resolved at the end and the main character isn't as annoying as other female leads. The actors and actresses were spot on! I loved their chemistry and their acting as they got along pretty well and portrayed their character well!

The music was fun and light and all the tracks were enjoyable!

The Bad
There's not much to say about the bad- but imho, i think that whenever there was a 'sick' scene where someone is coughing or sneezing- it was very obviously fake and not well done. I would prefer if they could somehow made the sneezing and coughing scenes not as forceful.

Overall? This drama really is good since it's light and not as melodramatic. If you want something to pass time with or something that doesnt make your brain hurt too much, i seriously recommend this drama!

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Cet avis était-il utile?
Cheo Yong 2
9 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
par Audrie
janv. 29, 2016
10 épisodes vus sur 10
Complété 2
Globalement 8.5
Histoire 8.5
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musique 10
Degrés de Re-visionnage 8.5
As it has been said, Season 2 was fantastically better than the first season in several ways! How? To list a few off the bat it had: 1) More mysteries 2) Less Filler-like episodes and 3) Great pacing and never a dull moment!

I totally prefer this season compared to the previous since this time; the mysteries are much more intense and interesting compared to the ones from last season. Every episode is a thriller- making you wonder who was murdered and what happened to them! To start off with; the first episode had me hooked just like the first season which was awesome. The pacing was great and never a dull moment!

The difference is that compared to the 1st season, the ghosts that are shown were not really revengeful 'I-will-kill-my-murderer-and-everyone' like, but rather- 'I'll-stay-silent-so-just-untruth-my-murder' kind of ghosts, therefore it wasn't as horror-based but rather mystery-based.

Compared to last season, there was less noticeable filler-like scenes. If you watched the first season; you would probably know what I'm talking about. If not; in a nutshell- the filler like scenes that were more noticeable in the 1st season included long scenes of Na Yeong (the ghost) possessing her best friend Sun Woo to go out eating and go shopping or just to play around and get out of the police station. It seemed that those scenes took forever and resulting in me getting bored easily.

Thank goodness there were less scenes of that in the 2nd season; of course Na Yeong still possessed the female lead (Ha Yoon) but it seemed that she possessed her more so that the cases could be solved faster or as if she was trying to retrieve the evidence since she knew where to look (courtesy of her stalking the murderers)

Most of the cast were from the previous season which I loved since they were all the best! (Too bad I didn't like Cheo Young's (played by Oh Ji Ho) hairstyle)... I still love Na Yeong (Jeon Hyo Seong) the best; her innocent yet trickster personality and funny scenes were a comic relief for me. The female cop lead this time Ha Yoon (played by Ha Yun Joo) was awesome- i would totally prefer her compared to the last female cop lead.

The reason why? It's because she's useful. Don't get me wrong, Sun Woo (1st season) was great, but I find that she didn't have the drive or skills to solve cases on her own. Ha Yoon is naturally smart and had great analytical skills so she was able to keep up and plus Na Yeong's possessing, they managed to solve cases quite quickly!

Na Yeong is an absolute gem in this season- since she wasn't bounded to the police station; she finally managed to use her ghost/invisible presence to her advantage and eavesdrop on people; gaining important information and teaming up with Cheo Yeong! I seriously love the two's interactions despite having zilch romance between them (unless you squint really hard)

*Special mention! I LOVED how the directors casted like 5 actors from Vampire Prosecutor as a cameo appearance! I watched that drama and when I saw them, I was ecstatic!! Even the main from Dr. Frost appeared as a supporting character and I loved that all these actors/actresses partook some sort of mystery drama prior to this one/ or had experience in the mystery department!

A perfect 10 in my case. I LOVED the music in the drama; from its instrumental soundtracks to actual songs; all of them were the best and I have them saved and downloaded! All I could think of during the first few episodes were that 'Man, the music sounds fantastic in this drama!'

Rewatch Value
I would definitely rewatch this! First season? Not so much but second season is a must for me.

There were some unsolved mysteries from the first season that the directors didn't seem to mention at all or hardly mentioned.

For example: What happened to Sun Woo? (Na Yeong's best friend). Sun woo knew the existence of her best friend's ghost, but no one mentioned her during the 2nd season. From what I know, Na Yeong is best friends with Sun Woo so why didn't even she mention her?

Or, what happened with Na Yeong? How did she become a bit stronger and does everyone just now accept her presence? Well these aren't a major plot-hole/mystery but I did often find myself thinking about this since the ending didnt address my curiosity. I only hope they make a season 3!!

Nevertheless, please give this drama a watch! 10 episodes is quite short so you have nothing to lose!

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Cet avis était-il utile?
5 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
par Audrie
janv. 14, 2016
20 épisodes vus sur 20
Complété 0
Globalement 9.0
Histoire 8.5
Acting/Cast 8.5
Musique 9.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 9.0
What can you do when a disaster strikes and you're running out of time and resources? This drama is jam-packed with challenges people face when a natural disaster strikes and have to overcome these problems with limited resources while fighting people who are trying to bring you down.

Story: It was rare; finding this drama that focused on the event of a natural disaster and the challenges people face; especially in the medical field. Each episode left me with the 'anxiety; on the edge of my seat' feeling as problems pile on-top of each other. With the addition of a a corrupted hospital; it seemed that it would take forever for everything to be settled, but that was the fun of this drama. What i loved about this drama was that it was somewhat realistic as it showed the harsh reality of the after-effects of a disaster. It made me sympathize with the situation and understanding of the actions some of the characters chose. Although there were romance, it wasn't the main genre that was heavily focused on; which i was fine with surprisingly as I am a person who values romance the most.

Acting: The cast was fantastic! The directing, writing, graphics, etc were done beautifully as well. Both the main characters had an amazing chemistry and worked well together as you could tell from the start of the drama. Although some characters were not portrayed as nicely as I had hoped; it wasn't a major issue . I hope I can see the two main leads work together on another drama.

Music: The instrumentals are amazing; although repetitive, I was fine with it as the music was beautiful and appropriate at times. Downloaded one of the tracks within the first episode!

Rewatch: Although I would probably not rewatch some of the episodes as I find that there were several parts that seemed a bit draggy, some episodes are worth the rewatch as it shows the growth of the characters.

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Thumping Spike
4 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
par Audrie
oct. 19, 2016
20 épisodes vus sur 20
Complété 0
Globalement 8.0
Histoire 8.0
Acting/Cast 8.5
Musique 8.5
Degrés de Re-visionnage 8.0
wooooot! Well this is rare- a 20 episode drama usually makes me wary since a seasoned veteran knows that a long drama= a lot of plot dragging; however I was pleasantly surprised to find out that episode episode averages a 15 min which is the reason for a slightly longer drama!

I was happy to find that this drama wasn't your typical melodramatic twisted love story with dozens of plott wists thrown in as this drama stays true to its light cheerful genre which made this quite entertaining to watch!

The Good
It kind of reminded me of the drama Sassy Go Go since it involves students needing to work together as a team. It started off with the usual girl who was forced to do something she doesnt want to do, and tried to be distant- however warms up to everyone. It's not the best drama ever since it does have its flaws- however i enjoyed how the topic of teamwork is addressed as you have to work together in order to accomplish your goals. I loved the relationship between each team players and how they mature and learn to work with one another and improve themselves.

I seriously loved all of the actors and actresses as they fit their role perfectly! I especially loved the chemistry between the main leads as they were cute! Soo bin and Representative Kim- oh how much I hate your characters so much in the beginning- but ohh how I love how you two (mostly) redeemed yourselves at the ending. But seriously- props to them for making me hate their characters so much at the beginning since it shows that they did such a good job portraying their characters!

The Bad
Overall there wasn't much to complain about- I know that some people are disappointed that the female lead didn't even seem like a good volleyball player- but i hope they realize that it's a drama, and that of course it wouldnt be realistic. One thing I noticed that stood out at me was the acting- at times it was over-exaggerated and at times it made me sigh as their facial expression was clearly fake or over-exaggerated. I also was non too pleased at how Soo Bin's character was quite shallow as she was portrayed as a psychotic childhood friend that loves the male lead so much- although I did love her at the end since her personality is quite crazy at times.

One other thing that stood out at me was the relationship between Se Ra and Jae Woong. Since this is a sports focused drama- the romance was minimal so don't worry if you think that romance will be the main theme.They're cute together without a doubt- however they're romance had suddenly popped up overnight- and it made me skeptical as their romance seemed a bit too rushed for my liking.

Overall? If you're looking for a light hearted drama to pass time- I recommend this drama! Along with Go Ho's Starry Night as I found that they were similar in terms of being a drama that is good if you don't want something too heavy!

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Hello Monster
4 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
par Audrie
janv. 25, 2016
16 épisodes vus sur 16
Complété 0
Globalement 9.0
Histoire 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musique 9.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 9.0
If you asked me for a crime-based/thriller drama with romance on the side; this is easily one of the few I would immediately suggest!

The plot is fairly simple; a genius criminal profiler teams up with a female badass cop in order to solve crimes together. The story is somewhat common so when I first picked up this drama, I wasn't expecting too much since I've seen quite a few crime-based drama which did not exceed my expectations. Why? Because I am a huge fan of crime-based series.

This drama started off with a Sherlock vibe and a mystery which was to be expected- hooking me right away. This story really makes us wonder, How do we define monsters in our society and whether are monsters born that way or did our society create them. The plotline was suspenseful as the mysteries from their past are brought up which leads to a web of more mysteries.

Although this drama didn't have too much violence shown compared to other series, the one thing that stood out the most to me was the fact that this drama incorporated a psychological like aspect to it, as it makes you question society's morals and views on 'monsters'. The drama was paced well without any boring parts or major plotholes; however I would say that the ending could be improved on since it didn't give me a huge sense of closure.

The acting in this drama was superb; how Seo In Guk managed to convey his pain and emotions so easily made me fall in love with his character. The kid actors in this drama deserve an award as well since they portrayed their sadness and agony so well that it made me cry for them and their situation.

Jang Na Ra who played the female lead was amazing; I've seen her in several other dramas and she always had the same soft easy-going character, so when I saw that her role in this was completely different- I was excited! She portrayed her character amazingly as I loved how she was able to stand up for herself! Her chemistry with In Guk was amazing as well! Although she is older than him by a few years, I think their chemistry together was really cute!

Another actor I want to mention is Park Bo Gum (Jung Seon Ho). His acting and portrayal of a 'monster' character was beautifully done as it really makes you wonder and realize that 'monsters' or psychopaths you would call them really do not understand their actions.

The music was really enjoyable; as it reminds you easily of a Sherlock vibe. It really gave you a mysterious detective kind of feeling and the other soundtracks were equally enjoyable!

This deserves a rewatch! Especially when you are able to rewatch it, you might be able to pick up on new details you may have missed before!

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Code Blue
3 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
par Audrie
janv. 14, 2016
11 épisodes vus sur 11
Complété 0
Globalement 9.0
Histoire 10
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musique 10
Degrés de Re-visionnage 9.5
Code Blue is an underrated Jdrama that deserves more attention. Why? This is one of the rare dramas that combine both medical aspects and reality together in a way that leaves you feeling as if you were a part of the medical team as well.

Story: This drama is all about medicine and the situations hospitals and staff face, and although this drama is not one that leaves you on the edge of your seat with the end of each episode, the story is paced well that makes you intrigued; wondering the possibilities that lie with every new episode and what new challenges are faced. The reality aspect I found in this drama was the fact that the challenges each individual and team faced are easily understood by the audience as we are easily able to sympathize with them.

Acting: The acting was beautifully done- although you could tell that just some actors/actresses may not be the best; their characters mature and grow more in-depth that will make you sympathize and feel as if you knew them personally.

Music: The music was skillfully picked- although the tracks were limited to a certain number of songs, it was appropriate and it sounded amazing. Downloaded several of the tracks myself.

Rewatch: I would definitely rewatch both seasons, as I truly enjoyed this drama, as it is one of the rare dramas that focuses only on the medical aspect, staying true to the end.

*Genres: Medical: 100% heavily focused on; medical dramas lovers approved.
Romance: Unless you squint very hard and tilt your head a bit, perhaps you may be able to see some romance developing, however instead of the lover romance; I found that family romance in the individual stories of the patients and actors were slightly more prominent.

Conclusion? Give this series a try- it would be worth it as it is only 11 episodes for each season- therefore it doesn't drag on at all and you won't feel as if you wasted your time!

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Marriage Contract
3 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
par Audrie
oct. 4, 2016
16 épisodes vus sur 16
Complété 0
Globalement 8.5
Histoire 8.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musique 10
Degrés de Re-visionnage 8.0
Even though this is the stereotypical case of an arrogant rich chaebol heir falling in love with the overworked kindhearted and super poor girl and the cliche plot-line of the two needing each other and having to stick with one another, something about this drama entrances you and just makes you want to watch even more.

It's nothing new- boy meets girl, and slowly falls in love with her when he needs to stay with her despite hardships. This drama is about daily things that happen in your life, whether you're meeting up with a friend or just going to work and taking care of a kid. However these small daily things make up the drama entirely as it depicts the lives of these two dysfunctional people trying their best to live each day.

You might think that this drama is boring since its quite simple, but what really hooked me with this drama is the emotions expressed. The pain of having to live alone and push everyone you love away in order for them to be happy no matter how much suffering you have to go through is terrible, and Uee did a great job portraying these emotions.

Some people may think this drama is boring and nothing really interesting happens, however this drama is not about sudden events like car crashes or revenges; but this drama focuses on the emotional aspects and the relationships between families. No matter whether you're related by blood or not- the friendships and relationships you form are the important ones.

A lot of people seem to hate Uee's acting since it's 2-dimensional and that she's just reading her script- however I found her acting to be realistic. This is my first time seeing her act, and I think she did a wonderful job portraying as Hye Soo; someone who continually has to suffer despite her trying to live a good life. I would like to applause her acting especially when she's suffering in some of the scenes as she made it very realistic.

It also seems that Lee Seo Joon who played Ji Hoon was getting a lot of hate due to the fact that he looked much older than the female lead- and honestly, I think that notion should go to the trash. Yes, he's a few years older- but I think he did a magnificent job at portraying Ji Hoon! Sure he's not the most handsome actor out there, but looks are not the most important thing- it's acting and his chemistry with Hye Soo was endearing as you can seriously tell that he loved her and has shown that he is willing to do anything to help her.

Special mention of Cha EUn Sung (her daughter). She is such a sweetheart, and of course like all children- her attitude was quite annoying in the beginning since she acted like such a spoiled brat, but it's all forgiven since she's just so adorable and such a great child actress, especially as her character becomes more understandable as she's just a child that's scared of losing the person that means the world to her.

I thanked the heavens that this drama didn't reuse the same 5 songs over and over again. The playlist had an exceptional list of instrumental music that I fell in love with as it truly beautiful. The songs with actual singing were pretty good as well as it was totally was the mood-setter.

The Bad
I didn't find much to not like about this drama, although people might think that this drama is too slow and nothing interesting is happening, however I liked the simple small things that happen. I didn't expect any craziness, since like I said- this drama is more about the relationships between family.

You might think it's a bit slow in the beginning, but it becomes much more emotional later on the episodes and then you will wish that everything was back to light and fluffy like the beginning.

I recommend this drama to anyone who's looking for a family melodramatic drama. Of course, it's not the best drama I've seen but this drama will surely touch your heart and you can't help but feel for all the characters.

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Vampire Prosecutor 2
3 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
par Audrie
janv. 25, 2016
11 épisodes vus sur 11
Complété 0
Globalement 8.5
Histoire 8.5
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musique 9.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 8.5
I have mixed feelings for this season; don't get me wrong though since I enjoyed this drama quite a lot and deserves a watch! There are pros and cons to both seasons, however I think I would prefer the first season overall.

Story/ Cast
Vampire Prosecutor 2 stays true to its plot, as the storyline follows Prosecutor Min and using his abilities to solve murders. What's different about this season however is that this season more-so focuses on vampires and the past/history of them. Of course there are still crimes that are solved using Prosecutor Min's abilities but I found that it wasn't as prominent as last season as it focuses more on the fights and mysteries behind the vampires

Trust me when I say that I am a huge fan of romance in any drama, therefore I was happy that this genre was more evident in this season; however it was a displeasure to see that the romance sometimes backfired and made scenes cringe-worthy in my opinion. Compared to the first season where you had to squint to see the romance, you didn't need to even watch the scenes to see the romance in the air- and the reason why I say it backfired at times is because it made Prosecutor Yoo (played by Lee Yeong Ah) useless at times.

Of course people will disagree with me, but whenever Prosecutor Yoo became infatuated/ had moments where her feelings took over- it seemed as if she became a useless damsel in distress who is unable to do anything. Harsh as it sounds, I loved her more in the last season where she was able to kick people's butt. Of course you could still see her physical ability shining in several episodes but I found that she became 'weaker' in a sense. There are pros and cons to both sides since I didn't like her much in the first season due to her arrogance, so I was happy to see that she had matured.

Min Tae Young (Yeon Jung Hoo) was fantastic though! He portrayed a mysterious vampire with a hidden painful side very well so I was happy that his character didn't change much. I felt like Hwuang Soo Bum (Lee Won Jung) was the star of this season with his character- I honestly loved him and his hilarious scenes

They reused the opening track and made some changes and it sounded amazing! They used western songs too to my surprise such as Call Me Maybe- Carly Rae Jepson and surprisingly it suited the scenes well!

I'm not sure about rewatching the entire thing as some parts just flew over my head without me realizing it and having to rewatch the scenes several times. I will rewatch the first few episodes though since I loved them! It got a bit draggy at times but my main concern was the freaking cliff-hanger at the end! This is 2016 already and they haven't made a 3rd season which makes me sigh, however I am looking forward to the spinoff airing in a few months!

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W - Two Worlds Apart
4 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
par Audrie
sept. 20, 2016
16 épisodes vus sur 16
Complété 0
Globalement 9.5
Histoire 9.5
Acting/Cast 8.0
Musique 9.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 8.0
Cette critique peut contenir des spoilers
If you're looking for originality and a thriller suspense filled drama that keeps you on the edge of the seat, W is one of the few that will satisfy that hunger. This drama filled with unpredictability and full of anticipation has its reason why it became one of the highly anticipated dramas of 2016. This drama will also hit a soft spot for the majority of the audience who perhaps had a thing for fictional characters- and I'm no exception.

Oh man, I was hooked right from the start- the plotline moved incredible fast during the first few episodes which resulted in me binge-watching all 16 episodes in 2 days, without any regrets. The summary sounds simple, a webtoon character comes to life and struggles to live- however it's more than that. It follows Kang Chul and his hardships and struggles to live while everyone is out to kill him, and you can't help but emphasize with him as this character just simply wants to live as a human, and who has a right to take that from him?

The Good
What really made this drama successful is Lee Joon Suk and his incredible portrayal of his character really brought this story to life, however like all dramas, there always something that could be done better. Aside from Kang Chul, Yeon Joo's father is the only other person I found incredible- his portrayal of a father turned psycho over his creation coming to life was incredibly realistic- who wouldnt freak out if the character you drew was out to kill you?

The music was wonderful- the music fit the mood of this piece quite well and the instrumentals were the best, I already downloaded some of the OSTs which already tells that I liked it.

The Bad
The female lead Yeon Joo was amazing, don't get me wrong since I didn't mention her in the good- however she had so much potential at first. she's a doctor for goodness sake but it seemed like with every accident that happens, she just somehow never makes it on time to save the day and although she is a strong confident woman, when romance kicks in- she is reduced to a love-induced mess.

Romance. Did I expect romance? Of course, with almost every drama- there is always at least a bit of romance, which is totally fine. It was adorable in the beginning, how an enigmatic man is curious about this secretive woman full of mysteries- however nearing the end, it makes you question, just why on earth did they fall in love with each other? Their romance was sadly very spurious, it was just two leading roles acting out scripted lines and I did not feel any spark between the two which was quite disappointing. It made me question what made the two fall in love with each other? It only seemed like they got together because Kang Chul deemed her as the key to his life to figure out the ultimate truth.

Not to mention, the side characters were beyond regrettable as they had so much potential to be more than just someone to fill out Kang Chul's life and perhaps further the plot slightly.. the side characters didn't have much.....character (haha) at all as they existed just so Kang Chul wouldn't be reduced to a crazy lonely billionaire. I was looking forward to his sidekicks and how they would help him act out his revenge on the killer or save him- but literally, they were almost never there when he was in trouble. It was literally just Kang Chul + Yeon Joo versus the villians.

Plot Holes- this story is filled with confusion, especially at times. Overall, there may be illogical moments but it's still doable, however the ending did not make sense to me- as i felt like the writer only made the ending that way because people wanted it. I know its confusing but I can't really explain much without giving away spoilers. Some things may be illogical but it ties up in the end... well most of them, and some other things just downright do not make sense.

You must be wondering why I'm giving this drama such a high score with all these paragraphs of what I didn't like- but thats because this drama is exceptional despite its problems. These little plot-holes are insignificant when you look at the bigger picture as you're too overwhelmed with what truly matters- the story line.

To conclude, I highly recommend you to watch it as its one of a kind, however don't expect it to be the best dramas ever- but I sincerely enjoyed every moment

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That Winter, The Wind Blows
2 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
par Audrie
févr. 16, 2016
16 épisodes vus sur 16
Complété 0
Globalement 8.5
Histoire 8.5
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musique 10
Degrés de Re-visionnage 8.0
Get your tissues ready in the sense that this drama will be a thrill-ride for your emotions.

This drama is the stereotypical cliché 'bad-boy conman' meets 'innocent rich bind girl' with the intent of scamming her for money. To do so, he poses as her long-lost brother- however during the process, he falls in love with her.

I got to say, I didn't have much expectations for this drama since the storyline was nothing new, however the first episode had me hooked and anchored! The fact that Oh Yong (played by Song Hye Kyo) was disabled, however did not allow anyone to look down on her was great since usually the girl would be considered a damsel in distress.

However, the process in which Oh Soo (played by Jo In Sung tried to make Oh Yong trust her 'oppa' more made it a bit weirded out per say. If you looked it at Yong's perspective and with Soo's non-stop touchy feely protective nature- I was cringing a bit since siblings were not supposed to be that touchy-feely with each other (well in my case), however it made sense a bit on her part. They separated when they were 6/7, and when they reunited, it was like they were both children- hence all that physical contact.

The cinematography was amazing!! I loved how the directors directed the story- it was both fast and slow pace at once. It was fast paced in the sense that everyone was happening quickly and it kept making me checking which episode I was on, not believing that everyone was happening so quickly early on. It was slow paced in the sense that they kept dragging Yong's stubbornness on, and the problems that arose.

The only problem with this was that the ending felt really rushed and it didn't answer a lot of my questions which made me question some of the plotholes.

I got to admit it hands down- both Soo and Yong's chemistry was off the charts for me. I really loved them together as they truly make a cute couple. However, yes- it was a bit weird at first since they were supposed to be siblings and Soo was being a bit too touchy with Yong, but when he finally falls in love with her slowly, you could tell that he really loves her.

Jo In Sung portrayed his character amazingly- how he cried in some scenes made me cry as well as my heart really went out for him. His portrayal of his love for Yong kept making me search up if the two actors were really dating in real life or not.

Song Hye Kyo was also amazing- I really loved her character Yong, even though she was annoying and made me irritated with her attitude sometimes. I had to forgive her character even though it sometimes made me want to rip her hair out with her stubbornness.

I also loved Eunji and Kim Bum- those two cuties. Kim Bum had an amazing bromance going on with In Sung, as I wish I had a friend as loyal as him. Eunji also portrayed an excellent younger sister of the dead ex-girlfriend of Soo, however at times- her character was beyond annoying and irritating which just made me hate on her character.

Special mention for Lawyer Jang who I felt was the only person aside from Soo who truly cared for Yong from the start. Secretary Wang was also worth mentioning, as this was the first time I saw Bae Jong Ok acting. I knew that she truly loved and cared for Yong like a real daughter- but the way she portrayed her love was borderline psychotic at times- as nothing could stop her from making sure Yong depended on her.

The Music was awesome- I seriously loved all the tracks as it fit the drama very well. Perfect 10 for me.

I will definitely watch this drama once again, even though this is a 16 episode drama, it felt more like a 20 episode drama with the pacing.

Give it a watch! This drama is packed with melodramatic romance which will certainly make you tear, laugh, and frustrated at times.

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Vampire Prosecutor
2 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
par Audrie
janv. 24, 2016
12 épisodes vus sur 12
Complété 0
Globalement 9.0
Histoire 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musique 8.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 10
I was skeptical in watching this at first. Why? Because I'm not a huge fan of vampire-based stories since the ones I had watched were a miss for me. However- this was MUCH better than I had expected, and deserves a watch!

Since this was a Vampire-based drama, I would've thought the plot would consist of vampires constantly battling each other and out for each other's blood, however don't be mistaken. Although there were aspects of vampires- it wasn't overwhelming as this drama was like a CSI/Law& Order/ Criminal Minds type of drama, which I am a huge fan of!

The story is simple, a vampire prosecutor that solves crimes and investigates deaths of people. Simple right? It was entertaining for the first few episodes, but after that- that is where the magic happens. The plot thickens as it becomes a 'on-the-edge-of-your-seat' drama that makes you curious and wondering just what is happening!

Since it's only 12 episodes, there was never a boring part and nothing dragged on which was surprisingly pleasant. The story line fit well and flowed nicely without any major mishaps, of course the ending was a cliff-hanger so thank god for the next season!

Everyone was fantastic at portraying their character! Kudos for Yeon Jung Hoon who portrayed the main lead (the Vampire Prosecutor) as his acting was fabulous! I especially loved his fighting/action scenes and where he kicked people's bum within a few seconds. Lee Yeong Ah portrayed the female lead fantastically as well! Loved her background character story since I wouldn't have guessed her background!

'specially loved their chemistry although people may argue with me on this. If you are watching for Romance, you might need to squint really hard to find the romance, but you won't really miss the romance since it's the mystery and thriller you're busy paying attention to!

Loved the opening track, it gave off an appropriate mystery/horror vibe which I liked. The other soundtracks were pretty good, however it wasn't overly amazing to me

Of course I'll rewatch it! Although this season was short, it deserves a rewatch!

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Pride and Prejudice
2 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
par Audrie
oct. 10, 2016
21 épisodes vus sur 21
Complété 0
Globalement 8.5
Histoire 9.0
Acting/Cast 8.5
Musique 10
Degrés de Re-visionnage 8.5
It's quite disappointing with all the negative feedbacks for this drama, since this drama is quite underrated as it is one of the more interesting ones I've seen. The summary is first- two prosecutors who work together but battle head to head of their different views- however they are connected in a past murder as they learn to work together and that is where it gets more complicated.

The Good
I will have to admit, this drama is confusing- especially at the beginning where so many things are happening but you have no idea what is going on- it may discourage you and not want to watch it but trust me, it gets cleared up later on! And oh my lordy- for once, the secrets that both Kang Soo and Dong Chi have are told out loud and it doesn't drag on for the entire drama!

I really like the crime mysteries in this drama since it's not just a simple crime- the murders are hidden underneath layers and layers of complications which make it even more interesting as all the problems tie in together.

The actors are amazing- they portrayed their character really well- and I'm quite impressed with Dong Chi and Kang Soo and their bromance as they really nailed their characters and their emotions. They are quite well-rounded as it didn't just seem like they were reading their scripts, but actual people who are prosecutors and investigators in real life. Special mention: Chief Moon- oh man, how can a man suit a role more than him? He was one of the most interesting characters I found- as he always speaks and acts in riddles. Many people aren't fond of his psycho character, and I was a part of that first. You would think that Chief moon is psychotic and bipolar at times and whether he is one of the bad guys or good guys, wondering what his goal really is under all the manipulation, as he is truly confusing- but his backstory and his actions are far more interesting later on as everything is revealed later on!

The instrumentals are one of the best ones I've heard as it really is a mood-setter. They have a good variety of sinister and emotional music- I applaud the artists who created the soundtracks as I am going to for surely download them!

The Bad
As much as I am used to watching the female leads usually being stubborn and far from rational at times, I should be used to it- but still, I can't help but become beyond irritated at the female lead. We all heard the story- something bad happened as a person becomes a prosecutor to find justice- however, the female lead is far from rational as her personal emotions interferes with justice- but thankfully that's just the first few episodes before she smartens up and takes her role seriously!

One thing that irritated me the most about her character was that her thought processes and actions of willing to do the 'wrong' thing just to help herself and the people around her follows the same methods of bad guys, so what made her better than the guys that she tries to capture if she's willing to hurt other people?

The only main other issue I had with this was the confusion. Oh boy- seriously, many things happen at once without a good explanation (until the end) makes this drama quite hard to follow at times as you wonder just what is going on. Because of this, many have dropped this drama- but please give it a try since it gets more interesting later on!

With these dramas- you would think there would be an astounding amount of romance, but nope- don't expect too much of that. Yes there are moments where there is romance and endearing moments that make you squeal, but in comparison with other dramas, the main focus is about political corruptness, manipulation, good vs evil and what justice really means. If you're a good guy doing bad things for the sake of goodness, are the actions justified? Are wrongdoings for the sake of justice really considered good?

As much as it was totally confusing at first as it sent my brain on overdrive trying to figure out what was happening, this drama is underrated as it is one of the few mystery dramas that I actually like. Despite what other people say; I think you should give this drama a watch as it certainly deserves a watch!

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Cheo Yong
2 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
par Audrie
janv. 27, 2016
10 épisodes vus sur 10
Complété 0
Globalement 8.0
Histoire 8.0
Acting/Cast 8.5
Musique 10
Degrés de Re-visionnage 7.0
There has been mixed review with this drama and I could totally understand, however- despite what people may say, this drama is definitely worth a watch!

It started off spectacularly! The thriller and suspense/mystery were done so well that it had me hooked right from the start! It starts off with a mystery right off the bat which was great since it didn't drag on from the start. However- nearing the middle and end; that is where it slightly goes downhill. I felt like the drama was dragging on despite only 10 episodes. The reason being is because I felt like they were using fillers instead of developing the main story.

What I mean from that is that I wanted to see more murders being solved with the help of Na Yeong (the ghost), however it felt like the filler episodes contained more of her possessing Ha Sun Woo just to get out of the police station and experience a care-free life such as shopping or drinking soju.

That was the cons of this drama; as it didn't really mention or further went into depth with other plot devices- as I wanted to learn more about Cheo Yong's blood ability, about his past, or how he even managed to possess or find the special knife. I found that there were several plot holes that didn't explain some of the things in the drama very well.

Despite the problems that I found in this drama; I truly thought that this drama was interesting and the concept was great! This drama really deserves a watch even though the reviews might put you off! Plus it's only 10 episodes so it's not an entirely waste of time!

There were no problems with their acting! I didn't like some of their characters such as Sun Woo's character since I found her to be kind of useless at times. Na Yeong the ghost seemed even more helpful than the actual cop herself. Speaking about Na Yeong, Jeon Hyo Seong did a fantastic job portraying a dead high schooler that wanted to experience different things in life. Her bubbly personality was cute and I really liked the fact that she was useful at times.

Oh Ji Ho who portrayed Detective Yoon Cheo Yong was fantastic as well! Really like his portrayal of character even though I find him irritating at times with his mentality of 'I can do everything by myself' Despite that; i really think everyone did a great job!

Oh man- I really liked the instrumentals in this drama! I am a huge fan of instrumental soundtracks that give off an epic/ suspense filled vibe! I will definitely download some of the tracks!

Rewatch Value
I'm not sure if I would rewatch this drama since I feel like there are several other dramas that better portrayed mystery/thriller genre. Perhaps one day I will revisit this! I heard the second season is much better so I have higher hopes for that one!

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Oh My Ghostess
2 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
par Audrie
janv. 18, 2016
16 épisodes vus sur 16
Complété 1
Globalement 8.5
Histoire 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musique 8.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 8.0
At first, the synopsis made me cautious and wary; as it was never a good sign when the main love interest only start to take notice of a girl when her personality changes 180 degrees. I waited for a while until picking this up; not sure whether I would be able to handle this; however I was pleasantly surprised and happy that I did watch this.

The story was quite unique; as i never really heard a drama about a girl being possessed by a lusty ghost. It took me a couple of episodes to start really becoming more intrigued by this drama, and a couple more for me to completely fall in love. The concept of a guy noticing a girl due to her personality change isn't uncommon, however how this drama was presented gave me a surprise. Although it was somewhat cliche; a boisterous guy disliking and being annoyed with a doormat girl, but sooner or later- he falls in love with the other personality she had displayed. The story was actually had more depth to this as it was paced quite well despite the feeling of the ending being rushed.

Of course, you might think that Kang Seon Woo (Joo jung suk) actually fell in love with Shin Sun Ae (Kim Seul Gi); the ghost; instead of Na Bong Seon (Park Bo Young) however, be patient as everything will be revealed in the end.

Park Bong Young and Joo Jung Suk had one of the best chemistries I had seen; how their relationship grows from the first episode to the last made me immensely happy at their character growth; and both of them are just too adorable!

However, I know that a lot of people threw hate on Park Bong Young's character since she was literally like a doormat at times and frustrated everyone (including me), however the growth of her character made those thoughts of irritation disappear. Park Bong Young truly is able to show how her character develops with time.

The music was decent; it wasn't terrible as the soundtracks were well picked.

I will rewatch this drama another time; however I may skip some parts in the beginning as I am not a huge fan of doormat characters; however I love Na Bong Seon's character growth so I might consider watching everything once again.

This drama was worth the watch; I put this drama off a bit since i thought people were over-hyping this drama, but with a pleasant surprise; i think it was worth the hype!

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Queen In Hyun's Man
1 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
par Audrie
sept. 20, 2016
16 épisodes vus sur 16
Complété 0
Globalement 8.5
Histoire 8.5
Acting/Cast 8.5
Musique 8.5
Degrés de Re-visionnage 8.0
If you want a perfect mix of historical and modern- this is one of those that actually work out. Queen In Hyun's Man is an enjoyable comical drama that will surely tug on your heartstrings.

I have to say, it started off a bit slow- but don't worry since it doesnt last long. This drama is hysterically funny and never a dull moment! This drama perfectly blends both historical and modern dramas together as a man from the past teleports 300 years to the future. The concept of teleporting from the past to the future isn't uncommon so I wasn't expecting too much, but this drama was unique in its own aspect.

The Good
Oh boy- the characters are truly unbelievable- in a good way. Boong Dong and Hee Jin's chemistry with each other are literally off the charts (if you watched the behind the scenes, you could feel their spark smacking you in the face through your monitor). They're super adorable together and its hilarious. What I really love about their characters was especially near the end of the drama where these two characters literally broke my heart as I cried with them.

Boong Dong is amazing- his portrayal of his dedication to the Queen and to Hee Jin is envious as you truly can believe that he sincerely loved Hee Jin with all his heart. Oh man, Hee Jin is one of the best criers out there- BUT only when she's full out breaking down kind of sobbing. By this, I mean that Yoo In Na is sincerely the most realistic person who can full out melt-down crying ever, however I'm not particularly fond of her cries when they're more like sniffles or soft sobs.

Hee Jin's best friend was hilarious at the beginning as she seriously reminded me of my own best friend. Their friendship was truly believable and even when she wasn't a good friend. I started to find her irritating near the end for her choices but as her best friend- her actions were quite realistic so I cant help but give kudos to Choi Woo Ri for her acting.

The Bad
Honestly, there wasn't much that I had to complain about, my only main issue I had with this drama is the pacing. Nearing the middle and end of the drama, it got a bit draggy and i found myself skipping some parts slightly. Also- the romance. When you're in love, it's cute. It's understandable that when your lover goes away- you will cry, however Hee Jin was taking it a bit too far and literally became useless when her love of her life left her. She became an emotional wreck and it had irritated me because she literally could not do anything without the presence of Boong Dong.

The OST was beautiful and fitting for a romance drama. The music had a good mix so it didn't feel like the same songs were playing over and over again.

Overall? I really enjoyed this drama and would definitely rewatch it if I crave for a good rom-com drama that would make me tear up!

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