Lesbian friendships at the forefront of this little show
Soo not Sue is back with another delightful show. I love the fact that even though there is a romantic storyline, this show is about people. It is about friends, it is about women who are together because they are lesbians, not romantically, but because community is important. This is about the place, Dickinson’s Room (love a good lesbian reference in the name of a place), and the people in it above all else.The main relationship is between Seol and her aunt Jung-won. They have always been close, but Jung-won never told Seol about the fact that she was gay and that she had left her job to open a women-only café/bar. Where Seol is bubbly, Jung-won is introverted and quiet. They are not that different in age, but they have very different outlooks on being out, being open, being in the public eye as a woman who loves women.
This show is about showing that neither way is better than the other, that sometimes, you might need to adjust, to be calmer or to be more open.
It’s also about how society and Korean society in particular acts towards wlw. Thanks to the several different lesbian characters, Soo not Sue shows us that there is not one way to be a lesbian in Korea today. That you can be an influencer and be a lesbian, but that you will be prevented from getting jobs by some homophobic people. That you can be out, but that some people are still too afraid for that and that it's okay and you should respect that. That places where you can be yourself exist, but that they’re often hidden away and you need to walk around the block three times before you see it.
It is about the friendship that is made between queer women (and the jokes that if you spend enough time in lesbian spaces, you will be meeting your exes a lot), about how lesbian relationships can be as toxic as straight ones and you really should dump once and for all your ex that keeps asking you to come back together before dumping you again. It is about the fact that friendship is so important and all too often in media, it is put aside in favour of pure romance.
She Makes My Heart Flutter shows us the reverse. A story about queer friendship and family with a healthy dose of a very cute romance on the side.
The cinematography and the production quality in general is tip top, as we have come to expect from Soo Not Sue and Korea in general. The actors did a good job with their characters, even those secondary ones that felt a bit more like stereotypes.
It is a short show, bit quite a bit longer than others when compared to other indie lesbian shows on YouTube. Contrary to some of the short K-BL we have seen in the past few years, this show manages its time quite well and even though I would have appreciated more time to develop the characters and their stories, it didn't feel too lacking because it knew to limit its stories to what fitted in its timeframe.
I had a really good time watching this show and I will be both rewatching it and recommending it to people. Sometimes in those reviews I recommend people watch it with the caveat that it is not very good, but beggars can’t be choosers and we should support wlw shows and short films to show there is interest. But no such caveat here, She Makes My Heart Flutter is good show with a good story, a good message, very high production value and at only 5x13 min, it is a quick watch.
Can someone with a lot of money give Soo Not Sue money to produce a long form drama with lesbians? Please and thank you.
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It is perfect just the way it is.
This 5-episode web series grew on me. It has an interesting and well-written plot. The cinematography is superb. I love the warm tones and minimal props. It's very appealing to me. The entire cast did well. This story of romance is a triumphant effort on Soo Not Sue’s part in making viewers weep with joy.And while most fans wanted a second season, it is perfect, and I would prefer to leave the ending that way. It gives a feeling of satisfaction, a refreshing feeling.
She Makes My Heart Flutter is definitely this year's best GL series, and I'd definitely watch it again.
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She didn´t make my heart flutter but it worked anyway
This is yet another a bit too short and a bit too low budget show, showing us the struggles of trying to run a lesbian bar without actually being prepared to step out of the closet. As well as a bunch of other struggles, generation gaps and types of relationships. As the show offers us several interesting relations, aunt-niece, employee-boss, friendships, co-workers, exes etc... etc... And does make for e some decent representation of ways lesbians can act and look like.There are several couples in this show, some are playful, others more shy, opposites attract all done pretty ok, however there were a few annoying moments with over acting and though I am more or less starved by lack of lesbian representation there was not much in here to truly captivate me.
However it is short and truly does only have very few moments of annoying elements the rest are pretty decent. Making me wonder what would happen if they had a bigger budget and got to truly explore these issues?
Also people, remember do not out anybody, never assume another persons sexuality, and do go watch this, if for nothing else to support the cause of making more lesbian centered shows.
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The story is about two generation of gay females – specifically the aunt and niece. Where the aunt grew up in a generation that is less accepting, the niece grew up in a more accepting environment. I really like and appreciate the way the drama explores how that affected each of them and how one was able to help the other gradually be herself and pursue what made her happy.
All the main characters got their spotlight. Had their own personalities and charms. They made me smile and giggle a hell of a lot. I love all the couples.
For a drama that runs for a little over an hour, they did a really great job tying the three couples together into the main story.
The ending is one of the best.
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Cette critique peut contenir des spoilers
this web drama is so sweet and cute. not only we have 3 THREE lesbians couples but the fact that is occurring in an only-girl café pls Hollywood WISHES to do something like this. i loved Seol's acting so much. Byun Ji-Hyun did amazing and i loved the friendship with Choi Jiwon that was formed. Yena's (Kim Minji) outfits were amazing i want to put in one of them now!! But i must admit that overall every look looked amazing on everyone. Styling? 100/10. I can't wait for season 2! PLS LET'S GET SEASON TWO!!! I NEED TO KNOW IF SA-RANG GETS A GIRLFRIEND AND WATCH THE YENA AND SEUNG AH RELATIONSHIP!Cet avis était-il utile?

Cette critique peut contenir des spoilers
Short yet the slow-burn tension and romcom vibes were everything.
The only downside to this mini-series? It’s just a mini-series.The romcom vibes were on point, with comedy bits that were genuinely funny and super entertaining. The acting was amazing, and the pacing worked really well despite the short episode count.
The slow-burn longing between the store owner and the interior designer (I think that’s what you call her in the show?) was so good (all thanks to great acting by the leads). The little bit of angst from the misunderstanding, where the store owner thought she was engaged or married was exquisite. The way the store owner held back because of it? Had me absolutely losing my mind. The tension was off the charts.
This mini-series gave me all the feels, and I’m just over here wishing for more episodes or even a season 2.
My Top 10 GLs of All Time: https://mydramalist.com/list/4vGQqnb1
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cuteee and accurate representation
Honestly such a cute wholesome show <3 I'm so happy we are getting more GL content and its just so sweet. I hope they do a season 2 or a continuation of the story because I want more so badly >-<The pacing was really good as well I really liked the speed that the story went at and I love that the actors and director are actually queer it just adds to their understanding of queer culture I felt like my own culture was represented so accurately as well as learning some new thing about Korean lesbian culture and improved my vocab with phrases I could actually hear naturally if i ever get to go to Korea.
Might be my new comfort show as its super binge worthy and I've rewatched a few times already.
pls watch it!!!
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PapayaSammy on twitch
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It was cute; it was about so many different stories into one, the main girl who just got broken up with; the best friends, the aunt and her mysterious love, everything flowed so nicely and was plentiful cute.
Acting was fantastic, I liked the chemistry all around.
Can't say much about the music because I was too into the show but everything was sweet, flown together and sweet and I hope there is a 2nd season or continuation because it was great!
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so beautiful series
I like it that was the first time in the morning to all the best for your love and leave it to you in the morning to all the best for your love and leave it to you for a minute to you in a minute er na to na hi hu ta ki Lodi gardens of frannie a na na na naile aro valo hoto to the na to be a part of frannie langton you are these real estate Pro in my area to you and leave on the series of movie and movie 🍿 to the l generation of some sort of frannie to the l word from na o o o d d e f o o o r u there is a minute ago to me and leave it to you in the morning to all the time in the red dust r reader r of Adobe flash player to view it by theCet avis était-il utile?

I loved this show.
So i watched this around 2am one night because this drama was just sitting in my "watch later" play list on yt ( i thought that it was a movie, but i later understood that it is just merged all together). The whole vibe about this show is just amazing, very positive and happy i would say. I loved all characters, they were all so lovely and well written. After i finished watching this show, i felt really nice and then i got kinda sad? It felt really natural the whole time watching it, so when it ended i wanted more, i would really like to see what happens with the characters overall later in time. Let's hope for a season two! <3Cet avis était-il utile?

Sinceramente, muito bom.Claro que é um dos meus primeiros gl, mas, eu posso dizer que é muito bom mesmo assim. A história, o jeito que ela caminha, muito bom — talvez os últimos três minutos sejam meio confusos, ou para algumas pessoas meio sem sentido —, mas ela ainda sim é ótima!!
As brigas/entrigas não são irritantes, ou sem sentido, elas são com sentido, e relevantes.
É um gl que deve ser assistido por diversas pessoas, e muito mais popularizado. Acho que faz um bom serviço para a comunidade lésbica, e consequentemente safica.
Recomendo demais!!
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Healthy Queer Friendships, Finally
I watched this after watching many queer stories where the friends truly don't feel like friends so this series was very refreshing. The lesbian friend group being the forefront of the story was amazing, along with the love stories inside of this. This was a short series done correctly. This was such a fun watch and I could see myself rewatching this at least once a week. I would love to see a spin-off of this series between the characters of Yena and Sung Ah. Even though they were very small characters who were truly just on the side, I found their relationship very cute and would love to explore more into their story.Cet avis était-il utile?