
  • Dernière connexion: Il y a 18 jours
  • Genre: Femme
  • Lieu:
  • Contribution Points: 0 LV0
  • Rôles:
  • Date d'inscription: septembre 28, 2023
April Snow
1 personnes ont trouvé cette critique utile
par Ash
sept. 28, 2023
Complété 0
Globalement 9.0
Histoire 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.5
Musique 7.0
Degrés de Re-visionnage 10


I will keep this review short and worthy.So,I randomly stumbled upon this while scrolling for something to watch and I DO NOT REGRET IT.
The movie you will feel would not be relevant today considering its release time however its an all time movie .Its a very realistic one and truly shows how the matter of adultery can be handled in different ways and story is simple,pure yet unique.
The lead actors and supporting cast too did their roles justice however I feel the male lead could have been a little more clear with his expression.
The bgm was not something outstanding but still mixed with scenes very well.
This movie is the perfect watch if you want a warm, fuzzy forbidden trope romance and want a quiet watch.

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