
  • Dernière connexion: Il y a 8 heures
  • Genre: Femme
  • Lieu:
  • Contribution Points: 0 LV0
  • Rôles:
  • Date d'inscription: janvier 17, 2022
  • Awards Received: Finger Heart Award1 Flower Award2
voting list
Rashta/Trashta Fan Cast Vote Chinese Version

Rashta (Trashta) from the novel or webtoon: "The Remarried Empress," the IMAGINARY Chinese Version/Adaptation. You can vote for 6 actresses. …

13 people 1 comment
voting list
Fan Cast Vote Emperor Soviesh...u

Emperor Sovieshu, from the novel and webtoon "The Remarried Empress". You can may vote for 6 actors. Here's  a quick description…

11 people 1 love
voting list
NAVIER (Our Queen) Fan Cast Vote Chinese & Taiwanese Version

Empress or Queen Navier, from "The Remarried  Empress" novel or webtoon, IMAGINARY Chinese version.You may vote for 4  actresses,…

8 people 2 loves 1 comment
voting list
Vote Actors You Want In "Cheating Men Must Die" with Reba

You may VOTE for several actors.If DILIREBA accepts this drama, who would you like to see her with? It will have modern, historical  and other…

46 people 6 loves 2 comments
voting list
Fan Cast Vote For Rashta/Trashta

Rashta (Trashta) from the novel or webtoon: "The Remarried Empress." You can vote for more 5 actresses. Here's  a quick description…

10 people
voting list
King HEINREY Fan Cast Vote Chinese & Taiwanese Version

Prince & King Heinrey, from the Korean novel or webtoon: "The Remarried Empress," IMAGINARY Chinese version/adaptation. You may…

12 people 2 loves 1 comment
voting list
NAVIER (Our Queen) Fan Cast Vote

Empress or Queen Navier, from "The Remarried Empress" novel & webtoon. You may vote for 6 actresses, but please do NOT add to the…

12 people 1 love
voting list
Prince/King Heinrey Fan Cast Vote

Prince/King Heinrey, from "The Remarried Empress," webtoon and novel. You can vote for 7 actors.Here's  a quick description of Heinrey's…

16 people 1 love
voting list
Emperor Sovieshu Fan Cast Vote Chinese & Taiwanese Version

Emperor Shovieshu, from the Korean novel or webtoon: "The Remarried Empress," the IMAGINARY Chinese version/adaptation. You may vote…

20 people 1 love